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Posts posted by Dabnician

  1. 7 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

    well an idea i just thought of is to put a vault symbol or something on the relics that have theme. even having a vault mark on the vaulted pieces in question.

    Kinda stupid they dont display the description from the relic terminal, it even states something along the lines of "blah blah this relic is vaulted"

  2. On 2018-12-20 at 5:26 AM, tprx said:

    My suggestion, if someone willfully leaves a public group at the start of a mission, automatic time-out on public grouping for 5 minutes.

    Totally wish they would update the match making system, unfortunately ping based seems to work just well enough.

    23 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

    Thats completely missing the point... Warframe is build around Public matchmaking.

    What you say is - just play alone (no friends might be online)

    the issue is there is no ranking, rating or penalty system for the public match making. im just suggesting what to do to work around the issue.

    What they should just do is take a tip from Overwatch and reduce rewards for all your matches when you quit 50% of your last 20 matches until you bring that up above 50%.

    Thats just 1 hour of mining on pluto for anyone that acts bad. (20 runs at 3minutes if youre quick)




  3. On 2018-12-08 at 12:01 PM, Hypernaut1 said:
    On 2018-12-07 at 6:47 PM, mikakor said:

    the prime came first in the lore, the normal one we have early game are cheap made-in-china copy. and that's the same for every weapon/frames.

    I get that.

    So what Mesa had to cover her eyes with a bandana because she wanted a challenge? The prime? Original Mesa? The human/infested hybrid that the Warframe was designed after? If the Warframe was designed after a soldier, are the regular frames really just recreations that warrior and the primes the first exo suits created in the honor of warrior? 

    It's confusing because the regular frames seem to have lore based on their appearance and the primes seem impractical an ornate.  

    Primes are also anything made with Orokin technology so we can have Corpus/Grineer originated weapons that are primed. I think the Helios prime is a Corpus companion with prime technology.

  4. I would just make a second account at this point to be honest. Xbox does the same thing in warframe, im offline if im out of warframe but i appear online when im in it. same goes for several other games that have built in friends lists.

    I usually leave my self offline on xbox because ill get party invites when playing other games all the time.

  5. 2 hours ago, Heidelgard said:

    So I'm okay with finding a way to reduce the leeching

    If only there was a way to control who you are matched with when making a new session....

    like if they had some sort of control over who could join your mission when you start it...



    You all are literally complaining about PuG matches and getting matched with randos.

    Just set your match making to friends only and add people you like to your friends list. or join a clan or alliance that vets leeches.

  6. On 2018-12-17 at 8:19 PM, Nezun.Skyfire said:

    Once you've completed your time investment, your clan has fully researched everything, the Dojo looks the way you want it to do there's almost no reason for you to be there. Sure, you can go there and hang out, but how many players actually do that? The most you'll see players in Dojos is to do some trading or pick up blueprints for a frame or weapon they need. There's no incentive to go to your dojo outside of these few things unless you're Role-playing or hosting events (such as a Halloween party/gathering).


    tl;dr: Let me rent dedicated servers which require a room in my dojo to start

    But thats a stupid suggestion because then my dojo would actually be useful 😛




  7. Check your internet connection, the only time i get issues with images not loading at vendors and/or foundry is when i connect my wired connect to my laptop, while connected to warframe over wireless. Everyone else says i go offline for a moment when that happens, Images break and then wont come back until i restart my client.


    I know this isnt a solution but it might be help you isolate the issue.

  8. 1 hour ago, Archeyef said:

    No problem, dude. Oh and, don't feel overwhelmed by the amount of replies new threads get, especially in General Discussion. People follow the subforum, get notified of new threads, and reply fast

    also when the poster is new.. fresh meat 😄

    for a minute i though it was the parrot sentinel completely not seeing the naked chroma lol

  9. Serious question: why dont you all just abort the mission and restart it with out the leech if its such and issue?

    Simply refusing to play with a play style/warframe and then telling that player why sends a better message then just complaining about it on the forums.

    2 hours ago, Proffebolter said:

    The problem with mods rivens is that sincerely it has been a tremendous mistake from my point of view. Weapons that are used a lot now will be used a lot more, even a weapon with decent statistics can be rescued or become very powerful. But what about the very weak weapons? Example: Skana, even if you play a mod riven of the good, it will not be profitable to use it. Which seems to me to be fatal and that's why the difficulty of the game has gone down a lot.

    This is exactly whats wrong with them, they dont save bad weapons and they make good weapons OP, which ends up getting everything nerfed at the end of the day.


  10. 16 minutes ago, spyroxion said:

    What is time interval between his spawns? Would be good to know for player like me who plays with big breaks in between to at least log in and get some primed mods 😄

    This time I was super happy with Primed Flow because it was exactly what I wanted!

    But while it's really good for me, I can kinda see the issue for vet players of not having appealing choice while for never players or players who are still somewhere in the middle of gearing up he can be a god sent gift.

    two weeks, he only shows up on payday.

  11. 6 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

    Think we should wait for when he's out before we start trying to play Developer. 

    ^this, literally people have nothing to do but be worried about something we havent even had a chance to play.

    2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    by doing this before each fight, he'll have maximum edge all the time. pair with a Nekros for even more edge. 

    you forgot to set your bloom to 100

  12. On 2018-12-12 at 1:16 AM, EmberStar said:

    As far as the lack of Solaris wandering around - it's pretty much the same conflict of "lore vs game mechanics" as each of the player characters.  According to the story, *each* player Tenno has experienced the Second Dream, and talked to Hunhow repeatedly.  (And also the events of War Within and Sacrifice.)  Which is of course completely silly.  *Every* Tenno can't be the Chosen One.  But it's way too much effort to reasonably expect DE to craft a custom storyline for each individual player.

    Thats every story line from every game, every player also saved what ever it was in destiny they fought the thing in destiny. sorta how your deaths in video games are non cannon to the main story of the video game.

  13. 14 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

    So you have to depend on RNG to benefit from a drop system that uses RNG rewards.

    when it works you get 1 drop an hour as long as you are "watching" a stream that is linked to warframe.  I left the stream being watched on a terminal server and i would continue to get drops the entire time i had the stream up.

    What you get is up to RNG

  14. On 2018-12-16 at 12:32 AM, Bristoling said:

    3. Desecrate is fine but if Nekros gets a buff in other areas a small decrease in % chance would be acceptable.

    Honestly i rather they not touch nekros, agreed Soul punch sucks and terrify sucks, but they will probably just break the whole kit.


    2 minutes ago, Hidronic said:

    Also method to more damage to his enemy by shadows or de-buff for enemy can take more damage. Nowadays terrify is really limited armor reduction with make enemy runaway which make hard to catch them in the middle of battlefield.

    The only time i use terrify is on interception and honestly its crap.

  15. Neutralizing Justice not working on the bubble sound a like a bug tbh, it says field on the mod not crewman.

    I gotta go test the nullified theory now.

  16. So in multiple player the npc position is dependant on the host, you are most likely lagged out between the host you can pop out into operator mode to refresh your location and some times its all the way across the map.

    Single player wise my shadows almost never keep up with me. EVER, they usually stay in the area i spawn them in and move very little unless im slowly crawling to my destination. I almost always spawn them at the location i need them at.

    I use zenruik focus on nekros so i dont worry about energy, i have negative efficiency so i have to spend 110 to cast my shadows too.

    55 minutes ago, Hidronic said:

    Sometime low leveled shadows easily erased by enemy's firepower or Nullifier bubble

    So pop the bubble drone before they kill and then cast your shadows as soon as you lose one to get your own counter nullifier...

    Nullifiers nullify other nullifiers... at least i think they do, ive never had issues with nullifiers because i pop the bubble by killing the drone at the top of the bubble

    Nullifiers mean i get my own nullifiers, which seem to shut down the enemy.


    As far as bubbles are still an issue you can use a miter with the syndicate mod that kills them



    Nullifiers are like ancients, they should be the #1 target the second you see that glowly bubble appear and the drone should be your first point of attack since if its kill they bubble wont return. Your team needs to understand this as well.

    Any NPC that can shut you down in ways other then just raw damage is the top prioity, your shadows are really just there to confuse the enemy and act as fodder.

    Edit: I had a screen shot, where there was another nekros with 4 nullifiers but they were using puple and i had mine over lapping, that mission was pretty chill at that point.

    As far as my shadows i use health conversion too, when ever i top off my energy i waste it by recasting my shadows, and i use the desecrate syndicate mod that makes them cost health too since i use the reg aura.

  17. On 2018-11-25 at 12:36 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Yeah, soul punch and shadows of the dead need some pretty major overhauls to be good. Actually I just had an idea for soul punch.

    it deals more damage the lower the targets health is.

    What the heck are you talking about with shadows of the dead?  You slap that syndicate mod on them and get to about 180% strength and you get a 78% damage reduction, some times if im lucky enough to kill a brood mother or moa that generates additional units  i can get 11 shadows which i hit the 90% damage reduction cap.


    On 2018-11-26 at 11:11 AM, Hidronic said:

    After casting the shadows of the dead and they are gone. Why we cannot call them again?

    You can just recast Shadows of the Dead to reset the timer on them.

  18. 4 hours ago, Grimmstyler said:

    think Garuda gets boring fast because her 4th ability should have a mechanic like Novas 4th..

    half the time i completely forget to use her 4th, i think youre using her in a way that is not optimal to your play style.

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