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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. There are no breaks on hype train

    nah they don't need to change the update day, they need to change the way they plan things and schedule their work. If they made thursday update day it would just be midnight releases on thursday.

    They need to aim to have the update ready to ship on tuesday, so they can release it at like noon on wednesday.

    You have absolutely no idea about game development, don't you?

  2. from what they said on the stream. we are suppose to get BASIC stances with the weapons. like you get when you build a frame or a sentinel. but the difference will be that there are MORE stances. that you can gain later on that should be more powerful from what i figure from the stream.

    From what I figured out basic "stance" will be applied when stance slot is empty and it provides no combos. You'll need to find an actual stance card to unlock combos.

  3. Shall I just throw in green so we can cover all possible body fluid jokes?

    Still got black bile and phlegm (associated with blue) to cover, at least according to humorism. But if you prefer more modern approach, the list is far longer then you can think: body fluids.

  4. Now doesn't it reminds you of someone?


    EDIT: Personally I'm more concerned about those Hydroids who will use yellow energy colour, if you know what I mean...

  5. 4 dedicated slots for abilities (with separate energy pool, like Varzy suggested) and 8 ordinary slots would surely be awesome and balanced. Hell, 2 of 8 ordinary slots could even be restricted to common and uncommon mods to prevent power creep.

    I remember there was once an idea on this forum to leave 6 slots for ordinary mods and create 4 dedicated slots for abilities and assign each 3 additional slots (unlockable at 10/20/30 level) for mods that would modify that ability only, so it would look omething like this:

    On given example: if you install Continuity in, lets say, slot [1a] it would only increase duration of ability A while rest of abilities would remain unaffected. This surely could greatly increase customization however, it would also create few crucial problems:
    - how energy pool would be managed? Maybe energy cost of abilities could be transformed into separate pools for "customization" slots?
    - would multiple copies of particular mod be required for each ability or could one copy be shared among all abilities?

    When it comes to second aura slot - surely not on warframe. However an aura slot on sentinel - that would be tempting (I would gladly slap Enemy Radar on my Carrier). Of course at least under condition that it wouldn't stack with warframe aura (no double Energy Syphon - sorry). Additional aura effect would be lost if sentinel is destroyed.

  6. I dare to disagree. People who invest their hard-earned money deserve some kind of privilage, be it early access, just for the sake of keeping this awesome game alive, especially considering that there are such alternatives like pay to win.
    Your ego beeing hurt is not an excusse to take that privilage away.


    actually its because getting Zephy's Oxium is mind boggling. I still have never reached 300 Oxium(no way to build a distilling extractor either, too damn expensive), and I have formaed so many items running all over from Mars, Venus, and beyond... Zephy is that one frame throwing money at is ideal.

    Two words: Sedna, Kappa. If you're lucky you'll get 40+ Oxium per run. Just be sure to take maxed Loot Radar with you.

  7. misspelling of the title to say Nods (not mods) will actually read the content later when I'm not in a hurry :)

    Thanks - already corrected.


    "war-farm extreme edition"

    Actually exact opposite - instead of hoping that you get a particular mod from dozens of possibilities you need to acquire a set of "ingredients" from several possible and combine into desired mod - less is more.

  8. Just from the top of my head:
    What if all mods in drop tables were to be replaced with a variety of several different "ingredients" that could be combined via transmutation (according to a fixed formula) would create a particular mod.

    Fusion Cores would remain in drop table and, from now on, play an additional role - they would be crucial component of any mod (rarity of Fusion Core would determine rarity of mod).
    All "ingredients" would be spread across different fractions, unit types, tilesets etc. Some could be acquired only in The Void and Orokin Derelict, core components for Nightmare and Corrupted mods would be rewarded from nightmare mode and OD Vaults respectively. Maybe some could be acquired through scanning.
    The reasoning behind this is that there would be far less "ingredients"  then mods (because one type of "ingredient" could be used in couple transmutation formulas) thus, in theory, making it easier to acquire a particular mod (provided that you know correct formula).

  9. Agreed. I know the foundry just got tweaked but I think it could use a little more tweaking/updating in terms of build times.

    Sadly, tweaking isn't enough when mainframe is flawed.


    All in all it is really about getting you to pay plat like xGryphus says which is sad.

    Actually I was trying to say something absolutely opposite. I've always felt content with long build times - I find some kind of depth in them but in some cases they prove to be an obstacle. The point is to separate those cases and create a system that can fix it and current foundry just can't handle it properly.

    FYI [DE] have one of the most fair payment politics I ever encounter during my many years as a player.

    Check SWTOR Subscription Model to see what pulling money out of players really means.

  10. One build at a time limit is encouraging rushing, which uses Platinum. It's all about money, that's sad truth. You lack patience, you need to pay. That's how Warframe works.


    Besides, better source of Fieldrons/Mutagens/Detonites are Invasions and Outbrakes.

    Foundry had been designed a long time before Fieldrons/Mutagens/Detonites ever existed, when long built times seemed reasonable and more realistic. Although time is just another currency (thus rushing with Pt is understandable exchange) ultra-fast build times of items like Derelict Keys prove that it isn't all about the money. Foundry is just outdated.

  11. Don't you dare to accuse DE if you haven't seen Flappy Zephyr easter egg - devs didn't even need poor excuse, like Fool's Day, to implement it.

    They always throw something special - be it Spearmint Scythe skin, headless Grineer or Vampire Lotus (or epic pink shorts). With U13 at doorstep they had no time to put something in-game but didn't left us empty-handed either.

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