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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. I thought the procs were reworked so you couldn't get more than 1 Type of each physical and elemental per enemy. Am I thinking of something else? I also don't keep track of the numbers too much while shooting so forgive me if its obvious.

  2. becouse they never show that they can :=)

    Why would they? That's not what they balance around. Maybe they could make it maybe they couldn't but its entirely beside the point. They haven't and aren't going to balance around the multi-hour survivals, regardless of how people like to tell them how to run their game. The end result is the same it just arrives earlier with the notable exception that rather than leave solely when you run out of ammo and restores you might *gasp* die of something other than boredom.

  3. I just had a thought. What if instead of nerfing frames that are considerred OP, they buff every other frame.

    It would achieve the same effect in the end but also make the player feel more powerful. If everyone is OP... then no one is OP.

    In relationship to one another you are correct. In relation to the playable content no. It's really a matter of opinion on which is more important but balancing around the content should theoretically also make the frames balanced in comparison to each other. Sadly the latter does require both buffs and nerfs, buff the everythings would be great except all those people concerned about power creep have a point.
  4. You made an idiot argument with a logical fallacy, and then whined and ignored it when it was pointed out to you. You didn't "win" anything. You were wrong then, you're wrong now, and you'll remain wrong because you insist on remaining ignorant.

    These forums are full of DE worshipping nerfers, who don't provide anything remotely like useful feedback, because 'great job DE I love U' doesn't help them improve their product.

    Is it any wonder the game has less than 1/4 the number of active players it had 6 weeks ago?

    If you want to keep playing warframe, you're going to have to start giving them real money. The rest of us are moving on.

    You speak for the entire community and yet are one person.

    That being said there are an equal number of hatemongers who also don't provide any useful feedback but like to pretend their bile spewing is somehow helpful.

    Finally source on that 1/4 players, if your gonna quote stats especially seemingly ridiculous ones you better provide source info if you want anyone to take you seriously. You may be moving on but you sure aren't 3/4 of the player base.

  5. I completely agree with you 100% you have no idea.

    I totally agree.

    I'm serious. How many times do I have to say it before people realize PvP can be fun?

    You have to say it so many times that I forget about every single pvp experience I have ever had. Of course if you could say it enough that people stop using the "trash talk is part of the game" card then we might also make some progress though not as much as the first one because not all of my bad experiences involved trash talking.
  6. And since Focus isn't out yet, it can completely change.

    While true one of the stated purposes of focus was to give mastery rank meaning. It would be a pretty astounding reversal if they do move away from that. Doesn't mean it won't happen, but it does mean it is probably unwise to completely ignore mastery if you have the means to rank higher.

  7. Do as you wish. Can't you play other frames?

    If you can only play invunerable trinity then maybe it's really time for you to quit.


    Some moderator please close this thread already.

    I think I was misunderstood.

  8. Don't you guys think it's a little unfair that non-founders cannot acheive rank 16? I mean not everyone can afford to buy the founder package even if they were playing warframe at that time, as for the late comers, the highest they can get upto is rank 15... Everyone keeps complaining that why should Founders get to reach rank 16 when normal people can't, I understand that they are special but not so special that they can get an extra rank "16" and the 2 trades an exception. I'm not only saying this from my perspective but from most of the peoples point of view view I have met up until now.

    I don't believe it to be. Is it unfair that someone who started a week ago isn't 16 just cause they complained about it? I've leveled everything available to me and I too despite being a founder can't make it to 16 yet so you can count me amongst those "normal people". I tip my hat to those who can reach rank 16 they showed more dedication to the game and supported it more/earlier than I did they are reaping the rewards of that and I don't feel I should get special consideration because I shout the word "unfair". I didn't catch all the event weapons and its totally fair that I can't get the affinity from them, I didn't get the lato prime and it's totally fair I don't get it's affinity. Unfair would be to arbitrarially give some people r17 because reasons but everyone who has r16 bought the limited items and earned the rest. You didn't that's not DE's responsibility it's yours.

  9. there have been a lot of posts about this yet nothing has been stated or done yet

    What needs to be stated? They considered it in a previous build before we got it and rejected the idea for whatever reason they had. This was gleaned from dev streams so the information is there. This is also the reason nothing has been done, well other than just because someone says something on the forums doesn't mean said thing will be happening, or even that it requires a response.

  10. Before you talk. You should use trinity more and understand.

    The change was a buff if you really know how to use a trinity.

    Skills were never meant to make yourself invunerable that would break the game. Even a PVE one.

    So quit the rant. Play more.

    HOW DARE YOU!! Suggesting a reasonable approach involving experimentation and thinking? On the INTERNET?!?! Gut reactions with no thought should always take precedence and when I knew trinity was changed I knew she was ruined.

    I'm quitting warframe.

  11. 3bf7cc2185ae09e48686e3044834989de9670adb

    this could be solved just by increasing spawn rates, but noooooo. We gotta dumb things down and nerf them.

    No it wouldn't. How exactly would an increased spawn rate deal with nova wiping out the entire spawn with 1 button and 1 bullet? Spreading the spawns out might have some positive effects but there are still doors which limit flow and bunch them together anyway. I'll admit if I'm wrong but it sure doesn't look like you thought your arguement out too well.
  12. In my history of gaming if there's some super evil army that laid waste to some amazing godly empire (or anything along those lines) 5/5 chance you're gonna end up fighting it in some way. DE says fourth faction is coming, all signs point to it being them.

    This. It's less of a what if and more of a when.

  13. Mine is just made up Nevan I seemed to pull from the air (though I found out later it was also the name of a boss in dmc3) and chambers is the last name of the child companion of Roland in the dark tower series. I adopted it because I use it for a character based partially on myself in a story I'm writing.

  14. Exactamundo! Which means anyone can believe what they want, just like how you are!

    Yes I fully support that. I wasn't arguing that point at all. Only that the official lore does not say the Orokin were human, let alone that the Tenno, Grinner, or Corpus are their descendents.

    I have no problem with accepting my opinion is assumption, and possibly wrong. I also agree the codex could viably support either model but none of it can yet be used as proof for either. And yet the pro-human side consistently attempts to. When two options are equally viable regardless of preference one should be open to the other possibility.

  15. ton of replys most were random insult durrrr to many words trinity baaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddd good nerf. But for the people that attempted to address the point thank you but im afraid you missed it. im not saying trinity needs to be thrown away im not saying trinity is bad im saying trinity is obsolete yes energy buff awesome link awesome but i believe i was addressing the blessing nerf she is a walking battery now but shes supposed to be a healer and frankly you don't need one until really high waves thus making taking any other decent aoe frame a better choice.

    im not saying it cant be done im saying its a lot of extra pointless effort oh great i have to remod my frame then shoot myself in the foot to achieve what i was allready doing were partying now. and i wont use to many more words dont want any more omg wall of text comments but thats like taking frosts globe away and then screaming he is still good in defence you have just taken the context and point away from the frame. and again the "if the enemys are one shotting you extract comment" the original point is i like going really high wave with all my frames and its not fun when the point is taking away from it god mode isnt god mode when one slip up gets your team killed before that its not nessary or needed.

    Sorry man you just don't want to listen.

  16. To make Trinity decent again, all of her abilities should give 100% invunerablity so that all of her abilities are usefull. Currently no one is using well of life. Her ult should only have a range to allies so they all stick together.

    Are you being serious. At first I thought no but then the rest sounded pretty serious.

  17. Official website: The Tenno are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth.

    "From the orokin era" not "descended from the Orokin"

    Besides that yes I'm aware of the codex entries allow me to present the alternative viewpoint.

    Those were the human subject of the non-human orokin empire. Why would the orokin endanger themselves fighting in such desperate situations when they had plenty of human servants to throw at the problem? Why would they serve on military ships where life is harsh and unpleasant when they can again have their human agents do so. None of the codex entries explicitly state that the humans were or were not considered Orokin rather than simply subjects. It is only the assumptions of members of the community that does that.

    I *believe* them to be alien, but I do not *know* them to be anything. Niether does anyone outside the dev team.

  18. Is no one playing tryhard survival-defense anymore ??? Good luck passing 45-60 min. when blessing is nerfed i think this nerf is so stupid, thanks DE's for destroying the game, there is NO point in playing the game anymore for me and my friends (Clan members)

    I'm sorry you guys aren't very good, maybe with practice you can get there again.

  19. Everybody is trying to pound this game into a "shape" even yourself. If players don't like something in a game. They will take it out. Just like they did those "Raid" missions

    No we arent all like you. I take the game as it is. I form opinions and very occasionally give feed back. However I don't come on to the forums like a petulant 4 year old demanding a nonissue be "fixed" I feel like I have a new best friend though you know me so well despite being wrong about everything you've assumed about me. You sure aren't helpig the rep of our playstation brethren there buddy.

  20. Like I said before it helps to boost self-morale. Something you know NOTHING about. That is the benfit.

    Cool, make some assumptions awesome. How about you go find a game that meets your needs instead of trying to pound this one into a shape it's not while hurling expletives and insults.

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