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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin

  1. i was playing with the twin vipers wraith because its a cool looking weapon and fun to use and i even got a riven for it from sorties but even with a very good riven the weapon kinda struggle at kuva floods, and i think the problem its because of the low status chance of 9%, which i think is really low for this type of weapon, i know it was 1% before buffs and now its better, but i think having it at least 19% would help the weapon a lot, because with a better status chance combined with the high fire rate would help stripping armor faster and applying gas procs better. Another thing i'd like to point out:

    on the regular viper while reloading the magazine slides out and falls on the floor, which is cool but this doesn't happen on: regular twin vipers, twin vipers wraith and viper wraith 


  2. i built my own clan a lot of time ago,  then some time ago i decided to rebuild it from 0 since it was messy with rooms and stuff all over the place, so i did it and it was one of the S#&$tiest experiences i ever had in warframe. warframe? more like warlame.

  3. what? reworking underperfoming warframes? in warframe? nah better release more dojo/orbiter decorations or stuff like k drives because you know, those are what make the game running, surely not the warframes. i mean minelayer is so good right? spamming bounce pads while waiting people at extraction its so good and satisfying why would i ever want something that has an actual use in a mission, and tesla? oh man tickling enemies and turning allies into christmas trees its so satisfying as well 

  4. 3 minutes ago, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

    while I was trying to make a point I did think it would be funny to throw that one in there to trigger Corrosive Projection knights. Also why was this thread nekro'd?

    its that i consider auras somethign that should benefit the whole team rather than my weapons like more sniper damage against eidolons with dead eye or energy regen or growing power, or even corr. projection against grineer in high level sorties or endurance runs against armorered targets.

    1 modslot used for more ammo or ammo mutation or magazine capacity or reload speed or punch through to let me shoot more rather that shoot a bit harder  its totally worth to me 

  5. On 2018-11-21 at 9:49 PM, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

    Plenty of ways to fix that.

    Trick Mag

    Pistol Ammo Mutation

    Pistol Scavenger

    Carrier with Ammo Case


    other options are reasonable and personally i always consider utility when needed but ------->pistol scavenger


  6. On 2018-12-13 at 6:35 AM, Hmm...interesting. said:

    I posted this on the Warframe subreddit about a week ago, but I have now decided to post it here to see what you guys think.


    Having a modding system is fantastic, but it is not executed well in Warframe. If it were done well, many of the problems that DE is having with community feedback would either not exist or be much less significant. Among those problems are the lack of endgame content, the broken riven system, and underwhelming operators. Now let me just clarify that the modding of Warframes is quite adequate and does not need much changing (though some tweaks could be done to make it a bit better). What I'm most concerned with is weapon modding. There will be some extra modding stuff at the end of the post

    Weapon modding is currently diseased with mandatory mods and useless mods. Most weapon builds can be boiled down to Damage, dual multishot, an elemental combo, status chance if it's a status build or critical chance/damage if it's a critical build, and one slot to do what you want with. Almost every other mod is useless. The way to fix this is to remove mandatory mods. I don't mean simply eliminate every mod that we need in this game, but either integrate those mods in another way, change the way the stats of those mods work, or improve the mods that aren't being used.

    Flat damage mods:

    Almost every single person playing this game will include a damage mod (Serration, Hornet Strike, [Primed] Point Blank, [Primed] Pressure Point) on their weapon no matter what. This means that you essentially lose a modifiable mod slot (ironic isn't it?). The way to solve this is to make the damage of the weapon scale with the level of the weapon. These are just placeholder numbers, but at rank 0, weapons could have a 0% damage multiplier, and at rank 30, there could be a 200% damage multiplier. That solves the flat damage issue.

    Elemental and IPS damage:

    Rather than add a damage type based on the base damage of the weapon, elemental damage should convert the base damage into another damage. With this, the weapon doesn't do more damage, but it does more of one damage type, and less of another. The tool tip of the mod card would say for example, "Converts 50% of the damage into toxin" or something along those lines. That fixes the issue of damage types.

    Critical and Status Stats:

    These don't need much changing (maybe just a bit of number tweaking), although it would be nice to get some other mods that could also modify those stats. The "beginner" status mods (Rifle Aptitude, Shotgun Savvy, Sure Shot, Melee Prowess) should absolutely be buffed. They should be made additive instead of multiplicative, either adding status chance before or after the multiplicative status chance buff calculations (from mods like the 60/60 mods). Status values of these "beginner" mods would need to be modified accordingly.


    This is the most difficult one to change. I'm not entirely sure about how to best change this statistic, but my current idea is to have it double or triple the damage (with added pellets of course) at the expense of halving (or maybe just lowering) the critical chance and status chance. Feel free to post more ideas in the comments.


    That covers all of the mandatory weapon mods/stats, and my ideas on them. Let's talk about a few of the problems that this could solve.

    Lack of endgame content:

    These proposed changes would make weapons less game-breaking, and would make star chart enemies more worthy foes. That being said, some numbers concerning enemy health, armor, shields, etc. would have to be tweaked, but that's not what this post is for. This won't necessarily solve the lack of replayable or interesting content in Warframe, but it will expand the scope of viable end game missions.

    The broken riven system:

    At the moment, rivens are a broken system. While much of Warframe takes a very predictable and reliable approach to player investment yield (take for example the microtransactions that Warframe uses), the riven system goes in the complete opposite direction. It requires an enormous amount of time invested with a very luck-based outcome that either yields either extreme satisfaction or extreme disappointment. This polarized outcome wrecks the trading system and the economic balance of the game. The proposed changes to modding put a dent in both the economic imbalance of rivens, and the invariability of riven rolling (no more Damage+Multishot god rolls). While there would still need to be many changes in order to make the system work, this would be a step in the right direction. I may make another post concerning how to best change this.

    Underwhelming operators:

    Since weapons would be nerfed so to speak, the significance of operator damage would increase incredibly since they would do so much more damage than they did before. This would begin to pave the road for the Warframe & operator combat relationship. We don't use operators for anything other than Eidolon hunting and kuva farming, which is truly unfortunate since there is a lot of potential for using operators in combat.


    Now for some extra stuff concerning mods:

    • Make stances and auras all have the same polarities. Limiting the stances and auras on weapons is just counter-intuitive. Why should my playstyle be limited by a polarity? I wanna enjoy different stances without having to forma or severely nerf my build because of it.

    • Why in the world do so many weapon mods have V/Madurai polarities? An imbalance that doesn't need to be there.

    • Many mods for both weapons and warframes find no use due to their obsolete stats or stat values. That should be fixed.

    just no.

  7. bullet dance + ppp + condition overload + 4 dual stats (radiation + viral/gas +magnetic) + drifting contact + shattering impact 

    done, heres your pellet shotgun with 100% status that can abuse co while cutting hp in half and strip armor w shattering impact pluscombo counter makes your damage scale hard as hell 


  8. i like those a lot:

    cyclone kraken big damage, big chop, fluid combos, hard to farm but worth, this stance made machetes my favorite weapon class

    eventh storm chop chop feels nice to use, not many fancy animation as final harbinger but practical and nice

    final harbinger, im flying away, nyx assimilate friend

    cleaving whirlwhind cleave people with broken bull

    crushing ruin, big spin, big ragdoll, big hammering 

    crimson dervish, nice combos, block combo = guaranteed finisher

    reaping spiral, big edge, pause combo fun

    tranquil cleave, stabby combo fun, forced finisher

    decisive judgment, chop enemies, also pause combo has forced finisher 

    blind justice, big edge, cool combos

    carving mantis, chop chop, condition overload best friend, try with twin basolk, dual dark split sword, dual ichor for dumb damage

    swirling tiger, nice combos, multihit combo nice, ragdoll enemies

    stinging thorn, fluid combos, forced finishers + cl = big damage

    vulpine mask, forced slash procs, forced finisher

    clashing forest feels nice to use

    vermillion storm feels nice to use 


  9. Let her be able to walk during her 4th ability(no augment)

    Let her be able to move freely during her 4th abilty (with augment), without the absorbing and redirecting damage mechanic 

    Fix her first ability mind controlled target to be less retarded and follow nyx properly 

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