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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Got all the frames maxed and most used frames are:


    Rhino - 73%

    Volt  - 4%


    The rest of the frames range from 0% to 2%. Yes, some of the maxed frames are at 0%.



    As for kills:


    Rhino - 148k

    Excal - 19k

    Saryn - 7k


    The rest ranges from 0 to 3k.

    Reason why the frames have a low kill count, is because most of my kills come from this:



  2. If you're going to use melee weapons for the actual combat.

    You can narrow it down to one thing when you want to give a quick answer: killing efficiency.


    What I define as killing efficiency is how fast can I kill X enemies (spread out through the mission).


    If we compare Scindo Prime with Dragon Nikana.

    Dragon Nikana will have a higher killing efficiency in most occasions, if you know how to take advantage of Nikana's slide attack mobility.


    Now, if they ask why weapon X has a higher killing efficiency than weapon Y.

    Then you can start digging up all the features of the weapons.


    In case of Scindo Prime and Dragon Nikana, the deciding factor is the weapon mobility.

    Both weapons can clear a squad of enemies really fast if they're put right infront of them. So it comes down to how fast one can move from one squad to another.



    PS: Dragon Nikana performs better without a stance.



    Theories might help to some extent, but the best way to find out which weapon has a higher killing efficiency is through actual gameplay experience. My favourite mission to test this is T4 Survival.

  3. The one advantage you have with Glaive Prime is that you can aim it when throwing. Therefore, allowing you to easily damage enemies that require precise aiming, such as Lephantis.


    But if we're talking killing efficiency, by the time you kill 1 enemy with Glaive, you'll have slain 10-20 with Orthos Prime.

    After all, Orthos Prime is the best weapon in the game, when it comes down to mass killing efficiency.


    However, it's not a waste to get a Glaive Prime. It's still a good weapon.

    I've modded mine with Power Throw, Quick Return and Whirlwind. Allows me to spam-throw it.

    PS: Whirlwind also increases the throw distance, not just the flight speed, so make sure you slightly aim it at the ground if you want to spam-throw.

  4. DE teared apart the Focus system idea they had and implemented its bits all over the place.

    Not everything they had in mind for focus got implemented, so they'll probably procceed adding it bits by bits.

    And once it has been drained completely, they'll design something new for the actual Focus system, to implement it as a "Focus System".


    That's what I think I heard in one of the devstreams.

    Not 100% sure.






    Think I found the devstream with the latest Focus System discussion.

    Devstream 43 Overview: https://warframe.com/news/devstream-43-overview


    Interesting part to note:


    The Focus System has never been forgotten, but we can understand this question coming up time and again; particularly now that we’re reflecting on what we’ve accomplished at the end of the year. To catch you all up with some of what’s been going on internally, here's a quick point-by-point rundown of where the Focus System stands:


    · The Focus System was originally created to augment Warframe abilities and prowess, providing substantial rewards for progression.

    · Two major recent updates, Ability Mod removal and Augment Mod introduction, were first saved for implementation in the Focus System. When also considering the arrival of Syndicates, our entire current model for the Focus System has been made obsolete.

    · We are working on the Focus System as a form of endgame progression. If, at any point, we reach a stage during Focus System development that feels like it has become as solid a concept as Syndicates or Relay Stations, expect to see an Update featuring it.


    Note: the above doesn't mean every wonderful idea that comes along for the Focus System will be cannibalized for something else. We just want the Focus System to be so much more than a simple 'alternative leveling' experience.

  5. The game is freakishly low on two handed swords, so it would be reasonable for them to add one ASAP.




    Because dual swords category is at the 2nd place, right after the single swords, when it comes down to the ammount...

    And that's only if we count the unreleased and unobtainable single swords. Without those two, Single and Dual are both ranked nr1 in count.

  6. This is my how to spend plats guide:


    1. Slots

    2. Potatoes

    3. Cosmetics

    4. Items that are relatively cheap. For instance: Loki. You get a slot, a potatoe and a frame for 75p, meaning the frame itself is only 35p.

  7. Most of the time, that bug is more annoying due to the frame bits covering half of your screen.

    But I once had that bug without these bits messing up my view, because the camera zoomed in further than usually, and it felt great! That's when I realised that FPS in warframe would work well.


    To my surprise, not only did parcouring feel natural, it was really amazing!

    So, I'm all for FPS mode in Warframe. Even better, if we can switch mid battle, like in Firefall, and don't have to go into options.

  8. Doesn't matter which frame you have equipped, the best weapon is Orthos Prime.

    After Orthos Prime, you have some other good options.


    Kogake with Brutal Tide (against infested), Dragon Nikana (without a stance), Galatine with Tempo Royal, Tipedo / Bo Prime with Clashing Forest, Boltace / Kronen (highest slide attack, great for insta-kills), etc...

  9. Yes, Melee "system" of Warframe is most likely one of the best. Or more precise, the idea of Warframe melee system.


    You have a lot of melee weapons to choose from. Combo's changing by simply switching a stance mod.

    Pretty much each stance has a combo or two with special characteristics.


    But, the actual combat is where its lacking. There is no feel to it, like you have in melee oriented games, such as C9, Tera, Vindictus, etc...

    The enemies perform their little dance as you hit them, but you don't feel the impact.


    By feeling the impact I mean this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/295471-melee-20-general-feedback/

  10. WF is used to open all lockers one by one, and equip the Master Thief & finding more secret room for more lockers for more resources drop.



    Hunting boss for BP not only to made new frames, but also sell BP for money, making old player returning the boss map playing with new players.


    I never had to open lockers and explore rooms for resources. And I've never been low on any resources except for Cells and Ferrites or so, back in the days.


    As for Boss runs, the only Boss everyone was running back in the days was Vor, to get the Cronus BP and sell it. And that was only untill like U8. With U8 came the T3 Void that gave 75k-100k credits per run...



    Seems like we've experienced the game differently.

  11. If you want to "leech" (level weapons and such), you simply have to play a supportive role.


    Few examples:

    Trinity infinite energy

    Nekros Dessecrate

    Nova M.Prime

    Frost Snow Globe

    Volt Speed and shields all over the place

    Vauban CC


    Those are just a few ways to leech, without people noticing it.



    Bonus: Run around for no reason while spamming those supportive skills. (+25 to stealth-leech).

  12. Simple.

    Make finishers regen health.


    Yes but even then you have to hope someone gets knocked down to use a finisher so you have to gear a way to do it or use something that can knock people down. Not all weapons have good knockdown here and there.


    Every frame can knockdown without using a weapon or powers.

    Simply jump and slide (a.k.a Flying Kick).

  13. Codex has barely any impact on the gameplay, and all the data is present on the wiki. Finishing codex is a goal for completionist, and rewards for doing so are pretty much nonexistent.


    It has no impact, because it failed to do what it was meant to do.

    A game should always present the necessary (basic) info in the game itself.

    When it's a lot easier to use the 3rd party tools to access that info, it means the game failed to do the job.


    The idea behind the codex is not to give complitionists something to strife for, but to have a reliable source of information without the need to check the wiki for every small thing.



    No. Knowledge must be earned the hard way.

    You want info? You want integrity? Work for it.


    There is a difference between "the hard way" and "the boring way".

  14. This might have been suggested already, but I'd like to be able to fill the codex information through kills and not just by using the scanner or having to limit myself to a specific sentinel.


    Since we have all the info available on the wiki, it should have been made more convenient for people to access it, not the other way around, if you ask me.


    Off course you'd need more kills than scans to complete a codex entry. For instance, it could be 10x the scans required. Meaning you either complete the codex of a unit with 20 scans or 200 kills. Or you kill 140 enemies and decide to complete the rest using the scanner, etc...


    It also makes sense that we can find out more about the enemy through battle. We gain battle experience.


    As I barely see people going around scanning things or using Helios for the job, I'd say that scanning is not something one would call a "fun" activity. And putting the information (that should have been ingame by default) behind a "chore" is not the right way to do it, in my opinion.


    It could be in another form as well. Let's say that each time you hack a Corpus or Grineer console, you gain "scans" towards a random corpus/grineer unit. Or by completing a Spy mission, etc... 

    TL;DR: Have several passive ways to fill the codex and have the scanner option for those who want to do the job quicker.
  15. Would you like to deal increased damage to enemies by weakening specific parts of their armor?

    As long as it's melee friendly.

    Because right now, melee is at a huge disadvantage against the enemies that require precise aiming, such as Ruk, Lephantis, Lech Kril,...

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