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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 35 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

    How about just combined the two Statue/4k Endo into a Filled Ayatan Anasa.

    Then the single Anasa statue would be back to being worthless, like back when it's just 2k Endo.

    27 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    I think having a new Ayatan sculpure worth 4k when empty and more when full would be better :3

    This idea I'm okay with.

  2. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)ilekillya said:

    and the point is I want to I worked for it and it is not paying for the work to do it.

    Then go ahead and use it. There's no one forcing you to use maxed or un-maxed. You already said you know efficiency is capped, so why do you bother? You expect the dev to change something to "honor" you and your effort alone?

  3. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)ilekillya said:

    As I said there is no reason to max out a streamline and I all so said do not say efficiency is capped at 175%. it makes no sense on any build and would only apply to the codex to max a streamline. we are wasting 2 point's for no apparent reason and having to forma for the sake of a maxed streamline that serves no purpose other than fashion that no one can see. (mr23 with bronze skull badge). it blatantly need's a fix. 

    Because that is already the hard truth, no getting around it.

    Also, maxed Streamline still have some use, when you either use Blind Rage (as(PS4)ExcessiveSteeze mentioned) or when you don't use Fleeting Expertise.

  4. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    akZarr and I'm sold!!! Double Pirate Cannon Barrage!!!!


    ...baboombadabadaboom... badaboomboombadoom..badoom...lol ain't we some fun-lovin' idiots.


    Why hold back? Go all the way with all the guns!



    And we're getting sidetracked from OP...

  5. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Screw it.  Let's tear a hole in reality and give 'em Akimbo Tigris Prime and observe the physics-bending reload.

    I don't think we are ready for that much firepower...

  6. 7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    Dude, it's not a "puppy grinder". They are sent to the Lotus and she takes care of them. Honestly a "puppy grinder" really?! That's awful.

    I think it's a shout out to this crazy artwork:



  7. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

    1 upvote = 1 but for Zephyr

    Everyday a Zephyr Warframe is neglected and abused. Every upvote goes to support the Zephyr species.

    I had to upvote this just for the sheer hilarity of the joke. Nice one.


    My vote still on Zephyr, just to make sure the rework comes.

  8. Just now, O.O_ said:

    I can... but what about those who have to life with way lower prices for their vaulted sets? What about that angle?

    Which means those who haven't got it can get it more easier. Sound more like a pro to me. Those who are selling are most likely have one for themselves already, so that means is their greed is the one not being satisfied, not their need.

  9. 2 minutes ago, O.O_ said:

    Nope, I'm not saying that you never had to farm for relics, they don't just materialize out of thin air, you know? I'm just saying you most likely already had the required keys by just actively playing the game.

    Relics are more like - You want a newly released prime whatever? Go farm the required relic. You failed? Go relic farming again.... and so on.

    You can't see it at another angle? How about if we compare with Vaulted Primes?

    With the old void, the time limit to farm the Primes are when they are in rotation. When the vault announcement came out, you need to farm it like a maniac. Because once the vaulting happens, either you have it already, let it go completely, or shell out some plat in trading.

    With the Relics, the time limit extended massively. Even in months after it is vaulted, you can still farm it at your leisure. Vaulting announced? Just need to farm the Relic and then you can crack it at your leisure. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, GoHardLikeNiksyn said:

    Basically this. I imagine how Itzal would perform in this world too. I mean like almost a kilometer passed just for 1 button-click, Also his 3rd would suck almost all enemies in your FoV so that would kinda suck if we could oblireate everything. We need action, but not like this.

    We can also add Amesha to that. Her 4 is basically invulnerability when you're not full on energy. Couple it with channeling abilities and the entire team could go invincible.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Newnight said:

    Clearly he is preparing for melee self damage :3

    The city was f-ed over by nature itself, I'm not so sure I would look forward to that.

    Oh wait, some of the biggest threat to our Warframe is the map hazard, such as the radiation bubbles and the poison cloud in the Sealab... carry on then.


    On topic, I would most likely name my weapons standard names, such as Serrated Sword or Curved Sword.

    I'm the guy who name his Kubrow "Dog", what do you want from me?

  12. 2 minutes ago, rotimix3 said:

    Can someone give me an answer that is helpful please? I know what warframe is, and I know how to play a game how I want to. this thread was asking players what has changed and what is currently the most popular way to play the game and what i should invest time in since I haven't played in almost 2-3 years but I guess you didn't have enough brain cells to comprehend that. 

    Well, a lot of things have changed since update 13, so listing them one by one is too much for just one post, but here are some of the big ones (I think):

    - Star Chart 3.0: As you can see, your navigation has changed. Line of progression has been made more clear. There are also "Junctions", small gates with challenges needed to unlock them. I suggest clearing those as your first priority.

    - Second Dream and War Within Quest: The two biggest game changer quest to date. Would recommend clearing these fast, but you should be doing it anyway when you complete the Junctions.

    - New Frames: Do I really need to elaborate on this? You can see what Warframes you've never seen before in the market.

    Meta gameplay have shifted left and right lately, since DE made some balancing on a lot of weapons. Tonkor and Synoid Simulor was the meta weapons before, but recent balance pass do away with that.


    9 minutes ago, rotimix3 said:

    What happened to Oberon? How strong is he now? what can he do?

    A lot of things. His Renewal is now a constant high-rate healing provided you have the energy, Reckoning can strip armor permanently, and Hallowed Ground has been made larger and able to give Radiation Proc.

  13. 2 hours ago, GDSK-NXS said:

    Finally a reason to have sniper rifles. They will actually matter, if only a little bit more than before.

    And a small reason to use those +zoom mods/Riven.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    What the hell ever happened to to the "no more than 2 of the same drop" thing they talked about?... in like February?.. it cannot be more than a few hours of work for a pro to implement that. It's been months.

    I remembered they said something along "no more 2k endo three (or two) times in a row", but why do I get the feeling that is removed with the introduction of the Anasa....

  15. 3 minutes ago, FSH37 said:

    Yeah the thing is this thing isn't too bad. It just makes me waste a few energy packs. |:\

    Which well, I am only using so that I can do a bunch of stealth kills to rank weapons.

    Understandable. Let's try pinging one of the devs who can help. It would also help to have a video recording of the situation and maybe an EE.log (not sure where to find this)

    @[DE]Saske Can this get looked at?

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