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Posts posted by Rakawan

  1. 2 minutes ago, Teloch said:


    Major Bloom switched her speakers to the inner channel, and spoke to Theylin "Our troops will assist yours. Please, coordinate the needed actions with Lieutenant Rossberg". Oberon saluted quickly while Frost prime approached his major. Bloom slightly nodded at the newly approached Frost and spoke to Melanie, "We're ready to take off"

    Shortly after packing inside the vessel, Bloom asked, "Can we establish the comm bridge with terminus now?" After asking, she prepared her HUD to use the personnel contacting data.

    The Chancellor sat back in her chair. The room was spacious and luxurious. The table in the center projected a strange sigil.

    "Of course." Melanie said. "The holo-table will generate an image of you wish."

  2. 6 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "That certainly looks nice. So how are we going to get started on building this?"

    ((Also i finally found this drawing that the Brekkar reminded me off))

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    The design fragments outward and you see empty space. A list of components, in common language, appears.

    "Drag and drop." Felicity says. "I'll update parameters as needed. So first off are we sticking with the plasma encased metal shards, or moving to a more 'pure' system?"

  3. 20 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "Well i usually use a costum chassis that is a combination of a braton prime and rubico. But i guess that won't be the most effective for this... Actually i think i want to stick with this chassis. I like the brutal look it has." Cynthia replied taking a look at the list of Prime weapons.

    Felicity presses a button and the previous design comes up. A few shifts and it appears "cleaned up". The ferocity is the design is the same but it seems a bit sleeker and less bulbous. Instead of the gorgon's little "whiskers" a few golden spikes protrude. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    "Negative. But it is only because Theylin and his forces pulled off Violence and allowed our troops to take the power suppression initiative over foes," Mesa said calmly, "It was a good experience for my men in terms of their way to the elite divisions participation, and now we know about an additional trick these scums learnt to employ". After a couple of seconds invested in considerations, Mesa added, "They were talking about a plan of sorts. Means we should not let our guard down before we examine the event". She turned to Melanie, "It is beyond my authority to advise you, but it may be reasonable to declare the temporary state of emergency until we get more information on how does this incident become possible". She looked at her HUD, "The appointed time of negotiations approaches... and I guess that, after this incident, they would now have a new topic to cover. Perhaps we will have to perform this act of diplomacy in the "field"" 

    Theylin looks at the civilians.

    "My men will sweep the area with the Wraiths and check for any additional contacts." He says. "You should make your way to the Citadel until we can verify the area is safe."

    "I have already summoned a transport." Melanie says. "We can begin negotiations aboard it."

    The transport lands and Melanie helps the injured Archon up the ramp.

    "Unfortunately the craft only has room for two more." She calls back. "Choose your second, Major, and we can begin negotiations. I can send craft back for your remaining troops or they can assist Theylin and the Wraiths. It's your choice."

  5. 7 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    Cynthia wasn't listening to the conversation between Athena and Felicty and only paid attention once the Brekkar just disolved. 

    She took a look over the digital icons. "I would say a shotgun. Something for when enemies get too close for comfort."

    "I thought so." Felicity said. "Any existing preferences. Long barrel, short barrel? I can modify the chassis as you want from here. Once we have that we can work out the internals, the model will update to compensate for any changes."

    She pulls up a list of Prime weapons.

    "Of you have a preferred chassis we could us that as well." She says.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    You follow the Tenno woman down the hall to an ornate door.

    "Athena please prepare the fabrication systems." The young woman says. "We have a guest."

    "Right away Operator." A Cephalon says. It's voice sounds feminine and different from the Ordis model. "Welcome back."

    The door opens and you walk in. The Lab is spacious and very pristine. The walls are white and covered with gold trim along the supports. It feels as if you have walked back into the Orokin era.

    A gold-laced sphere floats up to you. It seems uniform in design except for a single eye-insignia carved into the front. Barely visible lines reveal that the shell might be capable of opening.

    "Greetings visitor, I am Athena, Series-3 Cephalon assigned to Felicity." It says. "Is there anything you would like to know?"

    Felicity motions for you to join her at the table. A holographic display floats above the surface of the table.

    "Operator." Athena says. "Reports from the Ascendance volunteer autos show no significant difference between your tissue and that of the volunteers who failed Ascendance. Shall I compare the rest of the second generation Tenno samples?"

    Felicity looks up at the Cephalon.

    "Start with Jas and Sasha." She said. "See if we can figure out whether or not long term void exposure increases the chances of success."

    She hits a button and the Brekkar dissolves into data.

    "Dogital analysis complete." Athena says. "Components ready for manipulation."

    The components of the Breakkar appear on the holographic table as digital icons.

    "Excellent." Felicity says. "So what classification should we build towards, rifle, shotgun, launcher?"

  7. 31 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    Being out of energy and rounds in her Akmagnus, Banshee bulletjumped at the same wall from wich her fellow Valkyr snapped Angst. She takes off her Vectis prime and begins to unload duplets at hostile Rhino.

    The friendly Valkyr swiftly registered the twitches Angst's frame made, and with a speed of a wild and wretched mog jumped at the another black Nekros when he attempted to raise the dead, pinning him down to the ground after a couple of inertial rolls and beginning to tear his helmet with savage vigor. 

    After a serie of rolls and one jump, Oberon swiftly took Banshee's previous position. He quickly spread the hallow grounds, securing his teammates from suffering stun caused by the enemy Rhino's possible stomp and dead Saryn's poison, and trained his Vaykor Hek at the tough target.  

    Rhino performed yet another roar, depleting his energy reserves, unholstered his Aksomati and opened fire at the competing Rhino.

    Chroma was already out of the energy, and so he dropped the team energy restorer and reloaded his Vaykor Hek while his teammates suppressed the enemy with fire.

    After landing per a control shot at Malice's and Torment's corpses from her pyrana, Mesa, Frost prime and Trinity prime Jumped at the nearest building's roof, taking new firing position and starting to unload their shots from Peacemakers and two primed Somas at the remaining Rhino.

    The second antimatter orb began to float above War acolyte.

    The twitching corpses dissolve into smoke and the Nekros knocks the Valkyr off with unbelievable strength. 

    "Insolent whelp." He snaps reaching for War. The Rhino Qcolyte screams as dark energy our us from his Warframe towards the Acolyte's hand. 

    He raises his hand and a sniper shot blows the Acolyte's hand off.

    The Nekros stares at the limb for a second before turning to face you.

    "You will all..." He starts.

    A beam of plasma burns a hole in his chest and he collapses.

    Melanie walks up behind the group surverying the scene.

    "Troublesome foes." She says. "Is anyone hurt?"

    Theylin pulls his Destrezza from the remains of Violence.

    "None of my men." He says. "Wraith?"

    The red and black Ash leaps down from the roof.

    "No casualties." He says. "My men have secured the crash site. Any damage to your troops, Major?"

  8. 10 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "Changing our approach, that sounds good to me." Cynthia replied as she picked up the gun and the parts of it laying around. 

    "Well yar lab sounds like a much better place to work so i don't see any reason to not go there."

    You follow the Tenno woman down the hall to an ornate door.

    "Athena please prepare the fabrication systems." The young woman says. "We have a guest."

    "Right away Operator." A Cephalon says. It's voice sounds feminine and different from the Ordis model. "Welcome back."

    The door opens and you walk in. The Lab is spacious and very pristine. The walls are white and covered with gold trim along the supports. It feels as if you have walked back into the Orokin era.

    A gold-laced sphere floats up to you. It seems uniform in design except for a single eye-insignia carved into the front. Barely visible lines reveal that the shell might be capable of opening.

    "Greetings visitor, I am Athena, Series-3 Cephalon assigned to Felicity." It says. "Is there anything you would like to know?"

    Felicity motions for you to join her at the table. A holographic display floats above the surface of the table.

  9. 2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "Aye, at least we can slow down some progress." 

    Cynthia had no idea how to exactly make the fieldron function and was intrested in her suggestion. "hmm... a beam weapon could work. Although i ain't very experienced with making those."

    "We'd need a magnetic focusing system." The woman says. "Something like..."

    She rummages in a crate.

    "Ryoko, have you seen my focusing kit?" She asks.

    "Melanie used it for the Plasma Lance, remember?" The Arbtier calls back.

    "Drat." The young woman says. "I'm out of ideas then. If this were one of my Orokin weapons I could..."

    Her eyes gleam.

    "Why not change our approach?" She asks. "We're thinking like Grineer, trying to fix and replace. Why not think like Sentient. Take the concept and utilize it in a new design?"

    she turns to Ruoko.

    "Did you finish installing the fabricator in my lab?" She asks.

    "Finished and stocked with what recovered prime components I could spare." He replies. "Should be ready to go, as soon as you have a design."

    The young woman turns to you.

    "Would you like to see my lab?" She asks. "It's much more pristine than this storage room."

  10. 5 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    Lord had not reached the front of tge crowd, but he was noticeable nonetheless. His helmet's eyes bored into the Nyx. His hand hovered over his weapons, but he hadn't drawn yet 

    "Sai'ah!" Sasha says, grabbing the Nyx's arm. "That is a..."

    "Lost and frightened drone." Sai'ah says. "No threat to us."

    She looks at the drone.

    "Where is your master?" She asks. "Did you lose her?"

    "This one is no enemy of ours." Sai'ah's voice says in everyone's mind. "It will not hurt you."

    She pats the Conculyst on the head and looks around.

    "Has anyone misplaced a drone?" She asks.


  11. 8 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "What they lack in tech they make up in dozen's of numbers. Their cloning facilities are also guarded to the teeth and no ease getting into. I tried it." Cynthia replied, she had lined up the tip of the Fieldron with the hole she made in the front so that it wouldn't shoot against the insides of the gun. 

    "Yeah for the plasma. Trying to figure out a ways to make this thing work." 

    The Tenno woman shrugs. 

    "At least we can strike at Tyl Regor." She says. "Slow any progress he might make. The Arbiters are looking into ways we can infiltrate the better labs. Darrin will probably find something useful."

    She looks at the gun.

    "Why not add an alternative firing mechanism." She says. "Some sort of beam weapon or launcher? It would be difficult to use but it would be simpler."

  12. 20 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    Not expecting Angst to be that nimble, the Valkyr engaged a violent exchange of blows and rolls and chokes. This catfight continued until Oberon smashed still glimmering Mania's helm against his Jat kitty, making a juicy and meaty sound of critical impact echo against the walls. After getting rid of the weakest acolyte, Oberon noticed his friendly Valkyr suffering the brutal clinch situation with angsty kitty. He smited the enemy Valkyr twice, irradiating her, and giving his ally a short window of time to counter. The allied Valkyr used this advantage to detonate her shields in paralyzing blow as soon as the previously planted shields dispenser emitted a wave of energy and to deeply puch her clawed hand in the space between Angst's neck and chest.

    Banshee, Rhino, and Chroma backrolled almost synchronically with the advance of the hostile rhino, keeping the distance between the seemingly sturdiest acolyte and the silenced Saryn. Chroma released his pelt, which instantly sent a staggering  radial ice wave. Continuing to refrain from melee contact and suppressing the enemy with fire, they noticed an antimatter orb floating in their enemies direction. Knowing that the orb was sent by their ally Nova prime, who took her time to flank the enemies and to get to the better position, they unloaded the rest of their main caliber guns bullets at that orb. After a brief moment, the  orb overcharged with piercing, radiational, slashing, crushing and cryo rounds landed right in between hostile Saryn and Rhino, and, after emitting a slight EMP wave, exploded with a horrible force.

    Seing that the Nekroses and their shadows were taken care of by another Nekros (what an irony...), Frost retrained his aim at Malice and Torment, who insistently tried to take down the globe. Witnessing that both of the acolytes failed to notice Mesa, he throw an icicle at Malice. Mesa used this chance to approach the temporarily frozen acolyte and to shot both rounds of her Tigris in Malice's back from the point-blank distance. After having the "Hammer and Anvil" trick performed by her comrades, Trinity Prime began to unload her Soma prime at disorientated Torment. 


    The shattered and sliced remains of Mania's Warframe fall to the ground. Angst falls limp, her energy draining away.

    The Saryn dissolves in the blast, the EMP causing her poisons systems to go haywire. 

    The Rhino rises to his feet, his armor scratched and cracked. His other sword withers and falls to the ground. He stomps on the orb that falls from it and recasts Iron Skin.

    Malice explodes in a wave of icy force, slowing nearby enemies. 

    The fire from the Soma coupled with the Archon and Wraith's shots tear apart Torment.

    Vioence staggers and notices his fallen comrades. He attempts to flee only to find more Excaliburs, their shoulders marked with the glaive symbol, blocking his path.

    "Surrender." Theylin says. "Or at least have the decency to finish our duel, you honorless worm."

    The Nekros Prime disappears and reappears by the downed Misery. He pulls the spear free, the Acolyte beneath it dissolving into energy in his palm.

    The other Nekros Acolyte raises his hands, an orb of shadow appearing around him. The bodies of the fallen Acolytes begin to twitch.

  13. 3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "A higher power? I never thought of it that way. But whatever reason it is i don't care about anymore. Now i'm just happy i am breathin."

    Cynthia didn't pay attention to the talk of the two love birds and placed the fieldron in the now opened up space, which earlier was taken by the wires. She started making two openings in the barrel, one infront of it and one on the bottom. She needed to figure out a way to load shrapnel in this thing so it can use the excessive heat in an actual functioning way. Also a trigger, that was need too.

    The woman whispers something to the Arbiter and then wanders over.

    "To Merk g with the Brekkar?" She asks. "Grineer weaponry is so primitive. I am surprised they managed to spread so far across the system."

    She looks at the weapon.

    "Fieldron?" She asks. "For the plasma right?"


  14. 21 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    Cynthia took a look at the insides. Most of it was filled with heat resistant gel wires. It wouldn't necessrely need those anymore if she installed the fieldron to use the excessive heat. She started cutting out a few of the wires near the front, making sure not to cut the ones that where touching the shell of the gun.

    "Aye the void jump incident. Never thought that the hellspace had that kind of power." She said while creating a ball of anti matter in her hand and letting it disolve.  "Yet we are here now. Sometimes i wonder why it let us remain breathin." 

    She seemed alot more interested once Ryoko managed a very powerful hek. "I will give that a look later."

    "Assuming the Arbiter." Ryoko says. "Yes there are two of us, assuming he comes down from that Vaykor Formorian. He's like a kid at Christmas with that thing."

    "As for the void.. I believe in a higher power." Ryoko says. "I think we were meant to survive. Felicity used to say..."

    You hear the door open and a young women walks through. She does not appear to have the scars most Tenno do, however her eyes glow with power. She appears slightly younger than the Arbiter, but past her teens, unlike many Tenno.

    She seems vaguely familiar. As if you have seen her before somewhere, a long time ago.

    "That you were meant to destroy all that was corrupted and twisted." She says. "So that it could be rebuilt, into something better."

    She walks  up to the Arbiter and kisses him on the cheek before examining the rifle.

    "Are the mag rails acting up again?" She asks. "Did you try reversing the polarity?"

    "And shoot myself in the shoulder?" Ryoko asks. "Why... Oh. You know, someday we are going to have to watch those old holo-vids."

    The two stand close together, examining the rifle with a curious gaze.


  15. 22 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    Lord's audio sensors, despite being somewhat interfered by the crowd, picked up the slightest trace of the haunting Sentient song. His sudden intake of breath was unheard through his helmet's comms as he slowly picked his way out of the crowd, coming closer to the noise...

    "Sentient." A Tenno voice yells. Weapons bristle.

    You feel a presence flitter through your mind.

    "Wait!" A young voice cries. "Don't hurt him."

    The Nyx Prime skips up to the Conculyst and looks at it before tickling one of the ridges that could be considered a "chin".

    "Who's a good drone." She coos. "You are, yes you are."

  16. 3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    Cynthia picked the fieldron sample up and put it down next to the gun as she started to dismantel it. Hoping to see if there where any open space in the front. 

    "I have been making these costums ever since i remeber. Always had to adjust my weapons to what i had during longer missions."

    The internal a of the gun are a mess. Here appears to be little space. And where there could be is filled with a heat resistant gel covering wires. It seems to oak the typical Grineer "elegance". Looking at the internals it is a wonder the weapon even functions. Still there seems to be some hope of improvement. The systems present are high quality.

    Ryoko nods.

    "I started back in the Orokin era. Before the Void Jump accident I was going to be an engineer. Lost that chance after becoming Tenno. Figured if I had the skills I might as well do what I could."

    He looks back at the rifle.

    "Still Felicity usually did most of the modifications." He said. "She patched me up after every fight, and made sure I had an edge when I needed it."

    it is clear this person is someone who mattered dearly to him.

    "I miss those days." He said. "Watching her work was... Calming."

    He seems to pause for a moment then lifts the reassembled rifle.

    "You should see Darrin's Hek." He said. "I don't know what exactly he feeds it, but I doubt it could even be classified as a hand cannon anymore. If he could up the range he could probably use to to shoot down Ogmas."


  17. 3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "Maybe i could make it so this gun uses its exsesive heat. Would be alot saver than risking this thing exploding in ya face due to said heat."

    Ryoko taps on a control panel and a moment later you see a fieldron sample appear on the table before you.

    "So when did you first start making custom modifications?" The Arbiter asks. "Orokin Era? Or was it a hobby you picked up recently?"


  18. 28 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    The first thing the group leader did was shooting the first sancti tigris barrel load straight at the War greatsword crossguard, causing it to crack with a horrible noise of exorcising sentient mind.  Through the inner comm she briefly commanded "Regime null", then she discharged the second barrel at rhino's liver, shovering a part of his skin with a load of corrosive and cutting shrapnel, and bullet jumped in the direction where two archers supposedly were, activating the shatter shield on the flight. Banshee, using the advantage of being at the rear, activated the silence field with the remnants of her energy and entered the Valkyr - Chroma - Rhino triangle near the "pot" where the allied and hostile first liners found themselves. The silence rendered the hostile ability to use skills as well, preventing enemy Saryn to use spores or miasma, Rhino to reactivate his skin, and seemingly causing the weird whirlwind to decrease its turns. While Allied Rhino and Chroma concentrated their Soma prime and Vaykor Hek Fire on the hostile Rhino, the friendly Valkyr  dropped down the shield booster and riplined Angst from the wall to the rest of enemy bruisers. Trinity, using the distanced position casted the energy vampire on wall-running Mania, preventing him from getting to the rear and making him fall like a highly-energized sack of potatoes to the place where the Oberon was already waiting for him to land and to smash his ugly mug with Jat Kittag. Frost took a few steps behind, raising refreshing his globe around Trinity and sending ice waves in hostile brawlers and shadows direction. Nova disappeared from the rear in the unknown direction...

    As the dust clears the Inaros Acolyte staggers. A single sniper shot echoes out and he sways and falls. The Archon rolls to his feet, several armor palates hanging loose. He sees the Inaros struggling to rise and bashes him in the head with his rifle butt, before pouring lead into it's armor.

    "Eat lead!" He shouts.

    "Thank you." A voice says in the calm. "I was hoping to get a clear shot."

    You see the figure on the rooftop give a quick salute. It appears to be an ally.

    As the greatsword cracks the other one seems to shimemr. The Rhino's Iron Skin shifts, becoming resistant to corrosive and slashing projectiles. Still he stumbles as he reaches the group.

    As waves of energy wash over them Theylin's guard raise their blades and Javelins lance out, pinning the Acolyte to the wall. They unsheathed Exalted Blades and hurl waves of power at him.

    Angst rolls to her feet and leaps at the allied Valkyr. 

    Malice and Torment raise their weapons. Continuing to spray bullets at the globe.

    Theylin hooks Violence's Venka and tears it free, suffering a slash to the shoulder in the process. He drops back and lifts his Destrezza into a ready position.

    The shadows are cut to ribbons by the Ice Wave and vanish. 

    A flash of gold heralds the arrival of a Nekros Prime.

    "Oro-keeper!" Misery shouts over the open channel. "Run!"

    The Nekros Prime lifts a strange spear and hurls it at the fleeing Acolyte. The other Nekros Acolyte thrusts out his hand, sending a billowing projectile at the Prime.

  19. On June 18, 2016 at 6:36 AM, Luthim said:

    In a way, it reminded Luna to the strange projections she had encountered on the Orokin moon, but never had the chance to study. But this were different, friendly. However, she were not going to do any indept study or scan on this. That was more Ceda's thing, Luna prefered to learn by experience.

    *Tiny blue particles, barely visible, begun to show up around Luna as her energy begun to recharge. And with it, she felt some of the pressure leave her.*

    The robed Tennp lifts his head.

    "Misery." He says. "That fool has gone too far this time."

    A Warframe shimmers into being around him. A Nekros Prime. A strange spear is held in his hand.

    "Protect this monastery and the young one." He says to a nearby shade. "I must deal with this."

    Golden energy engulfs him and he disappears.

  20. On June 27, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Teloch said:


    What a day... Mesa thought sardonically

    "Black bruiser forty meters at ten!" she yelled half annoyed.

    Both squads momentarily livened up:  Frost shot the icicle charge to slow down the incoming hostile; Rhino, Chroma and Valkyr from the assault squad raised their defenses and executed their group empowering abilities, taking the front positions; the previously mentioned frost raised the globe and took the mid position, along with the Mesa and Oberon, who already spread the hollow grounds to prevent unpleasant surprises with hostile abilities; Banshee, Nova and Tinity occupied the globe at the rear and proceeded with casting their buff abilities. The operatives have already had the experience of dealing with the Acolytes, alas this one seems to be the fresh one. Knowing that these scoundrels can nullify or counter different powers and have different degrees of melee and ranged resistances, the group proceeded with scouting this one's behavior and capacities, showering the hostile target with adjustive fire.

    The Rhino hurls one of the War greatswords at the group. The blade pierces the ground and emits a pulsing wave, dispelling and blocking abilities. 

    He charges, his armored skin soaking up the shots that are not parried. A Saryn Acolyte charges behind him, using his body as a shield.

    Angst and Mania leap from the dust, running along the walls. 

    Misery and another Nekros raise their hands, shades appearing before the attacking Acolytes and absorbing rounds. 

    An Opticor beam lances out, targeting the snow globe. Dual pistols are heard firing as well, though Torment and Malice cannot yet be seen. The dust seems to shift unnaturally. It reminds you of the Sandstorm used by Inaros. Something lashes out from the storm and you see an Archon dragged into the storm.

    Theylin tracks something, his helmet moving and then charges forward. You hear the sound of metal on metal as he duels with Violence.

    "Guards fall back!" Melanie says. "Protect the civilians."

    "I managed to hack their jamming beacon." Simon says. "Syncing radio chatter now."

    Hissing voices fill the open channels.

    "Famine keep the storm up." A rough voice shouts. "You can feed on these pests later. We are here for Tenno blood."

    "And the Oro-Keepers?" A slippery voice asks. "How do you plan do deal with them, War?"

    "By sticking to the plan." War hisses.

    You see a shadowy figure on the rooftops raise a rifle and take aim. His target is hard to determine. He is clad in a red and black Ash, his colors more vibrant than the Acolytes.


  21. On July 1, 2016 at 5:29 AM, kyrozon said:

    "Well maybe ya will see next time i come around to visit this place." 

    "A higher usage or Oxium? Smart i need to remeber that." 

    Cynthia walked to the toolbox and put the brekkar down next to it. She grabbed a few tools out of the box. "Do ya have any spare fieldrons laying around?" She asked to the arbiter.

    "For?" The Arbiter says. "The vault may have some from the weekly tribute. But I'd need a reason to request it first."

  22. 11 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:


    Nox looks on with great interest as the Arbiter dissassembles his custom rubico, pausing at the sight of the custom ammunition. She files the idea away for future use; the trinity has had her head buried in so much orokin tech lately that she's overlooked some of the more subtle modifications a tenno can make to their weaponry. Granted, the bolts used in her custom sniper were, obviously modified, but no further than was necessary to make the weapon functional. Seeing the arbiter work on the rails soon gave her the idea to see if she could coax a bit more oomph out of her vectis variant, without damaging other attributes.

    The arbiter motions to a toolbox.

    "If either of you want to do some custom work I have a few tools available." He says. "For fellow Tenno I can spare some resources and tech."

  23. 2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    Cynthia took a close look at it. A radioactive bullet with a containment field. "Impressive. I would also have brought along some of my costum weaponry but my boss was afraid i would instead run off to kill some grineer with it. So he just left me with a pair of akstiletto's and a redeemer."

    "Shame." Ryoko said. "I would have like to see some samples of your work."

  24. 1 minute ago, kyrozon said:

    Cynthia looked at Ryoko disassembling the Rubico. "Do ya use costum bullets for it?"

    "Of course." He says. 

    He lifts the magazine and pulls out a round. It appears to be a slug with a long glowing canister behind it. You can see an ominous glow. It seems the entire round is radioactive with a self generated containment field. 

  25. 5 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    Cynthia was suprised by the heat that radiated from the gun. The plasma bolts suprised her even more. "Ah grineer plasma weapon? Never saw that before." She took another look over the weapon. Would she be allowed to keep this weapon? 

    The Arbiter shrugs.

    "It was in storage." He said. "I doubt they planned on mass production. Still I'd like to meet the Grineer that designed it."

    He looked around.

    "It's a shame most of these won't see combat service." He said. "I'm almost fond of a few." 

    He unholstered a long revolver-style Sniper Rifle. 

    "But none of them beat this." He said. "My custom Rubico."

    He lifts the rifle and fires. The head of one of the cut-outs seems to dissolve into metal dust.

    Ryoko sets the rifle on the table and begins disassembling it. 

    "Hmm." He says. "That impact was lower than expected. Maybe something got stuck in the mag-rails..."

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