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  1. Was on wave 20 when I noticed an infested charger who couldn't be damaged, but could damage us. Had to abort mission and lost most if not all progress...
  2. Lee-Jynn

    The Grind...

    I've given these guys hundreds of dollars over the years, the RNG stuff is what keeps me from spending more time and more money honestly. Lost as in I made it, played, lost interest, tried to come back and couldn't remember my credentials.
  3. Lee-Jynn

    The Grind...

    Fine, I get it, you want us to grind for everything... Might I suggest a different approach than your OUTDATED and rather BS slot machine style? I for one am tired of grinding, then grinding, and then grinding some more, for usually 1 item or 1 type of item, only to get everything but the thing I wanted/needed and feeling like my time is otherwise wasted. It doesn't appeal. It's not fun to run through stuff just because you need/want an item, only to not get that item. Only to then try again, and once again, leave empty handed. I have been playing this game off and on since PC beta. My original account long lost. Every time I get back into this game, I am always impressed by the visuals and style. The classic gameplay you got right, gets all too familiar and old fast. So I desire to try the new stuff, only to hit these constant 'grind for X' to continue walls. Reminding me every time, of why I ended up leaving to begin with. If you so desperately want us to grind, then make the amount of that item very high, but give us the item so we can see some damn progress. With RNG, progress can be difficult if not outright impossible, take it from someone who is constantly screwed by such mechanics. Locking things behind grind walls that are RNG based is a crap tactic. I also suspect cross-platform was more about shoring up a dwindling population on each platform rather than letting everyone play together as well. Which is why I suggest some changes in old policy. I see a lot of the old tactics wrapped in new skins, disguised as new content. These are the reasons for player fatigue. Yes we should have to earn things, but getting lucky through RNG is not earning anything. Putting the work in and getting the payout, IS earning. The grind for focus exp for your operator is more favorable in style. I have to grind a lot of it, and there is a daily cap. However I can see the progress getting made as I put the work in, to unlock my new or better ability.
  4. ... for giving me the worst gaming experience of my life in the form of New War quest. I hated every minute of it. Why would we want to spend time being trash mob npcs in a game focused on powerful war frames? Why do I have to use youtube videos and google just to figure out what I am supposed to do next? Why do you consider exercises in frustration 'fun and challenging' game mechanics? Why would I want to spend over 8 hours dying and retrying content that otherwise lacks depth? I now understand why you lock people into the experience, because more than half of us wouldn't bother finishing this garbage. Cue the people who want to insult me and call me all kinds of names for not enjoying a very lack luster experience that concentrates on making you retry the experience over and over again rather than filling the experience with fun and meaningful content.
  5. After quiting and retrying, worked without a hitch...
  6. I don't know what is going on, I get that you shoot his legs, he flies, you shoot his shields, he drops, you send in MOA. I did it to remove the first chunk of his health, but every time after moa explodes on him, I get the 'oh no he exploded too soon' message. This mission is complete horse sh*t.
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