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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Not 100%.   Vauban, and auras are also alert only.  It works there, to say nothing of event items, tac alerts and Barok's inventory.


    Not everything is farmable.  This is OK.


    I'd love for Vauban and aura mods to be obtainable somewhere else as well. Event/tac alert/void trader items are less critical because in nearly all cases they're upgraded versions of an item that has a regular counterpart. More than that, they're scheduled, not random, and in the case of the former two also typically both announced in advance as well as available for a significant length of time.

  2. Because it would make no difference. Its extra work that would amount to nothing. Farm a potato with a drop chance of 1-2% (DE likes really low drop chances) or farm the void for random parts and trade, then buy a potato guaranteed? I'll go farm the void thank you very much. I know people who consistently buy forma from the market and those drop so much its annoying, why farm something that might take you 100 runs without ever seeing it drop?


    Your scenario hinges on a very specific implementation, namely that catalyst/reactors would A) have a very low drop chance, and B) would not be found in the void. I (and I suspect many others as well) come across Forma more often than not as a byproduct of hunting for other things, like prime parts or mods; something similar might (or might not) happen with catalysts and reactors, depending on DE's implementation. Assuming the worst for the sake of bolstering your argument is...well, exactly what it sounds like.


    Besides that, the answer to "why farm it?" is the same as it is for any other object of value: it depends. I've given some that I think are reasonable: bad luck, needing drops for yourself, preference for the solo life, impatience for trading, etc. Personally, while I've had some good experiences with trading, I'd rather be able to just go get stuff myself because it gives me an excuse to get in and play the game. Your mileage may vary, but adding options doesn't really hurt anybody.

  3. They don't even have to replace it. Buying catalysts/reactors from the shop would still have a function even if they were farmable, just like buying Forma does.


    I should clarify, on that note, that this by no means qualifies (in my mind, at least) as a top-of-the-list concern. As I said, there's a workaround available now, and while I disagree on principle with it being the de facto solution, it does the job for now and I don't object to its existence. My point with this thread wasn't to say that DE needs to change it now; just that, as somebody who's watched Warframe grow for ~2.5 years and watched the dev team slowly tackle all the older, clunkier holdovers from its inception, I felt this was one for The List. This just felt like a good time; they talked about getting rid of paid revives on the devstream last week, there's a pretty massive overhaul coming to the star chart (and by extension a rearrangement of how we acquire stuff in-game), and the relative scarcity of catalysts/reactors is a topic that's been on my mind lately after discussing it with friends who are newer to the game.


    I've seen enough of DE to know (or at least believe) they're not acting out of greed or maliciousness or anything like that. The whole reason I started this thread in the first place (I usually don't do forum posts of much substance) is because I feel like they're actually paying attention. I don't begrudge them for not stamping out every holdover ever from the days when Warframe was much smaller (and had fewer ways to monetize itself); they're a relatively small team and they do the best they can. I just wanted to make sure they're aware.


    I do appreciate you guys keeping it civil, even with disagreements flying around.

  4. *looks at Warframe's popularity*


    Now I'm not going to call you a liar, but I get the feeling that you are arguing in bad faith at this point.


    1) Free potatoes aren't good enough

    2) You won't work to sell rare goods back to players for platinum

    3) $5 to bypass the previous 2 points is a failed game model


    Did I get that right?


    No. Actually, you got all three points wrong.


    I've said a couple of times now that I, personally, do trading. I've played long enough that most of the prime parts I come across are extras, and I'm rank 5 with three different syndicates so I have plenty of augments to sell. I also have the patience (sometimes) to sit in trade chat and find buyers. Other people are less lucky with prime parts, or want to use them to actually build stuff for themselves, or just don't like watching the chatlog scroll by in trade chat until somebody bites on your offer. And why should they? The actual game part of the game is elsewhere. My point isn't that trading is bad, or that I, personally, don't want to engage in it; the point is that we shouldn't have to to get something so essential.


    Warframe's free-to-play model is, by and large, quite good, which is why I wanted to draw attention to this one part of it: because it's inconsistent. All the other essentials can be acquired, directly, via playing the game. Even alerts and invasions, easy as they are sometimes, give you at least that much. So why is this one thing different? DE is clearly not committed to gating essential content behind paywalls, or else we'd see more of it; if that is indeed the case, wouldn't it make sense to bring the outliers like catalysts/reactors in line with the rest of the game?

  5. So skip lunch on the day you get a 50% coupon, and drop $5 on the game. That's how I afford some of my computer games.



    For the first few years I played, the mantra was always "Spend your plat on Slots and Taters". It still rings true today.


    If the solution to acquiring a gameplay-critical item in a free-to-play model is "buy it with real money," then you've failed at creating a good free-to-play model.


    Farming parts that you trade for plat that you then use in the market is still farming though.


    So why not just cut out the middleman?

  6. It's very simple.  It would have a negative effect on DE's bottom line to make them farmable, and it solves a problem that has already been solved via the trade system.


    It's a cure in search of a disease.


    A hallmark of good persistent/loot grind games (in the vein of things like Diablo, WoW, League of Legends, or Warframe itself) is the ability for players to make progress, or at least attempt to make progress, towards something they want (or need) when they log in, through the machinations of the game itself. That's the point. For just about everything else, that works: if you want Ember, you can farm Sargas Ruk; if you want Forma, you can farm void missions; if you want resources, you can farm the appropriate planets. RNG may favor or disfavor you, but you can attempt it on your own schedule, without needing other players.


    And I can't speak for others, but for me, less platinum that I'd have to spend on catalysts and reactors is more platinum I'd be spending on syandanas and the like.



    If you are a veteran then you are swimming in potatoes/formas. If you aren't a veteran then you should be concentrating on completing the Star Chart (not many even bother; I've seen peeps needing taxis to Mercury alerts) and learning the gameplay. Maybe even use the stuff that's just mastery fodder (why would you potato something you'll just trash) to rank up.


    I'm a veteran player (since U7) and I'm completely out of reactors and catalysts. I've leveled just about every frame, discluding Hydroid and one or two primes, and with a few exceptions I've kept all of them because I like having them in my arsenal for when the need arises, or when I just feel like playing them. Same for a lot of weapons. I'm in a comfortable enough spot that I can get my hands on platinum via trading, so usually when I need them I just bite the bullet and buy them. But I have a number of friends who are newer to the game (a few months or so), and are getting somewhat frustrated because they've found weapons they like but can't bring them to high-level content yet because they haven't found a catalyst, don't have enough spare parts to trade for platinum (and resent waiting in trade chat in the first place), and have no other way of working towards one on their own.


    The entire game can be experienced and enjoyed with 1 frame and 3 weapons, Buttaface. That's 80 plat worth of potato, which is 5 plat more than a player starts with...


    Some of us enjoy having more than one viable option for each loadout slot.

  7. It's for a lot more than just me. In fact, it's not for me at all; I've been playing for a few years and am generally living pretty comfortably. But a newer player doesn't have a ton of platinum, or a ton of things to sell for platinum, or access to all the good mission nodes to get things to sell for platinum, or a history of event participation, or...you get the idea. And putting all that aside, why should we have to go through such a roundabout method of acquiring something so crucial for modding weapons/frames? If the solution right now is "run void content for parts to trade for platinum to get superchargers," why can't we just cut out the middleman and make it "run void content to get superchargers"? If Forma or Exilus Adapters couldn't be farmed I guarantee you people would riot; why is it okay for catalysts and reactors?


    Also, DE has a lot more monetization avenues now than they did when open beta started, including but not limited to syandanas, sugatras, warframe skins, weapon skins, Liset decorations, warframe armor, animations sets, and color packs; and that's putting aside just buying gameplay-related things like weapons for platinum. I'm not an economist, nor do I have access to DE's revenue numbers, but I think they'd survive, especially since they wouldn't even have to remove the option. People would still buy catalysts to get them ASAP, just like people still buy warframes, weapons, and other gameplay-related stuff even though they're farmable normally.


    What you want is an easy and farmable way. What you want is a fast way.


    What I want is to be able to log in and say "okay, I need an Orokin Catalyst" and be able to work towards it. I never said anything about needing it to be easy or fast. If I need Forma, I can do that on my terms; endless missions for keys, void runs for the blueprints, then miscellaneous resource farming for mats. Sometimes I get lucky and it happens quickly, other times not so quickly. Resources, same thing. Prime parts, same thing. Mods, same thing. There's an element of RNG, like there is with catalyst/reactor alerts, but the question of "when" is left to my discretion, rather than being tied to alert/invasion/event windows.


    That's all I want.

  9. Please? For something so critical to endgame builds, it seems really weird that there's no consistent way to acquire them by actually playing the game. Don't care if it's a void reward or whatever, but having to wait for devstreams and/or events and/or for the stars to align on invasion/alert rewards to get something so important sucks.

  10. I have a short question and a long(ish) question. Short one first: can we have profile icons be A) placed in the market proper, and B) be made giftable? The new TennoGen ones are really sweet and I wish I could gift them to people.


    Other one: Now that Warframe has many more cosmetics items offer for platinum than it used to, are there any plans to reassess, reduce, or even eliminate the need for "negative reward" spending options like inventory slots or crafting rushes? These were somewhat more forgivable when Warframe was a smaller game, but now that it has many more positive monetization avenues (skins, syandanas, armor, etc.) it comes off as a bit unnecessarily punishing, particularly for newer players.

  11. Excalibur didn't exactly spring into existence the way he is today either. Slash Dash was garbage for years. And I guarantee you the arguments that persuaded DE were framed around the functions and mechanics of the ability itself (along with his other ones), not how his abilities compared to other warframes' abilities. If the feedback you're going for is "Petrify feels lackluster because (insert reasons)," then focus on that. Drawing a comparison in a vacuum to another ability just muddies the issue.


    I'm not disagreeing with you on the issue of Petrify being (slightly) buffed, I'm saying your logic is flawed.

  12. With the argument that they are different warframes we might as well throw all balance out the window, everything is a different warframe/weapon/ability to another so we cannot compare anything so everything stands on its own so tis all balanced?

    I see big issues with that.


    And really, vague similarities.... both impair enemies in movement and ability in pretty much exactly the same way, the only differences are the once I mentioned which all point towards benefits for Excalibur.


    Petrify is not weak enough? how on earth could it be any weaker... it does not do any damage nor increase any damage done, it just prolongs the game by spending time "freezing" them in place....


    Comparing abilities in a vacuum doesn't prove a whole lot because there's so many other factors that go into balance, including (but not limited to) the rest of their abilities, base stats, which abilities scale and how, and the intended aesthetic and gameplay fantasy behind each frame. An ability on one frame might be worse in some ways than a similar ability on another frame, but that frame might have other strengths that offset it. Radial Blind is, by and large, a superior CC to Petrify; certainly it's easier to use, that much can't be argued with. But Atlas is also a more durable frame than Excalibur, so he needs it less, and if you want to reverse the comparison, you could argue Landslide is a far superior version of Slash Dash.


    The shorter version: imbalance between two abilities doesn't necessarily create an imbalance between their respective frames.


    Also I already mentioned a way in which Petrify has an edge of Radial Blind: it's cheaper. Significantly so. I think Petrify can also go through walls, but I need to test that further.

  13. Oh I'm absolutely not trying to argue that it's worth it. I'm just explaining how the math works. Channeling mods could be worthwhile if there were weapons that had higher base channeling multipliers (similar to how crit and crit damage work), but pretty much all of them are 1.5x right now. Kind of a shame really.

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