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Posts posted by KingTaro


    It isn't a complete rework. Slash Dash is getting a usability tweak, Radial Blind is getting mobility during use, and RJ is getting some undefined tweaks. The only rework is replacing SP with a new ultimate.


    Slash Dash: You'll now be sidestepping from one enemy to another, slicing them up one by one. Also, you'll be able to stop the skill by pressing the skill button again. If anything, the skill will be close to the old Ash's Bladestorm. Not what I define as a few "tweaks".


    Jump: Will be replaced. 


    Radial Blind is getting tweaked, as in slightly adjusted.


    What a lovely idea, i admire the effort you took into creating this, however a few things.


    Thank you. I admit that I'm throwing around some wild suggestions, but to answer your questions:



    When the swords are thrown (i assume similar to the glaive mechanics) how will Excalibur defend himself? Will his ethereal sword have an special properties to defend him before it returns?



    The sword in his main hand will never be thrown, only the floating swords.

    Anyway, are you referring to the 1st point, where the swords are being thrown to attack, or to the 3rd point, where the swords are thrown to teleport?


    If it's about the 1st one:

    The swords are being thrown all over the place during the combo's and they immediately return.

    Just like you have a combo with melee weapon, example EEE, you'll have combo's with the Energy sword as well. And each combo is going to have one or several large scale AoE attacks using the floating swords.

    For example, you hit EEE: Excalibur performs 2 slashes and on the 3rd swing he shoots the 8 swords in a cone, as shown above.


    That means, just like when you perform a combo with a regular melee weapon, you won't be able to block while you're in the middle of attacking.


    If you're reffering to the 3rd point:

    Indeed, when you've thrown a sword using melee + spacebar, the block has been turned into teleportation trigger.

    However, as said above, holding down the block key will retrieve all the swords that you've thrown away with melee + spacebar. Which means that by holding down the block key, you'll also go into the blocking stance, so you'll still be able to block.


    But the main idea is that you exchange "blocking" to "dodging" by teleporting away when it becomes too dangerous.

    So for instance, you could throw one sword into a save spot, then rush into battle and when it gets too dangerous, you simply hit the block key to teleport to that save location.



    And because there are a set number of swords would it not suffer the same fate as the old Javelin? That it can only impale a set number of enemies (with reference to the picture them being impaled into the ground). How is it different from energy waves that can (and will) likely hit everything in their path with a single stroke while allowing excalibur to still defend himself.But if they do defend him how do they perform it without clashing with radial blind.



    The swords are not limitted to 1 sword / target. As long as the enemies are in their path, they'll hit.

    The swords will be flying all over the place as you perform combo's. Not just infront of you. You can also interpret the swords as "energy waves" shooting in all directions, if you wish. The true difference is the visual.


    As long as you're in the middle of the combo, you won't be able to block. However, you don't have to wait for the swords to return untill you can block again.


    Note that every time you hit E, you'll swing your sword, and some swings will command the floating swords to perform all kinds of tricks.


    As for the Radial Blind, I might have missed something, but what do you mean by "clashing with radial blind"?

    Radial Blind won't be affecting it, as I see it 



    The idea of teleportation seems to be stretching the idea, while i understand it's being done via sword to keep it themed it seems something more akin to Loki or Ash than excalibur special that his slash dash his being redone to keep him mobile.



    Subjective believes. He is supposed to be a swordsman, staright up in your face with a sword/gun. Not a sneaky bastard like loki or ash. For me it just doesn't fit his theme.


    Plus it's quite complicated to control it from what you wrote there.


    When DE said that his Slash Dash is going to be like the one shown at the end of a trailer, I immediately thought about the Dash attacks from Archwing. The archwing melee dash is so quick one could assume that the frame is teleporting. That's why it didn't seem too crazy for me even if all the frames could teleport. I mean, Warframe is still "kind of" themed as "Ninja", even though there are a lot of contradictions with the term as we know it.


    But, I understand your concerns.

  3. DE hinted in devstream 50 that Excalibur's 4th skill will summon an energy sword and shoot waves.

    Hah, I guess that means the suggestion I posted for a melee mod will will no longer be considered, since it's going to be Excalibur's special feature:


    Off course they said they'll do their best to make sure it's not a copy&paste of the Valkyr's 4th skill.

    While shooting energy from the sword is fun, I'd love it if Excalibur could keep his swords from his current Ultimate.




    Here's what I had in mind for Excalibur's 4th skill:



    1. Floating Swords:


    Excalibur is equipped with an Energy sword. And there will be 8 to 12 swords floating around (or behind) Excalibur that will be used in his combo's.




    - During one of the combo's, the swords could rotate around Excalibur:




    - They could also be thrown, hitting enemies infront:


    Thrown as a disc



    Thrown in a cone:



    Thrown and impaled into the ground:




    - The swords could be thrown in all directions while they're rotating:





    2. Block teleportation:


    Excalibur will teleport behind the enemy when blocking an attack. (Or after hitting an additional key right after blocking, to give the player the control and let him decide whether or not he'd like to teleport after blocking)



    3. Sword Teleportation:


    When Excalibur hits melee and spacebar at the same time, he'll throw one of his floating swords.

    When he presses "Block" key after throwing a sword, he'll teleport to that sword.


    Also, Excalibur is able to throw all of his floating swords one by one, by pressing melee + spacebar.

    After which he'll be able to teleport from one sword to another by hitting the block key whenever he desires to teleport.


    Off course, the more swords he throws, the less swords he'll have for his Floating sword attacks mentioned above. If he has no more floating swords left, he won't be able to perform some of the combo's.


    He can call back all the swords by holding down block if he doesn't want to teleport.

  4. You have nothing to worry about. DE said themselves that their main goal of parcour 2.0 is to make the movement system, that we've gotten so used to, more reliable.


    Parkour 2.0
    · 'Coptering' will be affected by our movement overhaul, as will slide jump and wall running.
    · Stamina system is also going to be updated in this overhaul.
    · Parkour 2.0 will also affect Conclave, and our PvP team will be keeping these adjustments in mind when the time comes.
    · Our main goal is to reign in abilities that players have come to rely upon, and make them more reliable to use.

    Source: https://warframe.com/news/devstream-50-overview


    Yes, 'coptering' as well as other manoeuvres are going to be 'affected'. So lets not jump ahead and assume that 'affected' means 'nerfed'.

  5. The only reason to use Macro's for me, would be for the semi-automatic weapons with insane fire rate.

    Then again, I've got a mouse wheel that can "unlock" and rotate at the speed of light with one swing. Great for those semi-automatics!


    Anyway, I think it just comes down to this:

    Macro's for convenience: Allowed

    Macro's to play the game for you: Not allowed




    Macro Nekros dessecrate: Allowed

    Macro Nekros dessecrate, macro Energy restores and macro moving around every few seconds so that the game doesn't register you as being AFK: Not allowed

  6. I'd say Ash.

    However, since they released Nova out of the blue, while 99,9999..999% of the galactic population was expecting Trinity, I assume they might have started a new pattern to Prime Warframe releases.


    The pattern could be as following:

    One of the earliest female frame

    One of the latest female frame

    One of the earliest male frame

    One of the latest male frames


    So, won't be surprised even if the next frame is Chroma.

  7. And also, what kind of rewards would you expect from dailies?



    Dailies: 1 to 3 random objectives every day for a reward.

    With dailies you'd be giving players a reason to play certain content of the game. Usually content that is no longer ran because there is nothing more left to acquire from it.


    To give you a few examples of a daily mission:

    Daily 1: Kill all the Grineer Bosses.

    Reward: 2 hour resource drop chance boost.


    Daily 2: Complete a 10 min Survival mission while keeping the Oxygen above 90% at all time.

    Reward: 2 hour exp boost


    Daily 3: Scan Lephantis.

    Reward: 10x R5 pack.


    Daily 4: Kill Jackal without any warframe mods equipped, while wearing a syndicate sigil.

    Reward: 1x 5000 points Medallion for a Syndicate depending on the equipped sigil.



  8. I sold mine

    Edit: can I get it back by submitting a ticket?

    Yes you can.

    Make sure you have a free weapon slot before you send in a ticket.


    I sold mine

    Edit: can I get it back by submitting a ticket?

    Only if its not been more than 30 days since you've sold it.

    A friend of mine got his Braton Vandal back when he submitted a ticket like a year after he sold it during Close Beta.

  9. My clanmate runs around with an orthos prime on his rhino prime and literally does nothing but lap the map over and over and over again and I have absolutely NO IDEA how he can move that fast with it.

    Fast-slides, long-slides in combination with front-flips followed by aerial melee.

    You can further boost the speed with the

    (aerial melee > tap the wall > aerial melee), which allows you to take sharp turns really fast. (or even jump from one wall to another, without ever landing).



    Best aerial melee weapons to launch yourself are staffs and polearms with high attack speed.

  10. Actually, as I see it, both videos prove my point that a stamina build is useless.

    Most of the time in the video when he is attacking his stamina depletes rapidly but he continues to destroy everything around him even with 0 stamina just by slide-attacking.


    The video therefore proves that you don't need stamina in order to wreak havoc so building around stamina is mostly useless.


    The only uses I see for stamina builds is either for running a lot without stopping (to rush missions) or in order to block a lot which I explained why I think this is a bad idea in my earlier comment.


    All that said, Prof_blocks_007 mentioned that the stamina mechanic is being reworked (I missed that livestream so I didn't know that) so there is hope yet but until they implement a rework I stand by what I have stated earlier.


    Pay attention to the Shield. You'll notice it decreasing as I slide around. That's because of the Shield Flux.


    In other words, with Shield Flux I've got over 1000 stamina, but each time my shield reaches 0 due to the Shield Flux, the Guardian mod kicks in and replenishes the shield, those replenishes my stamina. Basically, providing me with almost infinite stamina.


    So yes, the video shows you the potentials of a Stamina build.

    I hope it's clear now that the Stamina isn't useless.

  11. Jump used to be my favourite Excalibur power, but it became pretty much useless after the introduction of "aerial" melee attacks.

    I mean, jump, aim up and hit melee. There you go, a Super Jump with any frame you want.

    So yes, I agree that Jump needs to be replaced.


    As for Radial Blind, for the sake of survivability, it needs to blind the enemies the moment you hit the button and not at the end of the animation, in my opinion.

  12. @xRufus7x

    With Shield Flux, you can have almost infinite stamina, when combined with your sentinel's "Guardian" mod or Raksa's "Protection" mod.

    With that combo, I've tried running a reflection build and so far, it wasn't as impressive as I hoped for.

    So I'm not really sure if that would have been the reason why DE decided to prevent 100% stamina reduction.




    Exactly what I'm saying. Even if the reduction is 100%, most people still won't go for a stamina build.

    However, stamina build is nowhere near useless.




    Another video: 




    Indeed. Really looking forward to it.

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