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Posts posted by Rakawan

  1. 5 minutes ago, crimsonspartan1 said:


    Gonna quickly on which one of my ocs to use quickly

    Use any, or use all. There are restrictions on anything not in lore. New warframes must be approved. Any sort of power beyond the Tenno must be approved. Just so it can be worked in properly. And to avoid God-moding. There are the Oro-keepers for that.

    If they fit in other rp's they probably fit here. If you have questions about the world message me, or ask a character in-verse.

  2. Ryoko puts his hand on the Ash.

    "If you remember the Orokin then you remember the Ajducants." He says. "Remember, the ones who decided when a contest of honor was due. You remember how ritualized things were. As Adjucant I can declare this cause for such a contest."

    He grabbed the Lex and lowered it.

    "Just like the Old world." He said. "You get your vengeance, he learns his lesson. And instead of watching the Archons arrest our new visitors, they get to see something from the old times. A proper duel."

    He waved away an Archon.

    "Nothing to see here." He said. "Just a little squabble."

    He looked back to the Ash.

    "This way you get to make a statement in front of others." He said. "Destroy his warframe here and no one knows. Hek he'd probably run around denying it happened. Far better to beat him in an Arena. In front of the others. Where he can't make up stories."

  3. 8 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The Ash Prime, just grabs Dixon, he then goes to attempt to slam him down onto the floor, out of the air-vent, this ash is not messing around* 

    Ryoko holds up a hand.

    "If you want to fight him then please do so in an arena." He said. "That way we don't have to explain things to the Archons, and maybe he'll finally learn some manners."

  4. 14 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *Ash jumps up, into the alcove onto the roof*

    Show yourself!


    *Syarn gets closer to orbit and then contacts Arbiter* 

    ((We will need to wait a bit for the Saryn thing. My friend who usually plays Darrin is busy. I could play him, but he's got a specific way to do it, that would work better in this case.))


  5. 1 minute ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

    Question but what is this rp ment to be about and what has happened in it right now?

    Can't seem to work out the plot of this rp for some reason (must've been acting stupid or something).

    I might consider joining this but i need to know what happened and is happening so i don't make a post completely incorrect and such

    IT s about a Tenno allied homeworld in a separate star system. Mostly its meant to showcase a world me and some friends designed and to see how Tenno would react to suddenly having a world that could be called home.

    As for what has happened. One Tenno has set up a shop, and another is helping out with worksite injuries.

    This is the out of character thread. The story thread is Synergy (Open IC Roleplay)

    If you want to join jsut go to that and have your character contact rail control. We'll give you the intro. Try to read up a bit on the events if you want. Or ask for news once you reach planetside.

  6. Ryoko stepped off the roof towards the Loki

    "Dixon!" He called. "You weren't trying to steal from these fine folk, where you?"

    He turned to the Ash.

    "I'm so sorry." He said. "You make someone a Tenno and suddenly they think they can do whatever they want."

    He sighed, then his head snapped up.

    "Normally I'd send him back to Darrin." He said. "But you look like a tough chap."

    He leaned in.

    "Tell you what." He said. "You take this young fool to the dueling rings. Namira can set up the handcaps however you want. Make it melee only, make him melee only, or full loadout."

    He looks at the downed Loki.

    "Or hand him over to me." He said. "Either one works."

  7. Dixon peeked over the edge of the rooftop and saw the Ash Prime looking back at him. He stood quickly.

    "There was a thief." He said. "Sad something about... ummm..."

    He suddenly realized he was holding the Lacera. He slid it behind his back.


    He started as the Ash appeared. 

    "Hello." He said. "Goodbye."

    His warframe beeped. The Invisibilty module did not trigger.



  8. 46 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

    "A medic?  Wonderful!  Come, yes, we need your help..." She released his shoulder and began picking her way across the floor, which was littered with cement, ceiling tile, and other assorted rubble.

    Richard opened his box, removed a few supplies, and followed them.

    Nalia lay pinned underneath a pile of rubble. Her arm felt numb. Broken maybe. She saw a warframe heading towards her. A Nekros, or so she had heard it called.

    "Are you the angel of death?" She asked as it approached. "Here to carry me away from this mortal coil."

    She watched the frame stand over her.

  9. Samantha grabs a disk and slides it into her bag. She bows.

    "Thank you." She said.

    Alan taps on a small data-pad and slides it over to Legion.

    "100 ducats." He said. "You might want to avoid engaging in history chats with Arbiter Darrin then."

    He looked aroind.

    "The lad's a Separatist." He said. "Firmly believes that we should have burned the empire to the ground."

    He shook his head.

    "Arbiter Ryoko's a Puritan though." He said. "Believes that Synergy could someday rebuild the empire. Take back humanity's spot as rulers of the universe."

    He sighed.

    "Sometimes I wonder why we went into cryo-sleep." He said. "Why we left the world so broken."

    He seems older, and more weary.

    {A small golden hook slithers over the edge of the market stall alcove. It appears to be a Lacera hook. It snags a prime component and begins to lift it.}


  10. 3 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    The Infested here are my...pets, *she pets a charger* ..I control the infested, can I pass or not?... 

    Simon scratched his head. This was... unexpected.

    "I'm sorry." He said. "But Phenix is the one place the infested have not touched. And we would prefer it stay that way."

    He looked at the ship.

    "I could allow you to reach orbit." He said. "But we cannot allow any uncontrolled infested biomass to reach the surface. If you want to take your  'pets' with you, you will need to speak to Arbiter Darrin about proper containment. Though I doubt he will find that option appealing."

    A voice comes over the speakers.

    "This is Arbiter Darrin." It says. "I will allow you passage to Phenix, so that we can discuss this 'case'." 

    The voice continues.

    "However, as you can understand, such creatures will not be allowed on the surface." He said. "We will NOT allow the infestation to take root on Phenix. Is that understood?"

  11. 23 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The Ash folds his arms, after the comment and sighs*

    *Legion looks to him* Garud, do not treat the Tenno like so, it was not their fault..my apologies, we're Orokin Believers, we...are a bit...jumpy. *he turns to the buyer* 100 Ducats my friend and as you are my first customer, our lovely lady here gets a free gift of her choosing. 

    *The Ash teleports away, he seems to be triggered by the loud noise from outside* 

    Sam turned slightly at the second compliment. 

    "Got any Orokin music disks?" She asks. "All I have is Alan's Deth Rap remixes."

    ((Think death metal with people screaming the lyrics.))

    She tilts her head.

    "And you can stop with the lovely lady compliments. Smooth talking won't work on me." She says. "I'm no lady. I am Tenno."

    Alan sighs.

    "No one doubts that girl." He said. "Get used to compliments."

    He looked at Legion.

    "Puritans eh?" He said. "Firm believers that the only problem with the Empire was the ones in charge?"

  12. They are welcome to play as in frame Tenno. Just so long as they acknolwedge that in this universe Second Dream is cannon and others may choose transference. 

    This is meant as a middle ground. Those who see themselves as these silent faceless killers can be so. They simply modified their warframes to hold their true bodies (age determined by them) and kept doing what they do.


  13. 36 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *Legion smiles* Very well, a order will be placed, Tenno, do you have something in exchange or are you buying via ducets? 

    The Tenno, now a few feet away suddenly disappears and reappears before the stand.

    "What do you prefer?" He asked. "I have enough of either I am sure."

    He blinks.

    "Forgive my manners." He said. "I am Alan, Oro-Keeoer, to explain that little light trick." He said. "I used to be chairman of the Tenno Council. Till that whole rework of the politics."

    He leaned back, seeming to float at an angle.

    "I'll let you decide the currency, and the price." He said. "Consider it a welcome gift."

  14. Alan looked at the goods.

    "Hmmm." He said. "I suppose I could add some gold trim to these rims."

    he reaches back and grabs the earphones.

    "Don't be rude Samantha." He says. "We have visiotors."

    Sam grabs at the devices.

    "I was talking to my son." She said. "You know how scared he gets during the treatments. He's only four you know."

    "Sasha and Jas will look after him." Alan says. "You may be new to being Tenno. But you do look out for eachother. Even if you can't seem to control your powers."

    Alan stands again and lifts the chair.

    See if you can make it more spiffy." He says. Gold energy washes over him and he motions to Sam. 

    "Come on girl." He said. "The Aribter said you have to push me around. Hop to it."

    Sam rolls her eyes and mumbles something about his eardrums. She leans and begins pushing the floating Tenno away.

  15. Yes. It is possible to modify warframes to be worn if you wish. Also the age gap for the operators is a bit larger than in game. It ranges from 13-32. Older Tenno can be from before the Zarriman, for example another ship.

    Wearing a Warframe makes its operation smoother, but also means damage sustained and stress incurred affect the operator. 

    A lot of people like the wearing frames thing, and there is not more against it. The only requirement is that your Tenno was in the somatic pod before the events of Second Dream. How they left, and when are up to you.

  16. 18 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *The Ash Prime, sighs loudly, before folding his arms leaning back, he tills his head at the woman*

    "Ahh, good to see you Ma'am and a hello to you sir, well, all my goods are primed, right from the goodness of who is our Orokin!, as for your wheelchair, we chuold upgrade it, so its automated, or we can style it up a bit, make it fancy, like your lovely lady here"

    *The Ash, then speaks in a cold and curd voice* "The Crystal, What is it....betrayer.."

    At the mention of the corpus term Alan stands. It becomes apparent that the chair is more for show.

    "This." He says. "Is Prisma."

    He removes the glasses and power flares out. His eyes take on a slight glow. You get the sense that he is both ancient, and powerful.

    "The warframes channel our power, the Dream controls it." He said. "And these accessories, these crystals, keep it in check when we want to walk around with lighting up the world."

    He slips the glasses back on and sits. The power fades.

    "Ryoko found a way to drain void energy into these crystals. Wear one around on your true body, and no flare-ups. No sudden bursts of flame, no flickering in and out of reality. Just like normal people."

    He looked at the Ash.

    "A word of warning young fella." He said. "People around here see us for what we truly are, heroes. I wouldn't go around calling people Betrayers. Brings up bad memories from some."

    Sam tilts her head at Legions's comment of lovely lady, and then puts in earphones. She seems irritated at something, probably at having to push around s fully health Tenno in a wheelchair.

    ((Well this is amusing. Alan is, in the fan-fic, the grandmaster of the Tenno Council. He is the oldest and most powerful known Tenno. He doesn't take kindly to being called a Betrayer. However he is more likely to explain why. Can't wait to see more about the ASH.))

  17. 16 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    Okido, guys, you've missed one essential thing: is it U18+ or not?

    Next thing #1: what If I don't want to be aligned with the clan and go the mercenary way instead (co-operate, but do not join)

    Next thing #2: expected power rank upon the entrance. I'd really like to put my more OP developed characters to use

    As for power rank. Odd things are acceptable. Message me more about it and I can tell you more. The universe I set up in the fan-fic has things that delve into the idea that the warframes are a conduit to powers beyond just sliding forward with a sword.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    I'm more interested in playing out  business relationships between my oc guild and yours than generating a settler. That means permanent residentship isn't needed

    There are things that could be done to aid as well. To correct an earlier point. Synergy does allow non-affiliated Tenno to park their craft in orbit. Officially joining is possible, but it's more like an uber syndicate. Technically they are allied with the Tenno, so any Tenno could stay on the planet.

    Joining would require being part of an allied clan. Or allying the new clan with Synergy. The benefits would simply be access to more advanced tech and research. 

    The story is that Phenix was exclusive and the Lotus ordered that it be made available to all Tenno.


    Synergy membership is not required for residence or work. There are plenty of ways to help out or find work.

    You could even set up shop or start a fighting club Ido g the dueling arena's.


    (Still too long, didn't read.)

    Think a planet sized relay.

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