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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Faction damage mods just aren't motivating enough because they cap out at 30%, elementals will be more suitable since they can go to 60% for dual stat nightmare mods and 90% for regular mods.


    There are mods that affect status and critical chance while channeling.  However the math has to be done by you.

    The faction mods can add more DPS than a 90% elemental mod.

    As far as I know, the 30% is added after all the calculations.


    For instance, if you equip Serration + Heavy Cal. The 30% will actually be an additional 129%.

    Serration: 165%

    Heavy Cal: 165%

    Total +330%

    Meaning a total damage output of 430%.

    And 30% of 430% is 129%.


    Faction mods, however, do not work against the Corrupted (void) enemies, I believe.

    Most people usually build for the Void, that's the main reason they don't have a Faction mod equipped.

  2. Sure, if you carefully plan each strike, you'd consuming less energy with a maxed Life Strike, but that's ususally not the case.

    The main reason you want to run low rank LS, is to lower energy consumption over time. Which can be necessary when facing high level enemies. 


    All in all, with a maxed Life Strike, you'll just end up with alot of wasted HP steal. Which in turn means a lot of wasted energy.

  3. Rhino Prime with Orthos Prime.



    Also, Volt with Orthos Prime.

    Equinox (day) with Orthos Prime.

    And Valkyr with Orthos Prime.

    Frost with Orthos Prime.

    Sometimes Hydroid with Orthos Prime.

    Then I go Chroma with Orthos Prime.

    Oberon with Orthos Prime is fun too.


    Hmmm, seems like Orthos Prime works on a lot of frames.

    Still, it's mostly Rhino Prime with Orthos Prime.

  4. Have been suggested that idea since the day Carrier got released.

    Vacuum is the one skill that made almost everyone pick Carrier.


    If Vacuum becomes a general mod, we'll see a lot more variety when it comes down to companions.

    Personally, I'd be jumping between companions all the time.

  5. Rebecca recently talked about this:



    The mod rank selection (sometimes referred to as underclocking) is a good (frankly great) concept but under the hood it is a bit of a nightmare with the way Mod info is stored per account. It is a very, very hard issue to solve, it technically has a solution in game now with copies of mods, and right now I don't see it entering the dev's pile of priorities considering how much full their current plate is.  Maybe one day.


    Forma applications being a permanent consumable will be staying this way for the foreseeable future, but some interesting suggestions about per loadout are cool (although run us into the info-stored per account problem).

    Ah nice. Glad to hear that they still like the idea.


    Anyway, I really want to know how they stored their data to call it a "nightmare".

    Increasing the rank is the same as decreasing the rank. Decrease simply means a negative increase.

    You do need to store the rank achieved so far in a separated field from the adjusted rank if you want to give the option to go back and forth between them. Still, nothing too scary about it.


    If they're working with delimiters for their mod and the mod rank (meaning using a single column for both), I can understand that it requires some extra lines of code, but I wouldn't call it a nightmare.


    Not saying DE doesn't have anyone to sort it out, I'm just curious how something like this can be referred to as a "nightmare". I'm probably missing here something.

  6. I've seen this suggestion a few times and as a melee-only Tenno, I support it!


    If we dare to push it further and say that each stance would unlock a "switch-combo" when you equip 2 or more melee weapons. Which would switch your melee from one to another, continuing your combo with the 2nd melee.

  7. Indeed, especially because PvP has a lot of mods with negative effect.

    Even in PvE, a lot of corrupted mods could use this.


    It's been suggested multiple times, but I don't think the devs have said anything about it.

    DE actually did say a word or two about it during one of the livestreams.

    What they had in mind was to allow people to decrease the rank at a certain cost. Most likely credits.


    They brought it up like once (maybe a year ago?), after that I don't remember them mentioning anything else about it.

  8. Reminds me of King of the Hill.

    The interception would be interesting. Maybe also with the possibility to be able to hack the consoles? Like the AI does.


    Not sure how many capture point we'd need.

    But I'd go for 3. I feel like it would be a bit more intense that way.

  9. But this is how it always has been.

    The first daily reset has a chance to increase the total Argons you have up to an additional 4 or 5. (it's random). Max I had was an additional 4.


    This was most likely done because the Argons decay with daily resets.

    If you got an Argon 15 min before the reset and you're trying to farm another one to craft your gear, it would be pretty annoying to see the first one gone before you could acquire the 2nd.

  10. This should give you an idea of Maxed Primed Reach on Orthos Prime now... I've never  used it much, so I can't really compare the difference, but it feels pretty absurd now.




    I used the maxed Primed Reach to make a video suggesting a "channeling wave" mod.

    The video was made shortly after Primed Reach got released.


    So wouldn't say there is much difference between now and back then:


  11. Honestly don't get this logic.


    For the millionth time, Zephyr and Chroma were never meant to be a replicas of the fan designs. They were simply inspired by them. Look at the Kronen, Silva and Aegis, the Manic Grineer, the Bursa MOA, see how closely those resemble the original concepts? That's what happens when DE is trying to match the concept; it's pretty much spot on.


    These skins - although fan concepts - were contracted by DE. Imagine how ridiculous it would be to contract artists to design something for you and then not even use it.

    And this is why I said keep 20%.

    In case of Zephyr, it was pretty much 0%, design wise.

  12. Indeed, there should be a number showing how far the waypoint is located at, not how far the next mid point is.


    The thing I find the most annoying about the waypoints is that they point us towards the stairs we need to take only to jump to the next stairs and so on, instead of just pointing at the exit door of that room and let us decide how we reach it.


    I mean, especially with Parcour 2.0, I don't think we need a "guide" to hold our hands and get us through the room step by step.




    Or if there are people who could use a step by step guide, make it an option that we can toggle on and off.

  13. I remember DErebecca saying that some visual of reach was being tested by dev. It would be easier to see what we get.

    Oh that would help!


    Anyway, on Reddit, someone said that the Galatine collision mesh is shorter than the visual blade itself. That's probably why it felt like the Primed Reach didn't affect the Galatine that much.


    Pretty curious to know what exactly was fixed with the U17.4.0.

  14. Can anyone pls test this with the Galatine equipped with a maxed Primed Reach?

    I've tested the Galatine with maxed Primed Reach.

    Maxed Primed Reach increases the range by 165%, meaning by a factor of x2.65.

    So I think that the range is still not properly being scaled.



    Anyway, here is the conducted test:

  15. so did it work?


    With maxed Primed Reach on Dragon Nikana, this is the approximate distance at which I managed to break the container that you see in this picture:





    Looking at the picture, I'd say the mod increased the weapon reach by at least 2 times the size of the blade.

    I'll need to do precise testings to find out how much exactly the range got increased.

  16. Nunchucks!





    Going to test every melee weapon with maxed Primed Reach once again.




    I've conducted a test using Galatine with maxed Primed Reach (+165% reach, an increase by a factor of x2.65)



    I certainly thought the reach would scale up more.

  17. There is a potential fix for this in testing, it could be released today if things check out!

    Hah, awesome!

    My hype just reached 140%!


    I'm really looking forward to this fix.

    Also, wonder if (Primed) Reach will be worth putting on weapons with short range after this fix. Weapons such as sparring, fists, claws, etc...

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