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Posts posted by Test-995

  1. 2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Borderlands is a singleplayer game, WF is an online game. Plus what happens in Borderlands is by design, just as speedrunning in D1 and D2 was by design. That is clearly not the intent of the design here regarding the sentient ship.

    If we got loot here in WF the moment we picked it up without being required to do the full mission it would be a whole different story. But right now, people exploit the part where you can see what you get and simply ditching the mission if nothing drops. That is the true essence of exploiting a mechanic and in some cases also forcing others to exploit with you, by either forcing host migrations on you, leaving you either solo or with another host that may quit and force another migration on you. Or they will force you to end up with a cycle group, that just has players pop in and out over and over, never really having a chance to do the mission unless you wanna finish it solo, which obviously you dont when you sign up for a pug to find other players.

    What? it is intended to be farmed like that by design, otherwise they wouldn't have 30 minute timer, and those drops would be mission completion reward.

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  2. Just now, Vyra said:

    Same logic applies to quitting and unfinished/unfailed mission abusing the abort button to get higher chances getting the loot you did not get by doing the mission like a normal human being...im pretty sure DE will do something about it... and when they do you will see i am right...

    Well it's pretty nonsensical, i don't know how you applied same logic to something that is clearly working as intended (enemies drop things on death, you'll see drops on pickup, and you may abort missions at the cost of losing everything but a basic affinities)

     they might do something about it instead of fixing some obviously obnoxious decision (30min per every 3 hours, low drop rate and fixed spawn amount), but it's not like your assumptions are right, they just have to deal with the problem of people causing issues, rather than "abort farming bad".

    You are saying "i want to punish people because they hurt me", instead of looking at actual problem and think about it.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    read about canceling quests in any game and its use to EXPLOIT for specific rewards/shortcuts...
    DE might be more tolerant, but i don't think they want people to do this...

    ( only because you CAN do things, doesn't mean you should...)

    And its also shameful, no idea why people do this...
    they just want FAST fast fast that gun.. they complain they exploit and once they get the desired part they complain it was to easy to get...thus demanding it for others to be harder to get...
    reading the forums reflects that a lot...

    Ah so it's just you assumption, there is literally no proof of what you are saying.

    I'm wondering why there is always bunch of persons who will easily get mad and outright start calling others with strange names...

  4. 14 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    Since aborting a mission is intended for if the mission is bugged, to hard and no way of clearing it or for emergency in reallife, i would call those who cancel the mission because RNG isn't nice to them, exploiters.

    Did DE ever said something like that? i thought aborting a mission is intended to be used when people want to leave.

  5. 46 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    As me and some others have said regarding this.

    DE should just make it so the sentient ship is locked until you've finished the rest of the objectives on the map. It would have zero impact on legit players since they will do all the objective eitherway and it doesnt matter to them in which order they do them.

    It affects legit solo players.

  6. 1 minute ago, SilvaDreams said:

    And if you get decent weapons for your gunners they can likely kill more things faster than you as they can use their guns in full 360* unlike you.

    I can generally rack up 48% of the kills and that includes all 6 crew ships that will spawn in the Veil as a gunner.

    It doesn't matter, every fighters will be gathered into one place and i can kill all of them with "just a missile".

    I don't even need the guns, and yes it's very likely to be fixed.

  7. 15 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Honestly I can go from gunner, to the slingshot to shoot into a crewship and be back again in about minute and on the gun again thanks to the ability to warp right back into the railjack with the Omnitool.

    Problem is most of people won't even bother that, and you can't really do anything useful for railjack anyway.

    I can dodge ramsled, there won't be a breach if there is no crewship, and i can kill all the fighters with a missile... you may forge things once in a while but even that isn't necessary.

  8. 2 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

    They are not homing anymore, so you can move out of the way if you time it right.

    But if you slingshot, and don't reach the ship, and the ship is shooting at your direction, you still get 1shot before you can do anything. At least that happened to me a couple of times.

    You can use slingshot from outside, and you can keep your guardian drones this way.

  9. Just now, (PS4)Kamranos said:

    I really don’t know how else to put this. Railjack is for a CREW. Not a house for archwing hero’s. If that is all you think railjack is, then stay out of public lobbies because you are simply toxic. Saying “the pilot can handle that” is essentially saying, “I can’t or don’t want to do it”. I remember when archwing first came out and it really hasn’t come a long way. Those who can’t help, fly. Killing crew ships are done in 15 seconds or less if you are a crew member and can slingshot there and teleport back. I’ve soloed high range earth missions without ever needing to part my ship and archwing it. 

    Saying people staying on the ship don’t know how it works, is like someone walking into a movie they have never seen midway and trying to explain it to those who were there for opening credits. Sit down, fly your archwing and let the crew do the real work.

    Well i don't get it, i'm a pilot who will do everything in railjack and want everyone else to go outside.

    And want them to stay on outside, as a decoy, as a cc, as a drone that can kill crewships even before they find me, because that is more helpful and useful.

    You lost the lives? you killed all the crewships? you finished all the objective? fine, then feel free to use my turret.

  10. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Kamranos said:

    While it is possible to forge more revolite in the forge, there is that high likelyhood of running out if you are alone on the ship in a higher level mission. When the archwing hero’s are out killing things, there is no pilot to collect resources. 

    The only upside to being the railjack’s lone survivalist, you earn more intrinsics. They are rewarded for completing mission based things (hull breaches, electrical and fire repair, boarding party termination) but just killing doesn’t reward nearly as much. In one mission on Saturn I am able to get 15-20 intrinsics if alone on the ship. 

    Either way, railjack is intended to be a co-op thing where we work together to take down the enemy, fix the ship and complete objectives. With a decent team and even a MKI ship gear you can handle all of Saturn. Those who jump out and archwing are both incapable of team play and totally miss the point by taking the easy way to kill. There is a time for archwing, being beginning to end is not that time. 

    It's not new that DE failed to bring "intended" gameplay, current railjack don't need any repairs beside red one, don't need turrets because they are just worse pilot and we can kill 20 fighters in a shot anyway, don't need forges because pilot can handle it just fine.

    But we need to kill crewships because railjack can't do that, finish objective because railjack can't do that, so we need archwing but don't need more than a crew.

    If you gonna say "those" kind of things, i'd say those who stays in railjack don't know how mission works and they are missing what we actually need.

  11. 1 minute ago, gluih said:

    I've seen it happen maybe 2 or 3 times. You do know that you can make more revolite at the forge right? And if you don't have enough resources for that, that's probably either because the host didn't fill up before starting the mission or because the pilot isn't picking up enough resources.

    I do think, the Devs could have done a better job to make sure the progression was better. The cost for at least the lower level stuff should be reduced by a lot or there needs to be an upgrade system. But it also seems to me like a lot of people just go into it with a very pessimistic attitude, thinking that the railjack is bad anyway.
    bad RJ and teamwork < flying around in archwing < good RJ and teamwork

    If people saying "out of revolite", i'll expect that guy used forge and they are on cooldown, because otherwise it won't be a problem and we have no reason to say.

    Just a pilot can operate railack with like 70% effectiveness, and another one person dedicated to forge/repair/repel boarders could raise it to 95%.

  12. Just now, NSRyuta said:

    I just said that as a test. 8/10 times I did it they will leave immediately abandoning mission.

    Well then i'd say that's pretty normal behavior, because if host says "we ran out of revolite" it's crystal clear staying in that mission will be meaningless.

    It's like coming in hydron and saying "I'm slova" or "I'm max range limbo".

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  13. 1 minute ago, NSRyuta said:

    These people in Archwings are actually the reason I failed several times. They'd ignore the Railjack's Condition. Many times they'd left if I say the magic word, which is "We ran out of Revolites". This is an absolute disaster.

    ...I think someone is doing something wrong, then. we can't realistically run out of revolite since in theory we have 590 seconds before using up all that even on constant "catastrophic failure imminent" state, actually more than that because invincibility exists, and we have the forge too.

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