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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Pretty much every new system implementation in Warframe starts out as "a bad job" while they watch it and make adjustments. Not that you don't have a point with some of the powers being underwhelming, or the system in general being in need of tweaks, but if that's your angle then it helps to be specific about your issue(s).


    Also, you need a spoiler tag in your thread title.

  2. The stalker can drop both the War BP and the broken War BP, the War uses 1 (or 2, idk) broken war(s) to make it


    Yes, but the Broken-War requires the full War to make. It's a cyclical process. Which would be fine if you didn't lose any catalysts/Forma/lenses you installed in the process, plus leveling. But unfortunately you do.


    I'll admit it makes me a little sad as well. Wish they'd make upgrades carry over to the new weapon when you use it in crafting.

  3. I love the song. It feels very Metroid Prime, mixed with a bit of Legend of Korra.


    Funny story, I actually just came to the forums to post a thread on this very subject. I usually play Warframe with music off, but I've had it on since U18 and I don't regret it in the slightest.

  4. Considering you need both mastery rank and a fair amount of star chart access, plus gear, to get through all the quests leading to The Second Dream, I don't think new players are in any danger of burning through it too fast. I do hope they find a way to retrofit some of the older story events as quests, though, if only to bridge the gap on things like Alad V becoming (and then unbecoming) Infested.

  5. I'm not convinced the warframes are completely mindless, myself. But even if they were, Alad is clearly willing to disregard the lives of others - Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, and now even the Sentients - if it means advancing his own station. I'm not quite sure I'd call that evil, but it's most definitely villainous.

  6. Now that Warframe has many more cosmetics items offer for platinum than it used to, are there any plans to reassess, reduce, or even eliminate the need for "negative reward" spending options like inventory slots or crafting rushes? These were somewhat more forgivable when Warframe was a smaller game, but now that it has many more positive monetization avenues (skins, syandanas, armor, etc.) it comes off as a bit unnecessarily punishing, particularly for newer players and/or collectors.


    Also, can Orokin catalyst/reactor blueprints have some kind of drop location in-game like Forma? Having to either wait on alerts/invasions or pay platinum feels like a poor list of options when looking to acquire a supercharge for a new weapon/frame.

  7. My scenario hinges on knowing DE after 1.8k hours of playing. If some prime parts have drop rates of 2% (or Imperator Vandal's receiver which btw was time limited) what makes you think that something available in the market wouldnt be?


    If potatoes where put in the void many players (myself included) would be annoyed or downright pissed because of more clutter for my prime pieces (that I can use to buy taters in an easier way anyways). It would be the same as forma. Getting rewards I don't even need (currently have 5 reactors doing nothing in my inventory). Sure, others would be happy because they'd be able of farming them with almost impossible odds of even getting them.


    So maybe they don't put them in the void. There's an overhaul of the star chart coming up anyways, which by extension means a pretty huge shift in where and how we acquire things, or at least mission rewards like prime parts and the like; they could slip it in somewhere then. They could be buyable from syndicates. There's a myriad of places they could go where players could be allowed to get them outside of specific windows that they don't get to set.


    For my part, I do want to make it clear for the record that I understand your disagreement. As I've said, there are workarounds like trading; that's a good thing. I disagree with the notion that we should just leave things as they are, but I see your logic. This isn't a crisis fix that needs to be addressed now; it's (what feels to me, at least) an inconsistency that I felt it'd be worthwhile to draw attention to with everything about to change anyway when U18 arrives.

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