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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 42 minutes ago, uAir said:

    What are you all using instead of CP?

    Depends on the frame

    Trinity, Zephyr - Rejuvenation

    Titania, Oberon, Volt - Growing Power

    Ivara, Nyx - Energy Siphon.


    42 minutes ago, uAir said:

    And what is your reasoning for using something else in place of CP?

    Mostly because it suits the Aura polarity better. And I can't be bothered enough to forma the Aura slot just for Corrosive Projection when other Auras are much more fun.


    42 minutes ago, uAir said:

    If everyone was using CP instead we could stop using Corrosive procs and instead start using Viral procs which would greatly increase our clear speeds.
    You're all claiming we have great status weapons now. Well, if you were using CP you could use Viral. Your slash procs that cut through armor and hit their HP directly? If they have Viral proc on your slash procs would kill them that much more quickly. Your normal damage would kill them in half the time, more in fact because you don't have to waste your first attacks or waste your time using abilities to strip armor. They'd already have no armor and all of your attacks would be 100% effective. And they'd be at 50% hp all of the time.

    Collectively we could make the game so much easier for us. Why are so many of you choosing to actively make things more difficult for everyone, including yourselves?

    Also, for the users of Growing Power over all other mods. Please show me your setup and explain why Growing Power is so much better for your build than something else.

    For my Frames, Growing Power has more benefit.

    Oberon: Hallowed Ground can tick Radiation Proc more often, Armor strip much faster, more heal and armor.

    Titania: More damage on Dex Pixia, which is effective on more targets instead of Corrosive Projection which only affected Grineer.

    Volt: Higher boost from Speed when killing no longer an issue, more killing potential against, again, more target instead of just Grineer.

    And again, like I said, I just can't be bothered to Forma the Aura slot. Call it laziness, but with Growing Power I see little reason.


    And as I said, Corrosive Projection has very limited uses against Corpus and Infested. My two Frame who has matching Aura slot, Nyx and Ivara, don't need it. Nyx can just CC or Mind Control the map without bothering to kill, and Ivara can use the Sleep arrow + Covert Lethality combo to just not care about Armor. This set up does need Energy, which is why I run Energy Siphon.

  2. Just now, WrathAscending said:

    So what you want is for the Stalker to be so difficult to defeat that newer, un-blinged players will have even more difficulty obtaining his drops and gaining MR progression from that alone, plus also potentially have progression at all gated due to successive Stalker assaults while they try to gather the materials to forge items earned from the bosses that also apply Death Marks?

    Not everyone likes or enjoys PVP, and the skill sets it rewards are vastly different to normal PVE play. If I wanted to hone those skills or test myself against them I'd be in Conclave already.

    I know that. Have you actually seen my posts in this thread? I'm not exactly thrilled with Stalker mode. I guess I'll try to deal with it if it ever got implemented despite protest, but doesn't mean I will like it.


    2 minutes ago, WrathAscending said:

    And please, spare me the arguments about PVP players being "more skilled" at the game. I've seen people using high-level Conclave skins, syandanas, and Sigils getting roflstomped by normal bosses, much less more complex ones like Kela or Sortie-level opponents. The skill sets are different, not superior.

    Yeah, indeed. PvP-centric gameplay is far different from PvE gameplay. Unfortunately, Stalker mode will cater more to that PvP gameplay.

  3. 15 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    What makes you think you "have" to go in with a team? People go into sorties alone they can handle Stalker alone.

    They can handle AI Stalker. Have you seen some of the Conclave veterans that some people call "headshotting rabbits on crack"? Because I saw you say that you limit your Conclave experience among friends. This mode as is, won't have that limitation.


    15 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    They won't, because its purpose is to make Stalker be an actual threat again via player interaction since his AI counterpart is only "fearful" when you're leaving a full loadout or your warframe isn't a tank.

    Yes, Stalker could use to become a fearful figure. What makes you think Player interaction will makes him to be feared instead of just being hated?


    15 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    There's very little difference in the outcome. It dies because you have an ally with poor awareness or it dies because you got that less than 1% roll of an &#! assaulting it, yet leaving himself open to be hit by you and your allies who must also be brain dead to idly standby and let the objective die.

    Do you know what the Standard Stalker have in his disposal? His abilities? As I said, Player Stalker will be Hyper agile. Conclave veterans can bullet-jump and get head-shots like no tomorrow. Now add to that Stalker's abilites: Pull, Teleport, Absorb, Reckoning, Dispel, all with unlimited energy. You think you can deal with that? AI Stalker just walk or run to you. Player Stalker won't give you that luxury.


    Also, you can edit and pick what you're quoting. instead of typing in the quote box.

  4. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    You're defending an objective. Defend the objective by killing the stalker in your advantageous 4 v 1 scenario unless you're a solo player then you should be worth 4 people by default by relying on yourself more than others.

    Full team or bust? Now we HAVE to go in full team in EVERY defense mission or risk getting screwed over?


    5 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    Please tell me a time when there wasn't toxicity and hositlity thrown around in Warframe. I've had so many encounters of such but they all came from bandwagon players who run to the next broken and braindead thing. (Post-rework, pre-nerf Excalibur then into Mirage + Synoid Simulor or Tonkor for the longest time the into whatever the current one is).

    And you do know what happened to those broken things, right? Get nerfed or changed to incite massive influx of threads complaining about it. How do you think they will nerf or change Stalker mode?


    8 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    Then you would have to make it so that the AI variant couldn't interact with objectives, and for the last 3 years he's been able to do exactly that if a player also intended to troll by allowing said objective to die by putting it between himself and Stalker and then laughing home about it.

    Because there's a difference between letting your objective getting caught by the crossfire of the brain-dead AI Stalker getting to you; and a malicious, hyper-agile Stalker deliberately targeting the defense objective. Again, trolling teammates can be reported. Should Stalker Players as well?


    12 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    Also, recall to Prime Time of Rebecca stating "I'm gonna try and kill your objective". She shot at it how many times and that was just to take down the shield at wave 1? I don't see it being that big an issue because it looks like the damage is already catered to make it a fruitless effort to assault objectives, but still able to 1 shot a capture target which you wouldn't do as the stalker because it helps your mark.

    Now this part I can live with, because it essentially mean the Stalker can't interfere with the objective anyway. Hitting a constant teleporting Stalker would be a hassle, but if the Stalker can't sabotage the objective anyway...

  5. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    The Stalker's objective is to literally encroach on your mission and sabotage your progress, aka killing you. And you have to bring into account what level he's spawning at (I'm pretty sure they won't let us spawn into a level 30 mission as a level 100 stalker like the AI variant can if you continue killing him before forcing his level reset) vs the mission level.

    And you can literally counter troll/grief the Stalker player by being just as bad and making them regret to chase you from the beginning.

    I have two things to say to that:

    1. What happens when the target is defending a Defense target / Mob Def terminal? Move the defense target? When the target became harder to get, the Stalker Player would most likely go for another way to sabotage the mission.

    2. You're countering trolling with another trolling. Toxicity and hostility thrown left and right. The Forum would be littered with more hostile thread. Not exactly good for the health of this game and this community.

    If the Stalker Player have no way to interfere with the Objective in any way, then I'm kinda okay with it. Another would be the opt-in feature.

  6. 1 minute ago, -YoRHa- said:

    I don't think the Stalker does. It's something to find out, but if the Stalker does DE can just disable it for the Stalker.

    That's kinda good, because that means the Stalker Player can't taunt or badmouth the invaded squad (< Well, doing this is just asking to get reported).

    So in general, the only difference between AI-controlled and Player-controlled Stalker is how they move.

  7. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    And you try to throw shade at the people willing to see how the mode is but want to shut it down yourself because of the maybe 0.001% chance of running into someone who wants to sabotage (which is literally his objective anyways via killing you) your mission which they would've done otherwise by being a bad teammate you would've complained about as well?

    Griefing and trolling teammates can be reported and potentially banned temporarily. Will Player Stalker that ignore the target also subject to the same treatment?

  8. I want to ask a question before going in further: Does the "Stalker Player" have access to the invaded squad chat? As in, can he type and post messages in the squad chat shortly before, during, and after the invasion? This could mean the biggest difference between AI Stalker and Player Stalker besides their debatable "competence".

  9. I almost have no reason to use it, since the Frames I use are better off using other Auras. I only use it when my teammates ask me to.

    I use what Aura matches the default polarity of that Frame, and even if it's a Naramon Polarity, I still find it more useful to use Energy Siphon instead of Corrosive Projection. Why only make the enemies a little easier to kill when you can just use an ability and neutralize their threat altogether and then kills them with impunity?

    Besides, Corrosive Projection is only useful on Grineer. Limited use against Corpus (Only Oxium Ospreys, Bursas, or bosses) or very situational against Infested (when they got the Swarm Mutalist Buff).

  10. 8 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    These kinds of thread still pop up, huh? XD

    H E Y K I D D O

    Well, it's only been two weeks. There are still some people who might just played Chains of Harrow last night.

    It's still amusing to see, so no harm done, right?

  11. So Axi fissure will be endless only? How about no thanks. There are still people who prefer non-endless missions or just want to make a quick run with their Axi relics. You're basically robbing them of that just for your own nostalgia.

  12. This honestly sounds alike a novel idea that has no bearing to gameplay or lore, so I'm fine either way.

    If you're wanting this just for s**t and giggles, I'm okay as long as it doesn't take too much production time.

    If you're just concerned about the travel time, don't be. We'll have our Archwing for that.

  13. 54 minutes ago, JalakBali said:

    Stalker should be dev only. Meaning only devs should play Stalker. And when we kill the dev playing the Stalker you get to see which dev was playing him. I think players would hang trophies based on how many times they killed DE_Steve.

    Now this could be amusing.

  14. 2 hours ago, Kerberos-3 said:

    ... and Nidus(is literally a walking mass of Infested tissue, probably another Warframe corrupted by the Infested much like the Djinn Sentinel).

    Remember that even in the Glast Gambit quest, the Nidus Blueprint is called "an Old War Relic", meaning Nidus already existed even in the Orokin era.

  15. If I remember correctly it's counted for each enemy individually. So if one enemy has 3 status, it will apply the bonus for 3 status. Of one enemy has 1 status, it will apply the bonus for 1 status. Spreading the status to a group of enemy will not help since it is counted per enemy units


    Side note, I think you're in the wrong subforum for this. This should be in Players helping players or General discussion.



  16. 30 minutes ago, MrMythic said:

    Lotus mentioned in the second dream (I think) that she took that form because it was familiar to the Tenno, but the actual Margulis was executed before then.

    Hm, can you show me a link for this. How come I don't remember this part? Video link or quote link, any would do.

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