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Everything posted by DeVaren

  1. I also really want to optionally disable receiving buffs from allies. I suggested switching certain buffs in the pause menu, where we can now only watch the effects, but I really like this idea too.
  2. I believe that Dante himself does not require nerfs. And so that he doesn’t interfere with players with his overguard, developers can create a mechanic for optionally not receiving specific buffs from allies, I proposed a similar idea in last month’s post, because it’s not only Dante’s abilities that interfere with allies.
  3. DE already gave us an exilus slot for exalted melee weapons, but we still don't have them for primary and secondary exalted weapons, as well as we don't have arcane slots for exalted weapons at all. I really enjoy using exalted weapons so I think it would be right to give them all exilus and arcane slots.
  4. But sentinels can't have focus lenses too. The reason for this is the synthesis distribution system in the game.
  5. Sometimes buffs from teammates interfere with players. Players have a bunch of different builds for different tasks and for their playing style, and some buffs of other players can break builds or prevent them from playing as they want with their build. For example, Saryn venom dose, Grendel nourish or any other elemental damage buffs can spoil your weapon build by making other unwelcome elements or just maxing chance of applying unwanted status effect. Also Volt speed can ruin the game for Titania or Gauss turning their gameplay into a complete mess of collisions with walls, doors or falling off the map. But personally I would really like to have the option not to receive disometric guard from Qorvex because this ability covers a third of my screen and I can't see anything. We already have the option to look at the effects on the player in the pause menu, and I suggest adding a feature that by clicking on an ally’s buff, you can disable the possibility of receiving this buff, make an on/off switch for receiving this effect from teammates, so that we can re-enable the ability to receive it if necessary.
  6. not really, I don’t suggest giving time of invulnerability after a hit, but only a cap of damage per hit
  7. It would be nice to add to the warframe's armor, in addition to reducing damage, a cap of incoming damage per hit. For example, 3000 armor will not allow the enemy to deal more damage than 10% of warframe's maximum health per shot or hit, but a small amount of armor will not give a large cap of incoming damage.
  8. Also it is possible to make a synergy with the Ember helminth replaced ability(fire blast) to greatly cool down Oorvex's reactor
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