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Posts posted by Sunder

  1. I use Excalibur prime from time to time. However 3/4 times he's in the Proto-armour skin so there's that.


    I'd definitely use the Skana prime but it's so insanely weak I can't really justify taking it out. I mean...look at this!




    Dakra outclasses or matches it in every aspect.

    A Prime weapon that only needs two parts and some Orokin cells to build.

    ...that anyone can obtain with some time dedicated to farming...


    Now if Skana Prime were to get a buff? I'd use it all the time!

  2. I'm not saying to make it better than or equal to Dakra Prime. In doing that some people would view such an act as making the Skana Prime a "Pay2Win" weapon.


    Just give it, it's own niche. Make it crit well, or up the damages, make it have a high status chance, SOMETHING. It's an awesome looking weapon that as "Alad_VI"  said, "is blown away by the one that any old Joe can get for 10-25 platinum on the trading post."

  3. Anyone else (by that I suppose I mean any other Founders) want to use the Skana Prime but find it completely outclassed by other weapons?

    I mean....look at it compared to both the regular Skana and Dakra Prime!




    Not only is it weaker in every regard but the Dakra even has better critical chance as well...

    Kinda makes it pointless to have really. Some Founders may pull it out just to show it off but that display is quickly shut down once someone shows how weak it is comparatively.


    I know the weapon is gone now and can no longer be obtained but does that mean DE has just forgotten about it and will never have it buffed? Even if just a little to make it stand up to the big boys of melee combat?

  4. -We kill for money, letting planets be controlled by whoever pays us more.

    • Money to pay for our weapons, wars cannot be fought without supplies. As for the planets? We establish Balance. You cannot have good without having evil. We let them wage their war evenly. Letting one take over so the other side doesn't get too powerful

    - - -


    -We killed our 'makers', slaughtering them when they praised us in a ceremony,

    • We know too little about our past to make assumptions, perhaps we were controlled, perhaps they were evil. Time will tell

    - - -


    -We constantly steal resources from ships (circuits, plastids etc.)

    • Again we're resourceful. Ship is empty, who's gonna use this stuff? Plus it helps us out in giving supplies to craft stuff, stuff we need to fight our battles

    - - -


    - We SOON gonna be able to kill all kubrows in a den, steal their egg, and make it our attack dog.

    • That's your decision to do so. As I recall in the Dev Steam we'll just be scanning an egg to make in a sort of "Genetic Foundry". I personally think they're cool and since they're native to the lands I'm gonna leave them be and try to get my Egg without killing any feral Kubrows

    - - -


    - We kill bosses over and over to get Warframe parts from them.

    • Story wise we only kill them once, game-play wise it lets us farm them for parts as a way to get more frames to play as. This is more a game design issue than a character development problem

    - - -


    -We "defend" a cryopod just to abandon it 5 waves later.

    • I recall Lotus mentioning teams to come in and pick up the pods after we leave. I know I've heard it on Sedna before. "Extraction team" or something similar. But again a game design issue, think of it more along the lines of when we decide to leave? That's the end of the waves of enemies. No more are coming.

    - - -


    -We take control of Solar Rails, just to fight over them.

    • A testament to human greed really. This one is judged by the player(s) who decide to launch these rails in efforts to gain credits and resources from people who wish to use it. This one I'll give ya but again, I know plenty of players who either aren't in a clan or their clan simply doesn't bother in going after the rails.
  5. Is anyone else not comforted by Steve's Post?


    All it was, was an acknowledgement that we're concerned and that they're going to continue working on Warframe with the same amount of love they supposedly started with. I want to trust DE, I do. But this is the sort of comments they're required to put out. Vague statements to try and comfort the community when it's in an uproar.


    I'm sorry but I don't trust PW or PWE at all. I despise their business practice and I for one shame DE for partaking in any sort of business with them.

    If they're gonna be using them just as a way to get publicity in the East? Fine. But to let them have any say in the game at all? A horrible decision.

  6. What people need to remember is even IF DE sells stocks to PE or PWE they don't have control over the game. DE still does. Hell...they can make all the suggestions they want but with DE being the majority share-holder they will always get final say and ultimately make the decisions.


    DE will still be in control....but should they be bought out by PW/PWE? Or strike some deal in that they get a say in how the game is handled?

    THEN is the time to riot and jump ship. Trust me, I'd MUCH prefer PW to have nothing to do with this game. At all. Even in buying a single share.

    They're cancer in industry form and do not belong with a company such as DE.

  7. This is a damn shame if true.


    Also 100 pages and no official response from DE?

    My guess is they're seeing the community feedback and are worried. So no doubt they need to consult the big-wigs and get some official statement to put out. Something carefully worded in attempts to make it all not seem so bad. In doing so the community will split, half will trust DE, others who know PW will simply no believe it.


    It's kinda funny actually. The Tenno are about balance. Right now DE's playing the part of the Corpus. They see how upset the community is at this travesty and yet as the saying goes, "Profit numbs the feeling". I really hope something's announced soon. This is really gonna effect the community.

  8. Stealth 2.0 should never be a thing. And by that I mean it shouldn't be one big update. Like AI, Stealth is something that needs to be worked on in the long term. For it to work properly, you need to handle the enemies, the enemy AI itself, the Warframes and their abilities/stats, movement, the tilesets, and pretty much everything.


    A Stealth Update would be great, but it shouldn't be one big update like Mods, Damage, or Melee. It should be an in-depth process.


    As much as I'd like a big Stealth update to make it viable and awesome to do? Snake is right. AI needs to be fixed, movement and parkour needs an update in and of itself. Tile-sets would have to be adjusted and everything altered to fit into what we hope a "Stealth 2.0" to be.


    People might be upset we don't get a big stealth update but hey....Warframe's come a long way. I bet in a year we'll be able to take a look at the game in it's older state (Update 8/9/10) and laugh about how much as changed

  9. why not make a new sentinel out of it,

    carrier -> pick up loot

    helios -> scans enemies

    drone -> freecam


    Well Helios is already a camera like sentinel, so I suppose that'd be up to the Dev's discretion. Sentinels usually have their own abilities and weapon so they'd not only need to come up with new designs but new ideas too.

  10. No sentinel

    No free cam.

    You'd just get a small red "Error" on your screen when trying to use it

    Or just a negative sounding effect.

    Gives players an incentive to craft it, specially new players

    Plus a reason to still use sentinels since everyone and their mums is gonna want a Kubrow


    - - -



    While it sounds cool in theory I have a feeling it'd look odd and have clipping issues.

    Plus they're live animals so not like we can go all Harbinger on them out of no where


  11. Just noting, in the stream, they seperated the camera from the player.


    Dev's have a freecam in their builds. He crouched each time he used it so it's likely, Crouch + some other button to enable it. Good for them checking out their models and map work.


    I just made a suggestion for our own little freecam, if interested upvote and provide input :D


  12. Inspired by this thread - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/254201-how-was-this-screenshot-taken/


    Located under Equipment in the Market, under the category "Gear" where you an buy things like Ciphers, Health/Ammo/Energy/Shield Restores and codex scanners, put in another piece of gear, something like a "Remote Viewer". A small screen in which when used, lets us see through the eyes of our sentinel. Basically...a free cam to fly around with, rotate, perhaps some level of zoom too.



    Remote View

    • When in use,Tenno is vulnerable to enemy attacks since you're idling
    • Will still display Tenno Health/Shield.
    • While controlling sentinel you cannot attack (Too many chances to abuse this)
    • Mods you have installed are still in effect (Shield, armour, health mods to protect)
    • Enables you to get otherwise impossible screen shots. Great for contests and showing off your ninja skills
    • Could be used to scout out areas before running into them blindly. (Good for high level missions or stealth runs)
    • Combine with Coolant Leak or Self Destruct to make kamikaze sentinels!


    Rather than have you "Teleport" to ground level if you go out of bounds, the sentinel will just hit an invisible barrier to prevent clipping and going outside a map. Or it could start to go static and say something like, "Losing signal, returning to starting position" if you keep going towards the out of bounds area.


    A decent price for it too, or maybe even make it craft-able in the foundry since this likely wouldn't be a one-time use item but rather something you can equip in your gear slot and keep with you.

    Would also be great for PS4/Xbox One players to get their own screenshots if said platforms support it.

    I'm sure the PS4's motion pad thing could integrate common zoom features and such with pinching of fingers and the like



    Yes? No? Thoughts? Opinions?

  13. well, they send a sentinel that only DE have that can take pictures and fly everywhere, so they can make those beautiful thumbnails


    ....anyone else immediately think of a new function for Helios? I mean it's a camera....right?

    Why not a piece of equipment, that looks like a litle screen that you can bring with you on missions, equipping it lets you see through Helios' eye(s) and lets you take unique screenshots from all sorts of angles! To make it fair, no attacking while controlling the sentinel (Could be abused), shield mods and such still apply for protection.


    To the suggestion forums!!!

  14. Someone posted this video a while ago, I freaking love it:



    This is exactly what I meant in my post, granted I never saw this video before. I initially found it when I visited this area in the Orokin Derelict missions. You can climb most of the way up on the wild growth that's occurred. Then I thought about if it's still there or not in normal Void missions. When I looked I at first didn't realize how to reach it and used Zephyr to fly up there.


    Eventually my team mates one day saw me up there and asked about it and asked how to get up, I said, "Use a frame that can get some distance to make your way or try and wall run between the wall and tube". Lo' and behold when I tried to show him where I meant it worked.


    As for it being a wasted designer effort I disagree. It's a fun little place not many people know about. I wish there was more hard to reach places out of our way that not only tested our "Ninja skills" to reach but offered a little reward for doing so. But I do definitely agree the loot there should be upped a bit.

  15. Only played with one guy ever that used his mic in game.


    Was clear, sounded decent, only used it to call out decent mods, when heavier units entered the area. Which I have to add, really changed how the team played as a whole. When in survival and a bombard/Napalm entered the area? Hearing, "Two Bombards, top of the stretch" let us all know what was coming and where. It was like we all knew it was the immediate threat and for those 3 seconds, we all focused fire on the enemy called out.


    Higher levels this saved us quite a few times, lol

    Granted this same behaviour can be done via waypoints, even on enemies, hearing it via voice chat is more detailed. More informative.

    You can decide if you want to make your way down there to grab the mod or not. Plus simply talking while fighting is better than stopping to type and interrupting the flow of combat. That being said, I do a bit of both.



    Type at lower levels, and when I can/have time

    Use my mic when things get hectic and I simply can't spare the few seconds

  16. Via wall-running  you can reach it as any frame with enough stamina. Just run between the wall and one of the big energy tubes. Line it up so you run up and don't angle to make you run along it.  That ledge below the grating circles the entire room.


    Honestly with how far this one is and the work it takes to get there I hoped it'd automatically have a higher chance to spawn rare/good drops rather than usual typical stuff

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