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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. I don't know if it's intended or not, but in my opinion it sure as hell shouldn't be. Many times when I'm using rip line to latch onto a surface for quick movement, it will instead target a dead body and pull it towards Valkyr as if it were a ragdolled enemy, which is just a waste of time and energy.

  2. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)Zashukitsune said:

    I think my beef with magnetic procs isn't that it drains energy, it's that it drains ALL of it.   

    say I've been carefully playing equinox, saving up points for when I really get in a scrape, I've got several hundred thousand, more than I need but I've  got it....and one magnetic ancient aimbots me across the map.  I lose all points, I had no way to counter it, no way to expect it, but I'm left helpless in the middle of a hoard.

    Heck, if it was changed to cutting your energy in half or even down to a quarter, it'd still be a small challenge, still an inconvenience, but not outright robbing me in a fight. 

    Damn how do you got hundred thousand energy, I must be playing the game wrong

  3. In light of the shock eximus enemy causing lots of frustration to players, I personally think that enemy needs a big time fix. I mean, DE removed it from the game for a long time because of player feedback I thought, so why suddenly bring it back?

    Anyways, I think that it would be a lot more reasonably if magnetic procs only drained shields and not energy. You know, like the description actually says. But whatever happens, I'm confident that DE will find a way to balance things again.

  4. 12 minutes ago, KIREEKPSO said:

    Same way you defend against sentients, or bursas, or enemies that deliver poison procs.

    You stay away from them and fight from afar, once you see the aura just make sure they don't get to close, it's the same thing with the toxic eximus ancients, when they pop up, you just fight at a distance where the proc doesn't affect you.

    Just adapt your gameplay and you will be fine, if you don't adapt or improve, then all it's left is to complain on the forums.

    The units and the procs are fine.

    Feedback =/= complaining. Certain things ruin an otherwise enjoyable playing experience, and if the majority of the players want it adjusted, then that's what needs to happen. Obviously some things can be adjusted to, and some things are just a pain.

  5. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

    Your efficiency should always be 175% or 160% minimum. And flow and primed flow are objectively useless trash outside of being battery carrier in Law of Retribution. 

    Losing 100% of energy shouldn't be an issue. With zenurik especially. 

    Forcing players onto fleeting expertise is not indicative of good game design. The whole point of the mod system is to choose the builds you like best. Lower power efficiency gives higher rewards in terms of power strength and duration; forcing players into one niche build is not only dumb, but it's the opposite of what the developers are aiming for.

    Forcing players into Zenurik as well, when there are 5 entire schools, is also extremely restrictive.

    There's a reason why players absolutely hated these and begged DE to fix them a while back, so I can't be sure why they decided to suddenly bring back such a universally reviled enemy. Imagine if they did the same thing to the broken light traps.

  6. While I was doing a corpus mission recently, as valkyr, I came across a situation where I ran inside a corpus nullifier bubble with hysteria active. I waited about a second as usual for my power to deactivate, but it did not, so I just punched him. There was also one of those scrambus units nearby, so I think that that presence might have prevented the game from forcing off Hysteria. Of course, it could also have been a very dramatic lag spike, as I was playing with a group.

    Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to take a screenshot of it, and it seems like those conditions would be difficult to replicate.

  7. I have never wasted so much time trying to get one particular part, so I honestly have to wonder, how many people have gotten the Nikana prime blade? I'm actually livid right now because of how many times I've failed.

    Pictured below, you can see I've gotten every other reward from T2 survival C rotation several times. I've added them up, and at 20-minute intervals, all those drops equal 22 hours of nonstop void survival. That's not including the time in between matches either.

    I can't stress enough how angry I am at this. This is the least fun I could possibly imagine. But I guess it's not anyone's fault. After all, a system that rewards a player completely based on luck and not skill is mandatory for this kind of game.


  8. If I accidentally quote someone in my reply, or change my mind, there's no way to remove the quote box from my reply at all, not even coming back to the thread later, the reply will still have the quote in it.

  9. Nitain doesn't really bother me much as a resource, it's not much of a pain to grab.

    The only thing that DOES bug me about it is that my clan is filled with people who are unwilling to donate to clan research, and so I'm always left scrambling left and right to grab every single alert so my clan can stay up to date on research. But, that's not really a problem with the game, it's the people I have chosen to surround myself with.

  10. I really feel the need to rant right now about some things that are just making me see warframe as more of a chore rather than an actual fun game to play.

    Bursas are annoying. Too strong in higher level missions, and will keep on spawning unless you continuously hack the alarms, which is just irritating to keep doing.

    Excavators only have 2500 health. This is absolutely unforgiving, I don't see why they can't have their health scale up like any other defense type mission.

    Sorties are pretty much not worth doing given their rewards. At this point, I feel like the reward is 25 fusion cores, with a small chance of getting something else on the list. Either lenses, nezha parts, or sheev parts, none of which I feel are enough reward for the effort I put in.

    Void drops are frustrating, and I am perpetually unlucky. Just to give one example, in trying to get a nikana prime part, I've gotten 29 C survival rotation rewards that aren't what I'm looking for. At 20 minute intervals, this equals 580 minutes of wasted time, or almost 10 hours. Besides endless void missions (survival, interception, defense), fusion cores should NOT be part of the reward table; no one runs a T4 interception hoping to get 5 FUSION CORES. I feel that forma needs to replace fusion core drops entirely, because I've been on a serious shortage for a long while now.

    Research resources (fieldron, detonite, mutagen samples) are worthless junk and need to be phased out.

    Focus convergence item is pitiful, it always spawns far off in defense-type missions, and focus gain is overall lower than it was before. Because I love getting 1000 focus per mission when I need about 150k for a single focus node.

    Anyways, that's a handful of junk that's been bugging the hell out of me. Throw your opinions at me, or call me a retard, whatevs floats your boat.

  11. I'm all for introducing new enemy types to games, but Bursas are insanely annoying, even worse than nullifiers and scrambus. While they are a challenge, they're on par with a mini-boss, and it makes things really frustrating if you're doing missions solo. Even in group missions, when they appear, they disrupt the flow of the mission and usually take out some unprepared players, forcing everyone to a standstill.

    While alarms are triggered, they will keep on spawning, so the logical response is to keep on hacking the alarms, which is also very annoying having to do the hacking mini game every 30 seconds.

    Anyways, I think they need to be tweaked with the average player in mind.

  12. Imo, there is no need for convergence. The simple fix for shared focus points was good enough for me. To me, convergence is just an annoying icon that's completely unnecessary - it complicates things.

    If I could switch off the icon, I would.


    Yeah, this is my thoughts. I don't really think it's a good idea at all, no matter how much they try to fix it. There was nothing wrong with having just a flat focus gain, even if it was unimaginative.

  13. I don't mean to rain on OP's parade, but so far none of my matches have been that way. I'm not exaggerating, maybe I've just played with mostly apathetic players, but no one has made it a priority to grab those convergence dealies and suck up focus. It might be because in regular (non-farming) missions, the amount of focus gained is still minuscule, too small to justify going out of your way for it.


    But, then again, I don't know how things are going on draco these days

  14. Even if OP didn't know about some niche build for Saryn, that doesn't mean that his/her points aren't valid. They wrote this big thing stating their views, and all you people can say is "lol gitgud w/saryn"


    What about the rest of what they wrote?

  15. As usual the person posting the nerf thread is only aware of like 10% of the extremely powerful content.


    Well, I'm only talking about warframe abilities right now. Not talking about weapons or synergy, like mirage/simulor, tonkor, whatever.


    But please, if you know something I don't know about some other abilities abilities I overlooked that could be seen as broken, let me know! I want to hear what the rest of you guys think, too


    Also, sorry for triple post D:

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