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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin

  1. instead of a complete rework, some changes, fixed arsenal of weapons/frames that is available for everyone, like personally i own all weapons and all frames but that is not 100% fair to who doesn't own everything like i do, what else, does a frame really needs 4 abilities in pvp? i think 1, 2 abilities totally different from the pve ones for every frame should make more sense on pvp, mods are okay i guess

  2. 44 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    War and Paracesis have nothing to do with each other. You've added base damage and shifted the mix to favor Slash more - red flag. "Low" crit chance of 12% - really?

    Why the Radiation damage? Why the base damage increase? Why make an existing weapon something it isn't?

    base damage is the lower than the original lol 45 + 15 + 35 + 35 = 130, war base damage is 140

    radiation because the war has all that luminescent parts that could be elemental damage

    ofc they have nothing to do with each other one is sword made with hunhow remains the other is made by ballas one is sentient sword the other is made to kill the sentients

    12% still stacks ok with blood rush from 12% to 5% would be better

  3. 1) take cautious shot and throw it in the bin

    2) equip revenant and build him for mesmer skin

    3) equip your favorite boom weapon 

    4) go nuts 

    i use revenant for explosive weaposn because mesmer skin makes him not killable by self damage and it doesnt consume mesmer skin stacks, enemies will still damage your mesmer skin and even if you cant die for any reason with self damage with mesmer skin you will drop to 2 hp and since you will need to recast the ability every now and then, recasting the ability or losing all the stacks with 2 hp with enemies around shooting = dead

  4. i like the war heavy blade, but except its cool unique look, the stats of the weapon are not very unique, this is how i would make it different:

    original war stats:                                                                                                     


    example build:



    new war stats:     


    example build:


    basically would turn war heavy blade into a full status weapon with the advantage of high base attack speed, high status chance, and innate radiation damage but low critical chance and low critical multiplier, also the reason of status instead of critical because:

    war = sentient sword with high status but low crit 

    paracesis = anti sentient sword with high crit but low status 


  5. 13 hours ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

    Would love to have pvp mods be useable in pve. Some might not be too practical or useful, but some could be rather fun, such as Miter’s pvp mod Thundermiter that makes charged shots explode, at the cost of 60% less magazine capacity.

    I have no idea why pvp mods aren’t allowed to be use in pve. Doing that might make more people do conclave just to get certain pvp mods to use in pve

    well you can use combustion beam on panthera to have a similar effect 

  6. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Pizza_Parker said:

    i see... its just that the prices seem so wrong there...

    a pox riven (which is a pretty good weapon) goes for 60p, meanwhile a kraken (trash weapon) goes for 40p on the site.

    and this is based on the average price?

    before poe and snipers buffs, lanka rivens were cheap, i got mine for 100 just because i bought it before poe, but now since the best way to get arcanes is the lanka, a lot of people want a riven for it, demand raises the price, this doesn't mean lanka was a bad weapon before poe, it was one of the hardest hitting weapons in the game, now pox rivens are 60 average like you said but maybe one day pox will be particularly useful for something , so the price will go up, (also there are a lot of good weapons that arent very popular so rivens sells for low) about the kraken i doubt someone will buy a kraken riven for 40 p, those are prices taken from trade chat, and as i said before warframe economy its free market you can sell anything for whatever price you want.

  7. there is  pvp only mod called shrapnel rounds, this mod add the following stats:


    there are other mods for pvp that works on pve, like spring loaded broadhead, which is a mod for the daikyu that adds straight up damage and mesa's waltz that adds utility and has the advantage to be an exilus mod, i'd like to see shrapnel rounds be available on pve, because im really curious to test it out myself. and refine my status build for the vaykor marelok

    here's an example build i made using warframe.builder 


  8. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Pizza_Parker said:

    but the price in the site would be based on the average price of the riven?

    or ihow much good rivens are sold for?

    cause the average price there is 1600 aswell.

     i think good lanka  rivens can go up 2k-3k, like op riven, then the average goes for 1600, and then i dont know its a free market you can sell a riven for whatever weapon for 1000000 or 10, price is up to you

  9. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Pizza_Parker said:

    but isnt it used to price it overall instead of seeing if its godly or trash?

    i mean, comparing your riven based on what other people sold it for doesnt seem too usefull because of the difference in stats.

    i posted the semlar to show him how much a lanka rivens sells for, then he can check himself the individual prices to get a better idea, however i watched some of them myself and a damage multi lanka riven with no negative goes for 1600, his riven got a nice negative so he can go up 2000 2500, if i was him i would simply use the riven myself. 


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