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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin

  1. i built all 3 k drive types leveled them, then i  built one with the pieces i wanted and put 3 formas to fit the mods i wanted on it, got all the mods and max rank with the vent kids, so i can say i have decent amount of experience with k drives, i would like to point out some improvements of various nature for k drive to make it become more fun

    -speed:  i put all the speed increase mods (extreme velocity and nitro boost, rail guards) on k drive and then i confronted how much time it takes to reach from point a to point b on a clear route with no bumps or stuff to avoid just to test speed, then i test with itzal with  hyperion thrusters and it  takes half the time if not less to do the same route, i would increase all value of speed mods for k drives or increase base speed and sprint speed to make it on par or close with archwings

    -breakable stuff: (containers, iradite formations, grokdrul things, etc) when you bump into these containers at a considerable speed will either happen that you break the container and stop, or break the container and fall of the k drive, i would suggest to remove both of these things and let people to break containers with k drives

    -cetus wisps and k drives: since k drives can ride on water i use mine to farm wisps but you cant catch wisps while on k drive, you have to dismount the k drive and get the wisps yourself i would suggest to make possible to get wisps while on k drive

    -leveling k drives: is takes roughly one hour to level one k drive to lvl 1 to lvl 30, and im pretty confident that affinity boosters do not work on k drives, at least let affinity boosters to affect k drives affinity gain

    -focus and k drives: other than putting formas and mods on k drives you can install lenses on them, i put a regular naramon lens to test out if i can gain focus by doing tricks and killing enemies, the result is:  no focus gained whatsoever and no its not that i got small amount of focus, i literally gained no focus, i think that is a missed opportunity and farming focus by doing tricks would be cool

    -3000 score lock: i think it would be more fun if we could get higher scores than 3k

    -losing all the score: sometimes will happen that after doing tricks the k drive will land on a small bump, and falling down the small bump will cause to lose all the score, thats pretty annoying, i would suggest to remove that thing 

    another thing i forgot

    -auras and some exilus do not affect k drives, such are loot/enemy radar etc

  2. not related to your idea but related to marelok: for conclave exists a mod for it called "Shrapnel Rounds" this mod adds: +200 multishot  -66 damage, i asked some pvp people the purpose of it and i've been told that the mod exists because the marelok in conclave is very inaccurate and adding more projectiles to it has the purpose to help hitting targets (even if personally i didn't have much trouble using it on pvp), i believe this mod would be interesting to have and test on the cooperative mod too 

  3. 2 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

     For lotus’s sake we’re talking about a MR7 weapon here....

     synoid gammacor is mr7 and its very powerful and got syndacate effect that restores energy, stubba is mr 7 and its both strong and easy to get, then there are a lot of mr7 primaries that are good such as dex sybaris, baza, soma prime, harpak, hema, karak wraith and also at mr 7 there are many good melee weapons such as lesion, lacera, dual keres, fragor prime.

    those weapons are powerful and mr7 why the wraith variant of twin vipers has to be crap, you cant just go and release cool weapon like that and give it poor stats, like i have a riven for twin vipers and it has 166% multishot and 130% critical damage, its a good riven, but even with a minmaxed build and a riven that adds the equivalent multishot of barrel diffusion + lethal torrent and a primed target cracker the weapon still underperforms and run out of ammo very quickly, the other weapons i mentioned are mr7 but they dont need a riven to do fine, this is why i opened a thread on the forums

  4. I made a rattleguts with haymaker and the loader sparkfire with high status(26%),decent crit chance(15%) and large ammo pool, i made it that way to have no problems ever with ammo economy, because pets have the vacuum mods, so in sorry carrier but i want to use the helminth, and good status helps strip armor fast since rattleguts got low ips with radiation, this means higher probability to proc elementals such as corrosive and gas, and the crit chance its just enough to let me put primed crit mods to make an hybrid build, and haymaker because i like higher base damage over rof and because to go and brrrrrrt i use grakatas and vipers

  5. On 2019-01-15 at 3:37 PM, DebrisFlow said:

    No use in combat (damage mods are ridicolous), unbearably slow to move between bounty stages as compared to AW, tediously slow to master, no other use in game than few tricks that become boring after the 1st day of playing, totally unrelated to a space ninja shooter game 

    BUT a must of for MR because of the 6000 xp per board (3)

    Don't you see the perfect recipe to bait invite you to buy an affinity booster for plat and end your suffering as soon as possible?

    affinity booster does not work on k drives

  6. On 2019-01-16 at 8:45 PM, Xzorn said:

    Most people want his 1st and 4th abilities to be useful and there have been countless ideas around it.

    Instead his eHP got nerfed into the ground and the only reason he has a team buff was damage control over what was done to him.

    I found Chroma to be pretty fun before they changed him. Sure, he was still just a weapons master but he was more interactive and his mechanics made more sense. Now you just watch two buff timers and the whole brawler mini game of hit me and I'll hurt you is gone. It was a scramble change due to Eidolons and it shows.

    There's not really much to add that hasn't been said a hundred times. Just search Chroma rework / buff and you'll see what I mean.

    the funny thing is that chroma still one hit eidolons lol

  7. 51 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Yes, but they just did a dispo pass, and have done lots more over the 5 years or so since this weapon was worth using.

    So can just about anything with the right mods. I could take the Brakk and scrape by, or I could take something like the Mara Detron (a tradable weapon that Baro stocks every 6 months or so, so much easier to get) and own everything on the map and somehow still have a higher Riven disposition.

    It's not a worthless gun, it's just hard to get and weirdly popular for something so mediocre.

    well if you put it that way you have a point, i made a post asking if it was possible to get a buff for twin vipers wraith since the weapon despite being cool looking and fun to use, its S#&$, i mean even with the right mods and carrier its very possible to run out of ammo, and takes 40 p or 12 missions (4 invasions if a tvw component is rewarded) to get while weapons such as ignis wraith its a 5p or free blueprint. 

  8. 1 minute ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    It's decent for MR6. Unless you get crazy lucky grinding the G3 most players are going to get it somewhere MR12+, by which point there are significantly better shotgun pistols.

    Either the Brakk should be an automatic drop for beating the G3 the first time, or it should reflect that it's so hard to get and be MR12+ with stats to match.

    I would have guessed something like that, but who's keeping the Riven disposition so low? Anyone love this weapon and able to explain why?

    brakk was popular, riven dispo is determined by weapon popularity, brakk dispo got buffed at patch 24, so with time and powercreep more and more unforgiving, dispo gonna go up, also powercreep aside i believe it can do sorties just fine 

  9. On 2019-01-12 at 9:40 AM, Artek94 said:

    Except Cryotra is a status sentinel weapon and is made for crowd conrol / combat support, not for damage.

    As far as my opinion on companion weapons dealing no damage - i think that's intentional. DE don't want to make your companions combat competent, otherwise they could literally clear missions for you if they were to good. That's why DE keeps giving them disgustingly bad stats.

    In fact, we've been through this already: Diriga's Vulklok when it was just released. It was so good that i literally could complete missions for you.
    So DE nerfed it so bad - it became so worthless they had to buff it again to somewhat acceptable levels (shoots once in milenia, rarely misses, deals decent (but not good) damage).

    The same principle is being applied to all other companion weapons... Except i dont see the point.

    Okay, Artax and Cryotra have their purpose. They are pure status weapons - they dont deal damage at all, they just proc enemies with debuffs to help you.
    But all other weapons... Have no purpose at all. They don't deal enough damage to justify investing into them, and they are not status monsters either. So... What's their purpose then?

    So, either DE must make all companion weapons status focused with at least 20% status chance on every single one of them (and preferably 25% or even 30%), or they must once and for all decide: Should our companions be allowed to bring enough firepower to actually be able to make a difference against enemies below level 40 (and not 20, like it is right now), or perhaps companion weapons are a mistake and are a completely rudimentary part of the game and just a waste of our catalysts and formas (and endo for a 2nd set of mods).

    And btw, status is NOT going to work on either Vulklok or Vulkax. Status is BAD on weapons that are slow, especially once that shoot once in 5 seconds. So either they must make every shot count... Or not exist at all.

    Deconstructor prime with condition overload can actually kill enemies from all factions till lvl 70 and healing return works on it which is not very good but is fun to watch helios lifesteal enemies lol

  10. 11 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

    Some weapons aren’t meant for such high levels, it’s pointless and game brealing to buff every weapon so it can do a certain mission you want it to do. Just use something else, obviously you like it a lot, so use it where it shines 

    this is not fair let at least the wraith variants to be decent, 9% status on a bullethose with low base damage is terrible, for example they buffed ignis wraith to the next dimension, weapon got great aoe, good crit, good crit multiplier, good status, incredible ammo economy, great reload speed to magazine ratio, base damage is elemental which is great, barely need to aim, great ammo reserve, heavy caliber friendly, to get this you pay like 5 plats, and  mr required is just 9 which is only 2 mr more than twin vipers wraith meanwhile:

    with twin vipers wraith, you need to aim, you need to be careful on your ammo economy even with carrier or ammo mutation, has good cc, standard crit multiplier, terrible sc, base damage is mostly impact which is not the worst thing in the world but is not very good either, terrible ammo economy, not very good reload speed to magazine ratio, accurancy is not very good, to acquire this weapon you have to do 4 invasions which are 3 missions for each which are 12 missions, and it could take some time or you can buy the set for 40 plats.

     viper wraith is less burst damage (less fire rate) but more accurate, and has better reload speed to magazine ratio, and got a quite nice augment that adds utility and syndacate proc, but is very expensive to get, if you are willing to wait baro it will be 75k credits and 400 ducats but if you want to get it right now from other players its gonna be 100-130p, and for some reason the mr required  to get this is 4 

    im not saying to buff those weapons too much to break the game but at least to be decent, since they are not even easy to get 

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