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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 4 hours ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

    Why not 9000 Fieldron Samples cost (ghost clan)?

    Dude, do not even try to go there.


    4 hours ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

    Also why you trying to sell us Nef's beard?

    That's because Nef bribed DE to sell his bling. When we actually got to fight him, Nef will use a guilt tactic saying that he makes us fabulous.

  2. 5 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

    33 every 2 days means 99 each week, so around 10 weeks for a clan with 50% casual player base, I see nothing wrong with that. Do you want it faster, go hardcore, do you want to stay casual get used to casual timetables.

    That is still dedicated farming, since you have to play Endless Derelict at least once everyday to make it count. Casual players have a lot of other things to worry about when they actually play: Fissures, Kuva Siphons, Syndicate missions, just goofing off. They won't dedicate something just for Mutagen Samples. Some people may only play 1-2 times a week, those times not necessarily in the Derelicts.

    So, the calculation could go like this: Each Derelict run net around 20 Samples for a 40-min run, but not everyone can do that. So, 20-min run, which net 10 samples.

    50% casual player base, which means each player need 1000 Samples

    Derelicts are only gone to maybe once a month, so to get the player required quota, that could mean 100 months.

    If at once a week: 100 weeks = 25 months.

    That is the Casual timetable you're talking about.


    5 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

    Why would they be? If you want smaller clans why not go all the way and ask for no clans at all? And while at that no research cost, hell, let's ask for everything out of the cryopod.

    No, Everything on this game does require some effort. But the major difference is that everything else can be farmed semi-passively. The Rare resources may require a little hunting. Then why does this require going to a loot cave with a loot frame with loot boosters to make any reasonable progress?

  3. 1 hour ago, zzzNitro said:

    ALright, it's time to stop, DE makes money off of WF just like any other studio, HUGE difference tho, there's no P2W content, you can rush stuff and buy them earlier but a grindwall is not a punishment nor a mechanism to force you to buy.

    If X clan has a casual playerbase X clan shouldn't expect the same results as Y clan who's in the same tier but has a primarily active playerbase. 5000 mutagen mass per player is a lot, but it has never been required to get every research right of the oven. That we are accustomed to do that shows that research cost are low and not the other way around.

    Please stop victimizing over a perceived punishment. 

    I'm not saying DE is Pay2Win developer. Far from it. Almost everything (bar Hema) can be gotten by any solo player with just some patience and effort from the corresponding player. What I said is SOME PEOPLE said so, and it's kinda hard to argue when they point at Hema. I could argue to them that Hema is optional, but they could also say that future content could be just as grindy, which I can't promise it won't.

    Yes, a casual clan shouldn't expect same results as a hardcore clan. But that doesn't excuse barring them completely like this.

    Every research before was made in consideration of solo clans, who find it hard to get people to join him/her. But like you said, Hema punished solo players, who before can make some effort.

    Why does DE, or at least, you people, always saying to either get a full clan or rot away? A clan is supposed to be a way to gather, a clear way for new players to be guided by the veterans or for like-minded players to easily get a team. But with you people advocating to either get a full clan or slave away for months, Clans would find it hard to welcome casual who can't play everyday and new players who most likely can't contribute anything for a while.

    If what you people wanted is for those solo clans to converge, to combine into several moderately-sized clans, then why can't we get a tool to see what clans are available in-game? Right now there's zero ways to know of any clans unless the members advertise them directly.

  4. 13 minutes ago, LycanPT said:

    You describe a problem that doesn't apply to all comunity, that kind of douchery is an exception and we don't make rules based on exceptions. My clan never took plat fees, and there is also the problems on players that only get into a clan to get the BP's, everytime I am recruiting if their first question is like "Do you have all research?" I just tell them right away "Sorry you are not the kind of person we are looking for", what does this showcase? you always have an option of casting and it is the same way around, if I was on the other end and the clan which I took interest in recruit chat came with stuff like plat contributions I would just say: "I'm sorry you're not the kind of clan I am looking for". So don't blame it on Hema

    Fair points.


    1 minute ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Plat fees? Nothing new, people have been doing that forever to ensure you either stay or pay for being a leech... Or just leeching off stupid noobs.


    As for inviting then kicking people, sounds scummy but again nothing new, there will always be S#&$ty leeches. It's why I have to play with and get to know people from the clan I'm joining before I jump on board.

    Seriously? That happened already since long time ago? I know some parts of the Warframe community is toxic, but not to this extent and duration.


    3 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Requirements for donations? Le'gasp!? Clan members needing to actually be clan members!?

    My problem is not asking for members for donation, but some clans setting a bar which may require the player to farm daily. But I suppose that could be attributed to the toxic minority.

  5. Just now, LycanPT said:

    We have a feature for that called Friendlist, a clan is about teaming with other players to pursue the same goal, and Hema did exactly that and I hope kingpin also does that, DE is finally giving a meaning to be in a clan other than get research BP's and disappear for months

    Um, sorry to say, but I heard that Hema doesn't push people towards the same goal. I heard a lot of negative reactions, such as mass kicking or even exploiting members, Plat fees for Clan membership (this one is just wrong), mandatory daily or weekly resource tribute or being kicked out, even inviting someone to join a clan for the resource before kicking them out after they gave their share. I agree that Clan suppose to be about groups of people with the same goal, but Hema failed at that.

    I'm excited about the Kingpin system, still. I would like to see how that plays out.

  6. 18 minutes ago, WindigoTP said:

    The question was answered on Day 1: they consider it very effective due to its vampiric properties. Case closed.

    Who is "they"? DE? Other players? If it's DE, I like to see a link to them saying that. If it's other players, I've seen multitude of people saying it's not worth it.


    18 minutes ago, WindigoTP said:

    "Clan" as in "Many people", as in "Social", as in "Talk to people, make friends and do it together".

    Yes, that argument has been said many times over. To that I asked, what makes you think everyone is active everyday? What of casuals, who only plays maybe 2-3 times a month? What if your in a clan with close friends who hardly plays?

  7. 19 minutes ago, WindigoTP said:

    I mean, imagine if there was a videogame where you would need to do a certain actions to achieve a certain result,

    This isn't a certain action for a certain result. It's a big time sink for a certain result. Major difference.


    19 minutes ago, WindigoTP said:

    where you culd use specific tools provided by the game to do something more effectively

    Yes, more efficiently. That doesn't mean people have to use it, right? They wanted to use it, more power to them. People wanted to not use it, why ridicule them?


    19 minutes ago, WindigoTP said:

    where you would need to play and not get everything for just registering an account.

    We already have. This game right here, Warframe. 100% of it's content require playing the game.


    19 minutes ago, WindigoTP said:

    Why would one need a single piece of gear out of hundreds no later than yesterday anyway? Especially if they are here to stay for some time.

    Yes, we don't. Hema is here to stay, and we are free to work towards it for as long as we like. Though, questions does arise. Why does this thing require that many months of effort while about 99% of other stuff only takes a few days? Is it OP? Gamebreaking?

    Another thing to consider: This is a Clan Research. That means there's a small possibility that a new research would require Hema as the requisite. With Hema still unfinished, the new gear will be unavailable, not even able to put any small effort towards it.

  8. On 4/22/2017 at 5:55 PM, NinjaZeku said:

    Why change letters? Imagine this takes place in a bedroom:

    Streamlined Form
    Spry Sights
    Fatal Attraction
    Apex Predator
    Fired Up
    Animal Instinct
    Blood Rush
    Heated Charge
    Full Contact
    Momentary Pause
    Soft Hands
    Natural Talent
    Pressure Point
    Fast Hands
    Sinister Reach
    Shocking Touch
    Relentless Combination
    Lightning Rod
    Tactical Pump
    Heavy Caliber
    Loaded Capacity
    Enhanced Durability
    Agile Aim
    Sure Footed
    Hyperion Thrusters
    Heavy Impact
    Primed Vigor
    Undying Will
    Terminal Velocity
    Bright Purity
    Expel Grineer
    Expel Corpus
    Scattered Justice
    Cleanse Grineer
    Cleanse Corpus
    Warm Coat
    Loyal Companion


      Reveal hidden contents

    Secondary Wind


    You know, reading this just reinforce the statement I heard long ago: "Anything can be lewd if you think it's lewd".

  9. 6 minutes ago, WindigoTP said:

    Again, 4 (F-O-U-R) months. Farm a bit here, farm a bit there.

    People burn out because of their poor time management. Whether they're doing one thing exclusively, or playing it 24/7.

    People for some reason want 2 things: a) everything and b) NOW. While knowing that they intend to play the game for a long time.

    Farm here, farm there, use one loadout, use another loadaout, and then, magically, you eventually get different things, and don't get sick of doing the exact same stuff over and over.

    Your suggestion would be, spread out the time to farm in the Derelict, yes? Once or twice in the Derelict, then move on to other places to have fun. Let's see that:

    One normal run without any boosters, without any farmer Frame, could yield about 40 Samples in a 40-min run. (Don't get me started on "Why you don't take booster or Nekros". I could easily ask back: Why I HAVE TO take them? I can still use my other Frame to have fun as well while farming).

    40 samples each day, 40x30 = 1200 each month. That's IF they play Derelict Survival or Defense everyday. If not, the time could rise significantly, especially so if they don't particularly enjoy being in the Derelict.

    4 months with that hopeful number, net 4800 Samples. Still less than the number needed for a Ghost Clan.

    So, even with running Derelict once everyday, it still took more than 4 months.

  10. 2 hours ago, WindigoTP said:

    Learn to sample. 5k with 3 people it's, like, about six 40-min runs of ODS.

    Let's see, according to your math: 5k for 3 people, about 1.7k each person.

    six runs for 1.7k: each runs need to yield 277.7 Samples for a 40 min run.

    Yeah, you were using double resource booster with a full team of Nekros and Pilfdroid.


    My experience, a normal solo 20-min run in ODS net me 20 Mutagen. Far different than your number. 

  11. 13 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

    If that's the case why bother with this thread?

    Few reasons.

    1. I want the research to be finished.

    2. This became a worrying trend of massive grind from DE. People have already complained about Sibear and Knux, but that still slightly tolerable. This is even worse. If a new stuff that require even more ridiculous grind appeared, it could mean more problems.

    3. The possibility of a new research that is locked behind Hema is not 0%. That would mean locking out the clans who haven't finished it behind a paywall.

    4. This issue has become a dividing ground on how to see DE as a developer. Before, Warframe still has grind, but it was reasonable enough for any player to put some effort. Now, as many people have pointed out, Hema became a mark that new content might require massive amount of time sinked into the game, and that has made people think DE became like other Pay2Win developers and leave the game.

    Personally, I still want to have hope for DE, that they still know what has happened, that they still has the best intention in mind. That is why I'm still here.

  12. Scary alright, but accurate, like this little entry from TvTropes:

    One moment, you're an ordinary Grineer grunt, going about your boring daily life. The next, out of nowhere, you're fighting for your life against a group of highly-armed, highly-mobile, utterly implacable killers. They never bleed, never retreat, and never stop. They don't even vocalize when you blast them point-blank with a shotgun. Blow them up with a rocket launcher? You just made them focus on you instead. Hose them down with an LMG? You're just wasting your ammo. Summon your buddies to help you fight them? They're all dead by the time you're reaching for that panic button on the console, and you can already hear footsteps behind you. It doesn't matter how many of your allies came to help you, either, because even the best you have isn't going to be enough for this. To top it all off, this scenario can happen to you, anywhere, any time - even your leaders are not safe.

  13. 1 minute ago, .Sadness said:

    Well, if it will has 3 parts and BP like the others, why not having it?

    Okay, I'm confused with what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that you're okay if the Prime version only need three parts? Or saying that the Prime is easier to get than the normal one because of it?

  14. 15 minutes ago, .Sadness said:

    First of all it's he, or she, I don't know a transexual frame, although I was frustrated enough to craft this guy it took me over a week, he has so many parts that I assume you could'nt even imagine, so having a primed frame like that would be not even at the line of "normal"/

    Actually, I remembered DE said that Equinox is female.

    To the topic, that concept looks neat. Can't say much else though, not exactly a good art critic.


    To people having nightmares about her potential Prime farm, hopefully when her Prime is actually released, it will only have four parts: Fully-built Day Form, fully built Night-Form, some kind of link, and the main Bp. (Just ideas, I'm not from DE after all.)

  15. It's a nice touch alright.

    15 minutes ago, Duckboy3825 said:

    The Worm Queen then said something about "Get this infested sacat off my fortress or else you're going into the meat grinder."

    So that's where the "Infested Sacat" phrase we kept hearing on the Pacifism Defect event came from. It's from the Queens.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    well there you go, if people don't bother it means it's not a problem, if it were you would have seen riots, massacres, nukes and so on

    I don't support death and pressure threats, that would just make things far more ugly than it needs to be.

    This problem started months ago. There's also the possibility that they don't like it, but have already given up. But to know that, we need to ask them directly.

  17. 1 minute ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    "97 pages" argument is redundant, this page alone is mostly covered by me and mr flapvjack and i am sure several are just like this, you'd have probably 600 ppl at most complaining (which i seriously doubt) out of a pool of 22k that were online today, if there were a poll with "aye reduce the cost" and "ney bugger off" and you'd have at the very least 10k voting for aye then be sure DE would see and reduce the cost, otherwise it's a mute point, not only you don't have the manpower but you don't even have the right argument.

    Suit yourself. I've browsed through the thread weeks ago, and I've seen a lot of people wanting the cost to be reduced, and about 5-10 people arguing that the cost shouldn't be reduced. We got 22k online right now and didn't say anything, my guess it's because they don't want to bother. But, you do what you want. It is your time.

  18. 8 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    that would be really hard, if you know how that data is processed you'd know that it would literally mean digging trough each and every clan that bought it manually, the current active player base is i think 20-30k per day, more than half of them will already have the hema and/or will be in a clan with the hema research...

    Some of those Hema could have been gotten from here:


    10 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    "some, if not a lot, of the people here says that they already finished the research and still want to see the cost reduced." i have not seen that sorry, on the contrary...

    Then try to browse through this very thread. I know, 97 pages can be daunting, but try to skim through what you can.

  19. 9 hours ago, AzureFang1 said:



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    Complete "The War Within" and you'll get more than just a death beam.


    Already finished War Within. The powers we got, pale in comparison to the death beam in the Second Dream that can melt Sentients in just a few seconds.


    Ordis suddenly joining us in battle does sound pretty funny and awesome. I'm in as well.


    6 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    In all seriousness though, I'm tempted to make a focus tree based not only on the Companion polarity, but on the Fusion Core polarity as well.

    That raises some questions as well. How does the focus school works? Each time you activate it, your mods on your Warframe and weapons doubled temporarily? (For example, you got Intensify. +30% Power Strength. Activate the focus, and you got +60% Power Strength)

    On further look, this would be so freaking OP. Maybe just a slight increase.

  20. 5 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

    Sorry to be so blunt but what's the rush then? If the average of your clan is MR10 aren't there a lot of stuff to do first?

    Yeah, I don't expect it to be finished in short notice. Never did. I already expected it to be finished in 2037.


    3 hours ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

    Here is the thing: some/most clans already researched the hema, some at a very high cost so decreasing the price or increasing the drop would be a slap in their face.

     That's DE reasoning as well for not decreasing the cost. And guess what? Some, if not a lot, of the people here says that they already finished the research and still want to see the cost reduced.

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