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Posts posted by Test-995

  1. 28 minutes ago, Iccotak said:

    The Operators can unlock all the Focus trees but can only have one activated at the time. Wouldn't it makes sense to apply that design to a frame? Give Players the option to have specific polarization in their build slots.

    We can have all the mods but only able to use 8 of them, it seems pretty similar.

  2. 4 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    Vocal community : We want sustainable content to keep us playing!

    (Really, isn't this what sustainable content is? Grind + RNG for best stats)

    DE : *Releases this

    Community : "+£!"@++???

    Me : F*ckin' knew it

    It's simply because baseline stat is too S#&$, mk3 with drop chance of 2% but also with stat of mk2 sigma? wow that's great lmao

  3. She is basically another rhino combined with excalibur, has defense ability that is good and easy to use, has exalted weapon that help killing bosses, and also pretty easy to collect (not exactly, but you know newbies tend to level things in spy) 

    It's not like she has missions that is specifically tailored for her unlike saryn(ESO),frost/gara/limbo(excavation),chroma/rhino(bosses),inaros/nidus/oberon(arbitration), but she does decently good for most of things because her versatility.

    With very specific condition i could say railjack is the one though, because i can safely generate energies and pretty much ignore every boarders with her perma invis.


    Edit; oh wait, spy exists...

  4. 12 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Really? I find leaving 1 person behind while waves of fighters hit the Railjack is a recipe for fail. Either 1 in the ship and 1 Amesha (slowing and killing fighters next to the ship) or that mod that makes the 'jack invisible.

    Currently Amesha+Cyngas are much more effective than the ship's weapons, but I don't have any lvl 3 weapons to compare yet.

    Well there is 60 seconds of invincibility for every hull breach, and we got 150k+ EHP with maxed gears, as well as 10 lives from the 300 revolite, and also additional 40second invincibility for breach quanta.

    It's plenty enough to keep ship alive, and railjack have lot of tools to kill fighters (3 battle avionics, a gun and a ordnance, also better mobility) with just pilotseat, we might need an amesha to cc them, but ultimately that's not "needed" when we compare it to the importance of crewships/objective.

    Not really sure about DPS, didn't leveled things that much and collected much of AW gun mods. 2 to 6 shot with cryophon and 1 to 2 with seeker, both depends on crit.

    6 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    People keep trying to get ahead of my Railjack to do exactly as you describe. I catch up to the objective while they're in the middle of it and help them out with the "radiators" from outside. Y'all won't get away with treating my ship as a glorified bus.

    You're right that one person should be absolutely dedicated to taking out Crewships, however.

    I think that can be done with just 2 archwing, but it wouldn't be much of difference since fighters will follow railjack anyway.


    Well if I go by what I suggested in this reply... you'd get the bonus affinity/resources like having a partial booster applied, as in Relic missions, but specifically for being in the "right" place for your role.

    Pilots and Defenders would get them for being on the Railjack. Vanguard and Interceptor would get them for being in Archwing, crewships, or galleons/asteroids (so, anything outside the Railjack).

    Maybe 25% wouldn't be enough, though.

    Problem is, "right place" changes, you only need a person to do amesha's 3 once you finish all the objective/crewship, but untill then you need one or two persons to kill crewships asap, and also one or two person to finish objective.

    Turret is only useful with conjunction of amesha's 3, they almost always does worse than pilot due to the fact they can't control ship.


  5. 2 minutes ago, Vesiga said:

    you know that % counts every inactive account since warframe has been on steam. that includes everyone who quit at MR 0 - 5.
    Also this doesnt account for people who ONLY use the launcher and not steam version.


    Well let's multiply it by 30x and assume that's the true number, wow that's 96%, even with such a ridiculous multiplier still not everyone.


  6. Well the most efficient method for railjack right now is, letting 3 person to finish crewship/objective while massacring fighters with railjack,  and then when they finish those let them be gunner (last one will be amesha cc or engineer)

    That "role" doesn't work at all, especially when engineer gain bonus affinities for repair while also getting fighter affinities from sharing, i don't even know how looting work for this.

    At least let me choose "roles" i want instead of prefixed "balanced" roles, i don't like 3 other person getting less affinities or sacrificing efficiency of myself but still better than having useless engy or gunner that doesn't kill any crewships.

    And well there is the time i want to go specific node (usually highest level for affinity or lowest level for drops), so it should be separate matchmaking instead of default matchmaking.

    Ultimately recruitment chat is better anyway.

  7. 48 minutes ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

    Well there was that post the other day that 2 people were really upset they both got given temp bans (I think they were 1 week bans) They claim they weren't AFK'ing but their attitude about it made it obvious. So DE does take action, sometimes. The issue is we lack the tools to combat this in game. A simple system I've seen used in other games.
    Report Player AFK - Tracks activity of said player, if activity falls below a certain threshold within 60 seconds they are removed. Now activity could be anything. Movement, Damage, Ability Use etc; Then we can have 1 of 2 types of escalating suspensions depending on how often they do it.
    1) Suspended from the game.
    2) Suspended from Public games. 

    Right now there is no system except screenshot the person in question, open a ticket on an already strained support team. 

    Because that's better for everyone.

  8. 6 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    That is the thing, most modern gamers are so use to instant gratification that the fact that they aren't getting what they want instantly just makes them saltier than the Dead Sea.

    They can't sit back relax and actually enjoy the game because they just want to bull-rush to get the prize/end, then *@##$, moan and complain about lack of content.

    We can't relax and actually enjoy the game that is balanced around maxed gears without having maxed gears.

  9. 5 hours ago, Skaleek said:

    I solo RJ with my amesha in the veil and I do not use her 2. I'm of the firm belief all of her abilities are fine as is, except her 3. Her 3 is too powerful for a cc.

    But her 3 drain lot of energies, amesha has energy generator for that but doesn't really work in RJ due to enemies almost always oneshot you.

    So i think it is weirdly balanced for now.


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