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Everything posted by (XBOX)Muevelos

  1. Personally, it was a 10 year pack, so it's not the standard, price was high but understandable given the circumstances. It isn't the norm. My issue is the price of Regal Aya, that's the real concern.
  2. Considering the amount of people that bought the pack, I'm sure they will at some point.
  3. Who the hell cares, MMO, MMORPG. These names have become so diluted it doesn't matter. You can literally call Tetris and MMORPG by it's vague diluted definition.
  4. We have events periodically, just got done one, we have a Clan OP coming. DE considered raids, left it to the community. The community said no, lets leave that topic where it belongs, dead and gone
  5. It would make sense to allow P Reach in that slot, if not maybe they'll give us Primed Parry
  6. I was curious on everyone's opinion what could be the Melee Arcanes? I know we don't really know but if we're guessing what do you guys think they could be? Do you think they will be added to the Acolyte table? Also Melee Exilius, I know the new TennoKai mods(9?)will have the ability to be put in this slot, but I was curious what you guys think other mods they will look at and add to this slot? In theory, looking at secondary and primary I can see a case where primed Primed Reach Should be here. Which would help a lot of builds and give more flexibility for more damage or double dipping on utility. Thanks all!
  7. Didn't read it entirely, your post made me make my first one. My bad 😊
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