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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin

  1. On 2019-03-09 at 12:27 PM, Tellakey said:

    It started with Nightwave, a system that encourages players to reprioritize their spare time dedicated for whatever content they want to focus on ingame in favor of tedious weekly challenges. That would be okay, mind you, had the system not been time-gated.

    oh please first you complain that de is getting grindy again then you complain you cant grind, camon now

    On 2019-03-09 at 12:27 PM, Tellakey said:

    Then we got Operation Buried Debts, where you made us grind the same mission over and over again for the rewards. Really, DE, a hundred points for Opticor Vandal? That's 14 times the same mission without a hitch, for an OPTICOR.

    i finished the event solo in few hours, for example ambulas reborn was waaaaay more grindy , also opticor vandal is much more usable and you get several new cool mods as well


    On 2019-03-09 at 12:27 PM, Tellakey said:
    • Finally, the introduction of Tatsu, a weapon that has nothing to do with Fortuna, but whose requirements include one of the Vallis' most hard-earned resource: Hesperon.

    they even put a double resource booster on orb vallis for the duration of the event, in like 10 min i got more than enough esperon i needed for the sword (and yesterday they even buffed the mod drop chance of the ice spiders 


    On 2019-03-09 at 12:27 PM, Tellakey said:

    Let's not even talk about the drop rates of some of the new Ephemera as well as the Wolf's hammer parts.

    wolf of saturn spawn chance is going to increase with the advance of the event, epherema is just a cosmetic you dont need it for anything



  2. On 2019-02-08 at 3:03 AM, (PS4)iamRayJay said:

    Soma Prime is seriously trash

    By far the worst prime buff from the original gun

    Soma Prime 

    Same Base Damage, CC CD as the Soma

    only +3% status boost with 200 ammo clip

    Not To Mention A FAINT Disposition 

    Braton Prime beats Decked out Soma without any riven with just plain status and damage 

    IF You Think The Soma Doesn’t need a buff just look at my riven, http://imgur.com/tTIvK48

    Soma Sati-Critatis

    +41.8% Multishot

    +69.6% Critical Chance

    +55.7% Critical Damage 

    -44.5% Puncture 

    Literally The BEST ROLL OUT THERE






    that reminds me of a post i made to ask for a buff for another mr7 weapon and someone replied "its just mr7 weap we are talking about" i really dislike that mr means so much for weapons, especially primes, wraiths, vandals etc. however for soma prime i would suggest something different than a straight forward buff, a change, like instead of what we have now that is:

    30% crit chance, 3.0 crit multiplier and 10% status chance


    25% crit chance, 2.4 crit multiplier and 20% status chance

    the critical stats lowered in favor for status chance would allow the soma prime to become a decent armor stripper with corrosive for armored units and good with gas builds for corpus units 

  3. Jezail flintlock rifle

    Basically in middle east and those places they had these custom rifles made with brown bess flintlock mechanism, those rifles had big caliber, long barrels, and many had rifling as well, which made them accurate weapons at distance, in few words;

    single shot, flintlock sniper rifle 

  4. 15 hours ago, VenomousValentine said:

    That's a reasonable assessment, but I also don't consider melee broken, but perhaps that's just because I don't like melee.
    And yes I've seen a nidus with plague keewar wipe an entire room of 160s with a pull and a few swings, but that's keewar and not most melees.

     trust me many other different melees can do that

  5. the idea of an exilus slot for rifles and pistols where i can put silencers or ammo mutation mods is lit

    the idea of giving more space to melee weapons that already are strong as #*!% with scaling damage sorry but i do not agree with that one

  6. what about giving melee weapons the possibility to use zaws arcanes and to give secondaries the possibility to use kitgun arcanes? pax charge on bullethose secondaries such as twin grakatas, secura dual cestra, dex furis, etc would be super cozy

  7. 9 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Well the goal was clearly to make it an exalted weapon that could outperform even Exalted blade. So having it attached to a separate meter would make sense. I just think someone forgot that Crit focused impact only weapons are not effective past level 50.

    well condition overload could help the paci fists, but the status chance is something around 10% and the targets tend to fly away, with a simple status chance increase and targets stop flying away the ability would be able to deal damage past 50

  8. If you are a new player that reached mr 9 and you have ducats to use dont use them on ignis wraith, because the blueprint to build the weapon can be acquired from other players and usually its about 3-4 plats which is way cheaper that 550 ducats, check on warframe.market if you want to get the weapon, if you really want to use the ducats on a weapon on this rotation get the vulkar wraith, is a solid sniper rifle, and the only way to get it is from baro, but ignis wraith its a total scam do not waste ducats on it. (viper wraith if you already own a vulkar wraith) if you dont have primed continuity i would highly suggest to get that immediately

    I realized that the switch version of the game came after the event that made possible for clans to acquire the research for ignis wraith  so if you are on nintendo switch then it is worth to get the ignis wraith with ducats since there is no other way to get it otherwise.

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