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Posts posted by Midas

  1. 2 minutes ago, VotumPrime said:

    If you can one shot some level 100 Conculysts or Battalysts, then that’s more than enough. Melees scale infinitely so without a doubt if you can do that then it will also scale infinitely too.

    health values get weird past level 1000... it really is a BIG difference young one.

    If you are basing it off combo you have to not die first once you get to that point to maintain the combo.

  2. 3 minutes ago, VotumPrime said:

    That Paracesis might actually deal more damage if those Sentient were already stripped of armor beforehand. 

    its max hit is 50k per hit.

    Take into account that the 1.6 billion is one single hit.

    Condition overload is beyond broken rn and needs to be stopped, along with blood rush (Simply because it allows low level map clearing).

    I'd gladly use my rapier instead if the game was not whipped clean in 5 seconds by some spinning man.

    That number can potential be even higher (max damage) with more statuses on the targets.

    This can be done with mods like lets say... Proton snap which applies toxin to your weapon once you do something.

    Proton snap changes the elements on your weapon by introducing toxin... (more than the usual statuses on a weapon because of this mod).

  3. 5 hours ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    Steve talked about changing things with exponential values in Melee 3.0. I truly hope that doesn't mean CO will be affected. He also said they don't like uprooting things we're used to if they feel like it's necessary, but they will eventually uproot it if they can find the right time. I just hope he is not talking about CO when he emphasized "exponentially," unless a better alternative is put into place.

    I hope it does mean CO will be affected, I made a whole feedback thread on it that may actually be responsible for Steve's decision ;).

    My whole goal is to dial back those insane mods (that includes blood rush as it can be annoying in lower levels which is basically the entire game).

    It is really not that hard to do incredible damage in this game, it is the fact people don't want to talk about it because of nerfs.

    It also should be stated without dialing these things into line... this game is doomed to fail.

    The game as it is now has a damage system that is overly unbalanced... It is insane (even for enemies!).

  4. 1 hour ago, VotumPrime said:

    I want to see your status work on level 100+ Conculysts & Battalysts instead of trash mobs that can be one-shotted by nearly any melee:

    But can it one shot 20 level 125+ Sentients like this?^

    not certain but if sentients have 95% dr, that'd still be 80 million damage..., They would die.

    That is also just one hit.

    If your next argument is enemy armor into account as well, those trash mobs were corrupted unstripped level 3k+...

    They would certainly die.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, tzadquiel said:

    i've got a 4mil dmg red crit exergis. 

    ANY 100% status builds are a joke compared to this.

    Warframe0527.jpgIt is not uncommon for a Status build to hit 1.6 billion on melee. Gun blades hitting 30 million+ and it is still very common in many instances.

    4 million on crit is really small compared to the power that is condition overload.

    Status will always reign supreme.

  6. 11 hours ago, Zekkii said:

    Ignoring condition overload shenanigans, armour scaling is intense.  The best example is corrupted heavy gunners, at level 100 their armour reduces damage by a factor of 25x and it only exasperates from there.  With that said, critical builds on melee are generally more effective from 0~100 on most enemies.

    for corrosive, utilize a secondary for stripping + corrosive proc. ALSO if you run with a clan/group that utilizies 4 cps or 3 other cps with coaction drift you will have no problems with armor!

  7. 13 hours ago, (XB1)Architect Prime said:

    The most important thing is good communication between the players and developers. Which is why they should respond to things on their forums as much as they respond to randoms and fanatics on twitter... In my personal opinion of course...

    Still waiting for Kuva Disruption changes, hopefully tuesday it gets talked about! (Disruption feedback thread is loaded with it).

  8. 5 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

    If it needs arcanes I won't bother. Unless those arcanes are cheap. The only arcane i ever used is arcane nullify and that's because it's cheap and easy to get.

    20p maxed each, how cheap is that! Really good deals ez builds

    going for 10p maxed on wf.market actually LOL

    Also little advice for Tenno that utilize maxed arcanes, you get a total of 6 revives! (1 per maxed arcane on your warframe).

  9. 21 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

    I personally never saw Banshee as an endurance frame. How the heck do you stay alive with her at all?

    So it is actually quite easy and popular. You essentially take Skijati for invisibility + two arcane trickieries, once the trickeries proc utilize your sonar for your teammates or yourself to pop off in damage. Make sure you have Resonance and savage silence on for augments. You will remain invisible for the rest of the game if you follow this process and provide amazing debuffs. If you wanna play even safer, drop a ancient healing specter + magus lockdown, the specter gives you a free 90% damage reduction. STAY AWAY from teammates bullet paths as you may get hit by a stray bullet. You must learn the ways of stealth frame. If you have an Octavia on your team drop savage silence and just go nuts.

    There are many ways to stay alive Tenno

    Invisibility is one of them for your more squishy frames.

  10. 10 hours ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

    His second and fourth abilities are incredible. His first ability has a niche but actual use. His third ability is useful with augment but only if you like to play with the augment. I find it fun, others find it useless. Opinions vary.

    Please tell me how I can get that much armor on Excal Umbra considering I'm pretty bad at this game and die in any Sortie 3 mission?

    i'll dm you

  11. On 2019-09-06 at 11:34 AM, supernils said:

    For being the signature warframe I expected a bit more when I got Excalibur (Umbra).

    My (not into depth) impression so far:

    1) pretty useless, it's a little mobility and damage that does not scale well into mid game

    2) this is just OP, it's better than Lokis 4. Enemies are all hard CC'd, open to finishers PLUS this invisibility portion? Come on...

    3) AGAIN a AoE CC? Just less duration, higher cost and again damage that does not scale well. This seems just redundant times 10

    4) well ok, exaulted weapon


    So how do you actually play this frame?

    take a look at his 1s augment and his 3's augment... You become an unstoppable mad man if you incorporate your entire kit correctly.

    I ASSURE YOU, if you try hard enough you will get an amazing Excalibur build.

    You can get up to 24k armor on Excalibur Umbra/Prime easily while dishing out millions if not billions of damage very quickly.

  12. On 2019-09-06 at 3:07 AM, (PS4)Hendyliz said:


    Hello dear friends

    I decided to take this week to test my lovely Banshee, tested several builds, be it tank, strength, or range, and of course mixing everything and see what happens, but playing with her I realized that she is very weak compared to other characters, not so weak because in the refereeing I got 55 minutes with her without any problems, only in that I realized that in her skill kit there is not even a buff or something that could help to go any further than after the nerf she became part of the forgotten frames, as well as Atlas. I see Banshee as a great character in the game, but like all warframes in the game I think she needs a rework too, and would be very welcome, I would like to see her more present in the game, you created a fantastic being because hide she.

    Thanks for listening.

    You should absolutely NOT touch banshee.

    She has a great endurance kit going for her right now if you think a bit, if for some reason you cannot figure it out, I can help guide you there.

    Banshee is one of the most powerful debuffers in this game.

    I have been playing Banshee for 6 years since her release.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Yea so I'm new (200+hrs) and I was reading the forums and not paying attention, I built my formad guandao for status, but later realized it has higher crit. So I built it for crits and omg it's so amazing.


    All those red numbers. 10k, 40k etc. I held my own in a survival on Sedna after everyone left I was so happy.


    So basically I'm asking if I'll be laughed at if I make a crit build towards the higher levels of gameplay. Not like I'll be there anytime soon but it'll help me decide which direction to go in the future.



    Generally when people tell you that, they are talking about melee.

    Blood rush is the crit monster on melee builds along with the gladiator set on deconstructor.

    There is a lot more too it but basically Status has a mod called condition overload.

    This is used for very very very high level enemies. Building crit or status really does not matter for general play.

    Condition overload gives you 60% per stats on the target

    These statuses stack exponentially.

    Condition overload can easily reach over a billion damage.

    Crit cannot usually get that high.

    • Like 1
  14. 20190907095406_1.jpg?width=2427&height=1

    Gold still looking like yuck, this is max graphics on a 4k monitor with a gtx 1080 i7 processor.

    Gold still looks like garbage after 3 hotfixes one stating metals were cleaned up ever so slightly, even if it is a bandaid it still looks like yuck.

    "As mentioned back in 25.7.2, the team has been relentlessly working to fix issues brought up with the Rendering changes brought in Update 25.7.0. The most prominent feedback was related to ‘dull looking metal’, and you weren’t wrong! 

    We’ve applied a shader change to the entire game for an overall wash of the dull metal textures to reduce roughness. This should be most noticed on characters (Warframes, Operators, etc) where your Fashionframe eye is trained to spot imperfection."

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