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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. The knockdown can be countered with slide attack. (Slide attack is immune to CC).


    Still, I agree that the ground slam range of Jat Kittag is a bit too much. Even if you can prevent the knockdown with a slide attack, you still receive the damage while being over 10m away.

  2. Chinese Halberd (Ji)





    Tonbo could have been introduced as the first Chinese Halberd, but got added to the Polearms instead.

    The difference between the two would be that the Chinese Halberd would be horizontal oriented, instead of vertical, like the current Polearms.


    So the slashes would be wide 360° swings.

  3. Not sure if this is a good idea at the moment.

    Killing AI could be a lot easier, therefore, those with an AI on their team would simply be giving easy points to their opponents.

    On the other hand, if the AI is aim-botting, then the beginners will have a tough time dealing with it.


    Before DE can work on a properly scaling AI system, they need to improve the matchmaking system.

    And not just a system that doesn't throw people in a 1vs3 match, but also doesn't match skilled players with beginners.

  4. I'd say the main reason it's not being added, is because people could invite their friends to private session for easy reputation and daily challenge completion. So if they add those, they'll probably have to disable all the reputation gain, but that doesn't seem like a solid solution.

  5. is it cool down or is it an animation lockup?

    It is an actual cooldown.

    And it used to be much worse. Made a video right after the Aerial Attacks got implemented:


    In this video, I'm spamming the melee button after performing an Aerial Attack, but not much is happening.


    After a few weeks (still during Parcour 1.0) they did reduce its cooldown.

    But now with Parcour 2.0, the cooldown is really no longer necessary, if you ask me.


    But nerfing something that allready not many ppl use feels wrong

    Not saying Snipers should be nerfed. I'm only against the idea of weapons being able to one-shot when shot at the body.


    For a second I thought I had walked in a necro'd thread when I saw this post.  Balancing with headshots post parkour 2.0 is a joke.

    You're giving Parcour 2.0 too much credits here.

  7. I dont have anything against Ember except the Black energy Color. Thats unholy but yeah. Heavy weapons needs to be nerfed a lot. A freaking Sniper rifle cant one shot but a hammer can and will one shot you. Even if it doesnt, the slam attack will put some CC and you'll die even before getting up because they can pull their weapons and shoot you while recovering. 


    Funny thing is 17.2 nerfed nikana's but left the heavy weapons intact. So much logic in one update.

    Didn't understand the Nikana nerf either. Personally, I didn't encounter many people on a killing spree using Nikana.

    The only melee nerf I was expecting was the Jat Kittag ground slam range, to be honest.


    Anyway, from what I noticed, the Snipers can "almost" one-shot frames using the new mod, Lie in Wait. And if you shoot engaged people who lost a bit of shield or HP, you'll be able to one-shot them with a body-shot.


    In my opinion, nothing should one-shot in this game except for headshots with "sniper-like" weapons. Weapons with high damage, low mag/fire rate, I mean.

  8. Back in Parcour 1.0, when the Aerial Melee could be used to sling yourself all over the place, it made sense to have a cooldown on that move. But now that it doesn't launch you, the cooldown can be removed.

    Would be nice to be able to swing a few times as you fly through the air. (Aerial combo's).


    What other reason could there be to have a cooldown on it?





    Adding a video for those that aren't quite sure what the topic is about.

    In this video, I'm spamming melee key right after the Aerial attack, but not much is happening.

  9. Oh wow, I didn't know that you could complete it without dieing between each kill streak...

    It's a lot easier to get the kill streaks in 1vsAll, but the problem is that when I click on that challenge, it throws me into a Team Deathmatch.

    If I don't click that challenge, none of the challenges are being selected. (I thought it went from top to bottom if you don't select any)


    I just hope they get rid of that "a challenge must be selected before one can complete it" shenanigans. It's bugged and annoying.

  10. It's pretty easy to avoid knockdowns by performing a slide attack (since it negates knockdown, stagger, etc).

    But I agree that its ground slam range is a bit of an overkill.


    I once had a room full of heavy melee users.

    There were 3 or 4 Jat-users and the rest was running with Gram / Galatine / Scindo. (I had Galatine)

    And yes, it was Deathmatch (no teams). Man, that was extremely fun, to be honest. Felt like some sort of Space Medieval Maddness.

  11. Favourite conclave loadout at the moment is:

    - Frost Prime (one of the best survivabilities)

    - Braton Vandal (not using, just want to feel special)

    - Lato Vandal (again, just to feel special)

    - Dragon Nikana


    Been playing this game melee-only since Close Beta and my PvE playstyle works well in PvP as well.

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