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Posts posted by Rakawan

  1. On July 3, 2016 at 9:09 AM, BulletsforTeeth said:

    Nox nods in return, pulling her vectis off her back, placing it in the air just above a work table, void energy beginning to dissassemble the gun to it's most basic of components. Judging from her experience with it, she figured she would need some forma, some oxium, and probably some tellurium, knowing orokin construction like she did. The back of her mind began reaching back to where the box of supplies was. Besides all the proxy and weapon parts, there should be the resources she needed to finish this weapon at last. Perhaps even the exilus adapter she needed to finally create an alt-fire mode.


    Nox nods slightly, most of the other warframes in her operator's arsenal being comparitively heavier, even with less weaponry.

    Eon: "This Trinity Prime chassis and systems are the culmination of years of research on operator's behalf. The... Helmet incident that led to her altered helm and sentience were an added bonus, I like to think."

    The trinity stares for a moment at the shotgun that looked more appropriate as an archwing weapon, nodding her approval. Though admittadly, she wondered if it could be enhanced for ground use...


    Nox actually manages a giggle, surprisingly, in her own voice, before she falls silent again, operator and warframe alike grinning ear to ear, even if Nox physically could not. She always found a certain joy in finding happy couples, these days.


    Nox nearly drops everything her mind is currently holding up at the mention of what she assumed to be a functional lab with orokin-era facilities. Her sniper parts visibly drop before rising back into the air, signifying her admittad shock.

    ((My sincerest of apologies for the megapost and delay. It's been a helluva week.))

    "I'm sure you could join her." Ryoko says. "It's been a while since she's been able to relax and design things. Every since she Changed she's been busy training."

    He holds up his armpad and looks at it.

    "I myself have things to attend to." He says. "Please excuse me."

    He bows and walks out the door.

  2. 5 hours ago, kyrozon said:

    "I reckon i would get more use out of the damange the second barrel gives."

    "Understood." Felicity says. "Installing component."

    You look at the weapon and see that it is nearly finished. The trigger mechanism is the only part left open.

    "One thing left." Felicity says. "Besides naming it of course."

  3. 2 hours ago, Teloch said:

    "She has no authority to make the ultimate decision, but she will elaborate our points of interest, receive the information, answer your questions about our organisation, should you have such, and execute other functions as our official lobbyist and spokesman" he said briefly before the now-familiar voice announced the last minute before action: "sixty seconds... Commander?"

    Teloch distanced from the camera, "All wings and carriers at your positions. We stick to the original plan, which means we do the job quickly, efficiently, and with no mercy. Radio silence regime in ten seconds. Good hunt, tigers". Before switching the transmission off, he nodded his head in parting gesture.

    Therese watched transmission ends, leaving the screen jet-black. She leant back against the seat, folded her hands, and looked at Melanie expectingly as if waiting for her to share with impressions.


    The ship shudders slightly as it lands and Bill, the injured Archon, staggers outside. 

    "All clear." He says. "Honor guard ready ma'am."

    Melanie rises.

    "Thank you Bill." She says. "Get yourself to the medical bay."

    Outside he ship is the Citadel. An Orokin tower similar to the structures on the moon. Landing pads sprout from the sides like leaves on a flower stem, some lying flat against the wall.

    "Wlecome to the citadel." Melanie says. "We have rooms for visiting representatives set aside, if you require them later. The acoomodations are... Spartan."

    She nods to the robed figures around the group and they move forward.

    "Your commander is different from the other Tenno I have encountered." She says. "Tell me more about your organization, your commander, and, of course, yourself."


  4. 2 hours ago, Teloch said:

    Yet another message informing that only one hundred twenty seconds were left before the start of the operation rang in the background of colonel's ship.  

    Teloch shrugged, "I would not offer fleet and marines emergency support should they be unable to reach Phenix from the point of dislocation fast" He scratched his helmet as if wondering or doubting about something, "Major, would you elaborate the situation to the theorising Chancellor?" 

    "Ma'am, we received orders to proceed to this system right after the operation, without the opportunity to refuel. Another reason why we were ordered to proceed through the rails was the necessity to stay true to the protocol" Therese answered politely. 

    Teloch nodded at his subordinate and refocused on Melanie again "Either way, I take that as the consent. Although, there are a lot of conditions to be discussed and we are running out of time. That is why I will ask you to accommodate our representatives. This will optimize the communication process and establish the basic diplomatic relationships. I would like Major Therese Bloom - who also happens to be my student - to take this position. Sergeant Ulf Solberg would be her personal assistant"

    Colonel's latest words made Ulf involuntarily drop his Lex prime on the ship's floor in surprise. Good thing it was in safety mode. Therse straightened up a bit.

    "But..." she tried to ask something, but Teloch interrupted her.

    "Consider this opportunity as your long-deserved vacation, Therese. It will also grant you new and valuable experience that might help you gain respect of other warlords"

    Therse saluted still confused (a bit), "Yes, sir"

    Teloch addressed Melanie once again "These two seem promising, so I would ask you not to spoil them with excessive comfort," he chuckled, "also, this communicational line would be quite useful. Please, split the channel into three lines; one personally for you, one for Therese, and one for other officials who would need to contact me" 

    "Just to clarify." Melanie said. "You are authorizing these representatives to negotiate details regarding the resource portions and other exchanges?"

    She taps a few keys on the armchair.

    "Simon will have our operatives place another set of beacons so we can maintain this as an official channel." She says. "As a show of appreciation if you ever find yourself in need of a Dreadnought class ship, the Vengeance and Interitus will be sent to aid you, if possible. They're currently under repair, but once they are battle-ready we would be honored to assist you."

  5. On July 3, 2016 at 1:53 AM, Teloch said:

    The heavy-armored man twitched, as if giggling under his helmet. He shook his head in refusal tho. In the background, a short voice message rang: "one hundred eighty seconds"

    "At the first place, we are soldiers, Melanie, not settlers. On-duty soldiers have no home other than the headquarters they were assigned to. Placing elements of our administrative infrastructure on your territory is both unreasonable and technically impossible, alas. If you were asking for a stationary garrison, I'm afraid it is a premature topic. At the moment, we are willing to collaborate in such ways: fleet and personnel support on request, intelligence safety, and exchange. We can put a part of our fleet in a standby mode, ensuring you will receive proper protection from the space should we receive the call. Along with the fleet, you may count on..." he stumbled, mentally calculating forces availability, "four to five mid-division platoons of rapid reaction task forces. To make it clearer for you, it is up to seventy to ninety operatives like those you have seen already. Same as the fleet, they will be in standby mode, acting only in alarm situations. As for our intelligence web, we are ready to use it to scan the established information networks for potential threats to your project. You may want to discuss it in particular, but this is the wide and deep topic for another time" He shifted his quite considerable weight slightly before continuing, "As for the exchange part, we are willing to support your colonization campaign with occasional investments, resettlement of those refugee civilians we sometimes come across during our operations and providing the previously mentioned security measures. Should the joint venture demonstrate potential, we will offer more services and projects from our side. As of now, we want to see the initial geological survey report containing Rhodium, Terbium, Neodymium, Xenon and coolant minerals that can potentially surpass Cryotic.

    The solid tenno-built frigate floating near the colonel's spaceship took his attention for a short moment

    "But please, do not think that your generous offer to situate our headquarters at Phenix was not appreciated. To demonstrate our gratitude, we would like to receive a list of your highly sought-after resources and assets. The chances are that we may find additional donatable clauses... especially after this raid's completion" he paused again and placed a firm gaze on Chancellor, "The success of interstellar frontier meets our political course, Chancellor"

    "Given your reliance on solar rails that makes sense." Melanie says. "Most of our battle groups use ships with fold engines to reach the origin system, negating the use for rails."

    "With the miners you rescued, and considering your lack of interest in a privately owned mining station, we will set-up another mine in the next continent. A portion of the resources, and any of the non-standard ones you listed, will be sent to you at determined intervals. These rest will be divided between our forces as we see fit."

    "We will also offer you our fold engine research. No doubt your heavier ships could benefit from such additions. It would also allow for faster travel between Terminus and Phenix."

    She rubs her temples.

    "As for sought after resources... Ships, civilians, enemy research." She says. "Each of the syndicates has preferences and wants spoils. Each of the Clans has different goals. Anything you do not have a use for, or I the case of ships lack the manpower to crew, would be well rewarded. Orokin tech, is the more mundane variety, is also sought after. Holo-vids for the children, simulators for the workers, and medical tech."


  6. On July 3, 2016 at 2:14 AM, kyrozon said:

    "Well da silencer still sounds very useful to me. Although i don't exactly know what the other options where for the extra space"

    "Extra magazine space or another barrel." Felicity says. "Either more shots per reload or trigger pull."

  7. 51 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    (( I have returned!, Im a bit disspoitned that this has truned into else, now, rather then staying in one place, can I make a suggestion make two of the Sgnrey topics, where one is involved with fighting outside of the station and one that goes around inside the station, etc))

    ((This belongs in OOC thread. There will be only one thread. You don't have to join combat if you don't want.))

  8. 15 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    Teloch shook his head at the mention of a "friendly" sentient drone; he did not comment that, though. 

    When Melanie counts the ways of payment, He freezes still, his "icy" glance drilling a single spot on the control panel. An experienced psychologist would characterize such behavior as "Not impressed"; but still - he did not comment. Instead of saying something, he turns the camera in the direction of the carrier's radar. One can see half a hundred of friendly vessels signatures of all various sizes, starting from scout ships and finishing with frigates.

    He sighed, "We do not need a craft made "on the side", and credits are the least of our problems" he returned the camera to a previous position. "But we need resources. Rare resources and cheap man-hours. You need protection, we want assets. So that is why we propose you to establish a joint venture." He looked somewhere to the side, "It is a very fortunate circumstance that we evacuated miners; we would be happy to provide them with work on your territory, and to warranty their and everybody else security in exchange of needed materials that are cheaper compared to the Terminus analogs. Our potential partnership may start from a simple mining company and may grow up to the heights of complicated production, scientific exchange and projects cooperation, should it only be beneficial. The more of our interests will lie in your space, the higher we will be motivated to protect them as well as you. Basically, we ask for the very same thing that serves as a name for your project" He leaned slightly forward "Your word, Counsellor"

    Melanie smiles.

    "Despite his initial impression." She says. "I think Arbiter Ryoko would like you. He has always wished Tenno would be more involved with Synergy. More bodies means more strength."

    She folds her hands.

    "Theylin evacuated those miners." She says. "But your assistance in that matter is neither overlooked nor without thanks. For payment of that we can provide 1 million units of the standard resources and fifty thousand of the rarer ones. Or..."

    She gestures to a newly appeared map of the planet.

    "You will notice that Phenix has three continents." She says. "We have long wanted to expand to the other two, however we have lacked the numbers." 

    She leans back.

    "With the miners that were rescued, and your proposal, and idea has occurred to me." She says. "These continents are rich in resources, and with Theylin's fleet we now have greater transport capabilities. While the civilians will likely remain on this continent it would not be inconceivable to start a mining station on the other continent. Day to day transportation would be handled by Theylin, so as not to strain your fleets."

    "However." she says. "You would operate under the same charter as Clan Miraalan. Phenix would be your home, but not your dominion. My family has paid for this planet in blood and we will not allow others to divide it into personal kingdoms."

    She seems to relax.

    "In short I am willing to enter a joint venture." She says. "With some caveats. the continent would be your land, not your dominion. The civilians would be workers, but still citizens of Synergy."

  9. 10 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "True... i guess single stage is the way i'm better of swinging." 

    "We can use modules to change the damage up once it's been fabricated." Felicity says. "Rail should have minimum recoil, so stablizers will be less necessary."

    The gun design hovers in the air.

    "Which brings us back to what to do with the extra space." She says.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    The man supported his head with his left hand and probably aimed his gaze into nothingness while listening to the audio messages. He remained in a such pose for about a minute after the last record ended.

    "Definitely not a simple reconnaissance in force: they partially knew what would wait for them," he regained the normal posture, "There is one or more sentients agents prowling your planet at the moment. The fact they managed to slip by the rail scanning could mean two things: either they have an access to the rail control systems and navigations implying you need to execute security protocols change and some witch-hunting work, or they had an informant from the times before you highjacked the mentioned fomorian. Either way, knowing their mentality, their goal is bounded to something that is relevant to the Origin system. The easiest answer would be that they want to prevent the establishment of the Tenno safe harbor, but that's hardly the whole truth behind their actions. An access to any sort of assets that interact with the void energies? Maybe..."

    He made a pause and straightened his back a bit. In the background, yet another message slipped by: "two hundred forty minutes before entering the zone of operation" 

    "The fact I see you, Therese, and Ulf, means that the assault was fended off" He turned to Therese Bloom, "I expect an expanded field report on this matter, Major, and looking forward to discuss your actions during the evac operation. I have questions, and you probably suspect what questions that will be" 

    Therese nervously scratched the nape of her helmet. Anyone could tell that she felt not entirely comfortable after that mention. Ulf - the Frost - impersonated a piece of stone: so anxious he felt in this company.

    "But back to our main topic: the deal was that we do the demonstrational job, then the discussion of your payment and our propositions follows," he refocused on Melanie, "I'm all ears"

    "The Sentient being is under the control of a Tenno agent." Melanie says. "It is a simple drone. Tenno intelligence suggests that Stalker's use of Sentient technology is due more to salvage than any continued partnership."

     Melanie pauses.

    "We do have several bits of research requiring void energies, and thus the tech to focus and contain it." She says. "But nothing that would be useful to someone who already possesses his powers."

    "As for payment". She says. "Name your price. We can pay you for services rendered in credits. We also have a few resources that may be useful: fighter ships, transport ships, that sort of thing. of course if you entered into a contract we would provide additional support as needed."

  11. 29 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "Mmh i think a cooling system would be better with the missions i do. Not being able to fire a shot again in a second less has proven pretty damned dangerous."

    "Single stage would fix that." Felicity says. "That way you don't have to worry as much about charge cool down."

  12. 1 minute ago, kyrozon said:

    "How about the heat? is that still a problem with this model? Other wise we might be able to utilise it for a quick fire mode."

    Tap tap.

    "The heat was due to the plasma nature of the gun." Felicity says. "Hmm, with the charge syste. We could actually reintroduce plasma charges to the pellets. It would supplement for the low damage."

  13. 2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "Well i have plenty of experience with the lanka on both long and close range i'm sure i will be fine handling it. One question though is there any option for a quick shot without charging? Ya know for just that one unpredictable situation."

    An image appears of the mechanism firing.

    "It is possible." Felicity says. "But implementing such a system would decrease the impact of both modes."

  14. 10 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    The Rhino made a half-bow in return.

    "Colonel Teloch Siger of White Tiger's Cove. That is how our force had been called before we rose beyond the borders of a militant group. But the previous glory sticks, and so our old name persists among the masses"  

    He leaned back after completing the introduction ritual

    "Unplanned?" he slightly tilted his head to the left side, "Care to elaborate via providing more detailed feedback?"

    Melanie sits and smooths out her robes.

    "I was somewhat hoping you might have more information on that as well." She said. "We had a visit, from some friends of an individual who might be familiar to you. Stalker. The Stalker."

    She leans forward.

    "Can you think of any reason such an individual would send a veritable army to our planet?" She asks. "Nine Acolytes, to be precise. Four of whom do not match any previous encounters."

    She transmits an recording of the incident, along with a report from Simon about how a cloaked ship had slipped through the rails and been shot down by the Formorian.

  15. 16 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    The wide holographic window opened shortly, depicting a crimson Rhino prime either considering something or trying to meditate in the cabin of a ship. A perceptive person would see that there were soft, barely noticeable flame tounges of the void origin emerging around the person; the uncommon greatsword behind Rhino's back emitted even brighter light, probably reacting to it's owners Madurai powers; in the background, there was an intense exchange of radio messages, featuring incoming phrases like: "Carrier seventeen, report your status", "three hundred seconds before entering the zone of operation", "This is wing L-9, ready for action in full force", "Bombing wave one, report your fuel levels" and etc. The Rhino remained silent for about five seconds, then he lifted his frame's helmet and acknowledged the entities by the other side of the transmission.

    "In time as always, Therese" he spoke collected, "And with whom do I have the honor to speak?" 

    Major gulped slightly, realizing that she didn't get to know Chancellor's name.

    "This is Phenix's Chancellor... " she stumbled, "She is in power to lead the diplomatic affairs"

    The Rhino shifted his gaze on the Chancellor, probably expecting her to say something, and seemingly ignoring the major's previous sentence.

    Melanie rise to her feet and bows.

    "My name is Melanie." She says. "I am Chancellor of Phenix. I am most impressed with the demonstrations of your troops' prowess, both planned and unplanned."

  16. 4 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "So that gotta use slugs? I think i rather just use bladed rounds than. I prefer having the multiple pellets." 

    "Multiple pellets are better." Felicity says. "Slugs tend to lose impact over long distance. I still don't know how Ryoko got that Rubico to keep it's damage."

    She looks at the stats.

    "We have several firing mechanisms." She says. "We culd use a rail system, solid form powder, liquid propellant, or a pressure chamber."

  17. 4 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "Heh i wish i had the ability to work with this kind of tech. Always had to make modifications on the fly, out there in the field. It was tough but i loved it."

    Cynthia looked at the design. The long and thin barrel would allow for longer range use which she liked. She listened to the options Felicity listened. Stabilizers would be useful but she would have no idea how harsh the recoil is. The cooling system was needed for against the heat that the weapon generated. The two barrels would allow for higher damage capabilties and the silencer sounded useful too.

    "A silenced shotgun does sound interesting but how harsh would the recoil be? I would like to know if those stabilizers would be needed. And is it possible to create those radiation bullets like Ryoko's rubico for this gun?" 

    Felicity looks at the specs.

    "That would depend on the propellant we used in the firing mechanism." She says. "If we wanted radiation rounds we would have to use slugs. And even then it would need a long barrel and much stronger mag-rails to be on par with that rifle."

  18. Felicity notices Cynthia's glances at the computer and explains.

    "I'm used to Orokin tech." She says. "Before I went into cryo-sleep, back when I was still only human, I used to design weapons for Ryoko. He found and salvaged enough tech to get me a set-up like I used before. Corpus designer software is good, but it's still a reverse engineered, mass produced, copy. Whoever he traded with for this gear it was worth it."

    She pulls up a design. The barrel is long and thin, meant to hold the shots together.

    "With this design we could fit two barrels into the chassis and still have room for cooling systems and maybe a silencer, or we could increase the pellet count, add stabilizers, or maybe increase magazine capacity." She says. "But a silenced shotgun, now that would be interesting. Dixon tried the Tigris with his augmented Loki, but he never liked having to close. Was always worried the cloak would drop too soon."

    "What sort of rounds are we looking at?" She says. "We've got the standard kinds: bladed, blunt, pellet. Or we could build it for targeting weak points. You'd have to hit something critical, but they'd do more damage to vital spots."


  19. 16 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

    "I rather move to a 'pure' system. Something with just good ol' bullets. Also ya have any idea what the bullet spread on this thing will be?"

    Felicity adjusts a control and you see several barrel components appear. Another tap and each shows an animation of bullets firing, then zooms out to show the spread at incremental ranges. 

    "First we need pellet count." She said. "And size. We can adjust range and spread later. Any weapons to base it off of or do you want to just set values and see what we get?"

  20. 2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    She plugged in her device and transferred a certain data block. "This is colonel's business channel requisites. Now we only need for the rail control to establish and secure the connection" 

    Simon receives the data and opens a channel.

    "Terminus connection in place." He says. "Awaiting response. Please be aware that long range beacons may be used to boost reception if the rail needs to transfer channels. It should work fine, but there may be a slight delay."

    Melanie folds her hands and adjusts her robe while she waits for the Commander to respond.

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