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Posts posted by rastaban75

  1. I'm not entirely sure who is posting seriously on this topic and who is not. So let me get this straight: a 4-letter part of consecutive letters of the English word "anticipation", which consists of 12 letters, forms an offensive word in some other language. That means that the whole English word is now considered offensive or a profanity in the system that decides the acceptable names of zaws or kitguns? Does the "offensive" part of the word has to be formed by consecutive letters, or not? For example, does the word "account", which clearly contains mostly non-consecutive letters that can form an offensive word, is also a profanity?

    Yeah, I don't really want to know.

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  2. My suggestion is to use your aura forma in whatever frame you play or enjoy the most. I think it's reasonable to have some versatility in something that you use a lot. I do not believe that it's a necessary addition, unless you are someone who really wants to min-max builds.

    Apart from that, my suggestion is to do the process on a Prime frame if possible. There are some that are way too far from receiving their prime versions of course, so not a bad idea spending it on them if they are to your liking.

  3. I don't think there will be such an event, simply because Ignis Wraith has entered Baro's rotation rewards now.

    Do not let that become a barrier in creating a new clan. If you do want to put in the effort, then by all means go ahead. You will find people willing to join your clan despite the lack of this particular research.

  4. I think the problem with archwing is that it feels like a half-baked mode without much thought or effort put into it the last few years, and this is clearly indicated by how very little in the way of new weapons or archwings have been released by DE, when it's obvious that there is space for more of them (at the very least, prime versions of existing ones). In pure archwing form, i.e. not on open world maps or the weapons that can be used through gravimag, there is this painful lack of things to do and challenges to complete; also those maps need updating or redesigning in many aspects.

    Now this situation may change with the upcoming Railjack/Empyrean, in fact I'd say that this is certain. The degree to which this will be satisfying remains to be seen.

    As for the mode itself, I'd like it if there was more to do on archwing maps. In fact one of my favorite warframes is Titania for her 4th ability which transforms her into a mini-archwing. I enjoy playing with this a lot, but that's because the maps and tilesets where I can use her are much better than the "pure" archwing ones.

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  5. It's a part of the game, albeit a small one. Some missions are unavoidable if you want to progress so there isn't much you can do. I mean in theory you can play some of them publicly and let others do the work and reap the rewards after the extraction, but that's not a great solution imo.

    Some of the submersible segments can be very annoying, it's basically a tileset that can end up in many buggy situations.

  6. The vast majority of trades work as intended, by people willing to exchange items for platinum or other items. A large number of trades that go wrong because of bad plat are reported in the forums (often seeking solutions that the forums cannot provide) so you can wrongfully conclude that it's a huge problem when in reality it isn't such a big problem, at least for the vast majority of the player base.

    You can take some steps to minimize the risk of bad trades. One is to always keep a balance of platinum on your account and to leave the newly acquired (through trades) platinum untouched for some time. Usually a few weeks is enough. Another one is to check to profiles of the people you trade with: newly created accounts, especially with weird names, pose a much higher trade risk compared to others who have played the game hundreds or even thousands of hours. A third one is to learn about prices of items, such as prime parts or rivens (check warframe market for example). Prices that go way too high are suspicious and should be treated with extreme caution. A fourth one is to conduct trades in relatively small plat amounts, e.g. a prime part here and there, a few ayatan tresures and so on. A large number of transactions reduces the overall risk of having your account suspended.

    Last, but not least, record the trades you make (e.g. take screenshots)

  7. There is already a guest room, tidy and cozy, to have some visitors on the Orbiter stay for the night i.e. the Helminth room.

    Other than that, we can have guests stay at the same place where Excalibur Umbra hangs. I mean literally hangs, like a costume on a coat-hanger along with the other frames in the arsenal.

    And then of course there is the stasis field for the pets. That can accommodate a guest or two for a night.

  8. What seems off to me about Nora is her angle in all that happens. The Lotus, Ordis, Darvo, Simaris, the Syndicates etc. all have a purpose when they "hire" Tenno to do something; it can be a bit vague sometimes, especially with the Syndicates which seem very generic, but doing stuff for them seems to serve some purpose (and Syndicates do have themed rewards). Enemy taunts and dialogue also have something to do with a mission, it's always amusing to listen to Vay Hek, Alad V and others say their lines. With Nora there is no such connection. We are called "bad ass" for doing often next to nothing or she seems to support the Tenno in their fights for no apparent reason. Phrases like "working to make the system a better place" or "equal to our foe" or "being your best selves" seem so generic and unconnected to anything, especially when addressed to the Tenno with the specific background they have.

    That's what I really don't like about Nora. It has nothing to do with the voice or the cultural connections of her overall appearance or whatever she's a reference to. I think it would make much better sense if the challenges she gives us were given by a Tenno Council of sorts that want individual Tenno to work on honing specific skills, ways of fighting, doing specific missions or understanding how damage types work. The rewards which we are given would make much more sense this way. This Council (which by the way gives us advice on loading screens) could have some sort of charismatic spokesperson in the form of someone like Nora.

  9. Tough to say. I think items ranked at 18 or above would certainly cause lots of complaints from a number of players - can't talk about percentages of course because it's always the vocal part of a community that complains about something. To be perfectly honest, I don't think it would be a good idea for DE because it would sound like they lock some items behind an arbitrary "mastery" stat that does not actually represent the real mastery of a player.

    I think if there were to be such high-MR items they would need to be very few and exceptional in nature, such as the primary or secondary equivalents of the Paracesis (the sentient-killers).

  10. I smiled at the OP...

    Another smile I got from the event itself. First mission I did after it was implemented was an Axi relic extermination (Pluto, random group) which of course turned into the usual noisy and messy rush to the end while killing helpless Corpus. Then at the extraction I get this message:

    Silent Eliminator
    Complete an Extermination mission with level 30 or higher enemies without being detected

    Completely ridiculous but 9000 standing in the bag is 9000 standing in the bag.:satisfied:

  11. One amusing moment which happened while I was playing, but not to me directly, was when I was in a public group doing a sortie. I can't remember if it was the second or third mission, but it was definitely a defense on Europa (the crashed ship map) with infested as enemies. At some point halfway through, one of my teammates said that he had an unveiled riven with him with the usual challenge of the defense target not taking damage, and that it was still on after several waves. Eventually, he failed the objective at the 10th wave (d'oh) for some reason. I bet the whole thing was just bugged as the moving (not to mention stupid) defense target must have taken damage long before that point.

    I did the challenge on a similar situation where I swear the (stationary this time) defense target got hit several times by enemy corpus units. That was on a Pluto map with the objective on top of a landing pad of sorts; there was a Frost snow globe protecting it, but there were lots of enemies that made it inside. I just don't know how it worked. I quickly chose to extract after 5 waves and smirked after it. I usually do these alone of course, got a Brakk riven yesterday (meh) from a defense challenge that required not using energy consumables.

    It's easy to miss the way of cheesing the challenges. I got lots of "kill X enemies while latching on a wall..." challenges that were annoying to complete... and then one day I notice the passive on Loki... oh... Rhino of course is the way to go for many other challenges that require not taking damage or getting a status effect on.

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