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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin

  1. after reading this post i equipped akvasto prime and i went to do some invasions to see how bad the recoil is: turns out the recoil on akvasto prime is absolutely not a problem, the weapon kick just a bit and the compensation required is minimal

  2. im an active riven user that made the impossible to save some weapons from the status of mr fodder. they simply should remove rivens from the game and give decent stats to weapons, like daikyu, no 20% critical chance on daikyu is not good. no a status weapon with low fire rate and with forced impact procs is not a good status weapon. because not only ips weight 4 times more than elemental, they also made that every hit with daikyu gives a forced impact proc, while rerolling the riven i use for daikyu i got negative impact + slash so i thought "wow i have 100% status and high slash and no impact, i can apply deadly slash procs!" not really because when you get forced impact procs then one of the multishot arrows are going to deal 0 damage. that really sucks. then i rerolled again and again and i got - puncture + slash + cc + ammo max, it made the weapon deal much more consistent damage at high levels but the forced impact procs are still there like a bad stain that doesn't want to go away

  3. 49 minutes ago, Genoscythe said:

    how buzlok is only really effective with a good riven anyway

    and they nerfed riven disposition i lost 231 damage on my buzlok, meanwhile their kitguns have totally $&*&*#(%&ed high stats everywhere, why i spit blood on a weapon where i put catalyst 6 formas a riven all the game knowledge i have to make it good when for 190 plats i can get this #*!%ing thing, look at it what the #*!% are they doing


  4. 10 hours ago, Wizardrous said:

    I always do. It doesn't make it less annoying when someone joins with Physique and all I get is 18 extra health.

    they use that aura for 2 reasons: they dont know how S#&$ty the mod is or they dont want to forma the aura slot, i saw a nidus with rejuv once i almost threw up 

  5. 2 minutes ago, MiggyDeePH said:

    The point is to buff an uncommonly used Aura Mod. Your suggestion is to use the generally-accepted, cookie-cutter mod. We have to make Physique viable in such a way that it can be properly contested with Corrosive Projection and other generally-accepted efficient Aura Mods. 

    nah i just go with the good ol corrosive projection at high levels and enemy radar at low levels, other auras are lame

  6. i would simply remove and change the current inaros passive with something else, like if you die with a character with 4k+ health good armor and 4 spells that: 

    1) cc the enemy

    2) heal yourself and your team

    and you still manage to go down you simply should wait in shame someone to revive you or simply consume 1 revive. 

    maybe a passive that encourage to build and use abilities rather than build inaros with only hp, armor mods and adaptation would be nice

  7. On 2018-10-26 at 7:04 PM, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

    I admit Blood Rush is abnormally strong

    isn't condition overload the strongest melee mod? with some status chance and elements you can basically kill everything, blood rush on his own not really, except some exception with enemies immune or almost immune to status

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