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Posts posted by Fabpsi

  1. Hi there @Digressive ^-^
    Again, awesome work and still thank you a lot for putting it all in 1 place.
    However, why another thread about it? This is basically the same as your other thread (that other thread got a reply from DERebecca in it too), even with the same google-doc if you click on the link.

    Maybe I am missing something, but 2 threads about the same thing seem a little bit strange^^'
    Still, thanks for the effort ❤️ 


    • Like 1
  2. Hi there @(XB1)Ghanji5963

    If you go to the main warframe.com website, under Community -> Warframe Volunteers you can find a few more information about Chat-Moderators/Volunteers. If you have issues with moderation, make a support ticket to report them by providing valid information/evidence/whatnot.
    As a sidenote: Do not name&shame, since this is against the rules. (just edit your textblock accordingly)
    Here the 2 very helpful links:
    Oh and:

    vor 1 Stunde schrieb (XB1)Ghanji5963:

     fix it or we the community will. 

    This sounds like a)  a threat. and b) something you can't do imo.
    You are not the complete community. Sorry to say that to you. 

    Oh and and:

    vor 1 Stunde schrieb (XB1)Ghanji5963:

    As far as I’m concerned DE and it’s moderators are exploiting chat. Prove me wrong

    by that logic: Prove to me that you are right, right?
    Please, provide a case were you saw everything that happened. Not something you have "heard from a friend" or "read about on reddit" or "saw a youtube video were a guy was talking about alllllll the things"
    That way I could picture the situation a lot better and I would know what you are talking about^^
    Afaik, xb1-chat is a mess. If you think that is only because of the moderators out there, we have to agree to disagree atm. Because the reason behind this is the complete community. You included.

    edit: Anyway, that was...sure..something? It made me smile. Specially the tags you are using but really shouldn't use (megathread, lol) & the "and it picks and chooses who it wants to kick like if you pay DE enough money to buy plat then you won’t get kicked" part  😂

    • Like 15
  3. Hi there @(XB1)QuakeMat and welcome to the Forums ^^

    Feel always free to take a little look around the Forums before creating a new thread about a topic that gets already actively discussed somewhere else. That way the discussion can stay in one place and people do not miss stuff or post stuff multiple times.
    For example, if you could've taken a look at the "recent topics", there is even another thread about the exact topic!

    Or use the search function to find even more threads about this topic that shows up over and over and over and over and over again^^ 
    Here a few links to other threads:



    • Like 1
  4. Hi there @MollAgdeduba ^^
    Like Magus_Tahir already said: Founder have 2 more trades per day.
    There is no way to increase your amount of daily trades further (only the usual: 1 more every time you level up your mastery rank)

    Sooo the guy you met probably already traded once that day, that's why he had 30. Here a pic that shows 31 trades (so you still believe me^^')

    That's all there is to it! MR29 Founder. wohooo! ^^'


    Bug GIF



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  5. vor 4 Stunden schrieb kfairns:

    But those are in reference to cross play, not cross save, which would mean that DE should have to make sure that the xbox and ps4 versions would be able to handle items from the pc version that aren't available yet on the console platforms - but I haven't seen their backend, so I wouldn't be able to say how much effort cross save would take, because the shape of the data that they return may be vastly different for each platform and they may have separate databases entirely

    Sorry to disappoint you, but those comments cover crossplay aswell as cross-save^^

    if you read all the texts, letter even does sometimes mention "cross save" ^^' Gimme a few sec and i will give you a few exact links.

    Edit: here some of the links to the comments


    https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1189310-crossplay/?do=findComment&comment=11545731 (before you say "hey crossplay" - read the comment of letter13, he is also talking cross-save)

    All i wanted is to give doggo/letter13 a fun little summary with all his comments regarding this topic, because it always, always,always comes up over and over and over and over again. 
    sorry if this got out of hand ^^' That the answer for Cross-Save is very similar to the answers for Cross-Plattform is nothing new aswell imo, but I digress.
    Overall I think a complete Cross-Save discussion is already happening in this thread here, so why not check it out?


    • Like 1
  6. vor 44 Minuten schrieb Letter13:

    Probably not going to happen. For several reasons (some of which are out of DE's hands), which I'm not feeling motivated enough to go through my own post history to find and re-post.

    Nooooo...poor doggo. Let me dig for you:


    Oh and of course:
    (but this one might seem familiar if you look at this thread 😛 

    I will stop there...but hey, never stop dreaming! ^^'

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  7. Hi there @HoustonDragon ^^

    For Syndicate Weapons applies the same stuff like for every other weapon:
    You get Mastery Points the first time you level them to their max level^^

    What specific Weapons are you trying to level up? According to your ingame profile, Vaykor Hek and Telos Boltor are already at max for example, so you should have definitely gained Mastery for them in the past.

    If you are 100% certain that you leveled them up and your points still are the same after maxing them for the first time, I would consider this a bug. Maybe it is just a UI/visible bug, maybe you really didn't gain anything, maybe the numbers did change but you didn't notice? Idk, not sure about it^^


  8. vor 4 Stunden schrieb Famecans:

    when loki is invisible, the screen has a filter that highlights certain objects, particularly I find this filter beautiful because it sharpens the perception of what is dangerous

    I don't know what happens but in your printscreen I don't see an effect

    yea, I saw the other comments here - like Dark_Lugia said, this has something to do with the ingame colour-correction you can turn on/off in the settings^^ 
    I just personally didn't know this had any effect on Loki because I really really normally don't use this Warframe, that's all~
    Still, thank you (and the others) for the explanation 🙂

    • Like 2
  9. Hi there @moondog548 ^^

    Even if you think that your stuff doesn't need much explanation, could you please provide at least some explanation about what exactly you are talking about?

    I know that there are Red-Green Colourblind players out there. And I know that the colours in Warframe may cause confusion because they will more or less show up in various brown-tones instead of green for example. Overall Warframe tries to do a few things to help out colourblind players (various shapes if something is closed/opened/ can be interacted with), but not a lot imo..

    Here my question:
    What has this stuff to do with "Lokis invisovision"?
    Do you mean the screen-effect when you are running around with loki while his 2nd ability is active?
    If yes, what is the difference between invisibility active & invisibility not active regarding the colours?
    Here some Screenshots for comparison with my graphic settings (I used the default colours and did not change the energy colour of Loki):







    Again, I am not saying the colouring is perfect (because it isn't. They could tweak a few things, specially for colourblind people. Focussing on different shapes is a good start, but not all there is to it^^), but I want to know what this has to do with Loki. Because for me: There is no visible change when it comes to the colours! 

    Maybe I got my graphic-settings a little bit different (e.g. not a lot of bloom, no colour correction,...) and that's why I don't see a huge change when i turn invisible, maybe it has something to do with the energy-colour (that's why i went with default)
    A few tips: Lasers are usually bad, the markings on a corpus-locker only appear if you can interact with it, try adjusting a few graphic-settings if it is possible. (yes I mean those serious, they sound very simple but hopefully it can help!)

    Maybe you can explain a little bit what's wrong with "Lokis invisivision" (<-- very strange word^^') 
    I am just curious, that's all^^


    • Like 1
  10. vor 2 Minuten schrieb ES-Flinter:

    Von welcher Farbpallete hast du den Goldton für deine Edo Prime schulterplatten? (Sorry, ich weiß gehört nicht zum thema, aber ich brauche die Farbe für fashion-frame.^^

    Ist von der Zwielicht Farbpalette:



    Wirkt nicht immer wie Gold, je nach Licht halt etwas anders - aber die Palette ist ganz gut ^^

    Kurze Offtopic stört mich ja nicht, solang es eben kurz bleibt. - schön das dir der Guide gefallen hat 😄

    • Like 1
  11. Hi there @carbman95 ^^
    Atm we can only finish the first crime scene. After solving it, Nora says something like "Mhmh, seems to be it for now, but i am sure more will show up sooner than you think" (I honestly forgot the exact words)
    The other scenes are going to show up periodically^^


    • Like 2
  12. Hiho ihr Spaceninjas ^-^

    Dieser Thread soll als kleiner Leitfaden dienen und erklären, was es mit der aktuellen Nightwave- Serie sowie den Tatorten auf sich hat. Also Obacht: Spoiler!
    (Momentan sind 4 Tatorte begehbar. Ich werde diesen Thread aktualisieren sobald der nächste Tatort verfügbar ist/ zusätzliche Informationen erscheinen)

    Die neueste Nightwave Serie 3 - Der Glasmacher - ist zur Zeit aktiv.
    Allerdings gibt es dieses Mal, im Vergleich zu vorherigen Sendungen von Nora, etwas neues zu erkunden:
    Anstatt nur Dioramen anzusehen, wie in früheren Nightwave-Serien, kann man sich jetzt als "Detektiv" versuchen.
    Aber Eins nach dem Anderen:

    NORA NIGHT - NIGHTWAVE: (Keine Spoiler)
    Wer noch nie von Nora und ihrer Radiosendung gehört hat, hier ein paar Grundinformationen:


    Diese Nachricht hat jeder nach Login vor seinen Augen. Falls man sie doch zu schnell weggeklickt hat, hier ist sie nochmal^^

    Nora liefert uns die Möglichkeit, mittels täglichen/wöchentlichen Aufgaben, Ansehen bei ihr zu erhalten. Je mehr Ansehen, desto höher unser Rang. Je nach Rang gibt es andere Belohnungen. Außerdem hat sie auch wöchentlich wechselnde Angebote, die man mittels "Kristal-Creds", der Währung der jetzigen Nightwave Serie, bei ihr kaufen kann.
    Da Nora eine Radiosendung betreibt, öffnet man ihr Menü auch auf dem eigenen Raumschiff am Radio~



    Über das Nightwave-Menü kann man auch die verschiedenen Tatorte begehen. Einfach unten rechts auf die jeweilige Nummer klicken und schon wird man zum Detektiv!

    DIE TATORTE: (Spoiler)
    Sobald man über das Nightwave-Menü unten rechts eine Zahl ausgewählt hat, wird man zu dem entsprechenden Tatort transportiert. Dort kann man in der Ego-Perspektive die Umgebung erkunden und verschiedene Hinweise entdecken. Mit jedem entdeckten Hinweis erhält man ein wenig Hintergrundinformationen über den Vorfall.

    Alle 5 Hinweise sind in der nahen Umgebung verteilt. Hier wird es interessant:
    Die Hinweise unterscheiden sich je nach Spieler ein wenig! Außerdem sind sie nicht immer an genau derselben Stelle auffindbar, aber nie weit voneinander entfernt. (Sie leuchten/glimmen leicht sobald man sich ihnen nähert)

    Wichtig: Prägt euch die hervorgehobenen Begriffe in den Hinweisen sowie mögliche Symbole/sichtbare Charaktere ein! Denn all die Informationen benötigt ihr später für den Test.

    Der erste Tatort:
    Der Glasmacher erscheint



    Folgende Hinweise können auftauchen:


    Ein Schwert:
    Ein Ayatan-Auge:
    Eine Entschlüsselte Nachricht über Röhrenbatterien:
    Eine Nachricht von Maroo:
    Eine verbrannte Ostron Notiz von Havera:

    Wie gesagt, bei euch liegt da vielleicht anderes Zeug auf dem Boden oder die Inhalte der Notizen unterscheiden sich.
    (Da ist die Nachricht mal nicht von Maroo sondern von Baro, oder das Ayatan Auge projiziert ein anderes Symbol oder die entschlüsselte Nachricht handelt nicht von Röhrenbatterien, etc.etc.~)

    Der zweite Tatort:
    Corpus Kristall
    Folgende Hinweise können auftauchen:


    Ein Corpus-Helm:
    Radiometrische Daten:
    Eine Corpus Ausweismarke:
    Eine unleserliche Luxusbrochüre:
    unknown.pngEin nutzloses Tagebuch:

     Tipps (Danke @S3TH <3)
    - Euch werden drei verschiedene Corpus Helme angeboten - Achtet auf die form des Visiers.
    - Achtet bei dem Ausweis auf die Farbe der Kugel.
    -  Der Katalog ist wohl das schwierigste - die Motive auf der Seite sind bei jeder Variante anders.

    Der dritte Tatort:
    Meer Glas
    Folgende Hinweise können auftauchen:


    Ein super flauschiger Floof: Tusk Klopfer Bulle:
    Die Sekundärwaffe Kraken:
    Ein ausgebrannter Kommunikationstech: (sieht von vorne wie ein erstauntes gesicht aus, hihi)
    Perrin Sequence Philosophie:
    Gefühle: (da waren die also die ganze Zeit)

    Der vierte Tatort:
    Iced Vallis
    Folgende Hinweise können auftauchen: (Hier mal der Hinweis, dass die Übersetzung der Gegenstands-Texte im Spiel noch nicht ganz abgeschlossen zu sein scheint^^')


    Ein abgenutztes Datentablet:
    Eine Transmitter Komponente:
    Ein verschlüsseltes Datentablet:
    Ein Standard Datentablet:
    Ein Digi-Laufwerk

    Der fünfte Tatort:
    Folgende Hinweise können auftauchen:


    Eine zeremonelle Waffe:
    Uralte Fesseln:
    Eine Weave-Verbindung:
    Ein Orokin-Legem:

    Sobald ihr alle Hinweise am jeweiligen Tatort gefunden habt, beginnt das Opfer zu leuchten.



    Sofern ihr genügend Cephaliten-Resonanz besitzt (mehr dazu weiter unten), könnt ihr mit der Statue interagieren. Schon werdet ihr an einen anderen, unbekannten Ort verfrachtet. 

    DER GLAS-WEAVE-TEST: (Spoiler)
    Nachdem ihr von einer fremden Stimme (dem Mörder) begrüßt werdet, müsst ihr die Informationen eurer Hinweise bei einem Multiple-Choice-Sprung-Wissens-Test (wtf) korrekt auswählen. Dafür habt ihr insgesamt 60 Sekunden Zeit, also immer fix entscheiden! (aber wir als Spaceninjas können ja super unter Zeitdruck agieren^^)


    Um euch für eine Auswahl zu entscheiden, springt einfach auf die schwebende Platfform unter dem passenden Wort/Symbol/Bild.
    Springt 5 mal korrekt und ihr habt den Test bestanden! Nach jeder korrekten Antwort philosofaselt die Stimme auch ein wenig vor sich her. Allerdings hat man aufgrund des Zeitdrucks vielleicht nicht wirklich Zeit ihm genau zuzuhören^^'

    Nachdem ihr jedes mal korrekt geraten gesprungen seid, steht ihr am Ende als Belohnung vor einem ominösen, schwebenden ...ehh.. Stein.


    Stein vom ersten Tatort:
    Stein vom zweiten Tatort:
    (Sobald die Formatierung/Anordnung da schöner ist, aktualisiere ich auch das Bild... joa...^^')

    Neben noch mehr Lore als Belohnung, erhaltet ihr im Anschluss, sobald ihr den Glas-Weave verlassen habt, auf eurem Schiff 7000 Nightwave-Ansehen/Punkte pro Tatort, yay!

    Solltet ihr falsch raten oder es nicht in der Zeit schaffen korrekt auszuwählen, gilt der Test als "nicht bestanden" und ihr verliert die investierten Cephaliten-Resonanz. Moment mal, was ist das eigtl. für ein Zeug und wie bekommt man es?

    Cephalite-Resonanz können in einer zufälligen Mission erscheinen. Nora meldet sich kurz vorher in der Mission mit einem kleinen Funkspruch. Im Anschluss erscheint eine Art Blau/weißer Void-Riss, welcher nahe Gegner mit Glas überdeckt. Die Gegner selbst haben eine Art Kristall-Schwachpunkt. Da einmal feste draufschießen (oder einfach mit einer Nahkampfwaffe wie wild um sich schlagen) - schon ist der Gegner Geschichte^^



    Sobald ihr einen solchen Glasgegner erledigt, erhaltet ihr etwas Glasmacher-Ansehen (das erhält jeder in der Mission beim Kill) sowie Cephaliten-Resonanz (das muss man selbst eigenhändig aufsammeln)
    Also ruhig immer einfach ein paar Missionen machen und die Dinger auf vorrat sammeln. da kann man zu Beginn, glaube ich, nie genug von haben^^

    Das war es auch schon erst einmal ^-^
    Ich hoffe, ihr konntet hier ein paar hilfreiche Informationen finden und der Erklärung halbwegs folgen. Falls ihr noch mehr Infos habt oder Verbesserungsvorschläge:
    Immer her damit! 😄 

    Was haltet ihr denn soweit von der jetzigen Nightwave-Serie? Gefällt euch dieses kleine Tatort-Gimmick? Oder habt ihr bereits einfach alle Nightwave-Aufgaben schnellstmöglich abgeschlossen und habt wieder nix zu tun?^^

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen & bleibt alle gesund

    Hinweis: Eine kurze Erklärung zum finalen Bosskampf gegen den Glasmacher findet ihr in diesem Thread weiter unten! (Ich wollte nicht noch mehr in diesen Post reinquetschen, daher die aufteilung)

    • Like 6
  13. Hi there @Omni-AC4 and welcome in the Warframe Forum! (Oh and welcome back of course!)

    Mhmhm, it's difficult to decide for another player what frames he/she should get. I do not know your playstyle - so I will go with the standard:
    Get the Warframes that fit your playstyle & that you can enjoy while using!

    If you are now more into sneaky-Warframes, why not try out Loki again, or Ash or Ivara
    Looking to support/heal other players during a mission? Try out Harrow , or Trinity, or Oberon,...
    Want to jump right into melee-action? Why not Garuda, Wukong, valkyr, Excalibur, Baruuk, ...
    Tired of being a glass-cannon? Get tanky with Rhino, Chroma, Hildryn, Inaros,...
    Gotta go fast&deal dmg? Go fast with Volt, Gauss, Titania,...

    I could...honestly go on like that for a long time - I even missed already a lot of other useful Warframes^^'
    So yea, try a few out & get a feeling. Maybe take a look at Youtube to see some abilities and gameplay in action.

    Hope you get back into Warframe! (Oh and regarding the Warframe-Slots: check your inbox 😉 )

    • Like 3
  14. Hi there @-.Neo and Welcome to the Warframe Forum ^-^
    I won't say it doesn't take a sorta long time to max out every K-drive out there, because it really does, but there is a better way to get xp for it instead of just doing tricks:
    Try to do some K-Drive-Races!
    You will see that you get more xp out of it and even more Standing. It can help! (If you are not sure were the races start: just look at your ingame map when you are standing on a K-drive in Orb-Vallis)

    Btw, the most "Fun" I had with the K-Drive was getting the ingame-achievement:
    This. was. so. tedious. (you really just have to drive and drive and drive and drive....yea...not that much fun to get it tbh^^')

    Anyway, good luck getting your xp - the k-drive races will help you on your journey 🙂 

    • Like 3
  15. Hi there @(PS4)Raistnlin and welcome to the Warframe Forum^^

    About your question:
    High damage numbers are possible. This is nothing new, the screenshot shows a Red-Crit during a long duration survival mission.
    Sooooo yea, that happens. (It becomes...welllll..not very special at some point)
    (edit: btw, here is the screenshot you posted again. Somehow it didn't originally show up on its own:



    Furthermore having a huge amount of Platinum can happen aswell. A lot of players spent a lot of time with , for example, trading stuff and getting huge amount of platinum.
    Sooooo yea, that happens too.

    Overall I think you got there a console player that played the game for a sorta long time and wanted to show off in front of some new-ish players. 
    Does this make him "the top player in game"?
    No. It does not. Not in the slightest. (srsly, this is a pve game...)
    (Imo this somehow goes into the "look at me and how much i can brag about stuff"-direction. Nothing wrong with that if people think they need to do it. Sharing personal achievement & goals in Warframe can be fun. Maybe he wants to share a few tricks with newer players too, idk^^')

    The stuff the player achieved in the game is 'legit'. You can do this too if you have enough time and enough fun doing those sorta things 🙂
    But this does not make him "the top player". If he says that about himself...maybe he should try and cool off a little bit~


     Oh, and some pc-players would probably say: 


    • Like 10
  16. I like her claws, so I don't mind them that much.
    But still a nice idea! She looks very beautiful without claws too 😄 

    You can see her without claws if you do a sortie mission that does not allow melee-weapons^^' (e.g. sniper only/secondary only/yadaya)
    Here an example:



    and yes, the claws can be sorta big, if you look at them with certain camera-angles:




    So the look is somewhat already ingame. I like it, more fashion-customization can be fun^^

  17. I like this idea!

    Just at the end of each 2nd devstream a short video-clip about how things are going/what they are working on. (Of course only if they can show present something sorta interesting - like cats or dogs... or a complete truck if it gets finished...oh or something about Warframe, sure, why not^^') 
    It is nice to get to see a few of the very many diverse faces of the dev-team 😄 

    Atm 2 people really surprised me (but I loved every other clip too of course, so much joy&fun^^):

    and (Meme-Assistant) to Reb Ford:


    this is not a coincidence o.o


    • Like 1
  18. vor 1 Minute schrieb Lord_Lavits:

    I was just making a joke because I would love to get lucky with a plat. discount.

    If I had a plat discount I would likely purchase some plat just to have it.

    I have most of the decent mods, except for some primed mods. 

    I don't need the plat, it's just one of those it would be nice if this happened types of thing.

    I was just bored and wanted to make a funny post. Some people got offended and others just posted serious comments.

    I've played Warframe on and off for maybe almost a couple years now? Overall I think its a fun game and I like what DE is doing to a point.

    I actually recently purchase the prime access pack for Titania so yes, I have supported the devs already. 😁

    Hey, cool to know, ty for the answer!
    I thought you were in desperate need for certain stuff, that's why i asked ^^
    Nothing wrong with praying to the dev-gods / rng-gods. It can't hurt 🙂  Good to hear that you are enjoying the game - hope you will have even more fun with the upcoming updates!

  19. vor 24 Minuten schrieb Lord_Lavits:

    I know this wont likely happen but I just want a plat. discount so I can feed my family of starving frames.

    50% would be amazing, I would totes be able to afford the biggest plat pack if it were half off. 

    Please DE login Gods( or staff) grace me with your loving embrace of discounted plat.

    Oh how I love your game so. 

    Yours truly. 

    well, what would you want to buy with this plat - in theory -
    Asking out of curiosity ^^' Do your Warframes need some slots? Or some Forma? Orokin Reactors or some certain skins?
    Would love to see an honest answer 🙂


  20. Heyho^^
    If you want to discuss/share your thoughts about the upcoming  Deluxe skins, pictures are always helpful 😄 
    Soooo here you go, fresh out of the latest devstream/homestream:



    (Floating cat is best cat)

    I like the helmet a lot!I think (and really really really hope) with the right colouring her "belly" will look nice too...Sooo yea, will probably use the helmet, and maayyyyybe the rest with other colours^^'




    Looking forward to the Ash-Skin. I liked that one




    I mean...sure, why not? Strange colours and weird helmet I guess but this can work. I like the fancy claws.

    • Like 3
  21. ty for the overview! 

    I personally love the little video-clips that show us some faces of the big dev-team-family. Great diversity and very lovely^^

    And I think I know why the "Assistant to Rebb Ford" looked so familiar.




    • Like 2
  22. Interesting addition, I can't wait to see how it will turn out!

    In the end the Community will decide how helpful this chat can be.
    So all the long-term players, who have toooo much time and nothing to do....welll...why not sit in chat and share your wisdom with the new players? 

    This can be, next to fashionframe, very nice "endgame content" 😄
    Let's help each other out in this new ingame-chat-tab XctPENl.gif

    (srsly, pls don't troll, just share&care - help new Tenno out there!)

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