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Posts posted by Rakawan

  1. Ryoko nods.

    "Then you have permission to begin set-up." He says. "I will have a stock of teleport pads wired into the grid and sent to the location."

    He bows.

    "Once you are ready I will be waiting in the lab with the Behemoth carcass." He says. "The drone opsreys will be sent to the location as well."

  2. "I have heard that there are genetic stabilizers for engineered Kubrows." She says. "I would like research to be done on whether or not these could be used to help the Steel Merdian Grineer."

    She leaned forward

    "I am sure they would greatly reward any progress with support." She says. "And doing so would allow us to rely on them more often."

    Ryoko rose.

    "If you need any help with the prep I can assist you." He says. "There are also several automated drones that could assist. I must admit I am hoping to see a dissection of a Behemoth. Felicity rarely does biological research anymore and I lack the skills necessary. I am eager to see how they are put together."

    He gestures to a holograph of a Dojo.

    "Does your Dojo use a fold engine?" He said. "If not Simon could send you schematics and the proper modules. It would make traversing the Expanse much easier."

  3. "Well the regenerating armor would of course be encouraged." Ryoko says. "We would also like research done into the adrenaline glands of the behemoth."

    He pulls up an image of a lab room.

    "We have had a room set up for dissections for some time now, what we have lacked is personnel. Many choose to pursue more flashy tech." He says. "If you would like to send your clan an invitation to begin construction I can have a behemoth carcass pulled from storage for you to work on while you wait."

    Melanie raised a hand.

    "Does the Guild of the End swear alliance with Synergy, and promise to defend the peoples of Phenix, should the need arise?" She asked. "If so I have a specific request for research as well."

  4. "We have Darrin for any sort of world ending plague." Ryoko says with a smile. "Anything that would REDUCE the lives lost would of course be welcome. That includes medical applications."

    Melanie smiles.

    "In fact if you could whip up something to drive the Fluffles extinct, that would be wonderful." She says. "I can't tell you how much of my day is wasted trying convince farmers that I cannot simply have Darrin use the Formorian to wipe out the creatures while they sleep."

    Ryoko looked back.

    "Melanie, we talked about this." He says "The Fluffles fill a necessary spot in the food chain as prey for the wild kubrows. Without them we would have to import food."

    He turns back. 

    "There are also the oceans to explore." He says. "The Uranus resistance cell would probably appreciate any sort of underwater tech."



  5. 2 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "I had assumed as much. Your quarantine check on my Scimitar made that much evident. Although my goal here was to do biological R&D, I suppose we can make do with other resources."

    "Biological R&D could be allowed." Ryoko said. "Dirge said you thought you might be able to artificially engineer the Behemoth armor plates. That sort of research would be welcome. As for weaponry, anything along the lines of old world mustard gas or bacterial warfare would be frowned upon. Unless of course you built an approved enclosure. As stated before I'm sure we could provide several fluffles for testing."

  6. 14 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "Of course, I would be fully willing to share the Guild's technology with the residents of this planet, but I cannot bring our operations here without sufficient resources to warrant interest. I would need to have a full range of the planet's resources, and plenty of leeway for testing prototypes. Otherwise, it simply isn't worth the Guild's time. And, we would need quite a lot of time to set up our facilities." Lord made a dismissive gesture. "But, we could make strides here, depending on what we find, of course."

    Ryoko holds up a hand.

    "With one exception." He says. "We do not allow biological or infested weaponry testing. This planet is clean of the infestation. We would like to remain so."

  7. 3 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "Of course, I would be fully willing to share the Guild's technology with the residents of this planet, but I cannot bring our operations here without sufficient resources to warrant interest. I would need to have a full range of the planet's resources, and plenty of leeway for testing prototypes. Otherwise, it simply isn't worth the Guild's time. And, we would need quite a lot of time to set up our facilities." Lord made a dismissive gesture. "But, we could make strides here, depending on what we find, of course."

    Melanie says something to the side. The globe changes to a survey view.

    Lava cooridors run across the globe. 

    Ryoko waves his hand and a colored view appears. The planet appears extremely rich in resources. It appears that it may have been a potential mining site before being terraformed.

    "If your clan could provide your own mines I'm sure would find more than enough resources." He says. "As for testing, there are several islands in the seas that could be used for extensive weapons tests. Of course a wildlife survey would be necessary first. As for other weapons we have adequate facilities for such. And of course when it comes to handheld weapons I'm sure the farmers would be fine allowing you to shoot anything remotely dangerous at any Fluffles you find."

  8. "Melanie, Chancellor of Phenix." She says. "Technically this land belongs to me."

    She folds her hands.

    "Of course technicalities are hard to enforce with Tenno." She says. "Which means it's better to solve such things now."

    Ryoko gestures to a table. A globe appears.

    "We are willing to part with the lands next to the ocean." He says. "In exchange for shared technology, and your assistance in defending this planet."

    You see the marked area on one continent. There are two other continents.

    "Of course this would require an alliance with Synergy." He says. "While we allow unaffiliated Tenno to visit and do business, sharing trade secrets would not be done lightly. The Archons and Seraphs could cause untold damage in the wrong hands."

  9. Ryoko inputs a code.

    "If there are a I other members you would like to contact you can do so here. We're using the old Council systems. Should reach every dojo you need it to." He says. "Otherwise we can begin negotiations."

    He sits on a chair. A screen behind him shows a middle-aged woman in ornate armor.

  10. 4 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "Apparently not! Even more resources to work with!" Lord sounded excited.

    Ryoko smiles grimly.

    "I'm afriaid those Formorians are under the claim of Steel Meridian." He says. "No doubt they could be persuaded to part with a few components. But probably not the whole ship."

    He motions to a side office.

    "If you'll come with me I'd like to discuss the matter further."

  11. A Tenno in robes walks up. A Nikana Prime hangs at his side. He appears to be mid 20's. Void scars run down his arms. 

    He bows.

    "Ryoko." He says. "Arbiter of Miraalan. Elder of Hexis. Steward of Synergy."

    He gestures to the ship.

    "The Grineer sent three Balro Formorians against us." He says. "The Vengeance and her sister ship lost half their armor before they even got off the ground. The Formorians of course lost a lot more. I assume you saw their wreckage on the way down."


  12. 12 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "Will do, I guess..." Lord pressed the button and stepped through the void gate.

    You hear the whoosh of flame. A wave of heat rolls through the portal. Apparently the response to spiders is a system purge.

    You find yourself in what appears to be a hangar. A massive Orokin warship sits amid struts and supports. It is far larger than any ship you have ever seen. Massive death orb cannons sit in the wings.  It appears heavily damaged.

    A Orokin script covers the side.

    "Behold the fury of righteous men." The script says. "Be...old... O...r V...nge...nce."

    "What do you think of it?" The voice from before asks. "The first Tenno Dreadnought. Designed it myself. Took nearly a year to build, even with Orokin tech."


  13. The plate slams back into place and the orb shakes silently before growing still. The wall slides open revealing what appears to be a simulacrum room. Instead of the void, however, it is lined with similar orbs. The one containing Lakar slides into an open spot.

    "Excellent". The voice says. "A perfect challenge for the next batch of Second Generation Tenno."

    A void gate appears from the floor.

    "Before we meet, could you press the spiders button. Blasted things seem to be breeding faster than Fluffles."


  14. A shiny death orb opens up from the wall, a vortex of energy faces the being. He turns to stare unnerving at you, his mouth moving. Whatever he says is drowned out by the rush of air. He vanishes into the orb. The plates slide back over it and....

    A hand shoves a plate back out. Lakar pulls himself partially out of the orb.

  15. 7 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "Ah, ability leech. What a strange man.". he said as he covered himself fully with his shield, preparing to weather the oncoming Overload.

    He wave makes it halfway to you before collapsing back in on itself. The sentient plates fall off and Lakar convulses as power washes over him. He seem incapacitated.

  16. 5 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    Lord blocked the strike with his shield, the energy strangely tangible enough to block physical blows. As Lakar's staff enters the glowing aura around Lord, he starts to get a pins-and-needles feeling, almost like his limbs are going numb from constant exposure to electricity. 

    Lakar pulls his arm back.

    "Thank you." He says. "Most helpful."

    hos armor shifts and a prosecutor aura of electricity appears around him. His weapon and armor spark.

    He leaps into the air and curls into fetal position. Power arcs over his body.

  17. 12 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "With pleasure!" Lord shouted gleefully. He summoned a shield to his arm again, although this one took on more of a wall shield form than a targe. Once again unsheathing a single Ripkas claw, he attempts to move to the button that says "Press in case of Lakar". His body is surrounded by a tangible aura of electricity, which seems to be boosting his movement speed, attack speed, and strength.

    Lakar shifts to block your path. He swings his staff around in an arcing strike. He seems faster than before, as well. Though the sentient plates making up the cage look sickly.

  18. 10 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    Lord smiled privately. "A drone, really? You think, after I showed you up earlier, that one of your drones is going to stop me? Yeah, you're really saying something about yourself here." He grinned to himself as he loaded up another Ballista clip, and fired another devastating shot at the Conculyst. The heavy shell made a familiar droning noise as it closed in on the small object that could be considered a "head".

    "One?" Lakar asks. "Probably not. But what about...."

    "Nope, nope nope." A voice says. "Bad experiment."

    The Conculyst falls to the ground.

    "This is MY lab." The voice says. "You spent some time here. You should know that."

    The room blurs and you find yourself in a plain white room. One wall across from you is covered with buttons. One reads "Push in case of spiders" another reads "Push in case of infestation". You scan the wall and find one that reads "Push in case of Lakar."

    Lakar drops to the ground before you, his staff held at the ready.

    He appears to be back to full strength. An armored cage covers his mid-section.

    "Enough games then." He says. "Let's end this."


  19. A voice comes over the speakers.

    "You don't like the welcoming party?" The strange being from before asks. "Well let's just...zzzztt"


    "No, hold it there! Don't move." The voice says. "Tenno.... you want a real challenge?"

    A chiming sound rings out. A Conculyst drops from the ceiling.

    "These pests are useless to me." He says. "Apparently my very presence kills them. Still, it makes it easy to direct them towards... other targets.'

  20. The Puzzle seems to take no time at all. However as the last pillar shatters the room seems to blur. You find yourself in a room with organ like pipes.

    "Oh Hek no." Dirge says. "That's just not fair."

    You hear keys clicking and the room blurs again. 

    "There." He says. "No more puzzles. This should take you  to the level Lakar is on. His signal is fading out, I think he's shorting out my tracking shot.

    An elevator appears.

    You see flashes of gold as it descends. It lands in a room covered in debris. Corrupted Lancers stop their tasks and slowly turn to face you. 


  21. Just now, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "You'd better not be joking this time..." Lord picked up the Forma that had been left on the ground earlier, and inserted it into the slot, watching as it conformed to fit the slot perfectly. This time, he summoned a shield on his arm, and held his pistol like he was shooting through a riot shield.

    The wall glows and then seems to disintegrate.

    "Actually it was less of a joke and more of a... deterrence." Dirge says. "How many people would shove a forma into a wall behind a door that just shocked them?"

    The room beyond has four large pillars with vine like growths inside. A single death orb rises from a slot in the floor. It glows and fires a wave of energy at you. 

    You manage to dodge behind a pillar. This seems familiar. 

    "A moon puzzle?" Dirge asks. "Haven't seen this one in a while. You know how this works, right?"

  22. 6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    ((Legion will be joining up with you at this point. There may be a bit of delay. I'll have him catch up if necessary))


    You hear Dirge's voice.

    "So you remember that "door to nothing"." He said. "Take a closer look."

    Upon investigating you find a small niche in a wall. It looks familiar.

    "Remember that forma?" He says. "I think you know what to do."

    The wall seems to crackle ominously with electricity. It appears to be a much larger burst than before. It seems unlikely the Dirge would be joking this time.

  23. 6 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    Unsure of how to respond, Lord just nodded his head, hoping the Tenno saw. "Alright, I suppose...". He left Containment, and ventured back out into the main hall, scanning the ground...

    ((Legion will be joining up with you at this point. There may be a bit of delay. I'll have him catch up if necessary))


  24. 23 hours ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

    "I highly doubt you'd want me of all people working on delicate Transference technology. You go ahead and disconnect, I'll stay here and guard your lifeless Warframe while you figure out how to fix the thing." 

    The warframe falls back with a hollow thud.

    Dirge's voice sounds in your ear.

    "I've called for reinforcements." He says. "They should be here soon. I'll monitor the lab from here, keep an eye out for anything useful."


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