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Posts posted by Test-995

  1. 7 minutes ago, SerMeliodas said:

    The harder it is to continue getting something new from a game, the more likely a player is to stop playing the game.

    As a long time user, platinum may not seem as important to you. However, for me, a new user, it seems very important. See the issue here?

    Platinum should feel MORE important the longer you play, not less important. That's why most games, including Warframe, give you a bit of that pay-to-obtain currency before you even begin playing. The issue is, after you start playing Warframe, that's about it in terms of in game platinum earning... unless you pay. That's not sustainable.

    Players should have some method of obtaining platinum in-game, be it an NPC, or even through the Daily Tributes. Of course, the amount of platinum available to the player should decrease constantly as the game goes on. It should never quite reach a point where the player CAN'T get it for free, but get more and more difficult to do so, making the player play more, and making investing in platinum seem more and more like a valid option.

    Giving no means of obtaining PTO currency in game after the initial given amount (or making it dramatically difficult to do so from the get-go) increases the chances that a player will feel cheated. These feelings will make a player feel less and less like continuing to play the game as the game goes on, so long as the ease of getting PTO stays stagnant. 

    1.We didn't.

    2.Plat is always important for everyone.

    3.It is, the more i play, the more i want to get skin/colors, more weapons to forma.

    4.There is lot of PC that's practically NPC, just say WTS, inv someone whispered you, say ty once trade is complete.

    5.Warframe is online game, don't try to play it with solo.

  2. 6 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

    tonkor got nerffed because a lot of people  hated people bringing cheese into there missions.

    its no diffrent then now with the tons of nerf saryn threads you wil see in warframe feedback.

    i swear every time without fail.

    people ask for more challenge. then throw a fit when DE takes there cheese away.

    do you want a challenge or do you want cheese? PICK ONE



    Well, according to my experience, they nerf something and then buff something else.

  3. Trading channel is bad, use warframe market instead.

    only use trading channel when you looking for some extremely cheap thing and prime junk.

    (Edit; for me, this game is all about plat farming/grinding.

  4. 39 minutes ago, xZeromusx said:

    Ahh, I see. Is there a weapon in particular you're talking about? It seems to me that most of the riven stuff already relies heavily on the RNG of rerolling your riven and hoping for the stats you want. I've never been a fan of RNG in video games anyways.

    I'm with you 110% on a new riven system, but not one that destroys the disposition system. I'd like one that has a monthly or quarterly disposition adjustment system, but that does away with the RNG stuff on the rerolling. We already have enough RNG with it deciding what weapon the riven is going to be for, then we get another kick in the nads trying to get the stats we want and having to reroll over and over.

    Perhaps a riven system that has RNG on the weapon a riven is for, but customization on the stats would make players happier. It might also stick it to the Riven mafia.

    I think a trade off system would be great on the Rivens. When you reveal the riven you are told the weapon it is on, and you get a choice of 1 damage stat with no detrimental effect from fire, ice, electricity, toxin, slashing, piercing, or impact. You can then leave the riven at that, or you can spend Kuva to customize the riven further, adding your choice of secondary bonus stats that are not raw damage stats but also adding a detrimental effect. You choose the added stat from a pool and you choose the detrimental effect from a pool. No secondary stat can be added twice, and no detrimental effect can be added twice and maybe a maximum of 3 secondary stats (and thus 3 detrimental stats). So then each riven would only have 1 damage stat, but you might add multishot, status chance, and status duration at the cost of recoil, crit chance, and crit damage. The amount of Kuva necessary to add a new stat or change out an existing one could increase each time you "reroll" the riven.

    Well, that kind of system would be great and fun.... as long as they having proper disposition.

    But that could remove the bunch of income from de(i don't think it's that much though), and for me, i think ridiculous RNG system is enough to justify make everything even more OP, and also making everything OP might encourage riven trading because there will be less trash rivens.

  5. 5 minutes ago, xZeromusx said:

    Wasn't the point of Riven dispositions to balance weapons? Wasn't it that weapons with bad dispositions get better rivens than weapons with good dispositions? At least, that's what I get from reading the fandom wiki.

    Maybe you just need to reroll your riven a few times to get the stats you want.

    Yes that's the point, and they failed to do so.

  6. Sure, look at current game, good weapons become even better and bunch of S#&$ weapons has 1 or 2 disposition.

    With fixed 5 disposition every weapon can be usable on endgame as well, it's just already usable weapons become more stronger(but who really cares? those kind of weapons  one shot things with ease)

  7. Just now, Deadoon said:

    If it gets turned into another opticor you will have people complaining about it because they liked it as it is right now. If it was a direct upgrade to the opticor there wouldn't be any complaining, but it wasn't. Since it wasn't and there are people which like how it is now, there will be complaining if they change it.

    Oh yeah that's also true, i hope DE won't do same thing again.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Deadoon said:

    What? That was the gun balance update which introduced the MR tier system, I was quoting that page.

    Oh, nvm. i thought that you quote those to say "SC is pointless against eidolons".

    What i meant to say with "it's not balanced against weapons of same MR" is, like, SC weapons are basically S#&$, and AoE weapons are mostly superior.

    (Edit; it's just another "THEY ARE BAD AT BALANCING" thing.


    58 minutes ago, Deadoon said:

    The Opticor is very powerful, it actually is quite fitting in it's position as a top tier. It is literally the most powerful rifle in the game, and has stats that dwarf all but the most specialized single target weapons. It is unwieldy, and that is the cost of such power and specialization.

    Your vandal idea makes the vandal a flat upgrade, it grants it quick fire weak shots and absurdly powerful main blasts.


    Also your idea that critical chance isn't insane is telling you are missing how powerful those criticals are and how much they bounce of eachother at a fundamental level. The opticor was already a meta powerful weapon and a boss killer for some, this would push it so far beyond it would be obscene.

    Every normal(noriven) crit build will have 4 mods, Serration, split chamber, vital sense, point strike. Since we want high power, maximising the last few slot's power is important. Primed cryo rounds is a powerful mod by itself, so it should be there for optimal builds. 3 Slots remain. This is where things get messy. 90% elemental only grants a power boost of 33% for it's mod slot. Heavy Caliber gives a good 62% boost. Vigilante sounds good too more multishot, but it only grants 31% boost, and provides consistency over a 90%. Vile acceleration grants 90% greater refire rate at the cost of 6% total damage, pretty good. Hunter munitions is good, but it will be somewhat inconsistent and doesn't help with the alpha strike.Conditionals like Argon scope or bladed rounds might be nice but those are derived from the crit stats.

    So let's go with the top of those Heavy caliber, Vigilante(for consistency's sake, don't want any half damage hits) and primed cryo, and see how much of a boost the conditionalswork on each gun. Since multishot, elemental, and base damage amp are the same for all of these, those can be ignored, as the multipliers are the same. With a CC of 2.5* base and CD of 2.2. Argon scope will grant you a CC of 3.85 and Bladed a CD of 3.4. Vile with this build grants a loss of 3.5% and a bonus of 83% dps on every gun but that is more shots.

    Opticor 50% CC/ 5.5 CD basic. Crits give an average +225% damage amp. With argon active: 347% amp, DPS increase 37%   With Bladed active: 375% increase of 46%

    Vandal 60% CC/ 5.72 CD basic. Crits give an average +283% damage amp. Argon 436% amp, DPS of 40%. Bladed: 470% amp, DPS of 48%.

    Not too different right? Here's your example:

    Proposed 90% CC/ 6.6 CD Basic. Crits give an average +504% damage amp. Argon: 776% amp, DPS of 45%. Bladed: 828% Amp, Dps of 53%.

    The proposed stats are quite absurd. The damage might be only 90%, the Cost might be twice as much but with 6x damage you are doing almost the same as the orignal opticor PER AMMO with less charge time and more consistency. With any form of higher amplification, the idea is destroyed further. Your proposal is basically a couple Opticor strapped to one another and then given a linked trigger.


    PS: this is why the soma was once among the best rifles, despite it having 1/3-1/4 the base damage of other good ones.

    Well, you are building 30%SC/20%SC weapons for full crit.

  10. 14 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    I may be in the minority, but I personally dislike the quick swap animation (there is actually no animation) between melee and gun, 

    Feels cheap and cutout, I wouldn't term it as fluid, I would term it as rigid or binary, but quick like square block falling down the stairs. 

    that's not the problem with gameplay(or balance? idk) or anything, it's just effect and they would be able to fix those easily.

  11. 9 minutes ago, nonscience said:

    OP asked for help with a specific weapon, not a comparison with anything. He needed help for modding. Plain and simple.

    But of course, it had to revolve around your tastes and your preferences.

    I have to yell cuz de might see this thread and think like "oh daikyu is good we have to nerf"

    Well, then, sorry about that.

  12. 16 minutes ago, IlandriaClover said:


    Yah I know they take stealth damage with AI paused - it's just funny to see them melt like that with a non-meta weapon and non-meta build. Unpaused you actually see their health bar go down but they still die in less than about 0.25-0.5s each (and you can hit most of them at once anyway), so it's definitely very workable. 😛

    Well, i guess CO itself is pretty meta mod, so...

  13. 6 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    I'll just simplify this for you.  Let's take you with any of those weapons you mentioned and Me with Daikyu both standing side by side looking down a corridor.  enemies are coming through that corridor.  Each one of those weapons you mentioned have hellacious falloff after a few meters.   That means that I (with the Bows innate punch-thru) would be killing the enemies coming down the corridor before your weapons could even touch them.  

    First rule is to know your weapons, both their strengths and weaknesses.  Cater to it's strengths while avoiding it's weaknesses.  The method I gave you above is exactly how I've outkilled players in missions multiple times while also getting most damage dealt.  

    So, it's like 100meter long corridor right? because, ignis and arca have falloff indeed, but staticor can easily reach 50m and lenz doesn't really have range limit.

    and even then, i'll spam lenz and they'll just die before enter the corridor, thanks for great AoE and innate wall penetration.

    (and why i have to use my weapons ineffectively though? on situation like that, i'll just dive into em and burn em all or melt em all or bombard em all)

    of course every weapon is different and there is strength and weaknesses, but it doesn't means weapons are all good enough to tied with others.

    (well, and tbh tigris prime isn't really a "meta" weapon for now, maybe on level 30 or below missions...)


  14. 4 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    You do know that a Daikyu can kill multiple enemies per shot at further range than something like the Tigris Prime for example.  So, depending on the mission and the user, a Daikyu user can actually out kill a tigris prime user.  That's even giving both the same amount of time to kill the enemies.  

    Also the number of enemies killed doesn't always equate to most damage done.  Just in case you might not have been aware of that.  😄 

    Well, but can you out kill Staticor or ignis or kitguns or lenz or arca plasmor or...

    But daikyu might be not bad as my expectation then.

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