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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 1 minute ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    "97 pages" argument is redundant, this page alone is mostly covered by me and mr flapvjack and i am sure several are just like this, you'd have probably 600 ppl at most complaining (which i seriously doubt) out of a pool of 22k that were online today, if there were a poll with "aye reduce the cost" and "ney bugger off" and you'd have at the very least 10k voting for aye then be sure DE would see and reduce the cost, otherwise it's a mute point, not only you don't have the manpower but you don't even have the right argument.

    Suit yourself. I've browsed through the thread weeks ago, and I've seen a lot of people wanting the cost to be reduced, and about 5-10 people arguing that the cost shouldn't be reduced. We got 22k online right now and didn't say anything, my guess it's because they don't want to bother. But, you do what you want. It is your time.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    that would be really hard, if you know how that data is processed you'd know that it would literally mean digging trough each and every clan that bought it manually, the current active player base is i think 20-30k per day, more than half of them will already have the hema and/or will be in a clan with the hema research...

    Some of those Hema could have been gotten from here:


    10 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    "some, if not a lot, of the people here says that they already finished the research and still want to see the cost reduced." i have not seen that sorry, on the contrary...

    Then try to browse through this very thread. I know, 97 pages can be daunting, but try to skim through what you can.

  3. 9 hours ago, AzureFang1 said:



      Reveal hidden contents

    Complete "The War Within" and you'll get more than just a death beam.


    Already finished War Within. The powers we got, pale in comparison to the death beam in the Second Dream that can melt Sentients in just a few seconds.


    Ordis suddenly joining us in battle does sound pretty funny and awesome. I'm in as well.


    6 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    In all seriousness though, I'm tempted to make a focus tree based not only on the Companion polarity, but on the Fusion Core polarity as well.

    That raises some questions as well. How does the focus school works? Each time you activate it, your mods on your Warframe and weapons doubled temporarily? (For example, you got Intensify. +30% Power Strength. Activate the focus, and you got +60% Power Strength)

    On further look, this would be so freaking OP. Maybe just a slight increase.

  4. 5 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

    Sorry to be so blunt but what's the rush then? If the average of your clan is MR10 aren't there a lot of stuff to do first?

    Yeah, I don't expect it to be finished in short notice. Never did. I already expected it to be finished in 2037.


    3 hours ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    Here is the thing: some/most clans already researched the hema, some at a very high cost so decreasing the price or increasing the drop would be a slap in their face.

     That's DE reasoning as well for not decreasing the cost. And guess what? Some, if not a lot, of the people here says that they already finished the research and still want to see the cost reduced.

  5. On 4/22/2017 at 10:11 PM, KIREEK said:

    mutagen samples are found in many places, but a derelict mission is the most effective, aren't your clan members doing vault runs, boss runs, unique parts in survivals or defenses, scaning kavats, scaning cephalon fragments?

    Most likely yes.

    Vault runs: I've seen them doing vault runs from time to time. Perhaps some of them even before they joined the clan.

    Boss runs: The only boss in Derelict is the Lephantis. After you got Nekros and all the mod drop, then what?

    Unique parts in Survival and defenses: Only Octavia Neuroptics and Mutalist Coordinates that is unique there. There's a chance to get Octavia's part on the first run, and Mutalist Coord can be gotten from Invasion as well. Again, what's next?

    Scanning Kavat: Drop rates beyond horrible, available from alerts in packs of 5. Even then I managed to get about 10 by scanning.

    Cephalon Fragments: That only takes 15 runs, tops.

    All of the above can be done without Boosters. Some at the same time. So, would most likely net 100-200 Samples, tops, after all done.


    On 4/22/2017 at 10:11 PM, KIREEK said:

    I'm pretty sure if you wait a week or 2 and check the kills of the members contantly, you will find a few that don't have a single kill during that time, no they are not being casual, they are simply not playing, casual means they contribute even if it's just 10x less than you.

    By casuals, I mean only playing maybe 1-2 times a month. I'm not a megalomaniac that if they don't give anything to the clan in each week they will be kicked out. Like I said before, some of them may not even want to bother with Hema specifically. But you do you. Remind me to not join your clan next time.


    On 4/22/2017 at 11:57 PM, Monolake said:

    Just do HIve caches and infested spy missions!



    Know that. Far too small for the time and hassle doing it. Already got the 2 Dual-Stat electric mods (High Voltage and Shell Shock) three times, don't know how many Firestorm mods, and maybe got 25-45 Mutagen Sample to show for it. Could be a nice alternative.

  6. 1 hour ago, KIREEK said:

    I would had downgraded, just kick the inactive or the wortless players (you can easily check activity by asking them something to be done and then checking if they do it or not and you can check weekly kills, i'm pretty sure you can find 11 players to kick, then downgrade, research and then see if you can find 20 that can contribute for the future of the clan, you and 2 other recruiters can work on it.

    The only problem is that despite players loggin in, many think that clans are just a place for research, i can barely find 9 that are loyal and interested in warframe and i even have several roadblocks or filters to make sure the player entering isn't something you find on the "discount shelf", it's impossible for moon clans to have recruited 990 average players, those are not players, they are a liability and moon clans often prefer keeping them than to actually kick half the clan.

    Same with you, why not kick half the clan, they aren't even making any contributions and i'm sure some likely have derelicts enabled.

    So, you're suggesting that casuals and and barely actives should never have a clan? Those that are less-than-hardcore farmers should never got access to any clan research? Screw new players and casual for wanting to get access, huh?

    To your last point, my clan members still contribute. Pigments, Tenora. Just not Hema.

  7. 5 hours ago, KYLoooo said:

    Hema Salt is still a thing?

    No, the salt has mostly subsided. Al there is left is Hema Scar, since there are people a lot of people here who already farmed the thing and still didn't think it was worth it.

    5 hours ago, KIREEK said:

    What are your 100 officers doing in your clan, aren't they like supposed to recruit 10 members each?

    Please don't tell me that this is one of those moon clans who acts like previous tiers clans and recruit just about any fish they find.

    Clans that display little effort in managing what they have or display little effort in griding, face the dilema as a result, no you do not represent 1000 members.

    100 officers? I'm in a Shadow Clan, with over half if not most of my clan members at MR 10 or below. Currently at 21 capacity, so no dice for downgrading. Unfortunately, most, if not all, can't farm it or not even bothering. So, I'm stuck as the only member contributing 10.4k left of it. You want to join and help if you think everything is hunky-dory?

  8. 8 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

    Solutions, preventions, changes to clan?
    I don't feel like putting so much effort and contributing so much since I doubt DE even bother considering them. 

    I can understand that. We already presented numerous idea and suggestions, but seemed ignored.

    At the moment, I'm out of ideas, so I got nothing to contribute. Repeating the same solutions and problem, ad nauseum, as some people said, get tiresome and boring fast.

  9. 1 hour ago, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

    @Gamma745 @---RV---Maniac I don't see people giving for free rhino prime sets, so the love of the community does have a cap,  why ignis wraith gotta be different?

    Well, a few difference:

    - Rhino Prime set, or any other Prime set, need to be collected one by one. Even when you have the relic, or got it beforehand, the supply will still be limited. Ignis Wraith, with just a few Dark Sector Run, can be made by the associated clan in piles of tens within just a few minutes.

    - Prime set need to be farmed with a limited key / relic, while Ignis Wraith can be duplicated endlessly with just Credits.

    Event weapons have always been available on a later date. Ignis Wraith made available to trading. My question would be, why other event weapons can be farmed eventually and Ignis Wraith have to be Platinum locked?

  10. 43 minutes ago, RaiuLyn said:

    Warframe community was considered one of the best that's friendly, helpful and more forgiving to everyone they meet. The time that jokes like the pink shorts, Greedy milk and potatoes came into existence. Design Council actually meant something. And lastly, playing a game that was considered stable. The time where people were genuinely having fun and pretend to be space ninjas, yelling how RNG was unfair in the process.

    Ah... The good old days....

    Off topic a bit, but can I ask for an explanation of the pink short meme? I know of Greedy milk (from Gradivus Dillema) and potatoes, but I never actually knew of this until the Glyph is even out.

  11. 55 minutes ago, Crawd127 said:

    I'll throw my opinion just to point out some wierd logic with DE.

    - People invested a lot in their Tonkor because they liked the weapon and took the time to do so. Result: DE nerfed it without respecting people who invested into their Tonkor.

    - People invested a lot to get the ressources to research the Hema and took the time to do so. Result: DE wants to respect those who invested into the research.

    Hema was an outlier even compared to decision before and after it, so comparing any changes to it is worthless. Did you know anything about Viver, Draco, Synoid Gammacor, Excal's Radial Javelin changes? And that's just what I can remember.

  12. 1 hour ago, Beggining said:

    What I'm more concerned about is if the Corpus will get shield-gating as well, and if they do, if it will make bows and snipers less viable for them (since you can't one-shot them anymore).

    That's the thing. I surely hope that Shield-gating only applied to us and not to the enemies.

  13. On 4/15/2017 at 11:38 PM, Navarchus said:

    -Companions and Companion Accessories-

    • Prisma Kubrow Fur

    A shiny and glowing Kubrow? That is both hilarious and awesome. I can't believe I actually want to see this.


    On topic, don't have much thought on anything I want, but more Primed elemental mods are always good (Primed Charged Shell and Primed Fever Strike? Yes please).

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