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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. Please not this. I mean I'd love it but wouldn't people who invested their time in farming him feel backstab? I mean they took months to farm while new players could just press X and duplicate the blueprints?

    There is no need to feel back stabbed. In fact any time something like this happens I'm glad people won't have to go through the same things I did. I have a lot of patience but not everyone does and the more players that stick around the better. Besides there's no real prestige since you can't tell who got their vauban by building them vs. buying.

  2. I saw a video on that too... A guy had to click on over 400 fusion cores to rank his Serration to max. A little glad to be late I guess xD

    I had to do this for serration, hornet strike, and redirection, it took a loooong time was boring and sucked. I'm so much happier with the new system.

  3. Obvious in what way? That financing an alliance's battle pay with DS missions is okay because you can get it back by running more missions for them, and get it back? Credits are basically a hostage, released back to you after you fight for their alliance.


    Dark Sectors are a mess right now. Clans that taxed their way into monopolies, clans trying to offer fake promises to get support, on and on and on.


    That's not a mess that was what was intended. See below.

    Uhmm, is there a resource on what DE really wanted with these Dark Sectors? Because I read everywhere that it is a huge failure, and I didn't find a solid ground to compare the results with the goals. (okay, someone having 50% tax doesn't sound right, as usually tax systems are not about robbing).

    We have only the statements that were made in livestreams. They wanted to introduce a little eve online to warframe. You are posting in the proof that their goals were met.

  4. The vocal minority happened.

    And the assumption that everything you don't agree with is part of a vocal minority. Seriously that accusation needs to go away it is levied by both sides of every change DE makes.

    Aside from that I spend a lot of time on reddit it's much more pleasant than the forums, and from what they say there this community is great, in game, stay away from the forums (and 4chan but I figure everyone knows that already). I personally find that I agree with that statement whole heartedly.

  5. I'm not a tattoo person myself, although I am often amazed by the artistic talent put into some of them, especially ones that have a distinct meaning behind them.


    Anyway, this thread got me to thinking - what if we could have tattoos in game as a cosmetic item for our Warframes?

    On the one hand I want to say it would be super awesome, on the other I'm having a really hard time picturing it. On my third hand tatted up Nova, Valkyr, Mag, and Saryn. *drools*

  6. But this being said I don't need a tattoo to remember things, and there's plenty of other forms of memorabilia that doesn't painfully inject into your own skin...

    If you like that as a way to remember things, that's fine, but I think it's rather impracticable.

    Oh it's definately not a thing for everyone. I don't know how to liken it to really anything to me it's not like anything else. For myself I have body issues in a big way and spent a good deal of my life listening to people tell me I'm unatractive. My tats are a way for me to make something I find repugnant beautiful. The pain is a part of it and kind of part of the point. It's a right of passage thing, I've not met anyone I the tattoo enthusiast community who felt differently and it's hard to understand if you haven't gotten one yourself. Part of the reason I say all of this is that tats are a deeply personal thing that are in part earned by the person who wears them. You should be careful calling something like that "dumb". I mean I don't understand the appeal of religions but would hesitate to call it dumb.

    Not right now. But now that you mention it, might get a Warframe tattoo at some point. Haven't got any as of yet(only turned 18 back in September) but I was planning to pretty much have one armed dedicated to "gaming" stuff, since it is a pretty big part of my life and part of the field I want to go into(gaming journalism)

    My best friend wants to get a gaming ummmm shawl? There really isn't a term I'm aware of but it would go from chest to shoulders and back, extensive but easy to hide. I believe he'll be getting some warframe stuff. I'm rounding the corner to roughly 50% coverage though sadly the little space I have left is already spoken for plus warframe doesn't fit with the aesthetic I have cultivated. I might be able to squeeze a few weapons or something in there but I have to wait and see how the big pieces fit together before the fill in starts.
  7. I love tattoos they are awesome. So I was wondering if there are any Tenno out there with Warframe Tats. If so post 'em up. If your thinking about one go ahead and post that up too.

  8. Oh care to name them? Id like to review the transcripts, may have to do some rethinking. Ive watched all of them since the earliest announcements and nothing has ever really caused me to doubt my stance. I still believe what I recall being said can't be taken as confirmation of anything given how he seems to always stumble at that part in the descriptions and not once since then has the same terms been used. To be honest very little short of a direct statement will ever be counted in my mind as proof of anything. They are too cagey about lore to trust my own assumptions let alone anyone else's. The frames are too different to be the same individual and they also stated Tenno are not polymorphing gender benders that leaves only 1 option.

  9. No bloody idea... But it gets more awesome. Because i feel that they're going to try not to make your equipment blink into existence when you switch into it. So you're wearing Excalibur and you switch to Mag? You get to see you switching Frames!

    (Yeah, i might be way off, but i'm giving them THAT much credit.)

    It would certainly iron out the monotenno v polytenno debate. I'm on the polytenno side though, so I don't think it would play out like you described. I'd love it regardless of where the chips fall but given how non-committal DE seems to be regarding even that simple question I don't expect anything to once and for all put that mystery to bed for a looooooong time if ever.
  10. Now this is the part I'm confused about.

    Alad V had his position from the Corpus board removed and is thus no longer backed by the Corpus, from what we know about the Gradivus Dilemma. He can now be considered his own faction, if anything.

    If that is the case, why does he send the Harvester after Grineer supporters if he's no longer sided with the Corpus?

    I would postulate because he has monitoring equipment that allows him to tap into corpus data feeds. Naturally the corpus being the technological fetishists that they are will have sensors out the wazoo (probably literally) in their soldiers suits. When the Tenno fight against the corpus he can gather said data to determine battle capability of individual Tenno, those who pass a certain threshold are "enrolled" into his continuing Zanuka project. He then dispatches the harvester to collect said Tenno. So he's not backed by the corpus nor is he really providing them aid but he understands the tec they use and can bend it to his whims.

    I feel this is a plausible explanation, but I just made it up its not really backed by current lore.

  11. ........ Zephyr was inspired by a fan-art, and she is, so far, the most detailed looking Warframe

    Quiet you! He doesn't like it which is all the evidence he needs to make assumptions regarding the amount of work put into something. /sarcasm.

  12. It's burnout. I stopped played something for a while before U13 came out. Just don't bug them about it and let them know when some new stuff hits. We just got the first of some pretty big things. With the Kubrows coming up thats lots of new AI coding and all sorts of stuff, so we can't expect this huge hit. Plus I kinda look forward to doing the Rescue 2.0 event with the frame readjustments. Maybe my poor neglected Vectis can serve a purpose.

    Might I also reccomend bows as well they do crazy damage after their buffs and are silent. The vectis sadly is not without further modding so it has to be used much more carefully.

    Wait you think its Sony's fault for us not having the Vandal weapons here...

    DE decide to pack everything into one HUGE patch instead of actually giving it to us a bit at a time. Hotfixes go straight through and dont require cert btw if your not familiar with Sony Certification. Patches with new content get a week to two weeks dependant on the size of patch.

    DE CHOOSE to put everything through in one big patch so yes DE is at fault here U13 was delayed and it was their fault not Sony's I wish everyone should stop blaming Sony when DE put themselves in this position by not releasing hotfixes and Events when it is possible to do.

    Might I ask where your info comes from? It contradicts literally everything I've heard from anyone. Granted outside of some indies and warframe I haven't paid all the much attention to the cert process.

  13. Couldn't say this enough really, although if I say it it has to be me "White knighting" for DE. Which is usually what people tell me.


    The question is how is white knighting worse than being a little ball of hate?

  14. I have one question about this. Isn't it an appropriate response to someone spewing bile about the game? I say this not from a place of "that ought to shut them up" but more from the thought that if the game which should make one happy is causing that level of anger it's best to walk away. The only thing such a person is working to do is spread their ill will to the rest of the community which I think we can all agree isn't needed. I might feel differently if such people ever settled down but it's frequently those people who take reasonable suggestions or counterpoints and reply by devolving the conversation further into the realm of personal attacks. In fairness both sides of that tend to be pretty bad but I don't support that kind of behavior regardless of which side of the arguement it's coming from. I know that personally if I ever feel the need to come post something like the nonsense we get after every nerf post it's time for me to hang up my vastos and move on to greener pastures. It helps that I know for a fact that the way such topics are commonly approached does far more harm than good.

    People need to realize they aren't the center of the universe and its possible to be polite and measured even when giving negative feedback.

    Then again I am asking humans to be thoughtful and reasonable. That's a losing battle in the real world but on the Internet it can't even be said to be a battle.

  15. Not yet, I just keep running out of stuff to get. Even with the massive forma amounts I burn through.

    What we hope Focus will be like: Reason for Mastery Rank

    What Focus will probably be like: Even more trivializing of content


    *cough* *DE pls* *cough* *AI 2.0* *cough* *cough*

    How will AI 2.0 work better if we can continue to run into a room and kill everyone in it before they have time to react?

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