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Posts posted by Test-995

  1. 3 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    Which is where we find ourselves on topic again. 😃
    Knew we could do it.

    Keeping those cheats in means those players need content for them.
    The enemy needed for that content nerfs the weapons not made for it.

    They were Pitifully nerfed by comparison..
    and the work needed to fix that could not be done with that problem in place.

    The armor and numbers don't matter if the kills feel right.
    Higher armor is a nerf to everything not made for it.

    Even if they remove those cheats, they still buff enemies (= keep nerfing our weapons), because we want "challenge" (but we don't)

    So, it's better NOT to remove those cheats, because that'll just make content more difficult.

    It's like saying we should nerf the amesha when we have the content that is clearly balanced around amesha.

  2. 9 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    There are absolutely mechanical quirks that could use adjustment to be fun.

    I'll posit this to you..
    If condition overload builds were fun because they could kill enemies with insane scaling,
    that translates to a certain upper limit of hits needed to enjoy killing them.
    Say you had to hit something 5-10 times to kill it, and that was enjoyable.
    Losing that, was the loss of enjoyment.

    So, if the weapons still kill the enemies in 5-10 hits, through mechanical nuances..
    would any of us need that exponential cheat to do it?
    If the set up is executed to plan, it will work, as it did.

    What if all the enemies and weapons were closer to that?
    If, "late game," was still boiling down to 5 wacks with a stick..
    then a balanced method of making all things die to 5 wacks with a stick is the goal.
    It's just, how you wack em. CO and weapons dramatically out of balance,
    were the only ways to get there.

    Nothing is lost if the same game play experience is achieved, through fun mechanics.
    ...Until that is reached, it's inevitable that things are reigned first, then some parity
    struck from a much closer balance, to the same rewarding result.

    If every weapon has the potential to do what you loved in it's own way,
    then there cannot be more exponential cheese on top...
    else That is the new goal that must be catered to as Late Game.
    CO for example, will clearly only be the most beneficial to status and DPS.
    Nothing should one shot a lvl 1000, unless Most things do..
    and if lvl 1000 is totally arbitrary, why even make it go that high?

    If you can enjoy killing a lvl 500, and it's no different than killing a lvl 20..
    but other things are struggling to get past lvl 20.. that's a problem.
    In the process of fixing it, some things get worse before they get better,
    in order for all things to get better, and not just a few.

    Can i ask for Tl;dr version?

    I reread those sentence 3 times yet can't understand what i supposed to say.

    And i'm not really talking about what is fun or not.


  3. 3 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    I didn't mean it to seem like I was brow beating or anything.
    That's certainly not what I was going for anyways.

    What I'm trying to say is, I'd like for you to be able to have the melee you like,
    so long as I can have a method I like, too.

    Folks calling level 500s too easy, while other weapons barely crested above 100 dmg,
    was not the kind of system I'd like a return to.

    That pertains to the armor/damage/difficulty scaling that the threads about is all.

    But it's not so different even for now though, redeemer prime could one shot level 1000 while other melees doing 10damage to them, prior update orvius had capability to do that too but DE removed that for whatever reasons.

    It's just that strong weapons being strong, and the only way to change that is buffing everything to exactly same stat, but i don't think that's what you want.

    Also even "other weapons" should have better capability to deal with them since condition overload was a thing, weapon tierlist hasn't changed that much, we just need less meta mods.


  4. 3 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    Some players are power mad, and they like it that way. That's all good.
    The goal is to exploit the systems fully, leverage every advantage, and conquer completely.

    Not every player wants that.
    Some just want the enemy to feel sensible to fight, regardless of exploits.

    If weapons exploiting exponential properties is the only avenue to kill,
    it's a shallow experience for the power mad, and completely uninviting to the rest.
    This is what needed to be addressed with the melee changes.
    It was perfectly fine that some players did millions of damage with the right mods;
    the trouble was, everyone else was doing hundreds of damage against invincible husks of bad AI.

    If player sentiment agreed that it was fine to be overpowered, they could have kept them.
    ...but they felt it was too easy, as the exploits were so mundane and common place,
    that not only were they the only option, but they trivialized combat.
    Executing that relentlessly was only sustainable for so many players.
    ..and while we may lament the capability we had, players who were not interested in that method
    were lamenting that literal hundreds of weapons were pea shooters, and meta was ride or die.

    I don't have a problem with players doing 1million damage to something that only takes 5000,
    but I'm not the only player. ..however I damn sure did have a problem that nothing I liked worked.
    Top came down, bottom came up, more (not all) players have better options as a result.

    If they go scaling armor up even worse, then there's just going to again be all-cheese, only cheese.
    ..and once again, the only option is to be power mad, not just powerful.

    We had a little bit of mechanical nuance with condition overload and status interplay, but it was skin
    deep, and fundamentally hijacked the game's difficulty to a level that frustrated people.
    The only answer to supply those people with content, is even more broken scaling, as OP proposes.
    Unless they're ok with doing that damage to weak things (which they're not,) because otherwise..
    throwing out one busted option for a handful of weapons, was not worth throwing out Thousands of
    players, and hundreds of weapons.

    Why so serious? this thread is here with the assumption of de does "buff everything instead of nerfs", and DE don't do that anyway, there is no reason to say what kind of game you actually want, because this is the thread about the things that never happens.

  5. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    I get what you  saying but we don't need the revert as mentioned above. And the mentality that just because they are buffing everything means we should.be buffed too is flawed brother

    We don't need buffs for enemies neither, also don't get things too seriously bro.

    reverting nerfs aren't buffs, it's just fixing wrong things they did.


  6. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    Melee 2.0 compared to 2.9999999 is worse imo. 

    We lost multiplictive and endless scaling.

    Open to finisher combos 

    And a few other things 

    But we got 

    Heavy attack. Builds. 

    And overall damage buff to all weapons 


    Range balancing 

    A crit buff (seriously it's insane with alot of builds now) 

    And nice qol changes for melee.

    While I don't really like all of the simplified combos it does flow nice for alot of weapons. 

    We got buffed but it took away alot of cheese as well. Blood rush and CO did receive a nerf in a way. But both are still insanely strong mods and do allow for great scalability to this day. weeping wounds imo I would say is better and so are alot of weapons with the new scaling. I'm a bit salty the zenistar is trash now but nonetheless it was a meta shift and imo a decent one 

    I'm not talking about rating of melee 3.0, but rather "every nerfs should be reverted".

    So with that in mind, we'll keep all the damage buff, range buff and stance buff, but also we'll get revert for all the combo damage scaling, blood rush/condition overload cumulative math, and maybe multiplicative range mod for some weapons.

    Melee 3.0 was a mix of buffs and nerfs, mostly a buff for base stats and stances but nerfs for scaling and mods, so we'll gain scaling back and it's all buffs now.

    Also we would get both channeling and heavy attacks at same time, since having both is clearly a buff for everything.

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    I apologize for the misread. But still we do more then enough damage to the enemies now. Why revert it? 

    Because if DE decide to go "buff everything including enemies instead of nerfing us", literally every nerfs should be reverted to keep the consistency.

    Including enemies, i don't know much of nerfed enemies but such as corpus nullifier bubbles or scrambus, crewships and so on.

  8. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    Overall melee 2.999999 is a major buff alot of weapons are strong and viable to this day. New builds(heavy attack builds and the buff to crit) make alot of weapons much stronger. While multiplictive values always yield a higher return the damage in 2.0 was indeed overkill and I'm using the same strong weapons that I was using in melee 2.0 and getting the job done and sometimes going even further in the new melee update. On top of that I have way more viability in my weapon choice and synergies now. 

    Why nerf 60% of the melee weapons now to revert back to the old melee where only a few weapons types and weapons were really viable 

    Again why are you talking about melee overhaul?

    I'm talking about melee scaling only, nothing about melee stats.

  9. 29 minutes ago, Yamazuki said:

    The melee stat changes, other than range, weren't really nerfs for general play though. Earlier to mid levels it was massive buffs as mods aren't needed at all now, and it's easier to get to a point where level 100 Grineer die in a single hit without relying on BR or Status effects. Unless you were sitting in endless missions for several hours, the lower damage cap is going to be irrelevant. There aren't that many durable enough enemies like the Wolf a while ago for it to matter, as even the Grineer in RJ can die quickly to a lot of melee weapons or the decent Primaries without even taking buffs into account.

    My orvius does 1% damage of prior update no matter what, it's a nerf.

    Also i didn't say anything about melee stat changes, i'm talking about melee scaling.


  10. 4 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    What's the point? We've been unfair against the enemies and with the revert it would be gas + condition overload all over again so how is this unfair? We have some limits on our powercreep and enemies are slightly harder to kill, I don't think we will have any trouble with that, we're broken and want challenges, right?

    There is no point, just a big numbers.

  11. Just now, RX-3DR said:

    So if they gave us back the old melee damage mathematics, but we exponentially ramp up the enemy health to a point where killing an Grineer Officer with the top tier melees still take 10 seconds, it'll be fine?

    Yes indeed, that's what fun is.

    Might as well implement all the acolyte mod as common drop from enemies, or outright giving away broken variant.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    Come on, this game is too easy, right? I'm sure you people would find a way to deal with that with melee 3.0 considering people say they're wiping out level 100 faster than before. It wouldn't be a problem at all

    No no, nerfing us while buffing enemy is simply unfair, we should get revert for any nerfs and then they can get 1 million base HP and 1 trillion armor.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    I can't wait to see people who complete 10000 intrinsic system in a day and complain there's nothing to do, and people who complain it's too much grind  like when fortuna grind got complaints despite having a lot of time to casually complete it before Profit-Taker heist got released.

    The amount of popcorn needed would be very massive

    To be fair it's no different from RNG reward, there might be people who got literally everything with maxed stat in day one and would complain.

  14. Just now, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

    Is empyrean really 10/10?

    I am really procrastinating about building the cephalon because i don't want to go through the endless boring grind and then get 2000 credits as reword

    If you consider bugs, it'll be 2/10.

    Otherwise it's actually fun and more balanced than usual warframe gameplay.

  15. 15 hours ago, Robolaser said:

    I don't think artillery is meant to 1shot crewships at higher levels. Board them instead.

    Also dome charges can be crafted by level 5 engineers.


    There is no point in existence of them, then.

    Literally a waste of resource, time and effort, and also maybe forge.

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