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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Those factions have leech/parasitic eximi as well. It alone is certainly not enough to counter Warframe powers. 


    The Grineer have a nullifier drone but it only appears in raids AFAIK. They also have Manics.


    Comparatively few units can show up as energy leech eximi versus parasitic. Infested also have ancient disruptors and ancient healers, both of whom get in the way of warframe powers in different ways.

  2. With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old mechanics like paid inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an arbitrary restriction.


    Are there any plans to expand syndicates? New weapon mods, melee weapons, cosmetics (syndicate armor?), maybe even some quests or Clem-style weekly missions? They have the potential to be a really interesting facet of the Warframe universe, and I'd love to see it realized.


    Ditto all that for Archwings. In particular I'd love to see Archwing missions in the Void.


    Any plans for more Corpus weapons in categories where they don't have a lot? In particular we have no real Corpus shotguns (sorry Convectrix) and, while I'm being selfish, I'd love to see a Corpus katana--maybe a plasma/laser blade, or something in the vein of Metal Gear Rising's high-frequency blades.

  3. Ice Wave has a much larger range, can be recast to cover different areas easily, doesn't require you to actually be standing on said area to cover it, doesn't block allied fire into the area, has a guaranteed effect instead of a chance-based effect...


    Yeah there's a fair number of reasons to use it. Depends on the circumstances.

  4. It's mostly due to the lack of content, the difficulty in earning affinity, and the heavily diluted drop tables that make it difficult to get the pieces to craft new gear.


    Once you've grinded out all of the equipment and mods and ranked it up, it's a good break from the main game, but getting to that point is a huge chore.



    This ninja speaks truth. Sadly it's something of a paradoxical situation: Archwing still needs a lot of improvements, so nobody likes it, so nobody wants DE to bother improving it, so...etc. etc.


     ability to revive is (almost) not there i mean you're flying by at 500miles per hour how are you even going to revive someone?


    Hold the revive key as you fly past them. Works for me every time.

  5. My tentative theory re: the Stalker is that he is actually piloting the warframe personally. He makes a point of leaving at low health when he's defeated, which suggests a level of self-preservation that wouldn't be necessary if the warframe were just a proxy. Plus, we know that even though Transference can hurt, the warframe dying won't also kill the Operator--otherwise there'd be little point in the warframe having revival systems. Double plus, we see something similar in Hidden Messages and The Limbo Theorem, where the Tenno and the warframe are (at least in context) referred to interchangeably, and their deaths are given a great deal more weight than would be warranted if only the warframe was in danger.


    As to Valkyr...besides what others have said, I would also offer the simple answer that the Lotus is neither omniscient nor omnipresent. Several things in the story have taken her by surprise, there are a number of instances where she's acted too late or nearly too late (e.g. Vor's Prize), and she's acknowledged herself that there are gaps in her memory. Whatever the situation re: Transference being remote-toggleable, it's worth considering also that Lotus may have just not known, or not known until it was too late to do anything.

  6. As someone who dabbled in fencing for a bit as well, I share in your disappointment. I love the theatrics and such in action games, but rapiers (or even other fencing weapons like sabres) are precision instruments first and foremost, with the whole point being that you can strike an opening swiftly and save yourself the risk (and physical effort) of a heavier hacking or slashing motion.


    I mean, I'll probably get over it. But it's the small things like that that really bug me sometimes.

  7. It could've just been my imagination, but during some of the Stalker's cinematic cutscenes--particularly the last ones aboard the Orbiter--I thought his warframe closely resembled the Operator suit. Given the way he mirrors the Operator's curiosity (staring at their hands) in the scene aboard the moon, and the fact that he leaves at critical health when he's beaten in a mission rather than dying, part of me wonders if he's not operating the warframe in person instead of as a proxy.


    Besides that...he witnessed, directly or indirectly, the massacre of an entire people, and he's been awake and wandering ever since rather than in cryosleep like the rest of us. I think that'd drive anyone out of their mind.


    Keep in mind also, on the topic of "madness," that while Lotus is unquestionably well-intentioned, she's not always the most reliable source. Also, madness and/or self-loathing doesn't necessarily translate into suicidal tendencies. It's entirely possible to hate yourself and still feel there are alternatives to dying--in this case, it's possible (even likely) the Stalker feels guilty, vengeful, or both at seeing the Tenno wipe out the Orokin without any kind of justice or answer for it, and isn't willing to accept his own death before that point.

  8. From what I understand, Grineer establishments/fortifications on Earth are actually pretty sparse due to the rampant growth of the planet's plant life. Vay Hek's attempt at mass deforestation with the Cicero Toxin was so that the Grineer could permanently lay claim to the planet.


    Not that I'd mind revisiting Earth in some way. But the moon returning probably isn't a very big blow to the Grineer.

  9. Swearing can work when it fits, but I don't think it fits. Warframe and its characters have cultivated a certain kind of atmosphere and, along with that, a certain kind of dialogue aesthetic, one that I really can't imagine most curse words fitting into without sounding strange. The Corpus are more likely to act like smarmy rich people, the Grineer are more likely to shoot someone instead, the Infested can't talk, and the Sentients...well, listen to Hunhow's dialogue and tell me you can imagine him dropping an F-bomb. The only character I can think of who might swear is Maroo, as she's demonstrated herself to be somewhat irreverent in conversation. But otherwise it feels like it'd be really out of place to me.


    A simpler answer also is that while swearing requires a mature rating, the reverse is not necessarily true.

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  10. With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old mechanics like paid inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an arbitrary restriction.


    Also, can we please get a new Archwing someday? It's been approximately two years now since the Itzal was released, and Archwing selection feels extremely limited with only three to choose from.

  11. yay cosmetic nerfs because people cant handle their bloom. just as bad as HoM nerf because of toasters when did humanity start designing its progression around circumventing darwinism?


    Because obviously there's a solid correlation between somebody's computer quality and their competency as a player.


    I haven't seen either version of Warding Halo since my Nezha is still in progress, but I doubt we've seen the final iteration of the visuals. They tend to undergo a lot of tweaks, and now that DE's returning from the holiday they'll probably mess around with it to find a good sweet spot.

  12. While there's little on the colonies in-game right now, DE has said in the past that the "normal" people in the system (that is to say, the people who are not with any of the established factions including the Tenno) look up to the Tenno, as they're basically the only ones fighting on their behalf.

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