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Posts posted by Sunder

  1. In-game-name: Smac
    - - -
    Timezone: UTC/GMT -4 hours (East Cost, United States, NY)
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    Mastery Rank: 16

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    Steam Profile: Sunder

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    Age: 22 (Soon to be 23)
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    About me:


    Been playing video-games for as long as I can remember.
    Started with old consoles like SNES, Sega Saturn. Last console generation I had was Xbox360, PS3, and Wii
    Moved onto PC gaming 4 years ago and haven't looked back since
    I currently work retail (Homegoods) as a "Big-Ticket Coordinator" which puts me in charge of a few departments
    I've been playing Warframe for a little over a year now
    My PC setup at the moment:

    Mobo: Asus Maximus III Gene
    PSU: FirePower ModXStream Pro 700W 80Plus
    CPU: i5-760 Lynnfield Quad-Core 2.8GHz (Overclocked at 3.4GHz)
    GPU: Sapphire Vapor-X Radeon HD 7950 3GB
    RAM: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 12 GB


    - - -

    What Can I bring to the Clan?:


    As far as "Leadership/Moderation" goes I've held ownership of a "Near Vanilla Minecraft" Server for almost 4 years now. In that time I've monitored players, promoted my most trusted to be my moderators and oversee general security for the server.

    Aside from that I occasionally host and run a server named "Cadaverous Laceration" in the game "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare".

    And yes, what veteran player doesn't enjoy helping out the new-bloods?


    But to put it out in the open, the main reason I'm looking to join this type of clan?

    You guys seem to have your S#&$ together.

    I've been a member of 3 clans so far in my time playing this game and all I've been in have been quite demanding and strict. I'm not overly fond of the whole solar rails PVP so my assisstance in that field should it come to that will be limited. However what I do bring to the table is a player openly available for assisstance, someone to talk to, and someone who isn't afraid to provide feedback on the matters at hand.

  2. But those were two different patterns, what were you expecting?

    I was expecting to get a Male Raksa Kubrow.

    Both "parents" being Male, Raksas, and big? Just seemed like a sensible outcome


    Sure I could.


    I find the breeding/imprint system interesting: You can settle for what you get randomly, or you can spend extra plat to customize something unique.


    At best, a "fix" should guarantee the traits come from either parent instead of involving RNG/random mutation.  But the answer is not "give us all the things free!"  If you could just "unlock" the lotus-pattern once and use it forever, everyone would have it, and it wouldn't be cool or special.


    Anyways, I have no horse in this race: I've RNG'd all my kubrows to-date, and don't plan on entering them into any pageants any time soon. lol  And the people who DO enjoy that aspect would be cheated out of their time and plat if we just gave them out like candy.


    Topics like this are what happens when players get jealous.  If it's worth getting jealous over, then don't cheapen it.

    If traits and certain genes were guaranteed from imprints? I'd agree with you. But like I mentioned above with my example

    Two kubrows that are both Raksas

    Both large (One skinny but tall, the other tall but bulky)

    But my result was a Kubrow with a completely different pattern, different breed, and female.

    Everything I wasn't looking for.


    As for the Lotus pattern being "special"? I don't know what's so special about it other than its rarity. I just like the design, have it already on one of my current Kubrows. I'm not saying to just give them out like candy, but that you'd need to have a Kubrow that's alive and well that physically has that pattern in order for it to be unlocked for other Kubrows. It still means people would buy imprints trying to breed a Kubrow that has that pattern in order to "unlock" it for their other Kubrows and people would still be paying platinum for it


    As for this being a topic based on "Jealousy"? As previously mentioned, I already have one with that pattern. I personally  just think it looks cool and would like to have it for my other Kubrows.


    This will never happen. The chances of more patterns being sold in the market that can only be bought with plat is higher than having the player unlock it themselves.


    What's wrong with keeping the current patterns trade-able and unlocked via owning a live Kubrow with said pattern and just releasing new ones on the market? It's like the armour sets. You may have one that you think looks cool but often enough I see when a new one's released people buy it solely for a piece or two. Why? Sometimes to collect them, sometimes to guarantee the ability to customize their Warframe however they wish.




    To note:


     - My suggestion requires you have a live, grown kubrow with the pattern of your choice in your inventory/stasis in order for its pattern to be utilized on other Kubrows that you already own.


     - This wouldn't stop imprint sales seeing as how people who want specific patterns would be encouraged to buy imprints in order to attempt breeding a kubrow with a desired pattern.


     - Players who have the 4 main breeds and have put their time/forma/plat into would be encouraged to purchase stasis slots for more Kubrows if they want a particular pattern available to their main 4.


     - And of course with more Kubrows being wanted/bred the sales of Kubrow starting kit, eggs, power source and such would no doubt see a rise if only a little.

  3. Pretty much what the title says


    It's all genetics and DNA. You can even buy a "Gene Masking Kit" from the market for credits!

    It seems only logical that if I have the genes of a Kubrow with a pattern I want, alive in stasis, should I not be able to simply transfer that data over to a new Kubrow to alter the fur pattern?



    Kubrow 1 - "Fenrir" - Sunika

    This Kubrow is black with gray stripes


    Kubrow 2 - "Sif" - Raksa

    This Kubrow is brown with black Lotus styled fur


    Kubrow 3 - "Eloa" - Huras

    This Kubrow is brown and black with the Hound style



    With how the masking kit works, and since I have the previous first two Kubrows, one would be led to believe that "Eloa", my third Kubrow should have access to both the "Stripes" pattern and "Lotus" pattern from either of my older Kubrows that're already stored safely in stasis. 


    - - -


    Note: My suggestion requires you have a live, grown kubrow with the pattern of your choice in your inventory/stasis in order for its pattern to be utilized on other Kubrows that you already own. Get rid of the  Kubrow who's default is the wanted pattern? You lose the option to change your other Kubrows to that particular pattern

  4. Water running - Sprint and slight hop onto the water followed by repeat presses lets you run across the surface all ninja like

    Kick-offs - Sort of like bringing the "Charge" attack back. Essentially a "wall attack" but you can simply grab the wall, aim your attack then kick off the wall to drive your attack towards an enemy. (Perhaps chain this with other enemies to kick off their corpses to keep melee flowing fluidly?)

    Weapon Restrictions/Changes

    Ogris becomes a torpedo-like gun.

    Ignis is more or less useless.

    Poison weaponry creates a sort of inky smoke wherever it hits

    Sentinels - Unique mods that could give them water-related abilities be it attacks or movement

    Kubrows - A pipe shaped bar we throw to our Kubrows in which they catch and bite down on, gives them a water filter/breather




    Hydroid being able to move VERY freely in the water as well. And of course, everyones powers should be altered in some way to accommodate the restricted movements and such, or...just restrict them all...save for Hydroid of course. His should be buffed/changed while in water.


    Tempest Barrage - Instead of death raining from above, a torpedo or a few come from below/behind


    Tidal Surge - Sped up to the point it's almost like a teleportation since he's already in water that sends an enemy flipping backwards spiraling out


    Undertow - Becomes a possession move, you merge with the water, force your way into the enemy lungs/controls and get to control them for a bit


    Tentacle Swarm - Release the Kraken. May Gabe have mercy on your souls.

  5. Too OP. What if we just had no legs and crawled to our objectives?


    On topic: No... And I'm not even sure whether removing coptering would be beneficial too. Some weapons deal low damage but have a high attack speed so are used to travelling quickly around maps. Without coptering they'd just be really p!ss poor- but really fast- melee weapons.


    *Thinks back to DayZ and crawling for 20 minutes to the woods to find a piece of wood to make a splint*



    I find coptering to be useful in combat. Close distance AND get a strike in on an enemy. Oddly enough, I don't use it to travel really.

  6. Agreed. Since i'm playing Loki on a high-utility build (so no health and shield mods) is is almost impossible for me to kill the Stalker. The only chance i have is when i roll at the moment hes about to shoot me with his Dread (if he goes for me with his kunais i'm instakill'd) and he misses me. He was completely alright in U10 when he was actually balanced but now hes almost impossible to beat.


    This is because so many people cried he was too easy without providing constructive feedback on how to better approach the situation.

    DE simply buffed him, scaled him better and shoved him back out the door in hopes of satisfying the player base.


    With him not being common...it's taken time for people to get a feel for how he behaves and fights. Hopefully DE will come to their senses and give him another look-over.

  7. Got a Sunika


    Leveled him, put him in Stasis.


    Don't get me wrong, he's very useful in combat and moves quick enough to survive without a problem.

    His attack power is sufficient for me and helps out even in T3 missions.


    But like many others in this thread, there's just some issues with them that I don't feel like dealing with unless fixed/addressed.

    • No color options? No thanks. (DE took the scrambler out and said it was "in review". No word since)
    • Expensive upkeep
    • No way to release Kubrows, either wait till they die (cruel D:) or just keep buying stasis slots
    • 3 HOUR wait period for stasis. This is just bloody ridiculous and something I'd expect from Perfect World, NOT Digital Extremes.

    All in all I want some solid way to choose/customize my Kubrow.

    DE is putting WAY too much on the RNG system and it's just not working.

    As it is I have my one Kubrow in stasis and one egg not in incubation.

    Things will remain this way until issues are addressed. Till then? Sleep well my furry friend.

    As for the egg? It's nothing but an ornament to me now.

  8. I wouldn't mind if it were possible for me to kill him after he stands up. Getting one-shot consistently means that I have no qualms about shooting him dead before he gets up.


    the problem is though if you don't kill him before he stands up he can nearly one shot you especially if your playing a frame like loki


    My Rhino gets one-shot by his Slash Dash (which he teleported to me midair to execute) or his Dread if it procs bleed.


    It's not just a problem for fragile frames.



    So now this brings us to my second point of making this thread. You see I knew responses like this would be incoming. And all it's done is show us that Stalker needs adjusting.His combat mechanics are rather unfair. I'm sure everyone here can agree there's a difference between difficult, and cheap. People asked for buffs over and over for the Stalker cause they were able to kill him so easily.....but of COURSE it's going to be easy if you're killing him before he even gets up!


    Thus my second proposition (Still believe initial invulnerability should be a thing).

    Low shields

    High armor

    Moderate health

    And much lower attack power


    Reasoning why?


    Stalker is an aimbot. He hardly ever misses, and he can in essence, "lock on" to us strafe around and nail us with his insanely strong weapons. With low shields we'd be able to give him a slight chance to protect himself if we don't stay on the offensive. With the higher armor and moderate health we could have more of a chance to fight him fairly and actually see him for more than a mere few seconds. But of course, this is only possible if his attack power is lowered. Can't very well fight him if he one shots most frames.


    He can already TP to us, can cancel out or buffs and powers, and reacts quite quickly with his slash dashes and instant weapon switches. He needs to be looked at if we're to have any sort of hope of fighting him fairly.


    Give both the Stalker and Us a chance.

  9. I'm sure you've all seen it.

    The flashing lights....the quiet whispers...someone mentions his name.

    Everyone stops and does an ammo check, using abilities and buffs to be ready for his arrival.

    The silence....he appears....aaannnnddd is shot dead before he can even stand up.


    Bit anti-climactic huh?


    Thus, a proposition. Give him invulnerability when he spawns.
    Or simply make him spawn with "Absorb" already on. It's such a shame that such an awesome character is treated like the gift giver. Like Santa Claus. Only appearing for people to cheaply kill before he's even ready. It'd encourage more of a "fair" fight against the Stalker. I mean even the crazed G3 have a flashbang entry. 


    Hell they could even give him his own unique absorb animation instead of a bubble to make it even cooler.

  10. I only have my one Kubrow, so I've been unaware of this, but to take one out of Stasis we have to wait 3 hours?...the hell is that? When I want to equip a sentinel to scan enemies I don't have to wait till he's reassembled.


    What's that?

    Done scanning enemies in this region?

    Ok I'll switch to Carrier.


    You've got to wait even more time for him to assemble as well as empty his vacuum bag.


    A ridiculous pay-gate that should not exist at all. I understand people trying to work it into the games lore to make it "reasonable" but that's exactly what DE did. So long as it makes sense in the game universe they can charge for it and there'll be a large group of people who'll just sit idly by thinking, "Huh......makes sense to me! :D"

  11. For those that don't know....


    The original cover art for the VHS of "The Little Mermaid" featured the big golden underwater castle.

    Among the towers was one particular tower that was rather...."phallic" shaped and most likely was intentionally made that way.

    Basically, male genitalia sneaking it's way into a family film. Look at OP's picture, the doorways resemble a man's "parts"

  12. Cephalon - (in some arthropods, especially trilobites) the region of the head, composed of fused segments.


    Food for thought on who or what Ordis could be. Perhaps it's just an AI that's gone awry.

    Perhaps it's the mind of someone or something fused/combined with an AI or computer or something.

    Do remember when we found it the Ship was under Grineer watch, and Vor has no problem tampering with Orokin Tech

  13. Didn't it say somewhere that Earth was so polluted and destroyed in the past that it became inhospitable?


    Cause if so that'd explain the ruins and vegetation that's grown wildly. In which case I imagine they're using some sort of man made machine to project an atmosphere capable of sustaining life. Could be that they do this zone by zone. While we do survival they cut off that life supporting machine to that zone, essentially rendering it hazardous and once again, inhospitable.

  14. skana prime is a prime version of skana

    dakra prime is a prime version of cronus, which is better than base skana


    so why should skana prime be better than dakra prime?

    can see your point but for obvious reasons i d keep the weapons this way


    Even with the Dakra being the prime version of the Cronus (if that's true or not, no clue) it still sucks that the Founders weapon given to us is pretty much useless. I just want some sort of buff to make it viable for higher level enemies.

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