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Posts posted by Rakawan

  1. 2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "I reckon i rather finish this gun first. See how it does in the field."

    The console shows that the single state trigger has been installed. The gun so still lever action, though this should not be problematic as it would fire similar to the Sybaris. You see an option to begin fabrication, as well as a request for quantity.

  2. 2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "I'm sure you will find someone willing to provide that manpower. But my clan is too busy with other projects right now,"

    "Of course." Felicity says. "You could perhaps explore the capital city, if you wish. Or walk around the labs. I'm sure a few technicians would welcome an extra set of eyes."

  3. 10 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "Will do! Now that you mentioned exploring this place, how big is this planet anyway?"

    Felicity laughs.

    "Planet sized." She says. "About the half the size of earth. Most of he planet is covered in water and the rest in forests or plains. We've chosen this location because it is close to the water and relatively clear."

    She looks at you.

    "Of you want to go exploring I recommend either sticking to civilized areas or joining a hunting group. There are things in the forest that haven't learned to fear Tenno, and would be best left alone."

  4. 1 hour ago, kyrozon said:

    "Well a simple single shot trigger works for me." Cynthia replied to her thinking of a name for the weapon.

    She didn't pay much attention when Felicity walked away to help Nox, nor did the talk about the orokin interest her much. She never cared much about the orokin. not now and not back then. Before the war she was born in one of the poor districts of the orokin empire. Most of her days bach then where spend by exploring, observing people move around. That exact thing was also what also gave her a chance. Some orokin guard noticed how easily she moved around and approached her. He told her that she could get a shot at living outside these orokin slums. She took the chance as quickly as it was offered. Well untill she learned she would fight on the frontlines. 

    She just knew that a couple of weeks later she ended up on the Zariman, for reasons she doesn't recall anymore. The void incident happend and afterwards she doesn't recall much. Margulis never said much to her either. Yet it seemed like someone who was important to alot of tenno. 

    But like already was mentioned she doesn't care much about the past or present of the Orokin. As long as they aren't trying to kill her she is fine with them,

    Felicity looks back at you.

    "Ahena please translate controls for Cynthia." She says. "Once you have the trigger installed please start the fabrication process. Once that's underway you could help us here, explore synergy. Or I could rush assembly, and let you field test."

  5. 1 hour ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox nods, feeding the adjustments to Eon. Within seconds the barrel seems to widen in the holographic additions, in addition to a little height to keep the barrel from getting flimsy under stress. The ornamentation does not seem to change, other than making room for additions.

    "I often find myself wishing that orbiter based foundries were not so limited. One tends to notice it the more they tinker with Orokin tech. Of course these additions seem elementary, the trouble is getting the weapon to work with them."

    Felicity looks at you.

    "You know if you joined Synergy you could have your own lab here. Running missions would require a rail, but it's not that much of a hassle. I'm sure our weapons division would love to have someone like you on staff. There aren't many requirements. A background and record check, and a weekly tribute of 5,000 ferrite or equivalent in other resources. Small price for such facilities."

    She taps on the table.

    "I could create an interactive model." She says. "But that would require Deconstructive scanning, though you could refabricate the weapon afterwards. Otherwise we'd have to build the current model from scratch into the system."

  6. 39 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox looks at the weapon, the Vectis Variant slowly drifting back into an exploded view, showing it's inner workings and he future plans.

    "It started out as something that couldbe piloted by an ivara. Through testing however, it performed remarkably well, and has grown into on of my major pet projects. It does it's job, and very well, but I'm not done with it just yet. Though, to be perfectly honest I've only finished two projects so far, one of them being the glaive prime on my shoulder."

    She tugs the oversized throwing weapon off her shoulder, balancing it on a finger.

    Felicity looks at the potential upgrades.

    "Barrel is a bit thin for a rail system." She says. "A coil system might work but without proper housing it would look out of place."

  7. 13 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    "Although it won't help in any way, but you have my condolences," Therese said quietly, "Anyway, having some rest would be good. Still, I'll try to finish my chores before kicking the boots off"

    She looked at Ulf, who seem to be overenergized comparing to her

    "Can I ask for a guide who would provide a tour around main settlements for this jolly walrus? Scouting the surroundings and the general colony state may be a good use of him while I finish the "paper" jobs"

    Melanie falls her headset and then nods.

    "Ryoko is taking the Zariman, our newest Dreadnought, for a test drive." She says. "I'm sure he would not mind if you dropped by for a look around. From the skies you can see the area better. After that he can give you a tour of the area."

    She taps a few keys on her armpad.

    "He will be waiting for you to dock. It's the giant Orokin style ship, you can't miss it."

    ((See descriptions of the Zariman and the damaged Dreadnoughts earlier. Or imagine the Orokin ships you sometimes get when using a void key. This is a larger version.))

    Melanie gestures to a Robed figure.

    "Maurice will lead you to the room." She says. "The euquipmemtncan sync your Warframe to your transference signal while you sleep. If this is your first time I wouldn't recommend anything beyond desk work."

  8. 9 hours ago, Sintag said:

    "Huh.  I find that just finding means of venting excessive energy typically work." *With this, a rock sculpture forms in Rhys's hand, depicting a common Lancer.* "Usually with art, but sometimes, via armor and weaponry recreations.   Even figurines.  Gotta have some hobby with these powers, right?  Figures it'd be sculting and art."


    *Tachyon stops, her Carrier frame turning to Ordis.* "Well.  Whoops."

    *Ordis silently thanks Gaia for stopping his well-intentioned, if somewhat glitchy, comrade.*

    "Not all of us share your ability to manifest powers at will." Kira says. "Prisma helps us contain the energy, especially when performing civilian tasks."

    She looks at Gaia who beeps and shimmers. The pattern seems similar to a heartbeat. Kira relaxes and looks at Rhys.

    "You must have many questions." She says. "I am old friends with the Arbiter. I can answer any questions you may have."


  9. 7 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    The Trinity remains quiet for several more moments, operator and warframe alike processing what they had just heard. Before long however, her stance regains the air of confidence it normally had, the warframe seeming to brighten as well before she turned to the crate, undoing fasteners before pulling the top off. Inside are several compartments. Everything from proxy parts, to fully built or dismantled Orokin tech, mostly weapons.

    Felicity looks over your shoulder at the Vectos Variant.

    "An interesting variant." She says. "What motivated you to make it?"

  10. 3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    Therese made a few steps before saying anything, "If you would excuse me..." she pulled down her (a bit massive) longhorn helmet, revealing the face of a woman in her mid to late twenties; her appearance, however, suffered from the symptoms of sleep deprivation such as unhealthily pale stains on skin, dark zones under her eyes, and a tired facial expression. 

    "Now, you would start to hate my voice should I answer your questions amply, but in short, our group was established by colonel Teloch and two other warlords years ago. They knew each other from the old war days, and it was only reasonable for them to stick together and to organize other veterans who searched for their place and purpose in this weird new world. At first, it was but an open mercenary society, but with time, the group crystallized its views and goals, branching into the new military organization branch while preserving the mercenary division. I joined the cove not long before the organized division branched out from the mercenary pool. Now, we are more army than a paramilitary organization. We have our short and long-term goals, ideology, allies, and the mission. Our mission is simple: to help our civilization to recover from the chaos and misery that took place with the fall of the Orokin empire. Perhaps now colonel's words about our political course make more sense to you. Frontier movements reduce the global dispersion, and that's what we are working on.  As you might have noticed, colonel Teloch is a bit too straightforward in his speech. He's a hard person, speaking honestly, and quite a harsh boss and mentor, but those are the healthy traits among warlords, as it seems. But don't you think that I'm describing him as a zealot or an automaton - he is a person just like any other, with his hobbies and interests, featuring weaponsmithing, history, music and else". She paused for a moment before telling about herself, looking around and breathing deeply "As for me, I'm just an officer who had been assigned to perform the work I never did before; an officer who haven't slept for almost thirty-nine hours in a row, and who still must write a report, to send the troops back at the base, and to not lose consciousness after inhaling so much pure atmospheric air"

    Ulf took his helmet off as well, revealing the bearded male's face. "Paying the fee on your high rank, eh Therese?" he asked her impishly.

    Therese parried almost instantly, "Oh... So that's the reason behind your lack of career advancement: you fear that after your lieutenant promotions the big bad superiors will take your plush kubrow dolly away and forbid you to have a nap in carriers while others prepare for deployment" 

    Ulf frowned at those words, "Have anyone ever told you that you're mean?"

    Therese replied a bit sharply but without any hostility or irritation, "We're on duty, Ulf. And I would be grateful if you refrain from embarrassing Chancellor". Her reply made Ulf watch the skies with a slightly grumpy face.

    "I beg your pardon, Chancellor. Ulf is a good soldier, but sometimes he behaves as if he was raised by the sandscates", she said, "Anyway, did you find this negotiation session constructive? And, if it only won't be too impolite for me to ask, what did you mean by my mentor being different from the other tenno you encountered?"


    Melanie smiles.

    "I am not embarrassed not do I view you with any less respect." She says. "I have dealt with many Tenno. Some slaughter thousands of Grineer and act as if it was just a game. Others discuss a single weapon modification as if it was life and death."

    She seems to relax as you step into the Citadel and the doors close.

    "Of you need rest there is a room set aside, fully equipped with a Somatic link. If you feel such is necessary." She says. "I well understand feeling overwhelmed. When my husband passed away the rulership of Phenix fell to me. As did funeral arrangements, council reports, and raising our child, still. Every choice I made was contested and challenged, every attempt to restore order stymied."

    She sighs.

    "As for negotiations. They went as I had expected. I would like to discuss the percentage allocation of resources and other matters when you are ready." She says. "As for your commander. As I said most Tenno are more laid back. More... Relaxed. Warriors they may be, but even Miraalan do not take everything so seriously."

  11. 3 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The Frame turns to him slightly, odd staicing and broken TV station sounds is heard, his head and arms drop lifeless,y and then the frame falls to his keezes, any readings from scanner show the frame is active!*

    "Deactivated Tenno." The Seraph says. "Repeat Deactivated Tenno. Please remain clear."

    He stands over you motioning people away.

    "Command we have a deactivated Tenno." He says. "Please notify the labs."

  12. 23 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    *Rhys chuckles*  "And here I thought the Grineer were nuts, but those people...Heh.  Sorry.  Being called a demon by the Orokin really does desensitize you to that sort of mudslinging.  And, yeah...This is pretty good, thus far."

    *As they stop outside the trading post, Rhys briefly ponders setting up a stance shop inside as a melee merchant.  As they observe the crystal, Rhys looks at it before asking the obvious.*  "Well...What's it...What's it do?"

    *Cephalon Tachyon observes Gaia.*  "Medical protocol detected.  Shall I send you a Medi-Ray protocol as well?"

    *Ordis stops Tachyon for a moment*  "That's our only protocol, Tachyon.  Please, consider your actions."

    "This unit already possesses healing tech." Gaia says. "Said transfer would be most inefficient."

    "That is an Obelisk." Kira says. "Outside of our frames we give off void energy. If we lose control we can injure others, and if we build up too much it can trigger... Outbursts." 

    She holds up her wrist and you see a similar bracelet.

    "We wear Prisma Jewelry to absorb the excess void energy until we can dump it into the Obelisk." She says. "That way we still have access to our powers. But our bodies don't build up too much void energy."

  13. 6 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    "Good to know, then."

    *Upon entering Kira's home, Rhys took a moment to appreciate the smaller things that being crammed into a Landing Craft had forced him to forget.  Meanwhile, Tachyon was amusing herself by way of hovering around, looking at various objects until she noticed Gaia.*  "Oh hello.  I am Cephalon Tachyon, Arsenal and Research Cephalon, class IV.  Pleasure to meet you."

    *Ordis, meanwhile, stays close by.  He nods at Gaia.*  "Cephalon Ordis.  A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Gaia."

    *Rhys follows Kira, taking in the sights.*  "I see.  Thank you for this, by the way."

    "No problem." Kira says. "We don't get many visitors. The civilians still believe that we are demons, or Angels, or other supernatural beings. Whether out of fear or respect most stay away. One even asked why my child had no horns."

    She laughs.

    "Still it is good to have a home. After so long on the move having a place to come back to... It makes a difference." She says. "Ryoko, our leader, wants to build a Tenno colony. Make this planet a home for all."

    Gaia twinkles.

    "I do not often meet other Cephalons." She says. "Most of my time is spent guarding and monitoring Ben."

    Kira stops outside a large structure.

    "This is our trading post." She says. "Inside Tenno make deals and exchange items in person."

    As she walks towards the next building you see the city square. A large crystal hedron sits in the middle. A Tenno walks towards it and presses a bracelet, one similar to what Kira wears, to the crystal. There is a flash of good energy and then the bracelet fades. The hedron however seems to pulse with a life of its own for a few more minutes.

  14. 44 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox nods, listening to the entire explanation, until halfway. The warframe seems to tense, not in a hostile stance, but defensively, Nox already putting two and two together that Felicity is, in fact, orokin. It is the last part, explaining her connection to Margulis that visibly shatters her stance, Eon for once silent as she nearly recoils out of shock. To meet the apprentice of the woman who had been her, the tenno's only protector when they were found aboard the Zariman? The trinity shakes herself, as though dusting it off as she regains a modicum of composure. For once, Eon does not speak on her behalf, Nox deciding that if there were one person she could speak to, it was the one before her. She speaks, albeit raspily due to disuse of her voice; "Apprentice? Replacement? I was under the impression that the Orokin executed Margulis, why not you, let alone expend their remaining resources to put you into stasis and ensure your survival? When it fell, most of the empire's assets were seized by fortune-seekers and opportunists, there was little left under their control..."

    "Martinis was executed." Felicity says sadly. "But when Ballas realized the potential of the Tenno he appointed a replacement to continue her research towards more... "Useful" ends. At leas that is how he saw it."

    She looks up.

    "Margulis was a public figure. A well-known one. The Orokin needed to make an example. I was barely powerful enough, politically, to be called Orokin. In day to day affairs I had as much say as any other citizen. I knew about transference as did the other workers, and that made me valuable." She says. "And I followed orders. At least as far as they knew. Beyond the view of their cameras and guards I did what I could for the Tenno. A kind word, a hug. Anything to make the hell they put you through easier."

    She traces the golden pattern on her robe sleeve.

    "That was when I met Ryoko." She says. "We helped eachother cope. Talked about what we could do to make things better. Tried to save as many as we could."

    Her eyes take on a sad look.

    "He told me not to go to the celebration at Terminus." She says. "Said there were things in motion I shouldn't witness. It was not until armed Dax came to my lab that I realized what he had meant. I did not agree, but I did understand. What the Orokin did to you, how they treated their "saviors"..." 

    Her voice trails off, then grows stronger.

    "He was covered in blood even before he killed the Dax." She says. "It was he, not the Orokin, who brought me to the facility with the cryo-pod. He said I had to sleep now, to hide. That he had to tear down this world. And when it was done he would wake me, so I could help him build a better one."

    She meets your gaze.

    "I am truly sorry for what the other Orokin did to your brothers and sisters, and mine now I guess, out of fear and arrogance." She says. "It feels wrong to work on making more Tenno. But I do so because these people want to be Tenno. They have a choice. And the world needs defenders. I may be Orokin, but I still have a conscience."

    She brightens up upon looking at the crate.

    "But my past does have a few benefits beyond crafting Tenno." She says. "Namely the ability to work with Orokin tech."


  15. 2 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    *Tachyon notices the child.  In a cheery voice, she begins*  "Hello there.  I am Cephalon Tachyon."

    *Rhys steps after Kira, giving the Equinox a thank you as he departs.  Ordis, uploaded from the Liset to a Sentinel, begins.*  "Operator, this is...I'm impressed!  ...I wonder if there are any other Cephalons around.  Even his glitchy voice, to account for the baby, tries to keep the statics and anger down.  Tachyon is bori- Good company, but I wish to speak to others."

    *Rhys simply waves a hand at Ordis*  "Sorry about the Cephalon Sentinels.  It's a long story."  *He turns to Kira, a small, apologetic look on his face*

    "Wirm!" The child coos, nearly unintelligible. "Wirm!"

    Kira shrugs.

    "Youa renatling to a Tenno woman who adopted a human child, and just passed an Equinox and her operator who control two separate bodies." She said. "Long stories are common here."

    She walks past a "hut" with flowers in pots outside the ceramic walls.

    "This is my home." She says. "Many Sunergy allied Tenno choose to live on planet. Some pursue civilian occupations, like myself and Sarah. Others pursue more... Traditional roles."

    She steps inside and places the child in a crib. It coos happily as a Fusion Moa moves to stand guard, it's back projecting an image of swirling stars above the bed.

    "I apologize for the short delay." Kira says. "I was supposed to be on tour duty, but he woke up."

    She looks at the Moa.

    "Gaia, pleasekeep me updated on his status." She says.

    A cephalon with the form of a twinkling star separates form the holographic stars and hovers by Kira's shoulder.

    "Cephalon Tachyon was wondering if there were other cephalons around." She asked. "As did Ordis."

    Gaia shimmers.

    "Greeting s other Cephalons." She says. "I am Gaia, wellness and care cephalon."

    Kira looks at Rhys and motions him to follow.

    "Most of this village is housing." She said. "But we have a few larger structures."

  16. 4 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    *Rhys turns to the Equinox.  He nods*  "Uh, yes, actually.  Sorry for asking, but is it possible I could receive a tour?"  *He scratches the back of his head as his Vauban Prime follows after, having been set to 'Automated - Protect Operator' mode beforehand in case something happened.  One can never be overprepared, he figured.*

    "Kira!" The Equinox calls. The woman before it looks at you with calculating eyes. 

    A tenno woman walks up. A bundle of cloth containing a baby is on her back. You can see shields shimmer over both her and the child. A Lex Prime sits at her side.

    "Greetings." Kira says. "I can show you around."

    She motions for you to follow.

    The child stares at you with wide eyes, then reaches in the direction of the sentinel, cooing happily.


  17. 16 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    {Rhys disengages the Vauban Prime's locks and steps free of the suit.}  *After this, he exits his Liset onto the platform, a Helios and Carrier Sentinel orbiting across either shoulder.  Both had been disarmed beforehand.  Giving the woman a nod and a cheery hello, he stands for a moment*  "...Well, ought to get moving.  Not gonna learn more standing still."

    "Welcome to Phenix." A a voice says. It comes from the equinox and sounds happy and playful. "May I help you brother Tenno?"

  18. 11 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox turns her head slightly, listening to the chorus of orokin-era thrusters outside, before turning back as Felicity notices her entrance. She looks around the room, taking in the architecture as Eon speaks on her behalf

    Eon: "Athena did indeed answer what we asked. However, both Nox and I are wondering, how did you get your hands on orokin facilities, let alone get them fully functional, with a new Cephalon to boot? We're both very new to planetside tenno installations, the most we've seen are the meagre labs most clans have."

    The crate of supplies lowers to the floor beside Nox, the pieces of her sniper floating around, twisting into what looked like a blown-up schematic of the weapon. Several holograms emerge as the projector of a Helios sentinal rises from he shoulder. It looks as though the tenno is seeking to further modify the weapon, but simply lacks the facilities to install a rail system, lengthen the barrel and install alt-fire systems into an orokin weapon; as no prime weapon equivilents yet exist to her knowledge. She has the materials, but only knows how to modify and fuse orokin tech, having no idea how to create it, hence her quieries and indeed, presence on this planet.

    Felicity runs her hand over a gilded work table.

    "Ryoko found some of it where my cryo-pod was buried." She said. "Where he got the rest.... I have not asked. I suspect her 'persuaded some black market dealer with a claim on the digsite to part with it."

    She looks up.

    "I went into cryo with much of my equipment." She said. "Getting it functional again as challenge, but Ryoko wanted me to feel at home here. So much has changed since the collapse. I sometimes wonder if I am still dreaming. Still froze in a metal casket waiting for my Tenmo to come wake me."

    She stand straight, taking on a more regal bearing.

    "As for why he would go to such trouble." She says. "It is because I was an apprentice to Margulis, and later her replacement. And thus one of the few who knows how the Tenno were able to survive the void, and this how to make more. You see... I am perhaps the last remaining Orokin."




  19. 11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    "Scans came back clean." Simon says. "Any thing in aortic lad you wanted to know about Synergy? The planet, Phenix, has many outposts and buildings so a concrete goal of question would help direct you to the proper area."

    "Understood." Simon says. "Landing coordinates are set. Formorian in orbit is friendly, as are any other ships. Cipher has been added for identification to orbital defense."

    The rail hums and then fires. You see a planet before you.

    ((See description before))

    Oroing style ships in Tenno shades of gray gorged above the atmosphere. You can see a shimmering shield. As you approach it fades away, resuming as you pass.The Tenno village is a series of small modular buildings, enclosed by a wall. Many are hexagonal and you see Tenno occasionally leave or enter these outside their frames. Several kiosks and larger structures are scattered around it. There is a raised platform with enough room for a Landing craft to hover so it's operator can dismount. 

    A Tenno woman in red and black robes stands guard at the landing pad. A white and red Equinox in day form stands behind her.

  20. 9 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    *It took Rhys a moment, but once he had the form, his hands were flying away.  His name was simply Rhys.  He had long ago disregarded his last name and thusly wrote N/A on that part of the form.  He was a Tenno, currently inhabiting a Vauban Prime.  His reason for visiting was a simple matter.  He had heard rumors and was looking to find this 'Project Synergy'.  He knew Grineer could be friendly, and Corpus as well; His alliances had proven that.  He had only a few small matters to declare.  Two modified Sentinels, each holding a Cephalon instead of their normal A.I protocols, the usual cache of weapons and warframes, nothing major, but he'd figure Rail Control would appreciate knowing beforehand.  Sending the form back, he added a small message, reading, {Is this OK?  Anything missing?}*

    "Scans came back clean." Simon says. "Any thing in aortic lad you wanted to know about Synergy? The planet, Phenix, has many outposts and buildings so a concrete goal of question would help direct you to the proper area."

  21. 16 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    "Relatively recently." Athena says. "My operator was the first to successfully undergo Ascendance. She has attempted to assist others but so far only seven others have survived the process. Despite the high mortality rate of void exposure there are still many willing volunteers, however Arbiters Ryoko and Darrin have altered the selection process to buy time for a study of potential safety measures."

    Felicity turns as you enter.

    "Athena." She says. "What are you telling our guests?"

    "They asked about the second generation Tenno." Athena replies.

    Felicity nods.

    "I was wondering when someone would ask about that." She says. 

    The door behind you shuts and you hear a heavy thud as a sealing system engages.

    The firing of engines is heard outside.

    "Did Athena answer your questions?" Felicity asks. "If not perhaps I can help."

    She motions Cynthia over and shows her Hek to work the consoles before stepping up to you.

  22. 1 minute ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox turns around as the frost brings the crate to a halt, a golden energy she cannot recognise enveloping his before the Arbiter bids farewell and vanishes. She shakes her head rapidly, staring at the crate in mild awe before her attention is grabbed by the voice of a female cephalon. Nox turns her head to see a white sphere with golden projections. She assumes the oddly beautiful object to be the Cephalon's avatar, the warframe following it as she looks around, taking in more of the sprawling underground facility.

    The ship seems to take up most of true underground facility. You can see supports trusts being removed and workers calling out to eachother. It seems like something is happening.

    "Inside, please." The Cephalon says. "It should be safe during launch but we are taking precautions."

    the cephalon pauses and then the shell around its form spins.

    "Where are my manners." It says. "I am Cephalon Athena, one of the new Series-3 cephalon for the second generation of Tenno. Are there any questions I can answer?"

  23. 1 hour ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox nods her head, following Ryoko out the door before turning towards where the other two had headed, the various pieces of her Vectis prime in tow, the crate of supplies rapidly approaching. Eon remembers this fact, calling out to the arbiter: "Mind the crate! A tenno won't stop that thing once it's got momentum."

    The Arbiter turns and gestures with his hand.

    "I am no mere Tenno." He says with a hit of amusement. 

    The crate glows golden and comes to a halt, before slowly edging forward again.

    The Arbiter raises a hand in farewell, golden energy fading from to, and then vanishes in a flash.

    Down the hall a door opens and a strange white sphere with gold paced designs floats out.

    "Tenno Eon." A feminine cephalon says. "This way please."

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