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Posts posted by Sunder

  1. I've added in some issues addressed in this thread to my thread containing my issues with the Sanctuary, Simaris, and Scanning.

    Going around trying to collect the most commonly asked for features and gripes people have with this update so far regarding this aspect of it.


    Take a look!



  2. All I wish is to access Simaris' info panel and offerings so I don't need to physically visit relay.

    Added to the OP =3

    Definitely should be listed along with the other syndicates. Offerings having access as well.

    I do personally feel that the leaderboards should be kept in the relays though.



    Oh my god, all the points I've been thinking of are written here. Amazing.

    Simaris, give me some space man. The first time I walked near you and you came to me I thought I was going to be attacked or something lol


    And yeah, there's some unwated attention because of Simaris in Warframe right now :/


    About the low level missions, I agree with you. I've been running M Prime solo for a while now and it's really boring. Not the hunt for the target or scanning him, but repeating the same mission over and over. I tried to go pub once and they killed the target before I could scan, and they were clueless about what I was talking about.

    Glad you agree!

    As for what mission? I've been running Caloris on Mercury, lol.

    It's a capture mission and there's no energy gates, scorpions ,shield lancers, big units.

    2 targets to capture and the hunted. What I've noticed is the hunted ALMOST always comes AFTER the first capture target.

    So go Loki or Ember, go invisible or set the world on fire, dash through with the scanner equipped till you find your hunted target.

    Then just speed it to the second capture target, one shot him and rush to extraction.


    Any given mission takes about 2-3 minutes I'd say.

  3. I can't take this seriously.


    Are you that skittish, or does it just bother you that he's that close and it ruins your field of view?


    Was more-so sort of a half-joke.

    Yes it's a bit annoying he clips through so many players and blocks the panel to see what's going on.

    He also is in my field of view when trying to look at the other panels.

    Top it off, I'm playing on a 21:9 monitor (3440x1440) and the FOV can't be adjusted far enough to make it comfortable viewing. So to me...everything feels squished. It's not game breaking or something that would make me stop playing, just a slight annoyance is all =p

  4. Lets keep on topic folks!

    Keep the thread about Simaris, Sanctuary and Scanning! :D


    All good points.

    I also feel the Codex should be linked to community or personal progression in this new scanning; having two different scanners is pointless and confusing and the older one should be retired.

    Another good point...some players confusion on scanners. How they could introduce them to aide one another though...

    I dont' think DE wants to get rid of the codex scanner cause then that involves a change to Helios. And if Helios is scanning the targets it becomes much easier. No issues aiming and what-not. Helios would essentially become more-so a side-kick to Simaris in obtaining scans and less of a sentinel to us aiding in combat.


    Then again...having multiple choices on how to use Helios could prove useful/fun

  5. Scanning

    The main issue I have with these "Hunting" missions for Simaris is you're forced to have the scanner equipped to detect him. Even running straight up to the blue outlined target doesn't trigger a waypoint or notification. This forces you to ONLY have your basic melee attack and abilities available to you. No combos, no guns.

    Additionally everyone I hear who goes into their first hunt mission is wasting their scans on the enemy listed. And wondering why they're not getting hardly any standing/rep/xp

    Furthermore! When you're at 0 extra standing for the day and scan an enemy it still tells you you've gotten your XP/Rep/Standing. Likely making those without the infinite charge widget waste their scans.

    What is this doing?

    Making people of all levels and ranks run low ranking missions so as to not get mauled instantly by mobs of enemies. As a result? New players in these missions are left behind, have no idea what's going on, and are introduced to a mechanic that's foreign to them. Generally  just confusing people...

    People who waste their scans on normal Lancers wondering why they're getting hardly any XP go and see the costs for additional scanners and immediately lose interest.

    Some suggested fixes?

    • Bonus Standing/Rep/XP for higher level enemies in higher level missions (Sigil bonus maybe as well?)
    • Make a third scanner piece similar to the Derelict keys, hands-free detection (Scanner must still be equipped when target is found)  
    • Alternatively make the Sigil detect enemies so we have a reason to equip it other than aesthetics.  
    • Provide clarification that you need to find a special unit, blue outlined/blue aura (Again fixed by providing a hands free detection piece so players know to just run around till it activates)
    • Upon completing your 10,000 extra standing for the day and scanning an enemy it should read 0.


    - - -



    My issues with the Sanctuary in general are probably(hopefully) easily remedied. As it stands the most common asked questions in regards to this Sanctuary stuff aside from "Where is Simaris/the Sanctuary?" is what do all the widgets do? Are they one use? Is the Simulacrum key one-time use? Does the Sigil work like other syndicate sigils? Can we fight Assassins/bosses in it? Are we gonna see more customization and options in the Simulacrum?

    What is this doing?

    A lot of players seem to be on edge, either that or we're attracting a bad crowd at the moment. Cursing and name-calling for players who ask a question that was previously asked 50 times already. It's causing confusion and making players purchase Simari's offerings without knowing entirely what they do. Some people are straight up staying away till they know for sure as they don't want to waste their standing. Others, have seen the grind necessary and have lost  interest immediately.

    Some suggested fixes?

    • Small description box when you click on the Sigil  off to the right, "This sigil does not increase standing gained" or "Purely aesthetic"
    • Clarify that Cross-Matrix Widget does NOT double your Standing gained from scans
    • Add to Simulacrum Key, "Provides unlimited access to the Simulacrum where you can battle against..." --etc.
    • Enable more customization of Simulacrum
      • Faction ignore
      • Player ignore
      • Adjustment of Battlefield
      • Remove 20 enemy limit
      • Remove level cap
      • Endless spawning (A sort of simulated survival)
      • Enable setting different levels for different enemies
      • Archwing Simulacrum with same properties?
      • Allow squads of 4 to participate together (Granted all have Simulacrum key)
      • Enable weapon loadout  to test weapons and mods (Rather than leave, change, go to relay, access again)
      • Include Assassins and Bosses
      • Enable Godmode (This is a simulation after all)


    - - -



    My issue with Simarus is he's up in my face.
    Like....c'mon man...even back in the Orokin era I'm sure they respected peoples personal space.

    Other  than that...he needs his syndicate in general to be added to the "Syndicate" tab on the Liset.

    Same with his offerings. Many people finding it rather annoying going all the way to the relay, towards the back, upstairs, and into his room just to get more scanners, check their progress, etc

    What is this doing?

    Freakin' me out.
    Causing slight feelings of discomfort

    Making lazy people angry.

    Some suggested fixes?

    • Back his ! UP.
    • Scale him down?
    • Or raise him higher so it keeps that "I'm above all of you" feel but he's not breathing down my frame.
    • Add him and his offerings to the Syndicate tab like the rest of 'em!


    - - -


    If I'm missing anything feel free to post it and I'll add to the roster.
    (Unrelated but proper 21:9 support please? Running this at 3440x1440 and menu's are either stretched or cut off)


  6. Rather than get "Primed Kubrows" that result in us having to farm for more eggs and play the gambling game that is Warframes Breeding system...


    Either introduce Kubrow Armour, Primed Kubrow mods, or simply give us a new collar to equip on our current Kubrows.

  7. Hanging out in relays between missions gives you a chance to get to see what the community is like. Unfortunately it seems like any community we have our own breed of !-hats. As it stands relay chat lacks any form of Kickbot.


    Before it's mentioned I'm aware of the "Ignore" feature, but really that should just be reserved for those who simply annoy you, yet don't break any rules. The type of "trolls" or whatever you'd like to call them that have been frequenting the relay repeatedly use racist, sexist terms in pretty much every sentence. Making fun of those with autism or cancer.

    Pretty much the kinds of people that should be removed from chat.


    Frequent visitors who've behaved in such a way I've done my best to screenshot and report and my last response back from DE_Maurizio suggested I make a post on the forum to best voice my thoughts on the matter.



    Can we get Kickbot in relay?

    If so, any ETA on when?

    If not, any other solution besides screen-caps and reporting?

  8. If you're running fullscreen, Warframe may have defaulted to running 1920x1080 fullscreen which absolutely will stretch everything out trying to cover your screen.  Try running it in borderless fullscreen instead, that allowed me to run Warframe in 3440x1440 instead of a stretched 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 which looked fine aside from the thick black bars on each side.  That being said, for 3440x1440 I have my FOV turned up to like 90% of the bar in the options, whatever that value happens to be.


    So thaaaaaaat's where they went.  I think I have my HUD scale close to if not maxed out, then moved in from the edges simply because it would otherwise be difficult to read quickly during a game.


    I always run borderless window mode, even so there's HUD elements that are quite stretched/lower resolution

    As for FOV, for 16:9 it's usually 90

    21:9 I believe the default is supposed to be 110 or something around that

  9. (Don't know if this belongs in another section or not, feel free to move)


    I recently updated to a new monitor with a resolution of 3440 x 1440.

    I figured I'd need to upgrade my graphics card as well and went in on the MSI 980 "Gaming edition"


    However even with the 980, I can't be in a match for longer than 5 minutes before the game starts to stutter, stall and struggle to keep up. Now I don't really think it's the card since I've seen people with the same card at the same resolution play FarCry 4 at max settings with no problem. Even seen a few play Metro at Ultra with again, no problems.


    Anyone have any ideas why Warframe is struggling to run? It's insanely frustrating to try and get void parts for the trader when my game keeps freezing.

  10. Dark Souls strikes again.


    It's okay if you cried after killing Sif.

    His name is Sif, he's a Raksa =3



    But I always thought the Lotus patterned Kubrows were their versions of being Primed.

    If anything, we DID get a particular Collar when we first got 'em.

    So perhaps we'll get a Primed Collar that'll enhance our Kubrows in some way?

  11. Gonna go ahead an bump this.


    Recently got my own 3440 x 1440 monitor and have been loving it.

    Quite a few UI elements though seems stretched quite a bit...

    Off the top of my head, the loadout screen is completely stretched out.

    FOV should be able to be adjusted further as well. Certain areas feel..."squished" due to the camera appearing so close.


    Here's hoping for some fixes!

  12. The stasis time is the massive turn off for me to use my Kubrows in battle.

    Barely do I see people running around with their Kubrows. Pains to see such a great feature wasted.


    Browsing thread and this is more accurate for me.

    I've one of each Kubrow and sadly don't' use them at all cause of this stasis nonsense.

    Even if you put your Kubrow into stasis  for ONE MINUTE, you've gotta wait the same amount of time

  13. 1) Interstellar is completely irrelevant.

    2) Gameplay > realism.


    Space in this game should stay lively. And livelier = better


    1) I know, I was just using the scenes in space for an example of the lighting

    2) An opinion that you state as fact.


    I, -personally, would prefer a more realistic space. The lighting would be way more dramatic and would really make the celestial bodies seem all the more vast. All I've been saying is it wouldn't be hard to make a "realistic" space option for Warframe.

  14. Then what is your point?


    My point is, space looks way too..."lively".


    It should be way darker, any time we face a planet or the sun --with how close we are to the planet and the sheer intensity of the sun, we shouldn't be seeing anything but blackness till we turn away. And yes this would apply all the way down to the farther "planets". The sun really is just that grossly incandescent. (Praise it)


    And yes, Interstellar from a scientific standpoint is laughable. But it's an adventure movie that has to do with the celebration of science and love. That made it a good one in my book.

  15. Another Example:


    Even with massive light pollution...the "bigger" stars remain visible. Let's not forget that an atmosphere will further mess with this vision. In space you will see stars...even if you look in the direction of the sun. 

    Of course you wouldnt see stars directly around the sun....but it's still possible.


    This is taken from on-planet though. Light has plenty to bounce off of.

    The point is in space, light just travels, it doesn't reflect cause there's nothing there to reflect off of.

    So of course you're going to see stars down here, even with light pollution


    But in space,if they have light path to the sun, no. This includes lunar dust, close satellites, etc.

    The reason is contrast. The sun as viewed from near Earth has an apparent magnitude of -26.7. The brightest star, Sirius, is a -1.5. Since the magnitude scale is inverse log, that means that the sun is 10^25 times brighter than the next brightest star. That amount of light swamps the available contrast of the eye.

  16. Yea...nice experiment....except you are skipping a problem with that example...your light is infront of a wall. Space has no walls.


    You can achieve the same results outdoors. If it's night time where you're at I recommend going outside right now.

    Turn your phone's flashlight on, hold it as far away from you as possible but shine the light towards you.

    Your eyes will focus on that bright light, you won't see stars.

  17. ...I'm aware human eyes can and will see stars while in space. But not while a planet or sun is in view. The contrast is just too much for the human eye. Hence the black-ness. A simple experiment you can recreate.


    Wait for a clear night where you can see stars outside.

    Go outside and make sure you can see them.

    Now go back inside

    Put a light source/lamp next to the window.

    With the lamp turned on, and in view, look out the window

    You won't see any stars nor much outside for that matter.

    Your eyes will focus on the light from the lamp, rendering the stars pretty much invisible to your eye.


    The same goes for astronauts. They may look out one window and see stars. But the second they go to the other side and look out the window where the sun is shining or they have a view of the earth? It'll be much more difficult. Brighter it is? Less stars they'll see. As we're floating about in space, there's nothing blocking us from the planet's glare or the sun.


    Apologies for the crude drawing of this but said experiment in picture form.

    With the light there, and on, you don't see the dim lights from the stars. The human eye simply doesn't work that way. It's all contrast.





    Now replace the lamp with the sun/sun's reflection off of the planet, and you'll get the same effect.

    Even Astronauts who're facing the sun? Cannot see stars.

    They literally have to turn around/face away from it and anything reflecting such a strong glare to see them with their naked eyes.

  18. AGAIN...EYES > LENSES (in this scenario)

    Human eyes CAN and WILL see stars in while in space (as confirmed by astronauts...google it) because unlike most camera lenses...eyes can handle multiple different strength light sources. 


    ...I'm aware human eyes can and will see stars while in space. But not while a planet or sun is in view. The contrast is just too much for the human eye. Hence the black-ness. A simple experiment you can recreate.


    Wait for a clear night where you can see stars outside.

    Go outside and make sure you can see them.

    Now go back inside

    Put a light source/lamp next to the window.

    With the lamp turned on, and in view, look out the window

    You won't see any stars nor much outside for that matter.

    Your eyes will focus on the light from the lamp, rendering the stars pretty much invisible to your eye.


    The same goes for astronauts. They may look out one window and see stars. But the second they go to the other side and look out the window where the sun is shining or they have a view of the earth? It'll be much more difficult. Brighter it is? Less stars they'll see. As we're floating about in space, there's nothing blocking us from the planet's glare or the sun.


    Taken from the same album

    4542435554_061eea174d_s.jpgFree Flying by NASA Goddard Photo and Video




    The sun's reflecting off the earth which in turn makes it impossible to see stars without the aid of special lenses for long exposure or blocking the view of the earth. Every mission we play in this game out in space we're close enough to a planet that the light reflecting off of it SHOULD render the view of stars invisible. Again, making it a black void as seen in the photo above. Stars WOULD be visible if you faced away from both the sun and planet but again, it'd be dim. Certainly not blue and full "space clouds" or whatever's floating about

  20. Space is not not black void wherever you go. 

    Depending on where you are and where you look at you could even see huge nebula and a lot of colorful things. Most pictures that show "no stars" are either light polluted or use cameras that can not deal witht he overwhelming strength of our sun. If you were to fly through space like superman then you would be seeing all kinds of colorful things.

    Here is another Nasa image countering what you posted there:





    Read what I posted above. Particularly...


    "This also explains why we can see nebulae which should be simply clumps of invisible gas in space. We can’t see the air in front of us, right? The reason for this is that in nebulae and galaxies the gases and dust do reflect the light of the stars near them. So this makes it possible for us to seem them. However if were to enter a nebula the gases would not be as visible as from far off."


    Most of the time it's a long exposure that lets us see the stars and such in the distance of space. Much like the two pictures you provided. As for the video, it's a timelapse. Again, long exposure. If you were in that satellite looking out a window, you wouldn't see those stars (Well...maybe some since it does seem kinda low and closer to earth)


    And you're partly correct, depending on where we go in space we WOULD see some colorful nebulae and such. However in our Solar System? It's just not possible without the aid of special lens and cameras. Which sure...maybe the Tenno/Warframes can pick that up cause they're just THAT advanced. Same possibly goes for our dropship. But when flying in space, we're not looking through their eyes, we're in third person. Space SHOULD be just a black void of nothing-ness

  21. Actually, you CAN do this. You can turn this on and off via sliding. Hold shift and then control and you keep your momentum, and are able to shoot in whatever way you want.

    This is treated like a normal slide even in Archwing. I just keep momentum for a few seconds then slow down till I come to a halt. Shame...



    You can't see stars in those pictures because of the lightsource: the sun. It's too bright for most cameras too pick up any light from distant stars or galaxies.

    But what do you see when you go to a place where there is little to no light polution?

    Beautiful, beautiful space:


    After doing some reading up on this subject I found this which explains it pretty well


    "You might wonder with all the stars shining, why is space black? The answer is that in space, sunlight or any kind of star light does not have anything from which to bounce off. We see color because light is reflected back to our eyes. Normally if an object can reflect back all light we see the color white. However when we see the different colors we know about it is because only one part of the visible spectrum of light is reflected back to our eyes and the rest is absorbed by the object we are absorbing.


    On Earth this phenomenon is why the sky is blue and clouds are white. Each have their unique color because of how light is scattered and reflected by molecules in the air. This does not happen in space. Since space is a perfect vacuum the only thing that can travel through it without a medium is light. Light natural follows a strait path so if it is not reflected by objects like planets and natural satellites it simply “absorbed” by space. However, in this case absorbed means it is not reflected to our eyes.

    This also explains why we can see nebulae which should be simply clumps of invisible gas in space. We can’t see the air in front of us, right? The reason for this is that in nebulae and galaxies the gases and dust do reflect the light of the stars near them. So this makes it possible for us to seem them. However if were to enter a nebula the gases would not be as visible as from far off.


    In the end, space is black to our perception because there are few molecules of matter that can reflect or scatter light like our atmosphere on Earth."

  22. I don't know...I think a black void would let them really accentuate the detailing of the planets and asteroids out in space.


    You'd really look at the celestial bodies and have that sense of awe cause of how big they'd seem.

    Surely an option like this wouldn't be hard to make right?


    Remove space backdrop,

    Keep the sun/planets

    Keep the lighting (Fix planet glare)

    Remove the wavy energy when flying with thrusters.


    With the absence of so much visual they could focus on the few things that remain as well as the music to make fights in space seem more epic.


    - - -


    Also...another issue I have with Archwing.

    Why do we have to keep using our thrusters to fly?


    Newtons First Law

    An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force


    Shouldn't I just need to tap my thrusters once to get the speed I want then simply steer?

  23. Recently saw the movie "Interstellar" (Amazing movie btw) and during the space scenes there was pretty much no stars visible. Just....nothing-ness. Blackness. A void. So I decided to look up the views from space as taken by Nasa and found the same result. Nothing-ness.






    So why isn't our space the same way? Why can we see what looks likes other galaxies in the distance?

    What do you guys think? Should we have an option available to switch to a "realistic" space? Only things to be seen are large masses that catch the suns shine?

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