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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. DE said themselves that they want to do a lot of things, they have a lot of idea's, they just lack the time.

    Just because the idea got 500 likes, doesn't mean it's worth the effort. I mean, implementing a 500 likes idea for an audience of several millions?


    As for bug fixes, there is a long bugfix lists every hotfix. Off course they want to fix all the bugs, but they have to focus on bugs that affect the most people first.


    I'm not sure why you're saying DE doesn't listen when they clearly showed us several times that they do.

    Personally, I don't know any company that listens to their community this much.

  2. Except that it does, you don't have to put movement improving mods in the exilus slot, just put it in a normal slot, like before the update.

    And besides, the exilus slot is an extra feature you should be thankfull for.

    Have you tried it?

    I can't equip Mobilize and Piercing Step. Can't even combine it with Patagium...

  3. For quite some time, I've been wondering how the (Primed) Reach works.

    After several tests, my conclusion was that the mod only increases the weapon reach by half of what is written on the mod.


    And the reason for that is because the collision mesh of the weapon is being scaled from the center point of the weapon. Like so:


    (Using Reach mod that should add 60% to weapon range for this illustration)


    But it should have been like this:




    Whether this is trully the case or not, many do agree that the Reach mods seem to be "broken" in one way or another.

    Could we get any word on this?


    Original post: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/382844-reach-mod-adds-30-instead-of-60-as-shown-on-the-mod/

  4. Couple of things i'm wondering about your post is what breeds were the templates and did the resulting pups retain the lotus mark you just state general build type and them being ugly if i'm not mistaken giving me the impression you didn't get what you wanted so you concluded it was a failure which may or may not be true from the information you give . I say this cause from what i've seen certain breeds will usually overide others cause its a dominant gene type so we would need to know what breeds you were working with and what the results were more then they were just ugly .

    Both incubations resulted in a non-bulky and non-Lotus Kubrows. So I didn't get any Lotus patterns.

    I don't remember all their traits because I was only focussing on whether or not the order of slots has any influence on the breed. So the only thing I can asure you is that no matter in which slot you place the imprints, it won't have any effect on the result.

  5. However, for the sake of your argument I'll only apply 1 of the new modifiers added by Parkour 2.0 that coptering does not have... Control....

    There was control. Fast-slide was the way to go if you wanted control and speed in Parcour 1.0

    Anyway, still experimenting with Parcour 2.0. I'm sure there are still more tricks to be discovered, so can't say much about it yet.


    Demo of fast-slide in Parcour 1.0

  6. 2. Slash Dash, Rhino Charge, Switch Teleport. Other than with abilities you're not gonna get much faster.

    A bit too soon to answer that question. You can speculate.

    But in reality, nobody knows the answer to that question yet.

  7. So it's completely randomized between the two like I thought, then? Noted. Thanks.

    Indeed, it's random.


    The reason I tested it, is because someone on the Warframe Wikia claimed that you could decide which traits you'd want your breed to inherit by placing the prints in the correct slots.

    Something like slot one decides the build, type and slot two is for pattern, gender, etc...

    But that wasn't the case when I gave it a shot.

  8. I had 2 prints of bulky Kubrow and 2 prints of a Lotus pattern and wanted to find out whether placing them in slots has any effect.

    First try, I put Lotus in slot one and Bulky in slot two. Result: Random Ugly Kubrow

    Second try, I placed Bulky into slot one and Lotus into slot two. Result: A different, but still Random Ugly Kubrow.

  9. Technically, it's 25% to frame with 75% split across your weapons.


    Basically, if you have 2 weapons equipped (instead of 3), both of them get 37.5% experience from each kill, and if you have just one, it's 75% from each, making it more effective XP-wise to not get kills if you have just one weapon. Warframe will always get 25% from shared-xp.



    That's the reason why it is best to let your team mates do all the killing when leveling a weapon.

    But when leveling a frame, you'll be better off doing all the kiling yourself. Not all frames have room clearing powers and this is were Nova can come in handy to help out with the MPrime.

  10. This tilting randomly happens all the time, can be looking forward to the horizon or upwards or whatever direction you choose. I only looked at that exact angle while taking the gif because it is the most reliable way to reproduce the bug.

    You're not reproducing any bug here because that's the way bullet jump works. (by looking up or down, you'll jump up).

  11. My guess is that you were killing most of the enemies using your rank 30 Mesa. Is that correct?


    Here is how it works:

    If you kill an enemy with your frame, 100% of exp goes to your frame.

    If you kill with a weapon, 50% goes to that weapon and 50% of exp goes to your frame.

    If your team mates kill an enemy, 25% goes to your frame and 25% to each of your weapons.


    So, if you just kill all the enemies with your maxed frame, while your team mates don't do much killing, you won't get a lot of exp for your weapons.

  12. Anyone managed to get an Egg on Earth since U17?

    Never went through so many runs for an Egg before. Starting to wonder whether or not they still drop there.


    My Ash Prime went from just having hit 27 to 30 and beyond through all these Earth Capture missions. With 4k exp/run, that's at least 40 runs, not counting all the runs I did after hitting 30.


    With 40 runs and 4 dens per mission on average, that's already at least 160 dens without an Egg.


    So, could anyone confirm that the Egg still drops on Earth?

  13. Parcour 2.0 - ?/10


    Will play for at least a week before judging it. 



    Equinox acquiring - 9/10


    Not sure if I was lucky or not, but I got all the parts in like 10 runs. While the boss fight was quite interesting, it ended a bit too fast. Then again, for 8 parts, one would expect a short boss-run.



    Tyl Regor - 6.5/10


    As mentioned above, while the boss is interesting, he went down too fast.

    I was also expecting a Sharchwing stage during the boss fight, where I'd be fighting against him in my Sharkwing. Was fully prepared for this as I forma'd my Archwing gear several times.

    The main issue I had with the boss, is that there was more waiting for the boss than having an actual fight.

    Shoot -> Boss disappears to fill the stage with water -> Wait for the boss to start fighting again -> Shoot again -> Boss disappears to fill stage once more -> Wait for the boss to reappear -> Shoot -> boss dead.

    In general, I think the battle was 10-15 sec long and the waiting around 1 to 2 min.



    New Quest: Natah - ?/10


    Haven't played it. Nor did I run a crazy ammount of missions trying to encounter it, so can't say much.



    Uranus Tileset - ?/10


    Haven't really experienced it to the fullest. Can't judge.



    New Kubrow, weapons, gear...: ?/10


    Everything is still coocking.




    All in all, a bit too early to judge U17 as a whole, if you ask me.

  14. That's like going to the Void for Alloy Plate.

    Not really.

    If you want to max out your Mastery Rank, you have to complete the Starchart.



    Anyway, if my memory serves me right, Steve pointed out in one of the latest devstreams that you'll still get the same total ammount of Mastery Points with the new Starchart.

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