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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Toxin Ward: Elemental Ward with the Toxin attribute.

    For those who don't know, at max rank the Toxin Ward increases the stamina by 100 points and reduces the stamina cost by 70% (and has a 50% chance to inflict poison damage to nearby enemies)


    The Toxin seems to be rather lackluster compared to the other options.

    As someone whose main build is focussed around stamina, I can tell you that there are ways to achieve a Stamina build with a higher efficiency than focussing on the Elemental Ward with a poison attribute. Namely, building around Shield Flux.


    I was really happy when I saw that 100% max stamina reduction on the wiki page, achievable by using power strength mods. But after several tests, I learned it to be untrue. (I've changed the value from 100% to 89% on the wiki page)


    From what I can tell, the stamina reduction percentage is calculated in a way that the power strength is not affecting the reduction percentage directly, but is being applied to the factor by which the stamina consumption is devided.


    I'll try to elaborate.

    The default value indicates that the stamina cost is reduced to 30%, meaning it's 3.3 times lower, so devided by a factor of 3.3. And when we use power strength mods, the strength mods actually boost that 3.3 factor.

    With a 200% total power strength, you'd have a reduction factor of 6.6. Devide 100% by 6.6 and you get a stamina cost of 15%. In other words, it will never reach a stamina cost of 0% as originally mentioned on the wiki.


    If this is how it trully works, then it's a bit unnecessarily confusing, in my opinion, and makes the Toxin elemental pretty useless compared to the other options.

    I don't see how 100% reduction would be OP. Yes, this means you can block any damage at any level. But you can't attack when blocking and you'd have to recast the skill at some point. Not to mention you'd have to be in melee mode to be able to block.


    I'd suggest to have the power strength mods apply directly to the 70% reduction.

    So if you'd use Intensify, you'd have 70% * 1.3 = 91% stamina reduction. And to reach 100%, you'd need at least 43% extra power strength.


    Even if 100% stamina was possible, I think that most people would still go for the other elements, but at least the Toxin won't be useless for those who love to build around Stamina.



    I haven't completely given up on Toxin and will give it another go. This is my opinion after having experimented with the Toxin Ward for around 2 hours.

  2. I usually run them solo, but once in a while I do go public since it's less boring for some reason.

    However, whenever I kill the boss before my team members get there, I always mark the drop location.


    So, instead of asking them not to rush, you might be better off asking them to mark the drop.

  3. I'd give it 6.5/10.


    Off the top of my head, things that I don't like:

    -No depth to melee combat.

    -Tiny enemies due to huge distances. Basically, you're just shooting dots.

    -Pickups. Need to be able to pickup drops at a 100m radius at least.

    -Reviving. With such massive distances, the revive time needs to be increased.

    -Projectile based weapons don't work in Archwing. In my opinion, for projectile types to work, the enemies need to have a certain movement pattern.


    Things I like: Pretty much the rest of the Archwing.


    Archwing content I'd love to have:

    -Being able to use Archwing in regular missions (with the speed adjusted accordingly, off course) on huge battle fields. Fighting heavy ground units like mechs, tanks, etc... And being able to toggle the Archwing on and off with just a click of a button. Something like Gun Metal.

    -Semi Archwing missions, where you always have the choice to either go in Archwing or with your frame. For instance, you break that corpus window, but instead of closing them with the console, you have the option to press "X" near the window and jump out to procceed in Archwing mode. Want to get back into the ship? Just break the first window you see and there you are, back in the ship!

  4. Yes, I've tried melee only. In fact, I've been running melee only since Damage 2.0. (Since U11).

    And from my experience so far, I can tell you that Orthos Prime is the ultimate melee weapon. It doesn't even have a competition.

    I'd love to be proven wrong, so add me ingame if you've got a trick or two for the other weapons.


    As for frames, you can take any frame you want, but preferably frames that have some kind of defence skills.

    Frames like Rhino, Loki, Ash, Zephyr, Valkyr, etc...

  5. It has been stated in one of the devstreams that Dex variants are the Lotus weapons.

    So, wouldn't it make sense to include all the colours of the Dex weapons in the Lotus colour Palette? Or the other way around?


    For instance, if we take Dex Dakra, not a single of its default colors can be found in the Lotus colour Palette.


    There are colours in the palette that are pretty close to Primary colour (located at column 1, row 10 in the Lotus palette) and the Energy colour (located at column 3, row 1 in the Lotus palette). So almost 2 out of 5 colours match, that's about it.



    In all honesty, the only reason I bought the Lotus palette, is to match my set to the Dex weapons.

  6. My experience is having no frigging argon and not being able to find any when I actually need it

    T4 Vor is pretty much a guarantied Argon.

    Just wait at the beginning of the mission untill Vor shows up. Once dealt with, you can rush the mission or activate the mission if it's T4S, for instance.

  7. I have a feeling that some of the new prime parts always have a much lower chance to drop than the rest.

    That's why, back in the days I used to wait for a few weeks before starting the farm.


    But since we have to prepare for the Void Trader visit, no Void run is a waste nowadays.

  8. Haven't tested it yet, so can't tell whether this nerf was extreme or not.

    But in general, when something needs to be nerfed, DE usually goes to the extreme and then builds up from that point.


    So, if they really did nerf it a bit too much, the chances are they'll slightly buff it again, depending on the feedback.

  9. Indeed, stacking is what makes Berserker a better option than Fury on crit based weapons (and off course if you're planning to land hits with your melee and not just use it as a mobility tool).


    In the video bellow, I'm using a berserker on my Dragon Nikana (without any stance).



    For most melee weapons, 10% crit chance is enough to use the Berserker.

  10. Above Level 50, things change. When you get into higher levels, his Iron Skin gets oneshotted. If you are going against Level 50+ enemies and modding for Iron Skin, You are SERIOUSLY screwing up. At that level, Rhino(Prime) is an amazing frame for CC, Buffs, and Mobility.

    Depending on your playstyle, the Iron Skin can even be usefull when going against lvl 75+ enemies.

    The only thing that "oneshots" my Iron Skin at 1 hour T4S is the Nullifiers' Bubble.


    So no, you're not "seriously screwing up" when modding for Iron Skin against lvl 50+ enemies, if you know what you're doing.


    for any1 that wants it 



    the url:




    just delete the giant potatoes


    To share an audio or a video link, simply remove the http(s):// part infront.

    Like so: n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/sanctuary/audio/stage0-u96dBTVT47TB2FcxRfHc.mp3


    As a bonus: You can wrap the link between the URL tags to turn it into a clickable link.


    Result: n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/sanctuary/audio/stage0-u96dBTVT47TB2FcxRfHc.mp3


  12. I'm talking about the mid-air copter, the one that stacks the physics behind you and launches you forward. No matter the stance the nikana just can't do it.


    Do you mean something like this?




    You can actually choose how far you want to slide with every melee weapon.

    But it's not widely known from what I noticed.

  13. Reached MR19 since I got all the event items. To me, MR is everything. It's the only thing that keeps me active.

    Nowadays, all I do is wait for the next Tenno Reinforcement, so I can max it and wait for the next Tenno Reinforcement.


    I liked the weekly Tenno Reinforcements back in the days...

  14. I'd have never imagined that Warframe would pique interest of the senior citizens. That's amazing, honestly!

    Anyway, I wish I could help you out there, but we're playing on different platforms to begin with.


    As people have mentioned already, the best way around this, is to rush through the enemies untill you've collected your weapons.

    What's the frame that got captured?



    PS: If it still doesn't work out, you could send in a ticket. I'm pretty confident that DE would help you out.

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