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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1.  it depends on what do you mean with "like warframe", cuz there is no game similar to warframe atm.


    Now that you mention it, not sure how I'd put it.

    If we simply say PvP games with powers, sword & guns, "parcour" (moving all over the place) and a 3rd person view, a few games come to mind:

    - Nosgoth

    - Rise of Incarnates

    - GunZ 2

    - Exteel (heard something about Exteel 2 coming up, but not sure where it stands)

    - Evolve (although I think it's humans VS 1 monster)


    However, non of those games really feel similar to Warframe.

    And I don't mean like the look and all, but the gameplay in general.

    Like, if you'd see Cabal 2 and Neverwinter. You'd instantly be able to tell "these two games feel similar".

  2. Not just credits.

    If people could get everything they need for PvP through PvP, we'd probably have a bigger PvP community.

    Because, just like there are people who don't care for PvP, there are also those who don't care for PvE.


    By the way, are there actually games like Warframe but focussed on PvP instead?

  3. Sometimes 3 or 4 people dies from that explosion mod. Then you see like 4 Oro's lying around. That kind of things happens.

    Indeed, I've even seen it happen without that mod.

    Saw a melee-gang-bang and all 3 guys just killed eachother at the same time.


    It does happen, but I haven't seen anyone loosing that many oro's before (as shown in the screenshot above).

    I mean, sure 1 to 3 oro's difference, but not 10-15.


    Makes you wonder if it happens often enough (to this degree) to call it out as an issue.

    Unless OP is saying that he can't stand loosing even one oro.

  4. Even though I'm playing melee only, I still manage to end up with more kills than oro's once in a while. But I never ended up with an extreme difference such as yours, nor have I ever seen one.


    So, is this something that happens to you a lot?

  5. The fact that Trinity wasn't removed on monday, makes it difficult to believe that this was an "accidental" slip.

    Feels like an experimental phase to me, to get some data and figure out how exactly she needs to be tweaked for PvP.

  6. Q) The patient one: He's not in a hurry to get what he needs. Most likely because he got pretty much everything in the game. Therefore, he occasionally types in the chat willing to buy those items for a very low price. "WTB > Four Riders, 5p."



    ^ This would be me. As a maxed out Tenno, I'm never in a hurry to get the newest toys. Since then I won't have anything left to do. But I also don't want to suffer under the wrath of RNGezus for too long. So by occasionally checking the trade chat, I decrease the total RNG.

  7. So which weapon works best with Primed Reach now?

    Polearms and whips.


    Other weapons, like the staffs, nikanas, nunchucks and heavy blade, benefit alot from maxed Primed Reach as well.

    Still need to test the rest of the weapons.

  8. The base reach aside on some weapons (e.g. Galatine), I have to say that DE really did fix and improve the melee hitbox.

    Since that hotfix, I noticed a drastic improvement when you're trying to hit units that aren't at your exact height level. So flying units, units on stairs, crowlers, etc... It's so much easier to even smash the enemies in the air after you bullet jump.


    Thought I should mention what has been fixed, in case there are still people wondering what this fix actually did.

  9. I'd prefer if all the damage mods got removed. Elemental should probably be turned into converters.

    Off course, everything will need to be re-balanced accordingly.


    Also, more utility mods. Not just mods that adjust weapon stats, like reload and such, but something like the explosion mod for shuriken/bow and sticky grenades.


    Maybe bouncing bullets, scattering bullets on impact (the damage is split between the scattered pieces). Mod for Ogris that allows us to remote control its rocket (rocket moves slower and has a camera). Cluster grenade launchers. Matrix bullets (when fired they briefly pause in the air, allowing to prerare a barrage for the upcoming wave). Boomerang projectiles. etc...

  10. This looks awesome.

    Didn't think they'd manage to keep the theme within Warframe style when I first heard about it.



    Just saw its abilities.

    Not sure what the first skill does. 

    The second one seems to be the Nekros Soul Punch.

    The third one looks pretty flashy. I assume you can't attack during that state, but you're also invincible. I can see it being useful in survival missions.

    The 4th one is what really got me pumped! Hah, looks like a fun skill to play around with.


    Man, I really hope we get it in a month or so. (right after the exclusivity expires).

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