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  1. Remove LoS from Tragedy, It feels weird to use now Edit: Also increase the amount of overguard Dante gains from his abilities, the amount you give to your squad is pretty balanced I feel, but Dante himself has Overguard as his only defensive. Change any mod or ability that requires health or shield damage to work with overguard too at 50% effectiveness
  2. Please revert the tragedy line of sight requirement, remove all the other line of sight requirements in the game too while you're at it
  3. Wow those Dante nerfs are tragic I knew it was a bad idea to spend 15$ on a frame while I'm broke af
  4. Idk if it's been said yet, but Kullervo can't teleport through open doors or next to some objects
  5. If you don't like people saying negative things in the forum, start your own forum!
  6. I just hope she doesn't have certain assets nerfed Also I'm really excited for dagger wizard he seems like he'd be really fun to play
  7. It's been 5 days now with no nitain, I just want to finish building my Vauban prime... Come on
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