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Posts posted by KingTaro


    and here I thought that the helmet was obtainable through plat only and used the 75p on it. This is was a while ago, but I'm still mad at myself


    and now....gotta wait for slipstream helmet O_O

    I'd say it might be a good thing to have multiple helmets of the same type.

    With the raids, we'll be able to turn them into Arcanes, meaning you'll be able to have the same visual with different stats.


    And yes, as XypherGhost mentioned, the Slipstream showed up once.

    On PC, it was on March the 3rd at 10:16 AM (GMT).

  2. Yes it's glorious.

    After all, 3 designers worked on each ear. (Confirmed by Steve).


    Not to mention they've probably started in 2007, when they were working on the game released under the name, Dark Sector.

    Unfortunately, the Dark Sector publishers had to halt its proccess as it was exceeding their budget. We simply didn't have the technology back then.


    But I'm glad DE didn't give up on it, came back ever stronger and brought us this wonder!

  3. Same here.

    Gender lock is a real deal breaker for me.


    The closest that we'll get to "gender choice", is frames with same themes but opposite genders. Meaning if we get a "male Ember", he'll have a different set of fire skills.

  4. I've got two "main" loadouts on Rhino.

    One has a conclave rating of 1700+, the other is 1400+.


    And the build with the 1400 conclave is a lot better in general.

    If I just put on all the high conclave mods, I get something over 2000.

    In short, conclave doesn't say much about the loadout past a certain mark.


    Anyway, one guy joined the mission to level his rank 11 Braton he just forma'd for the 7th time. The other is in need of Nano-spores. A third one is trying to find the special chests to get a booster. Then we have another one that is just trying out random weapons for the sake of some variation.


    Not everyone is doing the missions to just rush through it or to be "efficient". Some just want to have their little fun.

    So the way I see it, it's not that the players don't know "how to play", it's just that they are not playing "the way you want them to play". 

    When I join a PuG, I expect random playstyles and people who have other objectives on their mind.


    When I want to be efficient, I run solo most of the time. If I want a T4S 1h+ run, I'll assemble a group.

    Do I want some random fun or help out random people? PuG it is.

  5. I really, REALLY dislike this idea for Iron Skin. First you have to stand still in a big group of enemies to let you get the max health for Iron Skin, and to do that you have to wait to use it until a large number of people are shooting at you, which in high level play, usually orokin void missions on a non-event mission, means Nullifiers, which will remove it before it is of any use. Factor in the risk of dying before getting into the group due to many, many enemies shooting at you, you got a very bad design for Iron Skin. There is also the fact that you are moving most of the time in Warframe, enemies are going to miss and you'll just end up with a weaker Iron Skin.


    This system works for Snow Globe because it is a massive bubble that they try to shoot through to get to either you or the target you are protecting, With a Warframe, you are a relatively small target that they have trouble hitting, so you won't get much damage in the time alloted for the damage absorption.


    Iron Skin needs a rework, but this isn't it.


    You say that you'd need to stand still, but that's not true, because, as mentioned above, the skill will aggro all the enemies during the 5 sec invincibility. Against high level enemies, just a few bullets will be enough to outperform the current Iron Skin. But it's not just light unit bullets, you'll have grenades, rockets, sniper-bullets flying your way.

    Besides, as you've mentioned yourself, you'll be overrun by a lot of enemies in endless missions once you reach the point where you can no longer spawn-kill them. Meaning that taking cover for 1 sec to activate the skill and then rushing directly into the crowd will provide you with an Iron Skin that is exponentially more powerfull than the current one.

    Knowing that the current Iron Skin can handle lvl 100 enemies (depending on your playstyle), I can imagine the possibilities with one that scales up like the Snow Globe. Not to mention that that has Rhino's armor value applied to it.


    Nullifiers you say? When you cast the skill, you'll have 5 sec of invincibility. Enough time to get rid of the bubble without having to worry about dodging his sniper. Once the bubble is down, you'll be rushing at the nullifier with a massive Iron Skin HP pool.


    PS: I also mentioned that the Iron Skin could take the Rhino's armor into account.

    There was once a bug a few months ago, where the armor got applied to Iron Skin. It was insane.

    When I did a test run against lvl 30-40 Corpus units, I could simply walk through the mission, taking in all the incoming damage, feeling like a Rambo. That's why I suggested to lower it to 500 if the Armor value gets applied.


    I'd never want Rhino, my favourite frame, to receive "worthless" buffs/changes.

    So I'm not just posting whatever is floating my mind, if that's what you believe I'm doing.


    As I've been running pretty much only Rhino for over 2 years now, I'm pretty confident about that suggestion.


    Rhino + Rhino Prime: 75% of total playtime in over 2 years.

  6. Rhino is one of the well balanced frames, but like many frames out there, he has a skill or two that don't scale too well.


    I don't use Rhino Charge. It's fun to play around with the

    once in a while, but that's about it for me.

    Iron Skin does well up untill lvl 90-100 depending on your playstyle and the faction you're fighting. But I'd guess most people don't rely on it past lvl 60.

    Roar and Stomp are great.


    What I'd suggest for Iron Skin is make it something like the current Snow Globe. So 5 seconds of invincibility during which the Iron Skin aggros all the enemies and absorbs the incoming damage. And after those 5 seconds, the absorbed damage is added to the Iron Skins HP pool. Also, the frames armor value is applied to the Iron Skin.

    To balance it for the low levels, reduce the initial HP pool of Iron Skin to around 500.


    As for Rhino Charge, I'd increase its damage radius during the charge to 5m-8m. Meaning the enemies 5m around Rhino while he's charging will be knocked down. Or even "better", they'll be blasted away while Rhino is charging through them.

  7. Team:

    Banshee, Loki, Ash and Limbo (with everyone having CP aura)



    1. Limbo puts everyone into the rift.

    2. Banshee activates her quake at point D (the point infront of the elevator)

    3. Loki spams disarm and captures the points together with Ash and Limbo.

    4. Once the points are captured, everyone sits down around Banshee untill the round reaches 100%.

    5. Once 100% is reached, Ash bladestorms everything.

  8. Hah, if it's really lvl 100-150 and a conclave cap of 400, then I'm really looking forward to this!




    Done my run.

    I thought it would have been challenging. Seems like Tenno's are simply too powerful. Grineer needs a new type of unit that can counter the Warframe powers, like the Corpus Nullifier.

  9. Starters frame: Volt

    First built frame: Rhino (built more than 2 years ago)

    Favourite Frame: Rhino (Prime)


    Rhino went through nerfs and buffs, but nothing made me loose interest in this frame.

    Most likely since I've created a devastating melee playstyle that reaches its max potential when using Rhino. A melee playstyle that, so far, managed to outperform every single gun in the game.

  10. Do you have the % of alerts that only give credits?


    This could have been interesting as well, but I didn't store all the credit alerts (only those with 10k or more), since it would have been a bit too much.



    Nice list tough using old theme on forums makes half of the table hard to read.


    Didn't think about it. I've adjusted it now.

    Also, following the link I provided you can see the same info and more. (http://goo.gl/pmnoUh)


    Well I know you won't like this but I fear the worst, I think I'm the only one that really loves the parkour as it is now (yes parkour includes coptering). They are gonna change it for the worst, nothing DE changes is for the better imo. Copter cry babies are gonna have what they wanted , it will be severly nerfed and thus rending this game obsolete to me. Oh well I guess I don't really play anymore and at least I have a few videos for good memories. So I guess the soon to be changes in the parkour is going to be the final nail in the coffin for Warframe imo.


    So long good friend !



    Except for a friend that I taught how to do it, I've never seen anyone else before, who knows how to combine slide-attack, aerial attack and wallrunning. Meaning there's only a very small portion that knows about the true potentials of the current parcour. Most likely because it requires a lot of practice.


    What the community desires is an easy parcour mechanism, but I really do hope they build on top of the current one and don't just change it completely. Also, we need more rooms with a high enough ceiling.


    PS: I notice that when you slide after a jump, you hold down the crouch button. However, the slide gives you boost at the beginning of the animation, so it's enough to simply tap the crouch for that slide boost.

    Also, with Shield Flux and Guardian, you'll have infinite stamina.

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