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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. It looks great!

    I think my first mission took 20-30 min as I was looking at every corner of the tileset I could find.


    Doing so, I also noticed that it wasn't really a parcour friendly tileset.

    Basically, I was expecting the new tilesets to be designed in a way that would encourage parcouring, with the upcoming Parcour 2.0 and all.


    Anyway, since this is just a preview, not to mention the Parcour 2.0 isn't in place yet, I'd assume that we will be getting rooms requiring some parcouring once the full tileset is implemented.

  2. You can prevent knockdowns with roll, block, slide attack.

    But Handspring is the best overall solution against the knockdowns, since you don't have to do anything.

    You get up so fast that you can kill the enemies before they can even finish their knockdown attack animation.

    Feels even faster than blocking (since you get stunned into block animation) or rolling.

  3. I'm not really in favour of getting a BP to turn my two Wraiths into dual weapons, since I'd be loosing the single version. Unless we get a 3rd Strun Wraith or the Dual BP requires one Wraith and one regular Strun.


    Anyway, would have been nice to receive a 2nd reward on top of it, for those who already have the weapon.

    Like what DE did with the Proto Excal skin this year. They released Nemesis as well. Something new for everyone.


    It doesn't have to be a whole new weapon, it could have been a different Wraith skin for the Strun Wraith.

  4. I think I've had like 3 runs with 20-30 Kubrows and the other runs were around 5-10.

    Took me 7 runs to complete, so around 15min. So it's not that bad.

    It could have been 6 runs, but the game thought it would be funny to give me this score on my 6th run.





    Thanks to Enemy Sense, the smoke didn't bother me at all.

    Usually, I play with my eyes on the radar like 80% of the time.

  5. Was expecting the permanent BP to be 100p, so no surprise for me there.

    But I really couldn't believe my eyes when I saw over 100k resources. Even 5k would be pushing it...


    Here is the issue.

    An Alad V run takes around 2min (3 at most). On average, you get 1 Neural Sensor each 2 runs. So around 5min for 1 Neural Sensors.

    Now tell me, is there anyone out there who can get 25.000 uncommon and 100.000 common resources in 5min?


    This is clearly a bug. I simply won't believe that this was intended.

  6. If only Nexus (mobile Warframe app) offered mini-game alternatives to get the alert rewards.

    For instance, having ZephyrBird and Wirmius integrated into the Nexus app. And then requiring you to get a certain ammount of points to get the alert reward (required points depend on the alert rarety).


    Or maybe like hacking several Corpus and Grineer consoles (using Nexus app) within a time limit to get the rewards, etc...

  7. I posted something similar a while ago.


    The way I see it:


    20 nodes as in 20 different tilesets.

    Once you select a tileset, you'll then have the option to select the mission type and the difficulty.


    Difficulty as in tier 1, 2 or 3:

    Tier 1: lvl 1-10

    Tier 2: lvl 11-20

    Teir 3: lvl 21+


    So if this is how it's going to be, then it's more or less just a UI change.

    Source: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/449049-253-nodes-on-the-star-map-to-20/?p=4992874 


    And to prevent people from choosing any assasination mission right off the bat, allowing them to access any frame they want, there could be some sort of progression.

    For instance, one must complete every mission mode (extermination, defence, survival, ...) from a tileset to access the boss mode of that tileset. And once the boss is defeated, the player unlocks the next tileset, etc...

  8. That is debatable. I would say that Dragon Nikana and Scindo Prime are the kings of melee. 


    Bo Prime beats the Orthos Prime as the best weapon in the game~


    For anyone doubting my claim that Orthos Prime is the best melee weapon in the game, I'd gladly demonstrate it to you ingame.

    And in return, I'd really want you guys to demonstrate me your tricks with the weapons you guys claim to be better.


    My IGN: KingTaro

  9. That would be the Dakra Prime with Crimson Dervish stance, my friend. The Orthos can't kill with 1 hit after 40 mins T3/4S with Loki, but the Dakra can. And don't get me started on the combo that ends with the finisher opening attack.

    Range is good on the Orthos but the damage just drops off fast.


    Dakra has higher damage than Orthos Prime and yet, it doesn't even come close to Orthos Prime when we're talking killing efficiency.

    The only melee weapons that can compete against Orthos Prime are the other polearms (Orthos, Serro, Tonbo).

    Orthos Prime true potential comes from its insane range and slide attack. Especially from fast-slides.


    Since you pointed out 40 mins of T3S / T4S, Orthos Prime does great in an hour long run.



    I'd like to be proven wrong, but from what I experienced for the past two years by playing melee-only, Orthos Prime is currently the best. And yes, I do have all the melee weapons and stances (except for Four Riders stance).

  10. I thought about racing Liset as well. I mean, we already have the space environment (Archwing).

    As for the reason why Tenno would race. They could be doing it for enjoyment. It's not too crazy to think that Tenno's do like to relax, since we have all these relaxation rooms in our Dojo's.

    Or it could be for the profit. Tenno's are kind of space mercenaries, fighting for profit once in a while (Invasions, Infestations).



    This trend of replying with "no, they got their hands full" just to get some likes really needs to end. è_é

    "Don't add anything and just work on current stuff" is not how the games stay alife nowadays. Even DE admitted it themselves several times during devstreams. This is the reason why I'm still playing Warframe for the 3rd year now.

  11. For those interested how I went past 20 min with unmodded frame (with Enemy Radar aura) + modded weapon, I recorded this time.

    I should be able to reach 30 min if Vor doesn't show up too late, when the enemies start to hit like a truck.


    I had to stream to twitch, instead of recording with fraps, because fraps drops my fps to 40 and makes it unplayable.

    So sorry for the "amazing quality".



    Since the video's seem to get deleted from twitch after a while, I exported to youtube as well.



    Might try to hit the 30min mark.

  12. First attemt was 23min 7sec.

    Used unmodded Rhino Prime (with Enemy Radar aura) and modded Orthos Prime.

    One reckless move -> Heavy unit knockdown -> nuked to oblivion. 

    Been a while since I last had this much fun, though. Also, this is probably the first time I killed T4 Vor with a melee weapon.




    Feel like it will go better with Valkyr. I'll record if I give it another shot.

  13. Back in the days, there was a bug that applied your armor to Iron Skin.

    In the entire lvl 35-40 Grineer Ext mission (around 100-120 enemies), my Iron Skin didn't even loose half of its health. I think it went down like 20% max.


    DE fixed that one pretty fast. Wanted to experiment some more and see how far it could go.


    If I'm stupid enough to (while recording) completely ignore the life support, and wish to continue surviving with no air and 5 HP, may I?


    The video's timer would still count the seconds.





    I don't remember there being a timeout after the oxygen runs out.

    So one could get in those secret rooms at the top where no enemy can enter and record 24/7.
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