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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. +1 Cause you read all the manga, manwha, and uhh... that third one for either Chinese for the Fenji one.






    Japanese/Korean/Chinese! >;D

    Oh yes indeed! I don't mind the art that much, as long as the story is captivating.

    I mean, this is the art of one of the manga's I'm reading:





    But it may get revamped some day, just like they revamped Onepunch-Man:



  2. Hm? Why do you need five mod slots to get 360% elemental damage?


    On some weapons, you can achieve 360% combo-element using 5 slots.

    To give you an example:


    Shotgun has 3 Fire mods:

    - Incendiary Coat (90% fire)

    - Scattering Inferno (60% fire)
    - Blaze (60% fire)
    Combine these 3 with lets say 2 Electric mods:
    - Charged Shell (90% electric)
    - Shell Shock (60% electric)
    And you can get a total of 360% Radiation damage using 5 slots.
  3. instead of clicking on the game type you want like you always do, click on the challenge itself, it will automatically select the game mode and trigger the challenge.

    i can see in OP pic that the challenge was not even triggered, but this solve that problem.

    This actually worked. Nice find.



  4. Back in the days, with Mod 1.0, we were able to stack the same mod multiple times.

    You could fill all your slots with like Range mods and have your powers cover the entire galaxy.


    Anyway, this idea sounds interesting.

    We can actually get 300% of a single combo-element. (Blast, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, Radiation, Viral)


    On some weapon types, you can even go till 360% combo-element or 210% single element.

    Since melee has 3 Electric mods, rifles and shotguns have 3 Fire mods and pistols have 3 Cold mods.


    And honestly speaking, I don't think 360% cold would be any more OP than 360% Corrosive.

    However, 4x 90% might be too much. Because at the moment, if you want to get 360% combo-element, you need 5 mod slots, not 4.

    For that reason, I'd say 3 of the same should be the max.

  5. I know the solution.


    there is a way to always trigger the challenge.

    instead of clicking on the game type you want like you always do, click on the challenge itself, it will automatically select the game mode and trigger the challenge.

    i can see in OP pic that the challenge was not even triggered, but this solve that problem.

    I see! 

    Will give it a try.

  6. I read manga's and (as a developer) start on a new projects I had on my mind.

    But Warframe conclave is fun as well.



    For those interested, in no particular order, here is the list of manga's I'm currently reading:

    - Fairy Tail

    - Battle Through The Heavens

    - Feng Shen Ji

    - Tale of Eun Aran

    - Kiwaguro no Brynhildr

    - Red Storm

    - The God of Highschool

    - I The Female Robot

    - The Gamer

    - Soul Cartel

    - Magi

    - Boku no Hero Academy

    - Combat Continent

    - Kingdom

    - Kubera

    - World Trigger

    - Onepunch-Man

    - Mob Psycho 100

    - Hinomaru Zumou

    - Adventure of Sinbad - Prototype

    - The Break: New Waves

    - Yongbi

    - Magician

    - One Piece

    - The Great Conqueror

    - Id

    - Gamaran

    - Sun-ken Rock


    If there is one manga I'd advice for those that want to give it a shot, I'd probably say Sun-ken Rock.

  7. Double check your sigil and maximum standing as I'm gaining rep just fine. Challenges are also properly not affecting the daily standing limit as well.

    I do gain mission reputation from the conclave (got the Revelation Sigil, which has a +8% bonus), the daily limit just doesn't go down.

    This wasn't the case when I played a few days ago.

  8. Uh, so have they broken the challenge rewards again or did they not actually fix them not counting towards daily rep cap at any point even though it read in the patch notes?

    That's another thing I'd like to know. The rep doesn't seem to go down at all. Nor from the dailies, nor from the regular conclave runs. It just stays at 21k. Well, I'm not complaining, but I thought maybe it's all somehow related.

  9. So one of the "buggy" daily challenges this time was to kill 2 enemies without them killing you (the one at the very bottom):





    But I often feel like I've completed a challenge, yet it still shows up in the list.

    And this time I was pretty sure I did it right:





    There is also the revenge daily that seems to be bugged. The one where you need to kill the enemy right after he kills you (before someone else gets him). So are some of the PvP dailies bugged or is the description under these challenges incorrect?

  10. You see this is where you get it wrong: nobody uses Jat in a 1v1 fight. All I have to do is to find some guys in a fight, jump in for a ground slam, and randomly getting a kill sometimes. 


    It's incredibly easy, requires no skill, and incredibly effective in any deathmatch or team deathmatch mode. There is absolutely no reason to use any other melee weapon ATM. This stupid thing can even knock people down when they're in mid-air. 


    Just spam, spam and spam. 


    Also works for spawn camping in cephalon capture mode (especially on the cephalon virtual space map where the spawn points are more clustered). Unless the enemy has the anti-knockdown mod (which many newer players don't have), you can spam it all day and those new players are just spawn r@ped again and again. It's very sad. 

    What's your melee weapon? If it's one of the non-heavy melee weapons, you can use slide attack to negate the knockdown.

    You can try it with heavy melee as well, but their recovery time after the slide may become an issue.

    Bo Prime and Dragon Nikana works well for me.


    Knockdown aside, being able to one-shot with a melee weapon is a bit too much.

    In my opinion, only headshots with weapons like snipers and bows should be able to one-shot.

  11. If you perform a slide attack right after another slide attack, while you're in melee stance, you'll do a short slide in between.


    This bug has been around since Melee 2.0, but since it still hasn't been fixed, I started to wonder if it ever got addressed. So decided to do so myself.


  12. How can this be more rare then vermillion storm? For both you need to to the Tyl Regor assassination and there are a few more manics then manic bombards.


    But I agree, locking mods behind enemies that are that rare is not good.

    I actually got Vermillion Storm while farming for Final Harbinger.

    Got Vermillion Storm after around 30 runs with Nekros.

    I'm now at around 40-50 Nekros runs, still no Final Harbinger in sight.



  13. They aren't always on your path. You have to look for them.

    When they spawn, you'll hear a pretty clear sound indicating that something is happening and the lights will flicker with a tint of blue.

    So, could it be you didn't notice these signs? I've read that the flickering can be unnoticeable depending on the display settings.


    I mean, 250 runs without a single encounter is pretty insane. I have the drone spawn every 5th run or so.


    Instead of say 20 people trying to sell item X in the trade chat, there will be thousands upon thousands dumping them on an auction house system. I really don't think you understand what that differende in numbers means. Previously, these people wouldn't have even traded, it's essentially increasing the supply of items exponentially. And once every item hits rock bottom, the economy dies.

    There is a limit of how many items one can auction (like 8 items at a time).

    And most people won't be wasting those 8 slot for items they're sure of won't sell. 

    Not to mention there is a time limit on the items you auction and a fee you need to pay each time you want to sell something.


    Assume that the fee is 5% of the platinum price that we set, with 1p being the minimum fee. Meaning, if we auction an item for 100p, we'll have to pay up 5p and if we auction it for 2p we'll have to pay up 1p (the minimum), whether we manage to sell it or not.


    The time limit prevents the auction house being flooded with items that won't sell. 

    If the time limit is 24h and you have like 10k people playing every day, you'll only have a max of 80k items in the auction at any given time.


    These limit are there to prevent what you described: Market getting flooded with useless items.

    There will still be useless items sold by new players, but they'll quickly learn they're not making any profit with all these fees and time limits.


    With proper limits, the auction house can be kept clean and reasonable.

    I mean no one wants to risk selling at 3p when the fee is 1p.

  15. We need an auction house.


    Why do people keep bringing up that one game that failed to implement the auction house?

    What about the games that managed to give us a proper auction house like Cabal, C9, GW2, Dragon Nest, ... ?


    Yes, let's just pretend that an auction house is not possible because Diablo 3 says so...

  16. Grattler


    At the release the main issue with the Grattler was the range. It's alright in Sharkwing, but in Archwing, it didn't feel like there was any reason to use the gun when the enemies were pretty much at melee range. I guess the gun was meant for Sharkwing only, since it got released at the same time.


    But now, its magazine capacity received a pretty extreme nerf.

    From a 250 magazine to 25 sure can't be right.


    Was this intended? If it was, I'm really interested in the test runs that led to this conclusion.

    For such a low mag to work, you either need a reload mechanism, instead of recharge.

    Or the recharge needs to kick in much faster (lets say 0.5 - 1 sec). And it should kick in even when you're holding down the left-click, allowing the gun to shoot at least once every 0.5 - 1 sec at all time.


    I'm glad the explosion issue got fixed, but could the range and the magazine perhapse get another look?

  17. More like a few thousand ;)

    I believe there are on average 30k people online each hour. If we assume an average person plays 2 hours a day, we're talking about 360k people online the past 24 hours.

    That's just the Steam users: http://steamcharts.com/app/230410


    There are also people playing using the stand-alone version, I'm one of them.

    Not that all these people are willing to buy a catalyst, but it's probably still more than just a few thousand.

  18. That's actually the reason I wanted it, lol.

    Same here.

    Used a catalyst on it and was even planning to forma it a few times if it wasn't for the nerf.

    Even though I don't fire it that much, I still have it equipped at all times, just for the looks.

  19. I agree, the nerf was taken too far.

    Made a post a while ago about it: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/506583-extreme-grattler-nerf/




    At the release the main issue with the gun was the range. It's alright in Sharkwing, but in Archwing, it didn't feel like there was any reason to use the gun when the enemies were pretty much at melee range. I guess the gun was meant for Sharkwing only, since it got released at the same time.
    But now, its magazine capacity received a pretty extreme nerf.
    From a 250 magazine to 25 sure can't be right.
    Was this intended? If it was, I'm really interested in the test runs that led to this conclusion.
    For such a low mag to work, you either need a reload mechanism, instead of recharge.
    Or the recharge needs to kick in much faster (lets say 0.5 - 1 sec). And it should kick in even when you're holding down the left-click, allowing the gun to shoot at least once every 0.5 - 1 sec at all time.
    I'm glad the explosion issue got fixed, but could the range and the magazine perhapse get another look?
  20. At the release the main issue with the gun was the range. It's alright in Sharkwing, but in Archwing, it didn't feel like there was any reason to use the gun when the enemies were pretty much at melee range. I guess the gun was meant for Sharkwing only, since it got released at the same time.


    But now, its magazine capacity received a pretty extreme nerf.

    From a 250 magazine to 25 sure can't be right.


    Was this intended? If it was, I'm really interested in the test runs that led to this conclusion.

    For such a low mag to work, you either need a reload mechanism, instead of recharge.

    Or the recharge needs to kick in much faster (lets say 0.5 - 1 sec). And it should kick in even when you're holding down the left-click, allowing the gun to shoot at least once every 0.5 - 1 sec at all time.


    I'm glad the explosion issue got fixed, but could the range and the magazine perhapse get another look?

  21. Are some or all of these stuff coming back in future trades?

    Yes, all of his items can come back.


    How often does he come?

    Once every 2 weeks.


    Are these weapons and mods important for high end mission?

    You can do without them.

    The only mod which is a must have is Primed Reach if you're into melee.

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