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Posts posted by Dabnician

  1. 17 hours ago, (PS4)hirprirode said:

    AGAIN that are price on ps4 and all that listen parts ON ps4 are prime junk and players selling and buying prime junk AGAIN on ps4 idk for pc and idc

    Sorry let me restate it a better way.

    22 hours ago, (PS4)hirprirode said:

    idk for how much go prime junk on pc on ps4 full trade so 5 prime parts is 10p 

    This is bad advice for all platforms not just PS4, DO NOT under any circumstances sell "5 prime junk for x plat" because you are better off just trading that "junk" to barro and then buying primed mods or prisma weapons which you can turn around and sell for 50+ plat easily. (and 50 is a really low ball number most barro stuff starts being sold at 100+ plat, FOR ALL PLATFORMS)

  2. 3 hours ago, Scaldac said:

    how do i join a clan? (sry as i said i am a noob and have never been invited to a clan before)

    In your options menu, under Chat there should be a setting for Recruitment Chat, make sure that is set to On.

    Go to the recruitment tab on your chat window and say "im new and looking for a clan that can help me learn the game"

  3. try during down (or off) bloom, then motion blur if that doesn't work or then try turning off reflections if that doesn't work.

    you're probably having issues with light making the rain more noticeable does the issue go away at night?

    if you have AA disabled you might want to enable that as it would blur the edges of the texture map for the rain droplets with out it they are probably more noticeable also.

    Id bet its bloom to be honest, the default setting is too high on both PC and console.

  4. 2 hours ago, (PS4)nimandar said:

    I get that all the time on PS4 and just don't do much when it pops up. I wait awhile. It always corrects itself for me. If I start trying to open arsenal, view inventory etc I think it's too much for the connection to catch up with and it does drop me. 

    This is all just my perception and theory and probably wrong.

    Actually that makes some sense, If i mess with my network connection like going from wired to wireless or back i get a momentary "network is not responding" and then all of my icons disappear, like in the foundry i cant see any of the icons for what im building. same with items listed in my inventory.

    sorta feels like they are loading the images for the icons over the network, (which would be stupid if that was true but who knows honestly)



    15 ducats at barro for everything except the akobolto prime barrel, which ends up being 45 ducats by itself.

    thats 105 ducats which is enough to get the inaros quest item.

  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)hirprirode said:

    idk for how much go prime junk on pc on ps4 full trade so 5 prime parts is 10p 

    NO IT IS NOT, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PRIME JUNK. Anyone that says "5 prime junk for 10p" this is just a scammer looking to rip off the players stupid enough to fall into that trap.

    Trade your "prime junk" to baro if you really think its junk, the person giving you 10p for that "junk" is going to turn around and make 50-300p off you because there is no such thing as "prime junk" If you at least turn it into baro you can get ducts that you can use to purchase prime mods / prisma weapons and turn around and sell those to the "sell me your prime junk" people for WELL OVER 10p.


    IF YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE 10p then level your syndicate factions and sell 1 syndicate mods for 10p

  7. 12 hours ago, (XB1)FineSquirrel27 said:

    Also, I am using kinetic traps. It seems that if I try to shoot a manifestation while it's not trapped, it doesen't do damage, and if you run out of traps, the mission ends with failure.

    honestly i have so many kinetic traps by mr 5 or 6 that i always go into a mission with the full amount, i think its 25 or 100 i cant remember off the top of my head. same with scanners of normal and syndicate type.

    23 hours ago, (XB1)FineSquirrel27 said:

    You're all on pc. Try playing it MR 6 on console. Yes, I'm MR 6 and on sedna.

    the only real difference between pc and console is the controller input and as of last week you can use a keyboard and mouse on xbox 1.

    In fact i flip flop between XB1 and PC all the time and i use the exact same controller/headset except i swap out my xbox 1 for my laptop. everything is almost the same except the windows key works.

    If i were you i would just sick the rest of that mission until later and go level up a bit more. honestly you just need the traps and a good weapon cause when rell runs to you, you pop a trap.

  8. 16 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Dedicated servers might mean you have no chance at all to have a decent connection to someone if you live somewhere remote compared to a server. What if you're playing on your break with your buddies at a station in Antarctica?

    you might be right about that, but honestly they're probably switch players, so no one really cares about them yet.

    Having a dedicated server means OP could just connect to that and work around the whole ping issue.

  9. 18 minutes ago, (XB1)FineSquirrel27 said:

    I have visited the quills and gotten an amp but Rell is always rapidly draining my health and shield. He is always drawn to my warframe while I'm in tenno form. Does he take out the whole bar or is there a set amount of damage?

    Are you using kinetic siphon traps? the same ones you use for capturing syndicate targets? cause all you do is drop one and he floats up in the air, you shoot him a couple of times and he runs away, then when he starts to get close again you drop another one. Rinse/Repeat.

    Get a hek,  Hell's Chamber, Accelerated Blast and scattered justice, pop the trap and rell goes down pretty quickly.

  10. 4 minutes ago, fr4gb4ll said:

    i think the only reason they won't do this is that those rented dedicated server would have to be on many locations around the globe and them being in need of staff that coordinates all of them according to all differences in local law and such... not too much of a hassle and something many international acting businesses do everyday too, but maybe they don't like it to much - but then again,  they already uses server to control matchmaking and likely the management of updating player accounts between the hosts of missions and the central server where the account informations are stored.

    well, maybe if they read it often enough, they will consider it after all ^^)

    they should be able to do it with Amazon Web Services, Ive spent the better part of the last two years working in AWS for a government project that makes my eye time i have to pull up the tracker for all of the stuff i have to do. totally possible with them able to over provision services and pass almost all the cost onto the customer (us)


    2 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Sorry. None of this makes any sense when you actually sit down and think about it. 

    There's no way of knowing if my intent is going to spazz, or if an emergency will come up, or if I'll need to leave the mission. 

    I'll feel bad, but there's no way to realistically force anyone to stay. And unfortunately, that's the long and short of it both. 

    They could put a strike system in place and hosts are picked from players with the lowest number of strikes and also meets the connectivity requirements. have the strike expire after an hour. 

  11. 3 hours ago, (XB1)FineSquirrel27 said:

    What frame did u use

    Just wondering

    Have you visited Cetus and spoken with The Quills?

    What made this a challenge for me was on xbox i did chains of the harrow with my default amp because i skipped over doing cetus in order to clear out the star chart. i completely forgot about the quills while doing the quest.

  12. Man i gotta say there is this player named Dabnician always suggesting things like "letting players throw money at DE so they can rent dedicated servers from them and make even more money in the process of also solving the host migration issues.

    but that dudes an idiot, cause he doesn't know what hes talking about, he thinks company actually take money from customers... Pft who in their right might actually PAYS for things right?........



    the TLDR: Let me buy dedicated server time from the market, Build a room in my dojo that is powered by the server time and let me share it with my clan mates, done.
    (the players that will never pay for a dedicate server can benefit from clans with players that will, and it fits in with lore)

  13. 15 hours ago, TheWhitterMatter said:

    I started playing this game shortly after it officially came out in December 2013. Back then, things were relatively simple. You finish the tutorial where you escape your grineer attackers and you are brought to the old navigation system, with a few options on the top that relate to you and a few on the side that relate to the community. The Lotus, who back then just seemed like a normal mission giver and shot caller, gave out the rest of the tutorial and a mission to kill Vor. With the objective in mind I continued with the game, eager to delve into this new experience. I learned things quickly and within the first week I made it to a self made objective, the old Uranus where I could get Ash. I started out as Loki so getting there pretty much solo was pretty difficult, but I did it.  

    Nothing is simple anymore.

    wtf are you talking about, I want X, X drops from Y, i go play Y until i get X, its actually pretty simple.

    That is literally war frame since the day i purchased my founders pack back in 2012. There might be some dialogue im going to forget or some full motion video i wont really remember.

    its literally "play Y until X drops, risen, repeat"


    1 hour ago, BeeWhyOhBee said:

    you should've realized by now that there is no endgame in Warframe.

    No yall just dont realize that you literally started the end game when you created your character. There is no "get to level 80 AND THEN the game starts" stuff, no you are already at the end game, you do exactly what you did at MR 0 as you will at MR 25 and one day MR 50. You do the same events that MR 0's do the same as MR 25's. You are literally playing the end game so stop trying to burn up all the content.

    Its like if you all booted up BlackOps4 and went "i need to complete the campaign before playing multiplayer, thats when endgame starts".... there are literally people i know that have never seen the single play campaign of several CoD/Battlefield games.

  14. On 2018-11-22 at 2:32 AM, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

    But would be nice if there was some sort of list of scammers to warn players of or DE could have some sort of message every time you go to trade chat that reminds you that there are scammers. 

    1) would be against name&shame rules.
    2) DE Literally has a motd on the trade channel that tells you not to trade on promises, IE scammers.

  15. Honestly mastery rank is what keeps people with way to much time (and no money) from ruining the game by consuming all the content they wouldn't bother paying for if they had to anyway.

    Like when I start a new game with that friend that's a loser with no job and lives off the government. 

    I go to work and then come home having logged off together at the same level, only to find that friend continued to play later that night, next day and am now 2-3 days of playtime behind that other player, who will continue to so the same and be a week a head of me tomorrow....

    With out mastery rank people would just do all the story missions and then delete the game after a week. 

    It's trying to get you to slow down and actually PLAY the game instead of putting another notch in your achievement belt.

    5 hours ago, RWBY-WhiteRose said:

    Typically levelling takes 6 Helene runs (Leaving at wave 5) or a Hydron run (15-20 waves).

    Dont do this (in Helene or hydron ), communicate with your squad and ask when to leave before you all step in the circle that starts the defense mission.  Don't take a frame and full loadout of unleveled weapons bring either a fully leveled frame that can mostly hold it's own with any weapon. Or bring a weapon that doesn't really need powers to hold it's own. If you're going to leave at 5 waves just go in solo cause that messes up the mission for the ones that needed 10-15 waves cause they are running a xp booster. You also mess up the affinity booster from having a full squad.

  16. Quote

    “As a games as a service title, Warframeleads with PC and follow with console versions,” a Digital Extremes representative told Polygon. “Thus, the PC and console build versions are out of sync by about a month or so. Any migration attempt would require putting the account through a kind of update/de-update converter to amend and sync. This can lead to a lot of issues including potential loss of in-game items due to being from a later patch, data corruption, loss of player data, the inability to play until previous builds are reached, etc. In short, lots of headaches.”

    From: https://www.polygon.com/2018/11/21/18107088/warframe-nintendo-switch-pc-cross-platform-play-progress

    Also Remove the megathread tag, only DE is supposed use it.

    So the major issue is dataloss/corruption because general "users" are stupid. 

    The other issues is y'all are sneaky cheaters and let's face it if you could copy both ways more than once you all would try to find a way to duplicate items. Maybe not everyone but if at least 1 person is gonna do it then they ruin it for everyone.


    So the "lots of headaches " is all the players that will do everything but use it as intended. 

    And since this is a free to play game they can't risk the game economy being destabilized.

    Cross platform works on fortnite because they don't patch as often. It's why they have seasons

  17. On 2018-11-21 at 11:46 AM, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    I've been farming this since forever but I can't get a damn barrel to drop 😞

    That sucks you need two cause its used for the pantera if you want keep the miter, take a nekros into the mission and pop a drop rate buff, It took me about an hour of farming to get all the pieces, now I need to do another hour for the barrel cause that's the only piece I also got one of

  18. On 2018-11-15 at 11:38 AM, Ecclessia said:

    I support op of the thread. DE could at least put hard cap at volt speed. Bumping into walls because some, let's just say, "airheaded" players put 200+ str into volt is just not comfortable at least.

    Instead of you all all sreaming to nerf stuff why dont you all ask for  better options to add a Filter which players i will be put into the mission with? This would solve the Anti limbo, anti this anti that threads all in one go.

    Heck i nee this type of filter because as a limbo player i need to not play with garuda and vise versa, i cant be in a party with a limbo on garuda because the 1 and 4 break her 1.2,4


    Changing the ready up screen to filter who im pugged with is WAY less work then any code that has to do with abilities while the mission is running.

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