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Posts posted by rastaban75

  1. Well, I wasn't bored in the one time I tried the mode. I was occupied reviving players that couldn't handle that particular survival. Just to be clear, I'm not blaming them because this mode is open to pretty much everyone without really stating the conditions and everyone wants the gift of having a shot at something vaulted.

    Having said that, I don't think I will play this again for this weekend. Even with an affinity booster (daily reward) I barely managed to level up the secondary I had in mind and with a credit booster (sortie reward a bit earlier) I got something like 100k credits. And it's 30 minutes which is kind of a time-waste for someone who has limited gaming time on the weekdays.

    Overall, from my point of view, meh...

  2. I'm sure the mentality behind Sorties is that they are the type of high-level mission for the wider audience, but that doesn't mean that all of them are doable by just about anybody. I'm also sure there are many players enjoying the bigger challenge when it arrives (never mind the fact that there are sortie missions that fall into the completely different edge of the spectrum i.e. ridiculously easy, and yes, I'm looking at you Sarge). When missions are tough, you have sometimes to be lucky to complete them which often means that you have to get into a group, random or not, of people that can handle them.

    I did that mission with a random group. There was a Revenant, an Ember, a Frost (me) and I can't remember the fourth one. Nothing special about the whole setup I guess. Judging by that, I don't think it's an impossible mission.

    • Like 1
  3. Truth be told, you can learn almost anything about the game through the wiki. You don't really need a person to "guide" you for a very large number of questions that pop up from time to time, although I admit it's nice (sometimes) to actually talk to a real person even for trivial stuff. Apart from the wiki, there are tons of other resources on the internet to learn about the game, including the forums here, youtube, sites that list market prices, sites where you can check mods and builds on certain items and so on.

    What I'm trying to say is that while Guides of the Lotus might seem like a good idea for helping people to learn about the game, they are surpassed in most respects by other things you can read/watch/check at your leisure. In this sense, it wouldn't surprise me if DE didn't do anything about this initiative in the future.

  4. Mastery Rank tests are a rough equivalent of stage boss fights. In many games, in order to progress, you go through a boss which is usually some sort of fight/challenge that is supposedly there to test your abilities, your "build" and your thus far knowledge of the game and its mechanics. Sometimes these challenges force you to think in a way you haven't done before, too.

    Am I fond of MR tests? Not really, but I don't hate them either and in a sense I'm glad that they exist to force us try different things outside of comfort zones. They are also in agreement with the vague lore type of thing in that we are "ninjas" and gain mastery and higher ranks through tests. In many martial art movies etc. the character often learns and "levels up" through different tasks set by a teacher/master, and in many cases these seem inane or irrelevant. I see a certain analogy here.

    The 24-hour requirement is hated by lots of people, but the case is always that you immediately forget about it when you pass the test. The game doesn't punish you by not allowing you to get MR points, either. Your progression till the next rank is there.

    • Like 1
  5. Also, it's not a bad idea to ask other players (if on multiplayer mode) to mark neurodes they come across so you can pick them more easily. I've seen many times people asking for Orokin Cells to be marked and, more often, Argon Crystals. If you ask politely, many players will try to help you.

  6. 9 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    That is not correct as I was told myself. Phase 3 has Sabot Rounds which is not a reward for 1, 2 or 4

    Yeah, you are right. The drop tables are very similar but not identical. We do have the different toroids drops in the various stages, too.

    In my mind they all seem "identical" because one of the main reasons to run these missions are Atmo, Repeller etc. systems.

    8 minutes ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

    It's because of the fishing part that I thought it was probably meant to be soloed. But the sheer amount and type of enemies had me questioning that.

    I want to, and will, try a public group.

    Fishing can be done in a group. You just don't see the servo-fish other players see, so everyone throws their spears individually at their own targets, but the total of fish is the one caught be the group. It's often the case, when you join a public group kind of late, to see other players already in the cave having advanced through the early fishing stages.

  7. The first time I completed Stage 1 was solo because my efforts with public groups were a complete connectivity mess (first day of the update). I just used Frost with his bubble and a normal, "solid" build with some of the best guns I have.

    You can, and should, try a public group.

    2 minutes ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

    Thanks for answering question. It's good to know I should get a group. Pretty sure I was set to public.

    I assume there's no rewards per stage cos it didn't flash up anything after completing first one.

    There are no individual rewards within Stage 1 after completing the cave for example. Just one reward at the very end, which is drawn from the identical pool of all four stages.

  8. My Tenno thinks that he is controlled by a human somewhere in the beginning of the 21st century through a devilish manipulative device called a "video game", not unlike how he uses transference on warframes, and the he indeed has no will of his own. In fact he thinks that he is controlled exactly like a warframe.

    I think he's quite the idiot.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Psianide73 said:

    Thanks for your input so far guys.

    It seems a shame to have to live in fear while trying to enjoy a game... It is what it is I guess.

    Hopefully I'll regain my passion for the game once this sour taste wears off.

    I haven't been in a situation such as yours, but let me tell you this: play the game because you want to play the game. If you enjoy the core elements of it, just do the regular stuff i.e. star chart clearing, quests, daily missions, sorties, open world areas etc. and then start thinking about trading. IMO, trading should be the by-product activity of something you enjoy.

    If you really want something or want to support DE, get one of their packs, directly from them. But again, only once you feel enjoyment from the game. I spent money on this game because I felt that it deserved to. I started thinking about trading way, way into it, and only as a side-activity for some extra platinum.

  10. 21 minutes ago, StamFFS said:

    Just with the title i first though that this thread was about the bugged mission waypoint, the actual problem.

    Same here. I gave up on it after a few attempts. In the last one the team found the Ambulas "arena" but for some reason I bugged out fell through the "floor" of the map into a previous area and couldn't get back to the action (the door was locked). Then I bugged again through the floor. I quit while fighting a flickering screen.

    Not the first time either, this happened as far as I remember during the last Ambulas sortie as well.

  11. I'm leaving an Elysium Blue flower on his grave...

    Seriously though, the only real change that I'd like for the Sarge is for him to get more, you know, large. I'd like to see a Corpus unit that you can tell from afar. He just looks "meh" as he is right now.

    As for the toughness factor, he's going to die (badly) anyway, so making him last 50%-100% longer in battle doesn't change things much.

  12. One of the problems I have with these so-called AAA games is that their life cycle is always limited. That may not be the case with Anthem, but it's not hard to imagine that there's going to be an Anthem 2 down the line (assuming the first one is successful and Bioware survives), like it happens with many other similarly-minded titles. This essentially means that all progress with the first game is simply lost after a relatively limited amount of time. This is even more apparent (or even blatant) with other AAA game series like those yearly releases of military shooters or the typical sports offerings (like NBA2K and FIFA).

    Now contrast that with Warframe: the project is already several years old and I know it will last several more years. During all those years I can anticipate going back to my orbiter, checking my frames, my weapons, my pets, the various rooms. And play of course, finding games easily. Progress is not lost, and I don't have to worry about a Warframe 2 being in development that will throw all my progress out of the window.

    So, I think, while a game like Anthem seems like a direct competitor to Warframe, the development mindset seems to be entirely different, making the games not incompatible with each other in a player's gaming time.

    [Still, EA has to earn my trust]

  13. I believe the last game I got from EA was Mass Effect 2. I wouldn't get anything from them just for the principle of it (and I don't really felt the urge anyway). EA has a mountain to climb to regain my trust, and judging from what I've seen the last several years, they are moving away from it.

    I also don't understand the pre-order culture. What's wrong with waiting for a few days to see/read some reviews from people you trust (even not professional reviewers) and then make your choice? OK, so you won't have the game at launch, but you also won't have the launch problems to deal with.

    But I digress. Have fun with whatever you choose to play next (and I don't mean that in a dishonest way)

  14. In the Orb Vallis Profit-Taker missions, it's certainly Oberon who runs with Renewal. That's because you take damage all the time from all directions. I even take my Oberon sometimes there.

    In other types of missions I prefer others. Trinity when it comes to Eidolon hunts, for example. Slow-Novas in wide types of maps when it comes to Interception.

    Most of the time, it doesn't really matter though.

  15. 3 hours ago, Kylo. said:

    Literally everyone in the entire world will answer this:


    I thought the universal answer was SoonTM

    Anyway, to the OP: I wouldn't get too obsessed with unvaultings, because this is clearly a game of patience. These frames and their cosmetics will come back at some point, but it's better not to expect them in the near future.

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  16. 4 hours ago, Makunogo said:

    are we asking for something we simply cannot get in warframe?

    I think you nailed the problem. In order to have challenging combat, like many people wish for, Warframe does need to become something else. For example, a shooter with cover mechanics/tactics and a small (but supposedly) balanced number of character classes. Since we already have a number that is nearing 40 (I lost count tbh) this is practically impossible.

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