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Posts posted by Rakawan

  1. 6 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "If the thing wanted to summon more of its kind wouldn't he have done it when Stalker's acolyths had been here? It seems like a much smarter move on Hunhow's side to do that as it could have made his attack much more lethal."

    "And hey would have encountered readied troops." The voice says. "Not troops who though the attack was over."

    It occurs to you that the Ash may be modified, as it has not dropped its stealth.

  2. 5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *Scoffs*.."Still..I am not giveing you any info, I do not need to prove myself to you Tennos"

    *She turns to face the Ember* "Can We go?, Before my pet calls more of its kind?"

    "Very well." Theylin says. "I will acquire the logs from Simon. I'm sure he has a record of any communications that may have occurred."

    He nods to Dirge who vanishes. 

    "Pet or not." A voice hisses from all around you. "If that thing summons more of its kind here, I will be the least of your worries."


  3. 8 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The Ash, holds its face, from the blinding attack, the blade slices, but only cuts, the frame blindly trys to swing its blade*

    The Excalibur  steps back and begins to circle again. Another Nikana appears at his side but he makes no move to draw it.

  4. 2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *Small injuries of void burns and strain from the frame taking control seems visible*..I...destroy the frame, I repeat Destroy it!, I can't control it!" "I give you promission" *His voice sounds Owl*

    *The Ash Prime, draws his blade, and then thrusts to toward the Excal, its now attacking* 

    The Excalibur sidesteps around the attack, raising his blade and emitting a blinding flash. He sweeps his blade at the frame in an upwards slash.

  5. 17 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *She looks to them* "And What If I don't?" *She grunts* "You really think you can take me on?, or my Pet"..


    "Yes." Dirge says simply. "I am a Wraith."

    "Even if you beat him, which no one ever has." Theylin says. "There are other Wraiths here. And other Tenno. Yo cannot beat them all. Nor would I allow you to flee. My ships now ring this planet with a shield. Your craft does not have the guns to destroy them or it."

  6. 3 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *As he reaches out, he finds out its a solid entity, hes really there, he twitches upon touch*

    *The Ash Frame, suddenly draws its blade once more*

    The Nekros Prime waves his hand and an impenetrable shell of void energy appears over him and the operator, isolating them from the frame.

    "You are fortunate I am otherwise occupied." He says to the frame. "Though if you choose to attack you will be less so. Blademaster Philip, deal with this thing."

    The Excaliber steps forward and the Archons raise their weapons. 

    The Nekros Prime checks the operator for injuries.

  7. 4 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The Frame twitches and the blade drops out of his hand,it drops to its keezes agien, and a spiritual projection warps out, its the Warframe's Operator!, he froms and then just drops to the floor*  

    *He Crys out*..RAGHHHhhhhh..*His voice echos slightly*..

    "Grandmaster Tak!" The Excalibur calls out. "You should see this."

    A Nekros Prime appears in a flags of golden light and motions the others to step back. He approaches the frame.

    "I am Grandmaster of the Oro-Keepers." He says. "Are you in danger?"

    He reaches for the projection.

  8. 10 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *Can..you..verfi_..?" *She pauses*.."Why whuold I have to prove myself to anything, he is NOT hostile, if you have a issue with their kind, take it to them, but not him!" *She growls*

    *The Sent, begins to hum its tune, that is heard*

    "I have taken my grievance to them, and exacted my revenge." Dirge says quietly. "As I have with all who prove troublesome."

    He shifts to a ready stance.

    "Sister please calm yourself." Theylin says. "Losing a fight to a Wraith will not prove anything. We are not accusing you. We would be happy to rule you and your pet out as suspects as quickly as possible. But we cannot do so without presentable proof."

  9. 5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The frame, stands, its head still tilled to the side, it draws its weapon, its a Dakra Prime blade, scans still seem to show, no Tenno controlling it*

    "Stand back, Archons." An Excalibur in Proto Armor says. "I will handle this."

    The Excalibur draws a Nikana and holds it loosely in an unknown stance. 

    "I will give you one chance to explain yourself, brother." He says. "If you force me to fight you I will not give a second chance."

  10. 2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *She frowns, the seneitnet logo on her chest, glows brightly*.."He had nothing to do with the Stalker, and if he did its in the past, he is my ally*

    *He Unkindly stops his playful game, at the ember, he then turns around, noticing the master's aura grow angry, it turns and faces them both*

    "And you can verify this?" Theylin asks. "Provide logs?"

  11. 1 hour ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox looks up to the cephalon, pondering for a moment

    "And what would the base model be, the weapon I just put in, or some base model for all weaponry? If possible, I'd prefer to keep the vectis's base layout intact, and modify it where needed."

    She looks towards Cynthia and Felcity for a moment. "Athena, do I have to be present at the scanner to make changes, or can I make them remotely? My helios has been modified to be capable of projecting holograms, as you saw earlier"

    "Syncing Helios projection systems to table commands." Athena says. "Awaiting confirmation."

  12. 1 hour ago, LegionCynex said:

    *My Pet has had outside contact with its kind yes, before..I dominated him, and any unknown Beauvoir, none that I have noticed" *She says* "Why? anyways.." *She clears her throat* "The only thing it whuold be classed as "Suspicious" is that he likes to scan people.

    "A few minutes ago a group of Acolytes landed and attacked us." Dirge says. "Stalker is known for his alliance with the Sentient. We want to rule out an involvement your drone may have had."

  13. 25 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The Frame, twrichs alot now, almost like its having a fit, it then rises up, but his head still seems slightly titled to the side*

    "Command Tenno is awake but displaying odd behavior." Own do the Archons says. "Requesting back-up. Coordinates are as follows."

    The other raises his weapon and aims at you. 

    "Stand down." He says. "Identify yourself."

  14. 12 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *She looks to them,she rises a brow at the Ash*..The Stalker thame, seems to be getting slightly strong* *clears throats* "Ask away boys.."

    "Has this drone had any contact with forces outside the planet?" Theylin asks. "Has it exhibited any suspicious behavior?"

  15. 5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    "Well, I'll be happy to lend a hand, tho its not easy, Im not doing anything, so if you want to go do this now we can"

    Two Tenno, one in an Excalibur and the other in a red and black Ash walk up.

    "I am Theylin, warlord of The Sons of Hayden." The Excalibur says. "This is Dirge commander of the Wraiths. We have a few questions if you have the time."


  16. 6 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The Frame in the Cyro pod, awaits to see what happens, however the frame begins to twitch around inside the pod*

    One of the Archons turns to the other as they carry the pod.

    "What do you think it's like?" He asks.

    "Huh?" The other replies. "What what's like?"

    "Having another body." The first says. "Just pressing a button and suddenly walking around in another body."

    "Probably scary." The first says. "Unfamiliar."

  17. 3 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    "Deactivated Tenno." The Seraph says. "Repeat Deactivated Tenno. Please remain clear."

    He stands over you motioning people away.

    "Command we have a deactivated Tenno." He says. "Please notify the labs."

    Two Archons walk over and out the Warframe into a cryo-chamber, then lift it and carry it off towards a teleport pad.

  18. 2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    Cynthia took a closer look at the planet of the map. Looking for anything out of place. Possibly an indication for this Ship carrying a terraformer. It would at least be useful for the people here. And if she couldn't find anything irregular she might go look around town instead. Since she did come here to take a break from missions afterall.

    "Orbital scans haven't show any indication of the landing site." Felicity says. "We could tour the lab if you want. There is more than the storage closet, hangar, and my lab."

  19. 2 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox looks over her Vectis variant once more before walking up to the table, settling the weapon down there as she looks over the scanner.

    The weapon dissolves k to data streams and the components appear on the screen. You hear foundry modules boot up, beginning to fabricate the base components to replace the lost weapon.

    "This system will allow you to make changes to your weapon and will update the design to preserve functionality." Athena says. "You can start from the base model or create a new chassis from scratch."

  20. Just now, kyrozon said:

    "I don't mind waiting. What exactly was there to do in this place again?"

    "There was a dueling tournament". She says. "There are more parts to this lab, if Nox would be willing to join us on a tour. Each of the Syndicates has headquarters here as well and there are restaurants and shops to view."

    She gestures to a map of the planet.

    "There are also places to explore." She says. "An Orokin ship carrying a terraformer landed here a thousand years ago but no one knows where it is. Finding it would take a while, but would probably be an adventure."

  21. 21 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "You reckon any of your soldiers in the field would have interest in using a gun like this, Felicity?"

    "The Archon's and Seraphs do not use Orokin weaponry." She says. "Due to its usual rarity and complexity only our Tenno forces use Prime weapons. Archons and Seraphs use weapons of their own design, so they are more familiar with them."

    She looks at the design as the foundry begins to move.

    "I will save the design in case other Tenno wish to make use of it." She says. "But there is not enough demand for mass production yet. Nor do we have the resources for a large batch."

  22. 20 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox seems to perk up at the idea of joining a planetside colony, rather excited at the idea of having more advanced facilities to do her work.
    "I rather like the idea of that, actually. No clans I've joined so far have brought anything to the table that could hold my interest. Even the tenno seem to be lackluster in the ones I've seen, I tend to spend more time carrying them than I do fighting these days. Joining synergy is certainly something I'd be interested in."

    The trinity spins her rifle in the air before clapping her hands, the weapon's arrangement collapsing as it reassembles. She picks it up, contemplating making use of these facilities.

    "I'm more used to doing these things with my hands, getting down and dirty so to speak. At the same time however, that is mainly due to a lack of other methods. Should we not be in any rush, I must admit to being curious  what this fabricator you have can do."

    Felicity gestures to the table.

    "Of you place it on there we could do a Deconstructive analysis. The weapon would have to be refabricated."

    She walks over to the table and hits a button. The shotgun shrinks down onto a data pad that she carries over to an Orokin style foundry.

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