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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. You can optimize Exalted Blade and your melee weapon choice separately. That's the point. One of them doesn't impact the other. If you still want to rock your Scindo Prime for use outside Exalted Blade, you can. Some people will. Some people won't, for reasons I outlined earlier. But it's a choice that no longer has any bearing on Exalted Blade's performance.

  2. It is just another Excal nerf, and he has had too many already. Further more, it's annoying because it lowers the variety of desirable weapons you would use for EB, which is the exact opposite of the reason they cited for this change.That's why people are so annoyed by it.


    He's had barely any since his rework, and there is literally no connection between what weapon you use specifically for Exalted Blade and Exalted Blade's actual performance, because Exalted Blade is affected by mods, not weapon stats. That's the point. If you're trying to make a point about melee weapon variety in general, that's another topic entirely; one you might make some noticeable ground in. But it has nothing to do with Exalted Blade any more.

  3. You need to bind a separate key for it.


    Melee mode exists for the sake of channelling and combos.  Melee mode needs a 200% armour buff + inbuilt knockdown resistance to make it viable.


    You can block knockdowns. Also 200% armor would be ridiculous on certain frames (Valkyr, Chroma) and not nearly enough on others (Nyx).


    I could stand for melee weapon swapping to be slightly faster. That said, I think the idea is you're supposed to find cover (or do some sweet parkour action) to give yourself a moment of safety to switch. Personally I don't find it too prohibitive.

  4. Couldn't the same be said of the time before the nerf? 


    Probably. If I'm being perfectly honest, I think people are overstating the importance of the Exalted Blade changes a bit. Syndicate mods were a big boost for it, to be sure, but it was an excellent and extremely powerful ability even if you didn't have those, just as it's still a powerful ability now that they can't be used. The answer to how "necessary" syndicate mods were for Exalted Blade depended a lot on how many waves into defense (or interception, or survival) you wanted to take your Excalibur; for most conventional gameplay, it does the job without them and then some.


    In any case, whatever the situation may be with melee weapon balance, good or ill, it's not tied to Exalted Blade any more; that's probably for the best.

  5. No reason to use anything other than a Dakra Prime on Excal now. Hell, I don't even see a point in using the syndicate melee weapons at all now.  Dakra Prime (for Excal) and the Scindo Prime are really the only melee weapons even worth equipping.


    Maybe you're not an Excalibur player. Maybe you don't have a Scindo/Dakra Prime. Maybe you do have one but you've been using it for a dozen runs straight now and you're tired of looking at it. Maybe you're gearing up for a mission where a non-slash damage type would be more useful. Maybe you fell in love with your Skana/Dual Cleavers/etc. during your early days of Warframe and want to get nostalgic without shutting down your killing power too hard. Maybe battle axes or sabers just don't do it for you aesthetically.


    There's tons of reasons to equip other melee weapons, even if you throw any issue related to Exalted Blade out the airlock.

  6. Not a huge Frost player but I have to say I've been greatly enjoying the rework. His abilities play very nicely together, and he really feels like a strong zone control frame now; Avalanche's freezing properties have come in handy when buying time to rez teammates, and not having to babysit a Snow Globe timer has made missions where Frost shines (defense and mobile defense in particular) much more enjoyable. Ice Wave traveling in a cone has also greatly increased the value of Ice Wave Impedance, which I'm liking a lot.


    One thing I did notice, though, is that physics effects (knockbacks, etc.) don't seem to work properly on frozen targets, as I was to understand they would. I run with a Jat Kittag and Shattering Storm for my Frost loadout, and it seems like the ground slam attacks never have any effect on targets I've frozen with Avalanche. Not sure if it's a bug or not, but either way I'd like to get my ice breaker on.

  7. The underwater tileset was a nice and long-needed expansion to Archwing gameplay, but there's a great deal of potential still yet untapped. To wit: does the tech used to transition between underwater and normal gameplay mean we'll see mixed missions like that in space-based tilesets? Also, are there any plans to adapt other traditional game modes to Archwing? Failing that, could we at least just get some more space-based Archwing mission nodes?

  8. I didn't say that they have to run every change by us. However, when the vocal majority of people voice their concerns, voice their alternatives and DE doesn't even acknowledge the community's concerns that is when it is an issue.


    For example the hydroid change that no one asked for. The majority of people opposed it. Yet DE didn't even provide their reasoning they just did it.  


    I think you'll find that A) the majority you speak of isn't as overwhelmingly on your side as you think it is, and B) a lot of people did actually ask for those changes.

  9. Location: Unresponsive Corpus cargo ship 2.9 AUs from Jupiter.

    Mission: Investigate reports of Infestation; provide distraction for supply raid.

    Expected Resistance: Infested; high numbers.

    Operative: Dirge


    Mission Debriefing Log


    Opera: Finale has already given her report. You'll be glad to know she was successful.

    Opera: The credits and fusion cores we were able to recover should prove very helpful. She told me to thank you for your assistance.

    Dirge: ...

    Opera: Is something the matter?

    Dirge: The Corpus were there.

    Opera: The Corpus? I see...they must have been trying to retake the ship.

    Opera: I apologize. I should have been able to update you about this.

    Dirge: ...

    Opera: Are you alright, Dirge?

    Dirge: Yes. I simply...do not remember very much.

    Opera: Of what?

    Dirge: The mission.

    Opera: Ah. Please...tell me more. If you would.

    Dirge: ...

    Opera: Dirge?

    Dirge: They were stronger than normal.

    Opera: The Corpus?

    Dirge: The Infested.

    Opera: Stronger how?

    Dirge: ...I do not remember.

    Opera: Is this something we should bring to the commander's attention?

    Dirge: ...no. It was an isolated incident.

    Dirge: I killed them all regardless. Of this I am sure.

    Opera: I see... I'll take your word for it. And the Corpus?

    Dirge: I slaughtered all I found.

    Opera: And your gaps in memory...I take this to mean you...lost yourself, during this mission?

    Dirge: ...multiple times.

    Opera: I apologize. That was somewhat forward of me.

    Dirge: ...it is your duty to ask.

    Dirge: I take no offense.

    Opera: I appreciate your honesty. In any event...what of the data that Cephalon Simaris requested?

    Opera: Were you able to synthesize his target?

    Dirge: Yes.

    Opera: I notice your Helios drone didn't return with you. Was it destroyed?

    Dirge: ...yes.

    Opera: I see. I'll send a notice to Marcia to begin constructing another one.

    Opera: All things considered, Dirge, you performed exceptionally.

    Opera: You managed to complete all your objectives, including secondary ones, in spite of minimal prior knowledge of the situation as well as the arrival of an unexpected additional threat.

    Opera: More than that, you returned with scarcely any lasting damage at all to yourself or your warframe.

    Opera: I daresay even Aria would be impressed with your results.

    Dirge: ...

    Opera: I have some concerns about the frequency with which you fell into your berserk state on this mission, and the memory loss that resulted. However, I don't feel there's much to be gained by pressing that topic.

    Dirge: ...I appreciate it.

    Opera: Of course. As the Octave medical officer, it's my duty to do what's best for you and the others.

    Opera: That in mind: Dirge, you're officially cleared to resume active duty. I'll file the debriefing report to the commander later.

    Opera: Do you have anything else to add?

    Dirge: No.

    Opera: Very well. You're dismissed.


    Mission Result: Success

  10. A weapon can be as effective as you like, but it won't be viable when there are much more effective and potent options. 


    You're conflating "viable" with "optimal." Viable doesn't mean it's best; only that it's capable of getting the job done. Which is true, in many cases.


    What snipers need, in order to be viable, is maps and mission types where sniping is useful.


    This is a big part of the issue. Most map tilesets are somewhat confined; indoor locales with low ceilings, lots of obstructions, and few good vantage points. Having more wide open spaces like those found on the Corpus/Grineer settlements would be a good start to making sniper rifles more attractive.

  11. If a small number of things is under- or over-performing compared to others, it's significantly easier - especially for a relatively small dev team like DE - to bring the outliers in line with the rest than the reverse. It's a matter of efficient dev time.

    Also, neither the Covert Lethality change nor the syndicate mod removal qualify as nerfing Exalted Blade "to the ground." It's still amazing.

  12. As an original Supra fan, I think the reason is twofold: one, it requires a lot of Forma to reach its full potential, which coupled with the hefty research/crafting cost makes it a big investment; and two, it requires a very high mastery rank (rank 7) compared to most other comparable weapons. Put together, it was usually easier to just invest in something less demanding, like a Soma.


    Also, these are admittedly the words of a man who's tricked out his Supra with 4+ Forma and all manner of max-level mods, but I have a really hard time running out of ammo with the capacity now doubled. I almost killed an entire Arbiters death squad without letting go of the trigger, and that was just with one clip; between the buffs to ammo capacity and damage, the Supra's overall efficiency went way up with U17.

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