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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. There's no other way to say this, but I want a more consistent range of void traces to drop from a mission.Rather than being 6-30, I feel the range ought to be 20-30. I want to spend less time farming and more time attempting to get the rewards. There's no reason the drop rate should be so low (I'm averaging about 10 traces per mission so far).

  2. 18 hours ago, Twilight053 said:

    @Endorphinz  On the contrary, old void also had 2% chance for rare items, and it gets worse if the rares are dilluted with several others. i.e: Say that there are three rares in the old void, your chances of getting what you want is 0.66% at best.

    In the new relic system, your chances stacks with your teammates' relics. Have a pre-organized group and you can have 8% chance. Have all the group use Exceptional relic and you can have 40% chance at most. Most prominent of them all is that you can pick what your teammates get.

    By all means, relic system is abysmally better than old void system. Please elaborate if you think otherwise.

    I actually did some math, and it sounds like you are correct (1 - .98^4 = around .08). Either way, the part that was getting me confused was the collaboration effort, as it is wildly different than it was before. Searching for teams is just different, the relics all have such strange names.

  3. 24 minutes ago, marcosds14 said:

    I usually just spam the relic if i have even if isn't refined, if you get lucky you will get or not... but the good part you may get another rare prime part, not the one you want but if you sell that part you can buy the part you want.
    You can try find people with the same relic to get high percentage chance even if you dont have refined, today for example I wanted Mag Blueprint so I just spammed the Relic with my friend and two other people and after like 6 run we got it. Without refining.


    Well I'd heard that the bottom item on a void relic has a 2% chance of dropping, which is even more astronomically rare than the lowest drop percents of the old void keys. Not sure if that's a fact, but it seems very possible.

  4. Since the starmap 3.0 and void 2.0 rolled out, everything seemed really nice and simple at first, but after getting back into farming, I realize that there is still quite a bit of frustration left in the system. My biggest question for you is, when it comes time to farm for the rarest components in the void relics, what are the new procedures you use to cut down on the grinding? It can't be as easy as getting 4 people together each with the same 100% refined relic, because not only would that take forever to assemble, there's currently no way to check what relics the others in your squad have equipped, as far as I know. Any tips would be appreciated @.@

  5. 6 minutes ago, Kenshin98 said:

    when you have muddy hands and you put them in water, the mud doesn't come back once your hands are out of the water 

    it doesn't makes much sense >.> 

    Well, in DnD, when you bring a magic item into an antimagic zone, it stops working, but when you take it back out again, it resumes its normal function. Anyways, this is about fun, who cares if it doesn't make sense. Nullifier bubbles don't make sense  to begin with.

  6. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    Ah see, I dont play with randoms much so I dont have griefing problems.

    Also I dont understand what you mean by " wait for 25 seconds before the thing will actually do damage "

    It does damage right away and for the entire duration of magnetize. I assumed you meant you cant shoot PAST it?

    I mean, I thought it only did damage after the duration of the ability, in like an explosion, kinda like Nyx's absorb ability.

  7. It is annoying and has high troublemaking potential. for sure. Someone will build their mag for duration, and accidentally or purposefully drop a magnetize somewhere you need to be shooting, and you have no choice but to wait for 25 seconds before the thing will actually do damage.

  8. I kinda agree with them being incompatible with ults that draw on the user's weapon mods, because these abilities are tremendously powerful already. However, what this does show is the tweaking that needs to be done for melee combat in general. I don't know how many times people have begged DE for a longer, more reasonable combo timer, but it hasn't happened; instead we get a bandaid mod: body count. However, this isn't the proper place for this topic, I know.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Krion112 said:

    I'd actually be quite fine if it stopped the countdown, and removed the buffs or effects until you exited the bubble, rather than just outright punishing a player.

    For a moment there, I thought you were going to argue it shouldn't remove buffs at all, which was going to get the opposite response from me...

    I got that clickbait title boyz

  10. I have a simple suggestion for nullifiers. People won't argue that having to constantly recast your buff abilities is annoying and a waste of time, some more than others (Inaros in particular takes a lot of pain for having his armor dispelled). It wouldn't be too hard to leave the abilities alone, but have them suppressed when inside a nullifier field. Whenever a player is removed from the orb's influence, the buffs and abilities should resume their normal effects, for whatever remaining duration is left. 

    Example: Rhino runs into a nullifier bubble to kick the guy in the $&*^. His iron skin, which had 50% remaining durability, comes off, and he can't cast any further abilities while inside the bubble, until he kills the nullifier. As soon as the bubble is gone, Rhino's iron skin comes back up, with the same 50% power as before.

    Of course, all other attack abilities act the same way around nullifiers. Simple, and a lot less annoying to have to keep on recasting essential survival abilities when forced to fight these enemies.

  11. So, we've clearly got a divide in the community about nullifiers, some people approve, most people hate them with a passion for various reasons. But it has gotten me thinking a bit, too; DE clearly wants to put a limit onto all-encompassing abilities and nukes so their poor enemies can be more than a minor annoyance.

    Maybe introduce enemies that are immune to certain ability types, in the same vein as the comba corpus units. Obviously not nearly as annoying as enemies with nullifier bubbles, they could be more common enemies, like, have maps able to spawn a platoon of grineer soldiers that are immune to debilitating-type attacks, or that can ignore stealth-type abilities, just random units with random immunities. Of course, they shouldn't go overboard with them.

  12. 21 minutes ago, tifanator said:

    Why do people not like cores? Do you really not have a single mod you want to get to rank 10? Sorties are arguably one of the best ways to farm cores. 

    I agree about the lenses. An MR4 player that just did Second Dream probably isn't going to do Sorties without some heavy carrying, so there needs to be an alternative. Perhaps scatter them throughout the junctions?

    Well, the fusion cores are the only reward from the table that I actually -approved- of. That's why I think it would be nice to have them as a constant reward.

  13. It long has been a point of contention at least for me, but it is my opinion that sorties' rewards do not reflect the effort and (sometimes) frustration put into them. We have to remember that not everyone can do these sorties easily, and the rewards on the table are: old vandal or wraith weapon parts, which are nice for collecting; Nezha parts, which are nice until you have 5 copies of each part; focus lenses, which are MANDATORY to expand your focus tree and should be rewarded to lower-leveled players (!).

    And then we have the fusion cores, which are an alright reward, 25 or 50, with a chance for a legendary core, it's not a bad deal.

    It's been said before, the sorties reward table needs looking at. I'd feel that getting 25+ fusion cores IN ADDITION to a drop off the table would be a great alternative, because again, I want to actually feel rewarded for accomplishing a chore like this, and not have to roll on a drop table cluttered with useless prizes (to me).

    Maybe I'm just greedy, and I want too much given to me, but maybe some other players feel the same.

    Stay close to the walls

  14. It is a necessity though, because the syndicate medallions are supposed to be "hidden", an extra reward for those people who try and look for them in the levels and having them show up on the minimap would kind of ruin the purpose of that. If I were you, I wouldn't feel so obligated to gather all 8 of them in every mission, just grab the ones you happen to come across. Your idea of using ignis and loot detector is good though, because you can burn all the normal crates, and the loot markers that are left over can usually be the syndicate statues.

  15. Since no one likes void 2.0, I had the best idea for the next void update that I feel takes into consideration all of the people's complaints and condenses them into a simple, elegant framework.

    In void 3.0, you use your void keys to start the mission, which opens up a waterslide from your liset into the "void land" and depending on the tier of the key, that's how fun the water slide is. Only instead of water, it's actually greedy milk. Anyways, when you get there, you have to carry a datamass, except you use it to slap uncle Vor in the $&*^, because mobile defense sucks and no one likes it! You keep hitting Vor until prime parts drop out of his robo-pants, and the rarity of the parts is determined by how many forma you have on your vaykor marelok and also how many times you've insulted players for using the Rhino warframe, Ash's bladestorm, or Draco to level up their weapons. But then, your tenno can't leave the void until he finds the terminal, and, inside the game itself, your warframe actually has to use the computer to go to warframe.com forums, then you have to write a message in the warframe forums telling the devs how much you hated the new update.

    Simply a masta peece.

  16. I've had a couple quality of life ideas for the new void fissure system going on. First and foremost, something that's been on everyone's mind no doubt, which is a higher limit for void traces. That, or lowered cost for refinement.

    It would also be amazing if, at the end of a void fissure mission, when you're selecting your reward, if you could see how many of each available item you have in your inventory, or if you don't even have any at all. Because I'm sure most of us don't have their entire prime item inventory memorized, outside of the one or two prime items they're actually looking for at the moment!

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